His Wish (Super Buu x Fem!rea...

By ImMajinBuu

19.6K 639 147

Y/n is a baker and Majin Buu just happens to be one of the biggest fans of her baking, exactly 4 years ago Su... More

2| Caught
3| Assimilate
4| Side by Side
5| Movie Night!
6|Van's Plan
7| Hurt and Comfort
8| Home
9| Gift
10| Won't say
11| Date
12| Kisses
13| Bulma's party
14| Ignorance
15| Confrontation
16| Sick Day
18| Kaboom
19| Back

1| Chance

2.4K 51 5
By ImMajinBuu

(Y/n) owned a bakery, it was a small establishment that had opened around West City, she anticipated a great deal of customers since the area was so populated. Business was rather slow though, she only had about 10 regular customers which she was eternally grateful to. Today fortunately was a busy day, Bulma had brought the family out to have sweets as she usually did each Sunday.

"Y/n, Trunks here would like one of those cupcakes with the candy sprinkled, and I'll have a slice of the raspberry walnut tart," she ordered in a polite tone before looking back at Vegeta, "What do you want, huh, Vegeta?" She asked. Vegeta never seemed to amused to be there. Y/n could see why! Vegeta had a body chiseled out of marble, he could model if he really wanted to.

Vegeta crossed his arms, "I don't want anything, I'll wait until I can have real food," he stated. Bulma smiled, "C'mon, Vegeta, you can have a treat, you'll love it," she said. Vegeta quipped, "No way!" He said. Bulma looked at Y/N, "He's just cranky, we couldn't stay long at the buffet down the street," she laughed before looking back at Vegeta, "Have you changed your mind, prince of all cranky-pants?" She asked to which he rolled his eyes.

Vegeta stared at the display and scoffed, till something caught his eye. Vegeta pressed his finger against the glass, "That," he stated.

Y/n smiled, "Great choice! Salted caramel cheesecake is this week's special," she said as she rang them up. Vegeta didn't say anything but y/n noticed he slipped some money in the tip jar. The breifs always tipped so generously.

"That'll be 15 zeni, Mrs. Breifs," Y/n said. Bulma handed you the cash, "You should really start charging more, Y/n, this is really becoming one of my favorite places," she said. Y/n rubbed the back of her neck, "Thank you, really, it means the world that you like it! You guys are certainly my favorite customers," she said as she began taking the dessert they'd chose out from the glass display and boxing them.

Vegeta looked tense, that was normal though. He always looked one more scowl away from popping a blood vessel. Internally though, Vegeta had a bad feeling about this place, he was sensing something.


4 years ago, Vegito had Super Buu cornered.
He was the hiding, he was beaten and running out of options, this guy was seriously stronger than him, he had such limited options he was contemplating blowing up the Earth while Vegito wasn't looking.

Could he breathe in space though? Could he go out and seek Buu even after this? The majin's face scrunched into another frustrated scowl as he gripped the ground underneath him.

'That's it- my head tentacle,' Buuhan thought to himself, he had a chance. He could absorb Vegito if he was stealthy about this. He needed time but the odds weren't in his favor, Vegito could move faster than the speed of light, he was so many leagues above him. 'I'll be dammed if I let this mortal freak make a fool of me, I'll kill him,' he thought as he stood up dusting the debris off his shoulder and came face to face with Vegito again.

"Are you ready to take this seriously, Buu?" Vegito asked with a cocky smirk.

Buuhan glared at him.
He raised his dismembered tentacle and with ease he took hold of Vegito. It was as if he was trying to get absorbed. Which to be frank, he was. Buu was ignorant to that though.

All seemed well, Buu frolicked in celebration of his victory for ages. Unannounced to him this Vegito guy was going to be harder to beat than he thought as Goku and Vegeta now unfused made their way around Buu's stored absorptions with the plan of releasing their friends.

"Kakarot, look!" Vegeta exclaimed as he pointed at one of Buu's absorptions. It was so odd because that was BUU. How could he absorb himself? Majin Buu was probably the most complicated foe they'd faced so far.

Goku gocked at the pod and rubbed the back of his head, "Gee that's strange," he said, he was just as perplexed as Vegeta.

Vegeta and Goku worked through pulling all their friends out of this mess and that alerted Buu. He was changing, his nose, his clothes, his physique, everything was morphing back into the being he once was. Before the absorptions, he was no longer Buuhan, he was Super Buu. Hardly Super, his power took such a huge dip that he almost felt weak.

Buu had to take care of this so he appeared, Vegeta smirked, he had his arms wrapped around the base of one of Buu's most important attachments. Himself.

Super Buu's eyes went wide and he frantically waved his hands,"DON'T TOUCH THAT!" He yelled, "I'M BEGGING! I WON'T BE ME ANYMORE IF YOU TEAR THAT ATTACHMENT!" Buu said in a pleading tone.

Goku raised an eyebrow, "You won't be yourself- what does that mea-" before Goku could even finish, Buu knocked the two of them off their feet and began dealing out a barrage of punches and kicks to distract them, he needed multiples of himself so that's exactly what he did. Strategically he kept them away from what he needed. Vegeta and Goku were having a hard time keeping up individually as they fought multiples of Buu, it wasn't a fair match, they were in his body playing by his rules. They needed a change of atmosphere to have a chance. Luckily that was part of his plan too, Buu got rather cocky.

Their surroundings changed and Goku and Vegeta realized they were outside again, Buu must've used his magic. But they noticed the presence of their friends as well, he let them all go. 

Vegeta's eye twitched, "Y-you are dead," he said.

Super Buu cracked his knuckles, "Im bored," he stated.

Goku's eyes shot wide, "What!?" He asked.

Super Buu shrugged, "I am bored. Everyone is dead, you are no challenge I have nothing more to do," he said.

Goku scratched his head. Vegeta gritted his teeth, "So you think it's over just because youre bored!?" He asked.

Super Buu nodded, "Yes," he bluntly stated.

Goku shook his head, "No, no way, Majin Buu, you- you took everyone's lives, you relished every second of it, you delighted at the pain of the people of Earth, you're not going anywhere, you need to learn. You need to feel what they felt, to have your life taken away and I'll make sure that you se-" before Goku finished, Vegeta tapped his shoulder, "Kakarot- he's gone," he said.

Goku gasped, "No!" He said, he immediately tried sensing Buu's ki but he couldn't track him, he had to be far. This posed a huge threat, tensions were high, he could be anywhere destroying any galaxy, worst of all he could be waiting for the right moment to strike back.

Goku dropped to his knees and gripped the soil, digging his nails into the Earth in frustration as he let out a defeated sigh, "This- This can't be- it's over, if he's escaped us then who knows where he is, he could do anything," he said.

"If we use the dragon balls on Namek to wish everyone back, he'll just come back and kill them off one by one again to keep himself busy, I can't let that happen," Goku said. Vegeta growled, "What choice do we have? We have to get on some way, we have to act fast, perhaps there's some way we can wish he can't come back here, the dragon will tell us if it's in his power or not," he said.

So they proceeded.

It wasn't as risky as they thought, Buu didn't seem to return and cause any trouble. To their knowledge at least, the world seemed the flourish.

Buu was around, he never quite left, he figured they'd wish the world back and that was his greatest joy, he got so bored because he'd wiped out every bakery on Earth that day, without the humans he exterminated there would be no more sweets.

What he did now was steal essentially, he didn't have money so he'd wait until night when bakeries were closed and slip under the door. It was rather easy with his lack of bones.

His personal favorite was Y/n's bakery. Over time the owner, Y/n noticed anything she stored in the back of the shop would seem to disappear, she feared they had rats and she'd have to shut down, it was nerve-wracking, she worked so hard to acquire this place and an exterminator bill would be huge! She may even have to take out a loan and fall deep in to debt, possibly even close shop. After all, the customers didn't deserve that.

Over time she realized, most pests dont have enough sense to throw things away, she noticed that cupcake wrappers and empty containers were thrown away, she didn't do it so someone had to be.

There was an intruder sneaking in at night and she was going to get to the bottom of this. One night Y/n went home to gather some things to bring to the shop, and possibly see if the intruder came in tonight as well.

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