My Kinky Girlfriend

By LesbianKpop

7.1K 221 31

Kim Minji is a famous in Seoul, South Korea for owning half of buildings there. Minji has a girlfriend name Y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Final Chapter

Chapter 6

599 21 1
By LesbianKpop

Jiyoo House Practice Room Seoul South Korea





The group went over the each dances about four to five times no breaks. Minji looked around to see how tired everyone was and how Jimin was asleep on the couch.

Minji:Good every one. No more practicing its okay. You all rest well.

Yoohyeon:Are you sure?

Minji:100%. Katrina can you Take Jimin to his room please?

Katrina(picks up Jimin):Ne but where is h-

Winter:Ill take you. (Leaves)

Yoohyeon:Im telling you they like each other.

Jiu:Just because they get shy around each other?

Yoohyeon:You did around me and look where we are now.

Sua(Yawns):We better head home.

Minji:No its okay you can rest here. I promise its okay. You all worked really hard.

Siyeon:Ahh thank you Minji.

Yoohyeon:Dont worry you all will have your own room. Its names on door.

Handong:Are they soundproof?

Yoohyeon:Of course. I got them installed today actually.


Dami:Ill shower first(runs off)

Jiyoo Room





Yoohyeon and Jiu both took a shower and laid down. Yoohyeon laid on top of Jiu and was gently was playing in Jiu softly smiling and laughing. Jiu smiled and softly laughed. Jimin peeked through the door softly and smiled. He slowly closed the door and knocked on it. Jiu answered the door and Jimin walked in ans Jiu closed the door behind him. She picked Jimin and started to tickle him while carrying him to bed. Jimin started laughing while playfully pushing Jiu away. Jiu laughed and looked at Yoohyeon before whispering into Jimin ear. Jimin went and started to tickle Yoohyeon and Jiu did the same. After awhile they all started to cuddle.

Yoohyeon:Jimin wanted to sleep with us.

Jiu:Thats fine.


Jiu:Of course. I want my son sleeping with us.

Yoohyeon(smiles):But no video game.

Jiu:Just one round?

Yoohyeon:Ani he doesnt nees to play them type of games baby.

Jiu(pouts):Please baby?

Yoohyeon(smirks):Depends if you can change my mind.

Jiu(turns red)

Jimin:Can i go play with spiderman for alittke more before coming in here to sleep?

Yoohyeon:Of course just knock before entering(smiles)


Minji:So change your mind right?

Yoohyeon(bites bottom lip):If you let me (gently pulls down Minji sweatpants and boxers)

Minji(turns red):I- um

Yoohyeon(looks up at Minji):Can I?



Yoohyeon pushed Minj onto the bed and slowly put Minji member inside of her and softly moaned. Minji placed her arms on Yoohyeon waist and looked up at her. Yoohyeon started to move faster and placed her hands on Minji abs. Yoohyeon could feel herself getting tight. Minji felt herself getting close and wanted to pull out by Yoohyeon starteto move faster and moaning louder as she forced herself to put more of Minji member inside of her. Yoohyeon closed her eyes and immediately came onto Minji. Yoohyeon kept riding Minji feeling her into her stomach. Minji knew she needed to pull out.

Minji:Yoohyeon please.

Yoohyeon:Please what daddy?

Minji:I need to pull out.

Yoohyeon:Next time don't understand.


Minji immediately pulled out cumming into Yoohyeon mouth. Both of them hurried and cleaned up before Jimin came into the room. They all cuddled and fell asleep.






Yoohyeon jumped out of her sleep breathing heavily. She looked around the room and sighed feeling safe. She noticed that Jiu wasnt cuddling her and pouted. Yoohyeon climbed on top of Jiu and cuddled with her smiling. Jimin gripped on Yoohyeon shirt. Jiu didnt have on a shirt so Jimin held on to Jiu hand. Jiu arms was around Jimin and Yoohyeon. Yoohyeon smiled and fell asleep again.






Yoohyeon jumped out of her asleep again yawning. She went to make coffee and Jimin his juice. Yoohyeon went into the practice room and saw she it was empty. Yoohyeon took a deep breath and start dancing. Yoohyeon started dancing sexually thinking she was alone. What she didn't was Jiu was sitting behind her and Jius friend Lisa was sitting there. Yoohyeon kept dancing until she felt a hand around her waist. Yoohyeon turned around and saw Jiu and Lisa looking at her.

Yoohyeon:W-was you watching the whole thing?

Jiu:Of course I was.

Yoohyeon:You too?

Lisa:Aniyo. If i was my girl would murder me. Jiu would kill me.

Yoohyeon:I thought you was asleep.

Jiu:I woke up after you jumped out of your sleep. I was enjoying the show. Why did you stop?

Yoohyeon:I will need a chair for that part but shouldn't we be practicing the boy dancing?

Minji:Relax baby. They will be here shortly. How about i just sit in the chair and you c-

Yoohyeon:N-no (turns red) Having you two been drinking or smoking?

Minji(frowns):You know I don't do that anymore unless im stressed out. (Folds arms)

Yoohyeon:Your Minji right now. (Looks at Jiu) Your usually soft Jiu in the morning.

Minji:Business baby. Business.

Yoohyeon:Or you thought we could have morning sex right?

Lisa:I just come back around 3 and we can finish the conversation.

Minji:Of course. Keep in contact with me. Ill make sure she has guards with her and shes protected but you have to paid first in hand and ill have the guards waiting for your command. Do we have an agreement?

Lisa:Of course. We will meet around 3 with the money i promise.

Minji:If your lying to me or short pay me or anything you'll be punished and im allowed to do that.

Lisa:You know me Minji. Ill have your money.

Minji:Great see you around 3.

Lisa:Of course (smiles and leaves)

Yoohyeon:What was that about?

Jiu:Since im not at the office i bring my work here.

Yoohyeon:You kill people?

Jiu:I dont kill them thats not my part. Thats my fathers part. I told you this once we started dating.

Yoohyeon:Right. Sorry. (Turns away from Jiu)

Jiu:I told you if you dont like it let me work at my office.

Yoohyeon:And i told you no because i need physical attention.

Jiu(looks at Yoohyeon):Dont you think I understand that?

Yoohyeon:I told you I don't mind you working but your hurting people.

Jiu(sighs):Not in the way your thinking Yoohyeon.

Yoohyeon:Sure. Wheres the others?

Jiu(sighs):I don't know.

Sua(opens the door):The QUEEN IS HERE!!

Siyeon:Yahh! Jimin is still asleep.

Handong:Aishhh unnie my ears.

Dami:Hey guys.

Gahyeon:Whats with the long faces?

Yoohyeon:Nothing. (Softly smiles)

Jiu:Lets just practice.

Jimin (holding is spiderman teddy bear and rubbing his eys):A-appa (yawns)

Jiu(picks up Jimin):Night terror again?


Jiu:Its okay. Just lay down on the couch and put on your headphones.

Jimin:Ne (lays down and goes to sleep)

Yoohyeon:Night terrors?

Minji:Mhm. Lets start practicing.

Yoohyeon(Thinks):I love making Jiu mad. Jiu for now on don't do dangerous business here.

Minji(sighs):How many times I have to tell you that wasnt dangerous?!


Yoohyeon:Telling someone that youll make s-

Minji:Cant you be a good brat/sub and listen to me? Dam. Get your ass over here and get into formation so we can practice.

Yoohyeon(turns red)

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