Kamen Rider X My Hero Academi...

By Me-Gagu-Re

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A middle schooler named Badoraku Xiong is a fan of the Japanese show Kamen Rider and My Hero Academia. For un... More

Chapter 1: Kamen Rider in the World of My Hero Academia?
Chapter 2: The Beginning of U.A.
Chapter 3: Combat Training From the Climax, Bakugo Vs. Midoriya
Chapter 4: Den-O Vs. Team J
Chapter 5: The Attack of USJ Part 1
Chapter 6: The Attack of USJ Part 2
Chapter 7: The Attack of USJ Part 3
Chapter 8: The U.A. Sports Festival Part 1: Obstacle Race
Chapter 9: The U.A. Sports Festival Part 2: The Banana Knight's Cavalry Battle
Chapter 10: The U.A. Sports Festival Part 3: Crocodile in the Tournament
Chapter 11: Uraraka vs. Bakugo & Midoriya vs. Todoroki
Chapter 12: The Winner of the Sports Festival is...
Chapter 13: Kamen Rider Heiwa Is My Name!
Chapter 14: The Final Exams
Chapter 15: Shocking News
Chapter 16: Trip to Summer Camp
Chapter 18: Attack on Summer Camp Part 2

Chapter 17: Attack of Summer Camp Part 1

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By Me-Gagu-Re

Last time, Class A and Class B were training and doing the courage test. However, the camp was soon attacked by the new members of the League of Villains and Multi-Shocker. They got into defensive stances.

Reptilian Villain: How are you this evening, UA High School? We are the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains!

Ojiro: The League of Villains?! Why are they here...?

The transgender villain pinned the heavy object against Pixie-Bob's head.

Transgender Woman: Shall I crush this girl's head? What do you think? Hey, what do you think?

Tiger gritted his teeth.

Tiger: Like I'd let you, you--

The two Worms then raised their scythes near Pixie-Bob's throat, causing Tiger to stop.

Midoriya: What the...

The reptilian villain got in-between with his hands gesturing them to stop.

Reptilian Villain: Wait, wait! Don't be hasty, Big Sis Mag! You two, lower your scythes! You too, Tiger! Calm down! It all depends on whether having power over life and death follows Stain's tenets or not.

Midoriya: Stain?

Iida glared at the villains with his right fist clenched.

Iida: So you're the ones who brought his ideology?!

The villain raised his arms.

Reptilian Villain: Yeah, that's right! I am--

He paused and pointed at Iida.

Reptilian Villain: Oh yeah, you with the glasses! You were the one who brought about the end of Stain at Hosu City.

He then grabbed the handle of a sword on his back.

Reptilian Villain: I apologize for the late introduction.

He pulled the sword, and the cloths covering it came off, revealing lots of blades strapped together.

Reptilian Villain: I am Spinner! The one who will spin his dreams into reality!

Badoraku tightened the Kunaigun on his hand.

Tiger: I don't care, but you bastards...! The woman lying there, Pixie-Bob, has started worrying about getting married recently. She was doing her best to find happiness as a woman, despite her age...!

Tiger raised his left paws with claws sharpened.

Tiger: You can't damage that woman's face, and then just stand there laughing thoughtlessly about it!

Spinner charged forward with his blades.

Spinner: What is a hero doing trying to be happy like the average person?!

Mandalay: Tiger, I've broadcast instructions! Leave the safety of the other students to Ragdoll. The two of us will hold them back here! Everyone, go! Listen carefully, do not fight under any circumstances. Class president, you're in charge!

Iida: Understood!

Then, a group of Salis Worms appeared out of the bushes and trees, standing in the students' way.

Mandalay: What?!

Mineta shrieked in a high pitched voice. The Worms hissed at them.

Mineta: These guys look gross and scary!

Ojiro: More villains?

Midoriya: We're surrounded.


The Worms surrounded the group and prepared to attack them.

Badoraku: Not on my watch.

The Kabuto Zecter appeared out of the portal, and knocked each Worms away. Badoraku caught the Zecter in his hand.

Mandalay: Wait! I said don't fight!

Badoraku: No choice. Henshin!

He slid the Zecter on the belt.


The hexagons appeared and covered his entire, transforming him into Kamen Rider Kabuto in his armored form. One Worm charged forward with its long claws. Kabuto simply tilted his head to avoid the attack and grabbed the Worm's claws. He proceeded to kneecap the Worm and punched it back. Two Worms attacked at once, and Kabuto stepped back.

Then, the Sectio Worm leaped and swung its scythe. The scythe made contact with Kabuto.

Mandalay: Why are they attacking him?

Spinner: Take this!

Spinner swung his blades at the Pussycats. The two jumped away from the blades. The Worm swung again, but Kabuto crossed his arms. Then, he swatted another attack from the Sectio Worm before repeatedly punching the Worm in the chest. Kabuto pulled out his Kunaigun and shot the other Worms charging at him. He turned to his classmates.

Kabuto: Go! I'll handle this!

Iida: But Badoraku--

Kabuto: If I say go, then go! Don't worry about me!

Iida groaned, hesitant on leaving Kabuto fighting the Worms.

Iida: Okay! This way!

Iida gestured for the rest, and they ran off. Midoriya's eyes widened when Kota came up in his mind.

Iida: Midoriya!

Midoriya turned to Mandalay with a face of concern.

Midoriya: Mandalay, I know where Kota is!

Mandalay grew more anxious and concerned.

Mandalay: Get to Kota, and get him to safety!

Midoriya nodded his head before running off into the woods. The other Sectio Worm swung its scythe. Kabuto flipped his Kunaigun, holding it like an axe with the gun handle. He repelled the scythe, causing the Worm to stagger back. He heard Midoriya's scream and turned to see a few Worms approaching him.

Kabuto: (Midoriya!)

He immediately flipped it back to the gun and fired several shots at the Worms. Midoriya's expression softened, as he looked at Kabuto.

Kabuto: Go, Midoriya! Get to Kota! I'll be there as soon as I can! Hurry!

Midoriya nodded again and went to find Kota. The Worms got up and hissed at Kabuto. The Sectio Worms entered into Clock Up and attacked Kabuto from different directions. Kabuto cried out in pain and fell to the ground.

Kabuto: (In that case...)

He stood on his knee and pressed the Zecter's horn a bit. Electricity traveled around his armor, opening them up.

Kabuto: Cast Off!

He grabbed the horn and flipped it to right.


The Sectio Worms charged at Kabuto in their speed, followed by the normal Worms. The armor pieces flew off of Kabuto's body, slamming into each Worms. The horn rose and attached itself between the blue visors.


Kabuto: Clock Up!

He pressed the button on the right of the belt.


Kabuto entered into Clock Up, as everything around him slowed down. The Sectio Worms also entered back to Clock Up and attacked Kabuto. Kabuto stepped away to avoid the Worms' scythes. Kabuto drew his Kunaigun and took off the axe-like handle to switch into a dagger. He clashed with the Sectio Worm's scythe, as they were beginning to dominate one another.

Kabuto eventually pushed the scythe upward and took the chance to slash the Worm's chest before kicking it away, causing it to knock into the other Sectio Worm. He turned his attention to the rest of the Worms and dashed towards each of them. He proceeded to slash every one of them. Back in the real time, the Worms screeched and exploded into green flames. The Pussycats and the two villains turned to the explosions.

Tiger: What in the...

Mandalay: They... exploded?

Spinner: Huh?! What just happened to those guys?!

Mandalay: Who could've done that...?

Spinner gripped his blades and continued forward.

Spinner: You fake heros who only care about yourselves are meant to be purged! And I will do that for Stain!

Spinner swung his blades sideways. Mandalay limbo and backflipped after the swing. She landed on her arms and legs while using her Quirk on Spinner.

Mandalay: (Spinner, you may be a villain, but you're pretty cool!)

She leaped forward at Spinner, who was ready to swing again.

Mandalay: (You're my type!)

Spinner stopped as his face was flustered by the fake compliment.

Spinner: Eh?

Mandalay got closer to the frozen Spinner.

Mandalay: What are you embarrassed about? How innocent!

She swiped her claws on Spinner. Spinner immediately snapped out of it and swung his blades to prevent her from clawing him. He glared at Mandalay annoyingly.

Spinner: That was a dirty trick, you harlot!

Mandalay's body began to glow. The muscular transgender villain pulled her with the heavy object on her hand, as she widely grinned.

Transgender Woman: Come here, kitty, kitty!

Mandalay gasped in horror when she was closed to the villain. Tiger punched the villain's face, stopping her attack and Quirk while Mandalay was freed.

Tiger: I won't fall for that again!

Tiger threw punches at the villain, as she backed away from him.

Tiger: Kenji Hikiishi! Villain name: Magne!

He continue throwing his fists, and the villain known as Magne, moved her head sideways to avoid the punches.

Tiger: 9 counts of aggravated robbery, 3 murders, and 29 attempted murders!

Tiger threw an uppercut, but was caught by Magne.

Magne: Oh, am I that famous?

Tiger: What are you doing here, criminal?!

Mandalay: Tiger, something is off! I still haven't gotten a response from Ragdoll! She would usually response right away!

Tiger turned to Mandalay with shock. Magne grinned and chuckled.

Magne: Well... I wonder why that is.

Tiger glared back at Magne.

Tiger: What have you done to Ragdoll? Answer!

Magne: Why don't you check and find out? Though I doubt she lasted for long.

Tiger: Damn you...!

Back in the Clock Up world, the Sectio Worms leaped to the air with their scythes out. Kabuto raised his Kunaigun up, as they swung their scythes and pushed Kabuto back. Kabuto planted his left foot back to slow down the force of the push. The Worms applied more strength onto Kabuto. He gritted his teeth and let out a shout, then pushed the Worms' scythes upward. He proceeded to slash them and kicked them with full force while turning his back. The Worms screeched and crashed onto trees.

The Sectio Worm Acuere got up and roared in rage. Kabuto pressed the three buttons on the Zecter's legs.

1, 2, 3!

He flipped the horn back to its original place.

Kabuto: Rider Kick!

He flipped the horn back to the right.


The Worm ran towards Kabuto with its scythe in the air. Electricity emitted from the Zecter, as it traveled up to the horn and down to the right leg. Kabuto twirled in 180 degree and delivered a roundhouse kick with his electrified and empowered foot at the Worm's face. It wobbled from the electricity before falling down and exploded into green flames. After the flames died out, Kabuto turned to the regular Sectio Worm and attached the axe handle back to form his gun while aiming at it.

Kabuto: Now as for you...

The Worm was mad and scared at the same time, then it showed the silhouette of its human form with the angry expression.

Sectio Worm: Don't think this is over! There are more of us in this camp, and they will kill you!

Kabuto fired bullets at the Worm, but it entered Clock Up and dashed away. Kabuto flicked his gun before putting it away.

Kabuto: (As much as I need to deal with the Shocker members, I need to go help Midoriya.)

Kabuto: Clock Up!

He pressed the button on the side of his belt.


He activated Clock Up and dashed to the cliff.

(At the Cliff)

Earlier, Kota watched the forest burning down. Then, the big muscular villain appeared and found him. Kota was scared and tried to run, but the villain blocked his way. The villain told him to switch his mask for his hat. Kota eventually recognized the villain, the one who killed his parents, and the one the news told people to stay away from.

The villain removed his mask, revealing his face with blonde hair and a prosthetic left eye. He introduced himself as Muscular. He was about to harm Kota until Midoriya arrived to stop him.

Midoriya: Don't worry Kota, I will definitely save you!

Muscular: You will definitely save him?

Muscular laughed mockingly at his words.

Muscular: That's something a hero would say. Your kind show up everywhere, talking about "justice." You're the one called Midoriya, aren't you? Perfect...

He stretched out his right arm, activating his Quirk, which his muscle fibers covered his arm.

Muscular: We were told to take the initiative and kill you. I'll make sure to torment you thoroughly...

He threw his cloak away.

Muscular: ...so show me your blood!

He lunged forward in a fast speed.

Midoriya: (He's coming!)

Muscular threw a punch, and Midoriya blocked it with his left arm. To his surprise, Muscular overpowered him, and his bones cracked in his left arm. He was sent crashing to a rock, and a crack was formed from the strength of the punch.

Muscular: Oops! I almost forgot. By any chance, then tell me, where are these kids called Bakugo and Xiong? Specifically, Shocker wants that Xiong kid dead.

Midoriya gasped in shock and horror.

Midoriya: (Kacchan! Badoraku! And Shocker?)

Muscular: I still have a job to do!

Muscular lunged at Midoriya again. Midoriya dived out of the way before the punch could hit him.

Midoriya: (They're after Kacchan, and also want Badoraku dead?! Why?!)

Muscular: Can I take that as "I don't know"? I can, right? All right!

Muscular crouched and leaped towards him.

Muscular: Let's play!

He struck Midoriya in the stomach hard with his kick. Midoriya groaned in pain and was sent to the rock wall higher before falling to the ground with blood flowing from his head. Muscular laughed in amusement.

Muscular: Blood! This is great! It's what I wanted! This is so fun!

Kota watched in horror, as tears flowed down on his face.

Muscular: What was that? You'd definitely save him?! Why are you running away, then?! You are so weird!

Muscular slowly approached him. Midoriya gritted his teeth while slowly getting back up.

Midoriya: (That muscle-like Quirk is so fast and so strong... I can't be thinking about Kacchan right now! I have to focus... on the enemy in front of me!)

He clenched his fist as electricity traveled to it.

Midoriya: (Smash!)

He threw the punch at the villain with enough power, but Muscular used his covered right arm to block it and was not fazed by it.

Muscular: What? That's your Quirk? You're pretty fast, but not nearly strong enough!

He proceeded to swat Midoriya back. H ecovered his left arm with muscle fibers.

Muscular: My Quirk allows me to power up my muscles! I increase my speed and strength by increasing the amount of muscle fibers so much, they can't be contained by my skin! What am I trying to say?! I'm bragging! In other words, you are completely the inferior version of me!!!

He lunged forward to slam his right fist. Midoriya jumped away, but the rocks from the ground flew to his face.

Muscular: Do you know how I feel?

The villaimoved closer to the stunned Midoriya.

Muscular: I can't help but laugh!

He punched Midoriya in the back and sent him crashing down. Midoriya coughed out blood.

Muscular: You'll definitely save him? How will you do that? Don't spout nonsense if you can't even do it!

Muscular clenched his fist and raised it in the air.

Muscular: Be honest with yourself!!!

Then, a rock hit the back of his head.

Muscular: Huh?

He turned around and saw that it was Kota who threw it at him. Kota was trembling in fear.

Kota: Water Hose. Papa... Mama... Did you torment them like that too before you killed them?!

Midoriya widened his eyes when Kota mentioned that his parents killed by Muscular.

Muscular: Huh? Seriously? You parents were heroes and Water Hose? This must be fate! Water Hose. Thanks to them, my left eye is now an artificial one.

He pointed at his prosthetic left eye.

Kota: It's your fault. It's because of people like you, it always, always turns out like this!!!

Muscular: Kids these days are always shifting blame like that.

Kota was caught off guard by his words.

Muscular: That's no good. It's not like I have a grudge about this eye or anything, you see? I just wanted to kill, and those two wanted to stop me. It was the result of all of us doing what we wanted.

Kota froze in complete shock.

Muscular: The problem is wanting to do something you are unable to do. Just like your mama and papa!

Muscular raised his left arm to strike Kota until he disappeared from sight, causing him to miss his attack, much to his surprise.

Muscular: What...?

Kabuto was the one grabbed Kota before he could get hurt or killed. Kota was also confused, but saw Kabuto holding him. Muscular rose up and glanced at Kabuto.

Muscular: So you're the one who got that kid out of the way. What a way to ruin my kill.

Midoriya: You're the one... who's wrong!

Midoriya leaped forward and punched through a hole to stop the muscle fibers.

Midoriya: I got you! Now it doesn't matter how fast you are!

Muscular: Then what?! You're going to punch me with that weak arm of yours?!

Midoriya: It doesn't matter of whether or not I can do it!

Kota watched in awe.

Midoriya: A hero's job is to risk their lives to make the lip service into reality!

Muscular was frozen and shocked at this sudden change.

Muscular: (What?)

Kabuto pressed the buttons on the Zecter's legs.

1, 2, 3!

He flipped the horn back to its original place.

Kabuto: Rider Kick!

He flipped the horn back.


Electricity went up to his horn and down to his right leg. He leaped into the air with his right foot out. Muscular turned to see Kabuto, and realized that he was being attacked from both sides.

Muscular: (Crap!)

Midoriya charged up his right arm.

Midoriya: (One For All 100%! Smash!)

Kabuto kicked the villain in the back, and finally, Midoriya punched him in the face. The two attacks caused a huge shockwave. Kota was caught in it and was blown off the cliff. He screamed for his life, and was caught by Kabuto in Clock Up. Kabuto placed Kota down.


Kabuto: Sorry for that, Kota! You're okay now. That villain didn't hurt you, did he?

Kota shook his head as his response.

Midoriya: Kota, are you okay?

Kota nodded his head.

Kota: Th-Thank you--

He noticed half of his shirt was gone, revealing bruises.

Kabuto: Sorry I didn't make it in time. Those damn Worms kept me occupied.

Midoriya: I'm okay. If you didn't arrive in time, we would have been in deeper trouble.

Kabuto looked at the crack formed and the smoke coming out of it.

Kabuto: You stay here. I will check if he's knocked out or still conscious.

Midoriya nodded, and Kabuto slowly made his way to Muscular. Midoriya turned back to Kota.

Midoriya: Let's get back to the camp. It's not far from here.

Kabuto gotten closer and took caution.

Kabuto: (No way he could withstand those attacks, but there's a possible chance.)

Then, a fist came at him, and he immediately jumped back.

Kabuto: I knew it.

Midoriya and Kota could not believe that Muscular was still up. He had also covered himself with his muscle fibers.

Muscular: Although that punch and kick were obvious, you managed to hurt me a bit. Not bad. Not bad at all, you two.

Midoriya: S-Stay back!

Muscular: Nope! I just feel like attacking all of sudden.

Midoriya grew more nervous and scared.

Midoriya: Wh-What are you trying to do? What is the League of Villains after?

Kabuto: What about Shocker? What do you know about them?

Muscular: How should I know? I only came here to fight.

Kabuto: Just what do you accomplish out of it?

Muscular: All I can say is, as long as I can stretch my wings and Quirk, I don't care.

Muscular reached into his left pocket.

Muscular: Do you remember, Midoriya? We were just playing until now. I said it, didn't I? "Let's play"? Right? I said that, didn't I?! But I'm done. Playtime's over.

He grabbed out another prosthetic eye and placed it on his empty left eye.

Muscular: Because you're pretty strong. That also includes you, beetle boy. Now, it's time I take and look at you seriously.

Muscular wrapped his entire upper body with his muscle fibers.

Kabuto: Clock Up!

He pressed the button to activate Clock Up.


The villain roared and pounced at them. Kabuto grabbed Midoriya and Kota, and dashed out of the way, causing the villain to hit the ground. Kabuto reappeared behind with Midoriya and Kota in his hands. Muscular turned around with a massive grin and charged forward in quick speed. Kabuto simply ran away in Clock Up, and Muscular punched the rock with his hand stuck in it.

Muscular: Damn, I got too excited!

Kabuto reappeared away from the villain. He set the two down.

Kabuto: Midoriya, can you still fight?

Midoriya looked hesitant due to how tired he was from using a lot of power. He responded by getting up and focusing on Muscular.

Midoriya: Get back, Kota. When it hits, I want you to run as fast as you can back to the camp. We'll handle this.

Kota widened his eyes in horror and disbelief.

Kota: Don't tell me you're... It won't work! Let's run! Both of your attacks didn't work!

Kabuto: Kota, go! You just worry about going to safety, and we will hold him off as much as possible.

Midoriya: He's right. It's going to be okay.

Muscular finally broke free and turned to Kabuto and Midoriya.

Muscular: Here I come!

Midoriya: (One For All 100%! Detroit...)

Kabuto rapidly pressed the buttons on the Zecter's legs.

1, 2, 3!

He flipped the Zecter's horn.

Kabuto: Rider Kick!

He flipped the horn back.


Electricity traveled up to his horn and back to his right foot. Midoriya charged up with red veins appearing on his right arm. Muscular lunged forward at them and curled into a ball.

Midoriya: (...Smash!)

They both struck their attacks at Muscular, as they were both being pushed back by him.

Muscular: Ow... That was weaker than before, Midoriya!

Kabuto: We won't...

Midoriya: Let you...

Kabuto/Midoriya: ...pass us!!!

Muscular applied more force and continued to push them back.

Kabuto: Kota, run!

Midoriya: Hurry...!

Kota froze in place with more tears coming out.

Muscular: You're annoying, beetle boy. Out of my way!!!

Muscular stretched his muscle fiber out and slapped him away. Kabuto cried out in pain and crashed against a rock with a huge crack.

Midoriya: Badoraku!

Muscular: Oh? So you're Xiong, huh?! No matter! After I'm done with him, you're next!!! I've been eager to kill you ever since Shocker shared information about you and your power!!!

Midoriya: Shut up...!!!

Muscular began to overpower Midoriya, while Kabuto struggled to get up.

Kabuto: (Come on...! Get up! Don't let this pain... stop you!)

Muscular: Show me... your blood!!!!!!

Midoriya was crying from the pain he was receiving and was also starting to lose energy.

Midoriya: (All Might... I'm sorry. Mom, I'm so sorry! I'm sorry! I can't... hold... much longer...)

Muscular: I'm going to crush you to death!!!!!!

Muscular successfully crushed Midoriya, and Midoriya stopped glowing and closed his eyes. Then, water splashed on the villain's face.

Muscular: Huh? Water?

He turned to the source, and it was Kota who sprayed the water on him. Kota was shaking and scared for himself, Kabuto, and Midoriya.

Kota: St-Stop it!!!!!!

Muscular grinned at Kota's attempt to stop him.

Muscular: Later, okay? Just wait for your turn! I'll kill you after I'm done with--

Kabuto: That's enough!

Muscular turned his attention to Kabuto, whom finally got up.

Muscular: You're still up. You got guts, I'll give you that. However, this will be end for you all.

Kabuto: You're wrong.

Muscular: Huh? You say something?

Kabuto raised his right arm in the air, and the Hyper Zecter appeared in his hand. The villain scoffed at him.

Muscular: What's that supposed to do? Just stay there and watch as your friend here dies!

Kabuto: You will not continue harming others anymore. I will stop you! That is a hero's job, and a Kamen Rider's!

Kota: What...?

Kabuto inserted the Hyper Zecter on the right button of his belt.

Kabuto: Hyper Cast Off!

He pressed down the Hyper Zecter's horn.


The Hyper Zecter produced electricity, as it covered his entire body. He transformed into Hyper Form.


Kota was astonished by his changed form.

Muscular: Ha! You think changing will help you get out of this?

Kabuto: I don't. I know. Hyper Clock Up!

He pressed the button on the Hyper Zecter's back.


Muscular: Like I'd let you!

Muscular got off of Midoriya and lunged at Kabuto. Kabuto's wings opened up from its armor, and he disappeared from sight. Muscular ended up punching the rock.

Muscular: This again?

Kabuto reappeared behind Muscular, and took the opportunity to punch him. Muscular used his muscle fibers to block the punch. Kabuto then decided to throw many punches followed by some kicks, and they were starting to push Muscular, much to his shock.

Muscular: (What?! What is this power?!)

He threw his last punch, then tucked in his right leg with an aura. He kicked with full strength and sent the villain flying back. Muscular crashed back, and then planted his feet to stop him from getting further. Kabuto made his way to Midoriya.

Kabuto: Midoriya, are you okay?!

Midoriya: Yeah...

Kabuto: Thank goodness. Come on.

He reached out his hand for Midoriya. Midoriya grabbed his hand and got up. They then turned to Muscular.

Muscular: Not bad! You are strong! This time, however, I will kill you both along with that brat.

Midoriya: We... won't let you kill Kota!

Kabuto: Muscular! For all the crimes you've committed and the people you've killed, I--no, we will make sure you are sent to prison and brought to justice.

Muscular: That's something a hero would say! Now... die!!!

He curled into a ball and lunged at them. They braced for themselves and clashed with Muscular. Midoriya felt a powerful energy in his body, as he began pushing Muscular back with Kabuto.

Muscular: You too are getting stronger?!

Kabuto pressed the button on the Hyper Zecter.


Kabuto pressed the buttons on the Kabuto Zecter's legs.

1, 2, 3!

He flipped the horn.

Kabuto: Hyper Kick!

Then, he flipped the horn back.


Midoriya: (One For All, 1,000,000%! Delaware... Detroit...)

Midoriya clenched his bruised fist with red veins.

Midoriya: (...Smash!)

Midoriya punched through Muscular's muscle fibers and strucked his face, whereas Kabuto kicked his chest. The power of the attacks sent Muscular flying back, and he crashed to the rock. Muscular rolled his eyes and went unconscious. Kota watched in awe and felt relief, but was also confused as to why they would go this far just to protect him. He then remembered what Mandalay said to him.

Mandalay: Kota, about your mama and papa, Water Hose. It's true they ended up leaving you behind, there there were definitely lives saved because of what happened to them. I'm sure that someday you will meet someone and understand them. Someone who will risk their life to save you. Someone who will be...

He cried out tears and felt joy.

Kota: (My... heroes...)

Midoriya breathed heavily and fell, but was caught by Kabuto.

Kabuto: Hey, don't you go out on me.

Midoriya looked at Kabuto with a reassuring smile.

Midoriya: It's all right.

Kabuto: Um, bruises and lots of injuries along with blood flowing down from your head? Yeah, I'm sure that's all right.

Midoriya chuckled at his sarcastic remark. Kota walked up to them, mostly worried about Midoriya's condition.

Kota: Hey!

Midoriya: Hey, Kota.

Midoriya glanced at the woods with concern.

Midoriya: There's still something I need to do.

Kota: Don't! You're all beat up! Just what do you have to do after all this?

Kabuto: Bakugo is in trouble, isn't he?

Midoriya turned to Kabuto with a surprised expression.

Midoriya: How did you know?

Kabuto: Let's just say... those creatures we saw earlier, also called Worms, told me that they are targeting Bakugo.

Midoriya: No... So they really are after Kacchan.

Kota: But... what about that villain?

They turned to the knocked out Muscular.

Midoriya: We'll leave him here for now. With my messed up arms, it was probably weaker than usual, but it should have still caused a lot of damage.

Kabuto: I doubt he will be waking up anytime soon, so we don't have to worry about him. The only thing we should be worried about... is everyone else, including Bakugo.

Midoriya nodded his head in agreement.

Kabuto: Kota, can you do us a favor?

Kota blinked his eyes on what favor it was.

Kota: Wh-What is it?

Kabuto: You see those fires?

Kota turned to the blue flames burning the forest.

Kabuto: If we don't do anything soon, we would be trapped within it.

Kota: What are you saying? What do you want me to do exactly?

Midoriya: What I think he is saying is... we need you to use your Quirk.

Kota gasped in shock and confusion.

Kota: My... Quirk?

Midoriya: Yes. Save us like you did earlier.

Kota was astonished by Midoriya, and more tears flowed down on his face as he wiped them off.

Midoriya: Now, get on my back.

Kabuto: No, don't.

Midoriya: Why not?

Kabuto: You're too wounded from that fight and from using your Quirk. Let me do it.

Midoriya: Y-You sure? I don't want to force you. You're also hurt too, aren't you?

Kabuto: Yes, but if it wasn't for my armor, I would have gotten a few cracks. You need to save your strengths. I don't want you to overdo it.

Midoriya looked at his bruised arms and back at Kabuto before nodding his head.

Kabuto: All right. Kota, hold onto me and don't let go.

Kota did as told and hold onto him, as he grabbed him. Kabuto opened his wings as his body was engulfed in light. They then disappeared from the cliff.

(At the Training Area)

Aizawa, Vlad King, and the students there received words that villains were attacking the camp. Aizawa told Vlad King to stay with the students, as he rushed out of the building to outside. He saw smokes coming from the woods.

Aizawa: (This is bad.)

Dabi: Letting worry get ahead of yourself, Eraserhead?

Aizawa turned to see Dabi's palm in front of his face.

Aizawa: Vla--

Dabi blasted him with his blue flames. The smoke died out to reveal Aizawa not there. Dabi looked up to see Aizawa on a pole.

Dabi: Well, I guess you are a pro, after all.

Dabi was about to shoot another one until Aizawa flashed his eyes red, disabling his Quirk.

Aizawa: (Nothing will come out!)

He shot his cloth and wrapped Dabi with it. He pulled him forward and struck Dabi's forehead with his kneecap before pinning him to the ground.

Aizawa: What is your position, number, and purpose?

Dabi: Why?

Aizawa: Otherwise, this will happen.

Aizawa cracked his left arm, as Dabi groaned in pain.

Aizawa: Let's do this the easy way. If we get to your legs, it'll be more annoying to transport you.

Dabi: Are you in a hurry, Eraser?

Dabi gasped when Aizawa pulled his left arm further. A rumble shook, catching Aizawa's attention.

Aizawa: What the...

Iida: Sensei!

He turned to his right to see Iida and the students with him.

Aizawa: You guys.

Dabi shook his body, and Aizawa jumped away with confusion. The villain got up and looked at Aizawa with a maniac smile.

Dabi: As expected of a teacher of U.A. Hey, hero.

Aizawa tightened his cloth.

Dabi: Are your students important?

He pulled him, but only to see Dabi's body fading away, much to his disbelief.

Aizawa: (That fire earlier wasn't his Quirk?!)

Dabi: I hope you can protect them until the end. See ya.

The villain's body melted. The students ran their way to Aizawa.

Mineta: Sensei, what was that just now?!

Aizawa dashed past them with anxiety building up.

Aizawa: Get inside! I'll be back!

He quickly ran further into the woods until he saw Badoraku holding Kota and Midoriya.

Aizawa: Xiong! Midori--

Aizawa paused when he saw Midoriya's bruised right arm.

Midoriya: Sensei, thank goodness... It's terrible. There are some things we have to tell you.

Aizawa: Hey.

Midoriya: First, I need to tell Mandalay something first.

Aizawa: Hey!

Midoriya: Please take care of Kota! He has a water Quirk! You have to protect him! Please!

Midoriya started to run.

Aizawa: Wait, Midoriya!

Midoriya stopped and turned back to Aizawa, who gave him a stern look.

Aizawa: Those injuries. You did it again, didn't you? Did you forget what happened in Hosu?

Badoraku and Midoriya remembered back then, when the police chief said that those who used their Quirks while getting injuries without permission are against the law.

Badoraku: There's no time, Sensei! There is a great danger in this forest right here in this camp! Far more dangerous than the League of Villains!

Aizawa glanced at Badoraku, and sighed in defeat.

Aizawa: Fine, tell Mandalay this. All students in Class A and Class B are given permission to fight. Do you understand?

They nodded their heads.

Aizawa: Good. Now go! I'll take care of him.

Badoraku grabbed out another belt, which was the Faiz Driver.

He slammed and wrapped the belt around his waist. He opened the Faiz Phone and dialed 555, then pressed Enter.


He closed the phone and raised it in the air.

Badoraku: Henshin!

He inserted the phone onto the empty space on the belt and tilted it 90 degrees to the left.


Red streams of energy appeared around his body, and then flashed brightly. After that, he transformed into Kamen Rider Faiz.

Kota was in awe of the new transformation. Faiz flicked his wrists and took off into the forest along with Midoriya until they eventually split up. Faiz ran to the area where pink gas was emitting from. Along the way, Mandalay used her Quirk to communicate in his mind.

Mandalay: 'Everyone in Class A and Class B, in the name of the pro hero, Eraserhead, you are granted permission to engage in combat! I repeat, everyone in Class A and Class B, you are granted permission to engage in combat!'

Faiz: There's the drill.

Mandalay: (We have discovered one of the villains' targets. It is one of the students "Kacchan"!)

Faiz: I don't know if I will be able to get to him. You just have to make this much worse. Right, Shocker? Or whatever you call yourself?

Mandalay: (Whoever is Kacchan should try to avoid combat and act independently. You got that, Kacchan?!)

Faiz: (That hot-headed buffoon is going to ignore her.)

Faiz continued running to the source of the gas. Somewhere in the forest, the source of the gas was caused by the Mustard. He stood inside the gas and sensed three people heading to him.

Mustard: There are two people heading toward me? It seems that there are those who noticed and can make it through, huh? As expected of a prestigious school. It's so sad, though... No matter how wonderful the Quirk is...

He reached into his uniform. Then, emerging from Mustard's right was Tetsutetsu with a mask on.

Tetsutetsu: There you are!

Mustard: ...they're still humans.

He pulled out a revolver and fired a bullet. The villain raised an eyebrow in his mask.

Mustard: Oh yeah, I saw you during the live broadcast of the sports festival. There were guys who could turn hard. A gun won't work on you, right?

The shot landed on Tetsutetsu's mask, thus breaking the mask in two. Tetsutetsu widened his eyes and quickly covered his mouth to prevent the gas from entering in his body.

Mustard: Well, not that it matters, because it's just a matter of how long you canchold your breath in this gas.

Tetsutetsu glanced at him for a bit and ran towards the villain. He was about to strike him until Mustard shot his sturdy body. Tetsutetsu grunted and was sent back.

Mustard: Are you trying to be the Terminator? Even if you can harden yourself, you're charging straight in? Give me a break.

He mockingly pointed his head.

Mustard: You go to a prestigious school, don't you? You're supposed to be smart, right? Use your head a little. If you don't, you're not worth my time.

He pointed his revolver to the left, making Tetsutetsu to widen his eyes. Tetsutetsu dove and took the bullet for Kendo. Blood spurred out from Tetsutetsu.

Kendo: Tetsutestu!

Tetsutetsu: This isn't good! Retreat!

The villain broke into a maniacal laughter.

Mustard: Two against one with one of you hiding for a surprise attack, huh? That's weak! Such a weak plan! This gas is produced and controlled by me.

Kendo: Tetsutetsu, you're bleeding!

Tetsutetsu: I'm fine! Just retreat!

Mustard: It's telling me your movements directly with fluctuations! In other words, you can't hide from me!

Then, a red beam was heading towards Mustard. Mustard dodged the beam with ease.

Mustard: Oh, a third person? Didn't I say that I can detect you through my gas?

Tetsutetsu and Kendo turned to the source and saw Faiz walking into the gas with his phone as a blaster.

Kendo: That's...

Faiz stopped walking and aimed directly at Mustard.

Mustard: Wait, you're Xiong, correct? I saw you on the festival broadcast, as well. Am I right?

Faiz: Even if you do know where I am, I will use an alternative way.

Mustard: Oh? Confident now, are we? Unfortunately, I'm not going to fight you.

Faiz raised one eyebrow in his helmet. Then, that was when he was scratched from behind. He cringed from the pain and staggered forward. He turned around and aimed his blaster to see that it was an Orphnoch that looked like an owl with a gas mask.

Tetsutetsu: Another villain...?

Faiz: Orphnoch.

Owl Orphnoch: I'm going to enjoy tearing you to pieces.

Faiz immediately aimed at the Orphnoch.

Faiz: Who sent you? Shocker?

The other two students were confused why Faiz knew about the creature in front of them.

Kendo: "Shocker"?

The Orphnoch laughed and shook his head.

Owl Orphnoch: Wrong! It's Multi-Shocker.

Faiz: Whatever you call yourself, I will not allow you to do as you please.

Owl Orphnoch: Then I'll have to kill you so that you can't interfere!

The Orphnoch released its own gas that were black. Faiz was shielded his eyes from the gas, only to receive another scratch. The Orphnoch swung its claws again, but Faiz was able to back away. He grabbed the Orphnoch's shoulder and kneecaped him, then dragged himself and the Orphnoch out of the gas to fight with better vision. He tossed the Orphnoch into the air, and it crashed into some bushes.

Faiz dialed 106 and pressed Enter to initiate Burst Mode on his blaster.


He aimed at the Orphnoch who recovered. He pressed the trigger and fired three red beams at him. The Orphnoch was struck in the chest and staggered back. Faiz fired another round of beams, but the Orphnoch dived behind some trees. The Owl Orphnoch began emitting black gas again. The gas surrounded Faiz, as he began looking around for the Orphnoch. He slowly walked around while trying to listen for the Orphnoch's movement.

He kept walking and listening, but it was too difficult for him to track the Orphnoch. The Orphnoch leaped out and scratched Faiz in the chest. Faiz recovered and wrapped his left arm on the Orphnoch's own left arm. He proceeded to headbutt him and shoot him again. The Orphnoch went back into the thick gas. Faiz lowered his phone and looked around for the Orphnoch. He stood still and reached his finger on the pads. Then, the Owl Orphnoch leaped from the side.

Faiz: (There!)

Faiz immediately aimed to his right and fired at the Orphnoch. The Orphnoch was shot and fell to the ground. Faiz set his phone back on the buckle and dashed forward. He grabbed the Owl Orphnoch by the collar of his clothes and clenched his right fist. Faiz rapidly punched his face three times. The Orphnoch's head snapped back from the punches. Once he lowered his head, Faiz delivered a powerful uppercut to the his chin. The Orphnoch screamed and was sent to the air, then landed on his back.

Faiz flicked his wrist and was going to finish off the Orphnoch. However, the Orphnoch decided to emit out another wave of gas. Faiz rushed in the gas, but found that the Orphnoch got away. He stomped his foot on the ground in frustration. He turned around and headed back to Tetsutetsu and Kendo. Faiz arrived and saw that the two dealt with Mustard, but Tetsutetsu was exhausted the most.

He ran to check up on them.

Faiz: Hey! Are you two okay?

Tetsutetsu: Yeah, somehow... I almost passed out from all of those gas that this kid produced.

Kendo: We're all right, if it weren't for you. Thank you.

Faiz: You're welcome.

Kendo: You're Xiong, right?

Faiz: Yes, My full name is Badoraku Xiong. Call me Bado for short if Badoraku is too long for you.

Kendo: Itsuka Kendo. It's pleased to meet you.

Faiz: My pleasure.

Tetsutetsu tried to get up with his remaining strength. Faiz kneeled down and helped him up.

Tetsutetsu: Thanks... The name's Tetsutetsu. I didn't think I'd be able to talk to you. The number one guy on the sports festival for first year.

Faiz: I wouldn't call myself "number one." What's concerning right now is this.

Tetsutetsu: Yeah.

Kendo looked at the knocked out Mustard.

Kendo: What should we do with him?

Faiz looked into the other direction in the woods. He still felt that there were more members of Multi-Shocker in the forest. He started to walk away.

Kendo: Hang on, where are you going?

Faiz: There are still some things I need to deal with.

Kendo: What happened to that other villain?

Tetsutetsu: Yeah, what happened to that owl guy?

Faiz: He got away. I'm going to look for more of his companions.

Faiz turned and ran off.

Kendo: W-Wait!

Faiz ignored Kendo, and continued into the forest.

Tetsutetsu: That guy...

Faiz kept on going and looking around in the forest.

Faiz: There must be a lot of them if Multi-Shocker came this far to kill them. I must stop them before they either conquer this world, or destroy it.


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