betrayed. Hawks X O.C

By flamingsimp

293 13 359

Pro hero Hawks wasn't everything the public thought he was. pure, loving and sweet with a gorgeous wife to bo... More

chapter. 2
chapter. 4
chapter. 5
Chapter. 7
chapter. 8
chapter. 9
Chapter. 10
Chapter. 11
chapter. 12
chapter. 13
chapter. 14
chapter. 15
chapter. 16

chapter. 6

12 0 14
By flamingsimp


slowly opening my eyes, the room was still completely dark, my body was sore.
The sheets were warm against my naked body thought so that was nice, but something felt off. The last thing I remembered was crying in Touya's arms while he bathed me, sitting up, I let my eyes adjust to the darkness. A slight strip of light peered through the bathroom door, I could see the room better now that my eyes had adjusted, my rage last night stopped me from noticing where we were, now in a new room, clearly not the hide out, holding the sheet to my chest. I stood, wrapping the sheet around my body the best I could without making too much noise. Taking a few silent steps towards the bathroom.

"No shig...she's good."

Touyas voice echoed off the tile walls inside the bathroom, he spoke low enough it was still hard for me to hear him to well, it didn't sound like he was trying to speak low enough to hide what he was saying, but low enough it was slightly hard to understand him fully. I didn't like it when Touya kept secrets which he hardly did, or at least I don't think he would hide shit from me, there was no reason too. We were always together, I felt he could feel my emotions before I even felt them myself, more often than not.

"No, she doesn't know, she will continue to not know as long as you keep your mouth shut and stop getting pissy with her every two seconds. she uses her quirk on you the mission will be blown."                                                       

I rolled her eyes, staring at the door, this man really has the nerve, don't he? My blood started to boil, mentally kicking myself for just praising my 'oh so loving and trustworthy boyfriend' for him to just prove the opposite. Asshole, I should kick this door in and kick his ass, of course I don't, I took a step closer to the door, trying to see if I could hear anything Shigaraki was saying. Only for the bathroom to fall completely silent, I was so focused on the door handle, thinking about pushing it open and demand the phone and demand answers. Nut something in me begged to turn around, that little voice saying 'it's better to not know. go back to bed. let him wake you up with his normal kiss to the forehead and tell you it's time to get up, do whatever crazy plan or mission he had going on for the day. Of course, I wasn't doing that, I stopped at about arm's length away from the door now. I hadn't noticed the shadow under the door moved closer.

"you know I don't like it when you snoop around mouse."

The door to the bathroom suddenly opening, my eyes flashed up to see Dabi now standing in the doorway, looking down at me with a bored expression. My eyes narrow as his usual sly smirk tugged at his lips, smug bastard. He leaned against the frame, pulling his clove cigarettes out of his sweatpants pockets, opening he box and one out, putting it too his lips. I was always so mesmerized by his flames, his quirk, chaotic and brilliant. Matching him perfectly, fuck this man and his literal hotness, I had always loved everything about him. even now. As he stood in front of me, breaking the one promise I told myself, if he broke, I would leave him. Lie. He was always so good at telling me everything I needed to know, even things I didn't want to hear, but he knew I needed to hear. He raised one of his ringed fingers to the tip of the cigarette and lit it. never taking his eyes off me, was he really lying and being all secretive. If not than what the fuck was that conversation about. 

"What were you and Shiggy talking about?"

He took a long drag from his cig letting the flame on his finger go out and resting his hands on the brim of his pants. Eyeing me up and down, as if he could see my naked body through to sheet. Smoke came out of his nose, I could tell he was debating on what to say as if he needed to choose his words carefully.  Taking a step back, I stepped on the sheet making it lower slightly. I watched his blue eyes drift down to my exposed tits.

"A mission, Now get your ass in this bathroom so we can take a shower. you smell like sex and smoke."

I glared up at him, holding the sheet tighter to me, like he couldn't just burn it off of me if he wanted too. Just as I that thought came, I tried to read him, he looked as if he was choosing what to say, to not lie but also be as vague as possible, or just tell me the truth. I looked down seeing a small blue flame at the base of the sheet, yep saw that fucking coming. dropping the sheet immediately, wrapping my arms around my chest, pushing them up, jumping over the flame as it grew in size. in seconds the sheet had burned completely and became nothing but ash in seconds, standing there naked, I huffed, annoyed and stormed up too him, he really needs to stop fucking with me, glaring into his eyes. Touya took another hit from his cig and blew smoke down into my face, he wonders why I smell like smoke all the time, he stepped sideways, as if to let me pass. Taking the hint, I walked past him, without saying anything else. Just as I passed him, there was a loud crack. fallowed by a painful sting, he smacked my left ass cheek, followed by the smell of burning flesh, it all happened so damn fast, I turned my head to the side, looking back at him from, the mirror, right as the flame on his palm went out. A burned handprint to be left on my pale skin. Looking from the mirror to him, he really do like pissing me off.

"You were questioning my loyalty. it wasn't deserved."

He answers simply, before I could even question or even fully process that he had even smacked my ass, not giving me the time to throw the hissy fit I was aiming for. Rolling my eyes, I carried on with getting in the shower, facing away from him and turning the water on, as hot as I could stand it. Knowing if I didn't beat him too it, Touya would just do it for me, if not make it hotter. which has made me pass out more often than I would like to admit, within no time he stepped in the shower behind me, bending down and resting his chin on her shoulder, wrapping his arms around my waist. I'm pissed damn it don't touch me.. Is what I wanted to say, but of course I leaned into his touch.

"You know, I should bust your ass for listening in on a conversation you had no reason to be listening too. you shouldn't even be able to move let alone wake up after the way I fucked you last night."

Cocky, he knew I would be sore, but completely unable to move? hell no, im to stubborn for all that, he mumbled against my shoulder kissing the spot on my neck he had bitten last night, I shivered in his arms, not moving from the spot I stood in. Touya ran his sharp canines over her shoulder up to her neck. her breathing increased and she whimpered. he shifted behind me, I could feel the tip of his dick rubbed against my fresh burn, of course it turned him on to burn me, he didn't do it often but when he did, he made sure it would scar, like I need more of those, but when they came from my man, it was different, it was his way of showing he cared.

"Maybe you don't fuck as good as you think you do then huh."

Yea, I regretted those words as soon as they left my mouth, he made sure of that, A sharp pain came to the side of my neck, I could feel his lefthand run through my long-wet hair to my scalp and yank my head to the side, hard enough I could hear several pops in my spine. I closed my eyes tight, the pain in my neck, back and head made me see stars behind my eye lids. He knew I was joking, Fucking hell was this painful. But strangely hot, yea, not question that. I was good at masking pain. Years of being a lab rat kinda does that to a person. Even with how well Touya could read my emotions, I was better at hiding my physical pain.

"You run your mouth as good as you suck my dick. You know that?"

I went to answer with a smart-ass remark, only for my head to be yanked to the other side, the same pain being repeated before I could answer. The only sound I could muster up was a small whine/ grown like noise, Touyas other hand slowly moved down from where he had ahold of my waist, down to the small mound of my still aching pussy.

"T...touya ah-"

His ring and index finger held my slit open, rubbing his middle finger back and forth over my little bud in the middle. Making my knees weak, he tightened his grip in my hair, forcing me to stay up right.

" n-no...w...we have go sto...stop kei-ah!!"

Touya released his hold on me entirely, letting me fall to the shower floor. More pain shot through me, he knelt down to be eye level with me, Touya pulled me back by my hair to make me look at him again, so fast there was a ringing in my ears, I was literally he rag doll at the moment. His eyes glaring down at me, he forced me up on my knees.

"And now you're talking about that bird while my fingers are inside of you?"

Touya made a loud clicking sound with his tongue, he stood to his feet. His hand still wrapped in my hair, bringing my face eye level with his dick. My hands instantly went to his thighs, her thumbs brushed over the staples on them, watching his pierced shaft start to grow harder than it was when he was just almost pressed into my asshole.


His husky voice demanded coldly, I didn't hesitate to do as I was told. Staying still, letting him decide my movements, I was too sore to argue with him. He gently tugged at my wet hair, until my lips were smashed against the top of his dick, I opened my mouth wider sticking my tongue out to lick the underside of his tip, his pre cum already dripping out.

"Do not question me. Do not ever in your fuckin life think I would do something to fuck you over, you belong to me, you are mine to love, to protect to use. Got it?"

His voice, yet again demanding, my green eyes looking up meeting his blue ones. He tugged on my hair again, forcing the tip down my throat in one fast thrust, Touya let out a satisfied groan. His piercings scrapping against my opening.

"Remember... how we needed you as 'collateral' for Hawks to obey for a mission? Well, that mission is still going. One that involves....shit....mmm...I don't even know all the details for yet."

He tugged my hair harder, forcing me to suck him deeper, taking small breathes through my nose as often as I could, his thrusts were starting to pick up. Making it harder for me to breathe. My eyes rolled back, drool dripping from my chin.

"I've only been getting small details....ah fuck....princess.. well tonight. We are ordered to go on a date"

I dug my nails into his thighs, my eyes narrowed but his moments didn't stop, face fucking me, leaving me unable to question what he meant by date. Swirling my tongue around his dick, he seemed to respond to that how I figured he was going too, he was getting close, I could tell. Feeling the tip abuse the back of my throat repeatedly was hotter than it probably should have been.

"Word got out hour....ago....that.....Bird and his bitch are going out to some fancy.....ah....dinner for her birthday....don't fuckin stop...fuuuucckkkk"

I lowered one of my hands down his thigh and to his balls rubbing them gently and squeezing them, but not too hard. My eyes never leaving his as he panted, fuck why is this simple act so arousing, knowing damn well I wasn't about to get anything out of it other than making him happy, he wouldn't let me cum as punishment for getting too cocky with him, His grip in my hair started to loosen.

"So naturally.....we-....ah fuck! V- baby..."

His voice almost sounded desperate, I tighten my grip on his balls, they grew closer to his body, more evidence he was so close. Well, at least he's just as much of a pain slut as I am, his shaft started to twitch in my mouth, thick cum flooding in. I quickly swallowing it all, keeping his dick in my mouth until he started to go soft, once it fell limp, I stood to my feet fast, standing on my toes. Kissing him with so much hunger, so incredibly ready for another round, there might be a slight chance he would give me, love for him vibrates from my chest with soft moans, as if that would get him to give into me. Touya took ahold of my wrist, forcing me back down to my feet. And there that hope went, he gently whipped his spit and cum from my lower lip. Leaving me needy, as he normally does to get back at me. Jerk.

"Let's get you ready, Kurogiri dropped some clothes off for you while we were asleep. Just one rule princess."

He leaned over, reaching past me, turning the shower off, stopping when his face was right next to mine. I was still in a lust filled haze, only halfway listening to him as he rambled something about rules. My attention was on his dick that was hanging between his legs. piercings dripping from the shower water. Touya chuckled, kissing my cheek, bringing me back to my sad reality of not getting dick.

"Something about rules? going on date...what? If I behave, will you give me dick tonight? Is that what you're waiting for me to ask? because I know as well as you do, you're not about to fuck me right before a mission."

I grumbled, not liking the approval in his eyes, the last time he gave into me and fucked me before a mission I slept through most of it and almost got us caught, but it was still unfair. 
Anytime I buy toys he burns it, and God forbid I use my own hands He fuckin senses it or some shit and burst in the room and stops me. Demanding that every orgasm I have is his and bluh bluh bluh... One tiny orgasm wouldn't put me out but no, he wants to fuck and fuck and fuck until I'm a drooling mess and don't even remember my own name. That smile on his face showed he knew what was running through my mind, taking my hand, he helped me from the shower. toweling me off and helping me into the fresh pair of underwear I'm sure Shiggy made Toga go get. 

"Yes princess, if you behave on this mission, I'll fuck you to sleep to night, happy?

He says in a half sarcastic half annoyed tone, Which I ignored. walking into the living room and picking up the dress. my eyes narrow at it. They can't be fuckin serious. I am not one for dresses, but I have nothing here to wear. Unless I put on Dabis oversized coat that would show far to much with the number of holes that were in it. Then whoever would look at me he would kill and then I would get yelled at, and it would just be an entire thing I didn't want to deal with. On the coffee table there was a tote bag, opening it up my eyes light up. Filled with brand new make-up from Ulta and a fair straightener. Toga Normally gets on my nerves but the girl really did come through this time. Hopefully I can keep ahold of this type of stuff this time around. Though I wasn't sure how long we would be here, or if we would be going to a new hide out. A.O.F was really good about keeping us hidden in different locations, but they were never anything more than abandoned buildings with no heat or power. The best we got was a hospital one time. Even then we had no privacy. 

"I want dick and a whole fuckin cake if they are making me wear this shit."

I say, pretending to be disgusted with the black dress and the make-up. I normally didn't wear stuff like this, mostly because there was no time to get dressed up or a reason too. But secretly I did love it, Touya eyed me, I could tell he was suspicious if I was being honest or not, but before he could question me, I grabbed all the stuff and ran to the bathroom to get ready for this. Whatever this was. Locking the door behind me, and laying out all the brushes, foundation, eyeliner, shadows, etc. there was more in that bag that I thought. A small piece of paper fell out from the bottom, a handwritten note, clearly in Toga's handwriting. "Don't ruin the dress before you have the chance to wear it. I spent a lot of Shiggys money on it. make sure to throw it in his face how worth it, it was kay? and no sex in it! much too cute to be covered in cu-"
Without finishing the letter, I balled it up and threw it in the toilet, looking at my scared stomach and frowned. luckily, I don't have to cover this up, but my neck... That was going to take a while. The bright black and blue Hickie Touya gave me was going to take forever to cover, I could feel him on the other side of the door. So I glared at him through it, knowing he was about to ask if I was done already. Like I had been in here more than five seconds, answering him before he could even ask. 

"No Touya, I'm not ready, this is going to take me a long, long time. Go get dressed and pick me out a cake. I'm going to own the shit out of this date thing."

I could hear him grumble through the door and storm off to another part of the place, probably to order me a cake and have it delivered. He's such a sweet crispy boy when he wants to be. Knowing my luck, in reality. He probably went back to the living room to take a nap on the couch, Then he will wait for me to yell at him to get ready and make us late. I let out a loud sigh at the thought, I still love that man.

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