You and Me a Pokeshipping sto...

By The_fireplayer

1.6K 47 10

Pokeshipping is everywhere More

Back to Kanto!
The Cerulean Fair
Cerulean fair part 2
Ready to Confess?
The lovely Sunset
The chit chat
Sleep Over!!!
Campfire with you!
I think, I know him.
New friends
Blood and Tears
Do you still remember me?

Something's wrong

36 3 1
By The_fireplayer

Normal POV.

"Hmmm.... I want him! and I will do anything for him!" 1st person yelled

"But, How?" 2nd Person asked

"You want that girl Misty right? and I want Ash." 1st person said

"Yes." 2nd said,

"so let's make a plan." 1 st person smirked

"What plan? they shifted from their dorm. How can we- 2nd person

- Just  Listen to me.." the 1st person laughed evilly

Next Day

"Let's Begin the plan.." 1st person said

"Okay.." 2nd said

"It is gonna be fun.." 1st said and smirked evilly

Drew's POV.

So.. Paul and I slept in 1st room. Ash and Gary slept in 2nd. Ron and Clement slept in 3rd one. Ron was interested in inventions so clement and he shared the room. May and Dawn, Misty and Ohana, and lastly Leaf and Serena.

In the Morning

I heard a Knock on the door. I opened it and saw May and Dawn were there.

"Morning!" I said cheerfully

"Morning and now get ready! there is an hour in classes!" May said

"Wait only an hour!" I yelled

You guys are surely thinking that 1 hour is big but not for me! Because of my hair. You know what I mean. Shampoos and Gelling and all.

"Ok ok! Paul, I am going 1st in the Bathroom!" I yelled

"Ok. do whatever you want but come in half an hour," Paul said

"Yeah!" I said

Misty's POV.

I was just packing my book and then I glanced at my table clock.

"Hey! It's 7:00! I have to wake Ohana up!" I whispered yelled

"Ohana! Ohana Chan! wake up! fast! It's only 1 hour left! go in the bathroom and get fresh!"               I yelled while waking her up. 

"Misty... lemme sleep.."  She said

"Oh! missy! Open your eyes! Go in the bathroom fast!" I yelled

"hey c'mon it's only.. Ohana glanced at the wall clock. 7:15!!!! OMG! why you did not wake me up!"She yelled

"Oh hello? I am tryna waking you for 15 min! Now go in the bathroom right now!" I yelled pointing at the bathroom.

"Oh c'mon.. Chill. Your behaving like your my mum!" She said

"It is ok now go!" I said

"Yaya! Going.. Misty the mom!" Ohana teased and went to the bathroom.

"Oh, you little brat!" I murmured under my breath

"Uh oh! I think Ash is still not woke up and I think Gary too! Oh my Arceus."

At Ash and Gary's Room

Knock Knock... 

I knocked on the door but no one respond.

"Oh c'mon!" I entered the room

"You two little brats wake up!!!" I yelled

"Let me sleep..." Gary said

"Me too..." Ash murmured

"Why don't you wake up for the Arceus sake!" I yelled

"ahhh! Let me sleep, mom..." Ash said

"Yeah me too Gramps.." Gary said

"Hey, C'mon I am neither your mother Ash nor your Grandpa Gary!!! I yelled

"Wait, what! Ash wake up! It's 7:20!  We are gonna late." Gary yelled

"Oh, crud!!" Ash yelled

"Told ya! Now hurry up! we will be waiting for you and yes today is assembly." I said and went out of the room

"Ok!" Gary and Ash said


After the assembly


"So which is your first class?" Leaf asked to all of us

"Mine is  History.. Wow.." Serena said in a boring tone

"No worry Serena mine also, History.." Leaf said

"Good Grief!" Gary said

"Hmmm, what 'bout you Misty?" Ron asked

"Oh mine is Science.." Misty said

"Cool Me too!" Ron said

"Oh mine too!" May said!

"Good! What about you Ash, Paul, Dawn, Clement, and Gary?" Ron asked

"Maths..." Paul said

"Me too.." Dawn said

"Me three..." Ash said

"Me four.." Clement said

"Uh, Chemistry.." Drew said

"Yeah mine too, Chemistry!" Gary said


Ash's POV.

"Finally 3 classes over!" I yelled

"Ya!" Clement said stretching his body

"After this class there is lunch!" May  exclaimed

"Oh c'mon!" Drew said

"What do you mean grass head??!!" May yelled

"Nothing... you can't understand.." Drew said and smirked

"Hey, calm down May..." Dawn said

"Yeah, no need to shout.." Leaf said

"Serena which is your next class?" Ohana asked

"Oh!  P.E." Serena said

"I think all of us have it, Right?" I asked





Hmm.. Yes


"Mist what about you?" I asked

"Hey Mist? Mist? Hey, Earth to Mist? Are ya listening?" I asked

"W-n- Yes what happened?" Mist asked

"Uhh, are you even listening?" Ron asked

"uh..well I was just thinking some  stuff and nothing.." Misty said

" Misty you ok?" Serena asked 

"Y-yeah! I am alright! Btw what were you guys asking?" Misty said

"Uhh, we were asking which class is your next?" Dawn said

"Ohh uhh P.E.," She said

"Pushh.. Ash..." Gary said

"Yeah, what?" Ash asked

Don't ya think Misty is behaving weirdly? Gary whispered

"Yeah I think so.." Ash whispered

"Maybe you should go and ask her," Ron whispered

"Yeah, you should, I think something's wrong." Drew also whispered

"Yeah I think.. "Paul said in a very low voice

"Hey, what are you boys talkin' about?" May said

"Not an interesting topic," Paul said

"Hey, Paul.. I think we should tell May. If it's a girly thing then?" Ash said

"Yeah.." Clement said

"Whatcha guys talkin' about?" May asked again

I told everything to her.

"Hmm.. your right, actually, she's acting weird. May said

"Hmm, so can you talk to her?" I asked

"Leave it to me!" May said with a thumbs up

"Good then..." Ron said

A/N- So can ya guys guess what is bothering Misty? No, then stay tuned to know what will happen next! 


~ Your Author

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