Elysian - Woosan

By jeongcheolist1004

142K 6.7K 2.5K

"The Empire is willing to end this war, but only if we grant something of great value to them." "And what di... More

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four


3.5K 189 28
By jeongcheolist1004

They had been on the move for 3 days incessantly and both the princes' backs and thighs were sore.

Although the carriage was quite spacious, it wasn't enough for two grown men to lay down comfortably or stretch their legs.

So here they were, waiting as the servants set up tents and collected firewoods from the nearby forest. They had cleared out a small piece of land with grass for the night stay.

Piercing wind slashed through the atmosphere, cutting through skin like a blade.

Under a sky of perfect midnight velvet and a blanket of stars, sat two young men, looking around the land as servants and guards moved rhythmically.

Yeosang walked up to the royals and bowed lightly.

"The meat is almost grilled," He informed. "Please come for dinner. You must be quite hungry."

Wooyoung nodded and stood up, brushing his clothes. He sprinted forward, leaving behind San and Yeosang.

Wooyoung's mouth watered as he looked at the meat grilling over the fire. Looking so very delicious. One of the servants saw the prince standing and immediately rushed inside a tent and brought out a fur mat, spreading it on the ground and placing some cushions and a blanket.

Wooyoung thanked him and sat down on the mat, wrapping the blanket around himself, soaking in the heat from the fire. He looked at San coming towards him.


Wooyoung ignored him and looked at the puffs of smoke rising from the fire and dancing in the air. He stretched out his numb hands towards the blaze, feeling the icy glare of the taller cut through him like a knife.

"I said, move." San repeated, voice as chilly as the night.

Wooyoung rolled his eyes and looked up at him. He squinted in his direction, able to make out his sharp features which frowned in annoyance.

"Fancy knowing you wish to sit with me." He commented dryly.

"The only thing I would fancy is you with a black eye." He said and settled down beside Wooyoung, pulling the blanket to cover himself, much to the dismay of the other.

"We cannot sit separately in front of all these people, unless you would like them to cook up malicious rumors about you." He explained, extending his arms to heat them.

Wooyoung scoffed and turned away focusing on the meat grilling in front of him.

Flames of vermillion danced in the crisp air. An illuminous inferno reflected in those eyes who became spellbound to the intoxicating but beautiful blaze.

The older glanced at the dark haired boy beside him to see similar flames whirling in those coffee coloured eyes which gazed at the dust.
He thought they were interesting, how he could see that sparkle when he looked into them as if the fire itself was lit and flickering in his mind but it made no sense to think about such things. After all, who would ever do so?
His gaze shifted back to the ground as the wind picked up.

After what seemed like hours, the meat was finally cooked and ready to be served in disposable plates.

Wooyoung took a bite of the food and groaned in satisfaction as the spicy flavour melted in his mouth.

San looked at him, obnoxiously.
"Eat like a prince. Are you sure you are one?" He asked looking at him up and down with a doubt.

"I am more of a prince than you will ever be. Now shut your mouth and let me appreciate food the way it deserves to be appreciated."

San rolled his eyes and went back to consuming the grill.

That night San stayed awake in the tent while the world fell into slumber. He stared up at the canopy of the tent, head empty. The sound of soft snores were the only voices that could be heard in the space.

San turned his head to look at the sleeping prince beside him. The soft glow of the lantern, poured onto his face, highlighting the mole that adorned his scarlet cheeks. His lashes rested delicately against his skin like shards of broken feathers on snow. His chest rised and fell rhythmically with each breath he took.

San looked away from the sight and remembered Yoohyeon. He squeezed his eyes shut, feeling the beginning of a headache approaching his eyes.
He tried his best to fall asleep, thinking about all the fond memories with Yoohyeon. He smiled.

Instead a certain raven haired male with a mole under his eye returned his smile.


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