Back In Time

By AuthorSvH

854K 29.7K 3.5K

Harry James Potter had a long life with endless struggle, betrayal and heartache, he figured out that Dumbled... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 43

7.6K 300 14
By AuthorSvH


I was hunched over Hadrian's still form, he continued to be in what looked like a restful sleep. The goblins have been by quite a few times to make sure he's doing alright and that his body is actually somewhat recovering. Though to my relief it was, his body was ever so slowly healing. From what the goblins were telling me was that Hadrian's magic had fought off whatever Grindelwald had sent at him and now Death is helping his body heal.

I sighed as I held Hadrian's hand tightly in my own, I had yet to properly move from his side. I refuse to leave the room but the house elve's are making sure that I am more than well fed and staying hydrated. I sighed as I kissed my lovers hand, glaring down at his too still face.


I sighed as I flopped down another big stack of papers, I slouched in my chair as I looked up at the ceiling in boredom. I let out a frustrated groan as more papers apeared for me to sign and work through. I ignored the ever growing pile and excited the office walking out into Purgatory.

I walked through the busy crowds and made my way to 'hell', it had become my new favorite pass time to poke fun at the souls being punished. I whistled as I walked through the dark roads that weaved through the torture of this level of the after life. I was whistling a happy tune as I found the exact person I was hoping to find.

"Grindelwald! How is everything? Up to your, oh so high standards I hope?" the man grunted in reponse as another hot coal was added to his sizzling and blistering skin, "I'll lessen your sentence if you tell me how to reverse what you did," I stated simply. He didn't respond, so with a click of my fingers the torture increase, "Fine!" he bellowed as a hot iron burried itself into his skin. I smiled gleefully, "All you need to do is get Death to unblock your core. That's all I did, I completely blocked your core," he wheezed as the hot iron burried itself deeper. I paused, "That's all? That's all that I had to do?" he nodded as his eyes scrunched up in pain. I smiled wickedly before skipping off to find Death, not bothering to actually lessen the punishment like I said, the bastard deserves it after all.

I sauntered my way back to the office, I plopped down into my seat. I propped my feet up onto my desk and leaned back into my chair, I sighed as I clasped my hands together. I allowed my thoughts to consume me, I closed my eyes I felt tears flood my eyes as I started to think about Tom, Merlin I miss that possessive bastard. I sighed as I furrowed my brows, I felt a single tear slide down my face as I remembered his warm embrace and soft kisses. I groaned as I harshly rubbed my hands over my face waiting for Death to finally arrive.


I woke up with a start, I blinked as I realized I fell asleep holding Hadrian's hand. I sighed as I ran my hand down my face, I rubbed my eyes as I peered down at the still body of my lover. We were supposed to go to Hogwarts next week, but so far it was looking like we were going to go a little later.

I sighed, as I kissed his hand, I rested my head against his hand. I sighed as watched Hadrian's still body, I leaned over slightly to place a gentle kiss on his forehead when suddenly he bolted foreward. I cursed when our heads collided, I fell backwards as I held my head. I looked up at Hadrian in astonishment, "Hadrian?" I watched as he held his head and fell back into the bed with a groan, "What the bloody hell is your head made out of? Bricks?" he groaned as he glared over at me.

I blinked at him before jumping up and grabbing his face, I smashed our lips together hearing Hadrian groan. "Merlin I've missed you so much," I said as I pressed our foreheads together. He sighed as he held onto me.

I took in shuttering breath as I clutched onto him tighter, "Don't ever, and mean ever, scare me like that again," I said as I connected our lips again. He chuckled as he pulled away slightly, "You and I both know that I can't promise that... how long was I out? And where are my wands?" He asked as he pulled further away. I sighed before bringing him closer to me again, "I have your wands safe, and you were out for far too long. We go to Hogwarts next week if you're up to it," he sighed as he collapsed into my arms, "Yeah we need to get ride of the old coot, can't do that if we're not there."


I sighed as the train whistle went off signaling for everyone to get on board. Tom and I were running just a little late all because Tom couldn't contain himself. I huffed as a stomped my way onto the train and began searching for our compartment.

I heard Tom chuckle from behind me, "You're not still mad at me for this morning are you?" he asked with a smirk as one of his arms slid around my waist. I clenched my jaw and refused to answer as I continue to shuffle my way through the aisle. "Yes Tom I'm still mad," I snapped as a group of what seemed to be first years passed. He chuckled again as he pulled me closer.

"Why are you angry love? We had fun and still made it on time. Even if we didn't I could've easily brought us here," he said into my ear as we began walking again. I scowled before turning to him slightly, "Oh yes Tom, because it's every man's dream to wake up with their lovers knuckles deep in their-" he cut me off by placing a hand over my mouth. "Come now lovely. You can't be so vulgar, we are in the presence of children," I could feel his satisfaction radiating off of him as we finally got to the compartment.

"Tom! Hadrian! What the bloody hell were you thinking?" Orion said as soon as we entered. Corban eagerly nodded in agreement as Nott glared up at them. "I don't know what you mean. How was your summer break?" I asked nonchalantly. All of the Knights looked at me incredulously before glancing at Tom, he payed them no mind as he sat down at his spot by the window. I sat next to him as the boys continued to watch us in shock. "I'm glad you two are still alive, my summer was fine. Why were you so late?" Abraxas said as he relaxed slightly into his seat.

My scowl returned as Tom sighed. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. "Well we would've been on time but my lovely husband decided to have some fun before we left," I said, gesturing my hand towards Tom causing the knights to looks at him in question. He smirked as he leant down to nuzzle his nose against my neck. "What did you do Tom?" Corban asked leaning forward slightly in intrigue.

He probably thought that Tom was going to say something about a new spell, or getting back at someone. So when Tom looked at him with a smug smirk and glinting eyes, he was mildly nervous. "Well I awoke my lovely bonded by making sure our bond was properly consummated," everyone in the compartment blinked before blanching slightly.

1311 Words

A/N - Not going to lie... I was really fighting writers block for this chapter, sorry for the long wait. Also please enjoy the song!

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