Poetry Book 3

By hannahthedaydreamer

94 5 0

third poem collection. they aren't in any particular order or anything like that, and after 100, there will a... More

march second/impromptu poetry
am i
not your gay
karma is proud of you
a desperate prayer to odin
impromptu poetry/april 2 2021
easter dinner
impromptu poetry/ may 17th, 2021
impromptu poetry/end of the shift
impromptu poetry/ nostalgia fucking sucks
memory bottle - 75 Word Short Story
false sunshine - 75 Word Short Story
the river - 75 Word Short Story
happy - 75 Word Short Story
red flag advice - 75 Word Short Story
numb pen - 75 Word Short Story
impromptu poetry/creative voice
impromptu poetry/ unknown advice
impromptu poetry/ conquer your fears
impromptu poetry/ mother wasted
impromptu poetry/ end of an era sinking in
impromptu poetry/ i don't know
impromptu poetry/ breathing brain
Boston's Thoughts - 75 Word Short Story
75 Word Short Story - Spine
75 Word Short Story - Partners
75 Word Short Story - Detective David Wayne Loki
complicated art
vanity mirror
haikus on may 3rd
dear street spirits - an ode
impromptu poetry/ poet for a week
impromptu poetry/ empty shell of a morning
shattered glass
75 word short story - rainy eyes
sit with my silence
pity poetry
haikus during an uncomfy emotional time
i'm ok, you need work
Tom Hanson and his mind
75 Word Short Story - Besieged pt. 1
75 Word Short Story - Jump Street Chapel
75 Word Short Story - End of the Day at the Chapel
75 Word Short Story - Jenko's Daughter
75 Word Short Story - Downtime at the Chapel
75 Word Short Story - Firefight
impromptu poetry / unanswered world
impromptu poetry/ can't get over you
75 Word Short Story - Jack Mercer's First Missed Christmas
braindead waves
lone wolf, not social butterfly
impromptu poetry/ street spirits's front doors
eye spy
new years tradition
bottle feelings
Chant Poetry/ DRUNK
quiet help
75 Word Short Story/ The Life of a Whiskey Drinker
75 Word Short Story/ Speakeasy Lights
75 Word Short Story/ rum runners
75 Word Short Story/ ten o'clock
what they don't say
Hello, Old Friend - an ode
impromptu poetry/ dear child of my past
75 Word Short Story/ Inhale
tree cry
street queen
75 Word Short Story - ghost
impromptu poetry/ nighttime
impromptu poetry/ past brain
impromptu poetry/ we're the same person
chant poetry/ but I'm so tired
impromptu poetry/ empty cage
impromptu poetry/ it's okay to be lazy
recalling a time that wasn't mine
impromptu poetry/ lump of hamburger
75 Word Short Story/ pants paint
75 Word Short Story/ dime sized snakes
75 Word Short Story/ dandelions
75 Word Short Story/ Here
impromptu poetry/ seven eleven shit
impromptu poetry/ swimming record
i remember
walking downtown
75 Word Short Story/ my first show
nightmare stones and crystals
haikus on january eighteenth
raven cheer
mother nature's love
75 Word Short Story/ Penhall and a Suit
until next time

75 Word Short Story/ Penhall, The Comedian

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By hannahthedaydreamer

Ioki laughs with Judy and Tom out by their desks in the Chapel. Fuller stands up and I follow him; their laughter interrupted the daily report we were filling out.

Fuller opens his office door and walks over to them; I follow close behind.

"What's so funny?" Fuller asks.

Doug Penhall looks at his Captain, paperclips stuck to his face. There's over fifty of them.

"Nothing, Sir; just defusing all of the work related tension."

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