(discontinued due to theft) T...

بواسطة MalzMal11

22 2 0

~~~~~~~~~~ CW: Death, Suicide, Gore, War, PTSD Alamandra, a planet outside of the Milky Way galaxy. The plane... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 2

2 0 0
بواسطة MalzMal11

They walked back to Nix greeting them with a hug. Merid didn't know what they should do in return. "I'm so glad you're here, Merid." Nix complimented Merid, who was unable to respond, and just yawned. Nix laughed, and led Merid into a bedroom. The bedroom looked exactly like the one at Merid's house, the purple curtains, the indigo beanbag, the pink and purple bed, everything was the same. A smile came across Merid's face as they jumped onto their bed, falling asleep instantly. Nix walked into his own room, which was the same as the one back at his castle. He made his way to his bed and dozed off.

Merid and Nix woke up, exiting their rooms to find Neptune beating Mike until he was bloody. A shattered, red, heart necklace could be seen nearby the two, it was the one that Neptune was wearing. "APOLOGIZE! APOLOGIZE!" Neptune yelled out, punching the bruised Mike. Mike most likely had a broken nose, no words were coming from him. Neptune kept punching him, she had Mike pinned onto the ground. Mike had stopped breathing completely, he had broken bones all over. Merid ran over and grabbed Neptune. Neptune was in tears, covered in Mike's blood. "He..broke the last thing I had from my family!" She sobbed. "The necklace?" Merid asked, turning Neptune around and putting their hands on her shoulders, like how you would talk to a child when they're upset. Neptune nodded, tears streaming down her face. Merid felt bad for her, genuinely. They would've done the same if they had gotten their hands on Noe. Nix had been handling Mike, trying to bring him back with electricity, like what they do in hospitals. Despite Nix's various attempts, Mike would not come back. Andromeda walked in the room, shocked. Merid signed to Nix not to say what happened. Nix nodded. "Andromeda, we… have no clue what happened here. Neptune might've witnessed it, but we aren't sure." Nix lied. Andromeda was frozen in shock. "Someone broke in- and… and killed him, I woke up before everyone and.. I saw his body and I tried to bring him back somehow." Nep sobbed. "It didn't work. I'm sorry."

Andromeda nodded, she didn't seem to show any sadness or anger, she seemed calm. "..Alright, I understand." She walked towards Mike's body, picking it up. "I'll dispose of this, everyone, clean up Neptune and the floor. The floor could get stained pretty soon." She walked outside with Mike's body in her arms.

The trio cleaned up the bloody floor, making sure not to miss any spots. After that Neptune got to choose who helped her get new clothes, she picked Merid. "You, purple person!" She pointed to Merid, she seemed to cheer up pretty quickly. Perhaps this is how she normally acts? "Oh, ok. I'll help you find clothes.." Merid nodded. "Follow me!" Neptune hopped up. "Alright!" Merid made their way to a closet with Neptune following closely behind them. 

"Here." Merid had found clothes that fit Neptune; a sleeveless teal shirt, long pale-blue armbands, dark teal pants, and blue short boots, all of the clothes were in perfect condition. "Thank you!" Nep tilted her head and smiled, her teal color covering one of her eyes. She ran into another closet and changed. Merid leaned on the wall, waiting. After a few minutes, Neptune came out, the outfit Merid had put together suited her perfectly. 

"Ah, it looks good on you." They complimented Neptune. "Thank you!" Neptune grinned. "We should.. probably head back to everyone else, right?" She questioned Merid, although she seemed younger, she was one year older than Merid. Neptune was 11, and Merid was 10. 

"Right. Let's get going, then!" Merid led the way. 

The two returned, Andromeda could be seen talking to Carmen, who was upset. Perhaps Mike's death from earlier upset her? Neptune walked over to Carmen, and asked her what was wrong. "Leave me alone!" Carmen backhanded Neptune. Neptune didn't budge at all, she didn't even seem to care either. "Okay!" She chirped and made her way back to Merid. Nix had watched the whole thing happen, and looked to Neptune. "Neptune, right?" She looked at Nix and nodded. "Are you.. stronger than most?" Nix added. "Yep!" Nep held her hands together. Andromeda interrupted the two, grabbing Neptune's arm. "You need a weapon."

"No I don't! I'm strong!" Neptune argued. "Show me, then." Andro demanded. "Fine!" Neptune struck a punch to Andromeda's arm, bruising it almost immediately. "Impressive, maybe you don't need one afterall.. how long have you been using this ability?" Andromeda was impressed, she hardly showed any sign of pain. "My whole life pretty much! Why are you asking?" Neptune looked at Andromeda with confused eyes. "Just to see if you need training or not, and you don't. Neither does Nix." Andromeda replied, giving Neptune the answer she wanted. "Okie dokie!" Neptune made her way to a couch, and sat down. "Now, Merid. I suggest you change your clothes to something more.. suitable for training." Andro spoke. "Gotcha." Merid went somewhere where no one was around, and took off the long-sleeved shirt under their t-shirt, and they walked back. "This is good, right?" They asked. "Yes, that's great actually." Andromeda adjusted her glasses, she was always seen wearing some sort of green crop top with an opening at the chest. Merid always thought that was weird. "Come with me." She made her way to a training room, it was littered with dummies and weapon attachments. "This is where you'll be training for the next few days." She said, "But, if you do good enough, I won't keep you for long." Merid analyzed the room, before replying to Andromeda. "Oh- sounds good to me." They brought their hand to the back of their neck.

"Get started, won't you?" Andromeda had her green hair tied up into a ponytail. "Yeah, alright." Merid swung towards a few of the dummies with their scythe, slicing three of them at once. Andromeda watched Merid keep swinging, it was definitely impressive. Merid had sliced multiple dummies with each swing, and the dummies would regenerate right after. "Well, I gotta say.. that's pretty impressive. I'll train you for another day and see how you do in a fight. Sound good?" Andromeda was writing down on a clipboard, occasionally biting at her black pen. "Huh, er… yeah. Sounds good." Merid was focused on their target, they hardly heard what Andro had said. "Great, you may leave." She hand signaled Merid to exit the room, and Merid did as told. 

Merid walked back to the "living room." It wasn't even close to a modern living room, it was just a large room in the middle of the warehouse with furniture. Neptune perked up, running towards Merid and giving them a hug. "Ah! I'm so glad you're ok!" She smiled as she hugged Merid. "Obviously…" Merid was confused, hugging Neptune back. Carmen walked over and spoke to Merid, it sounded demanding. "What did you do?" Merid looked Carmen in the eyes, looking at her like she was crazy. "Answer my question, purple." She barked. "My name is Merid, first of all. Second of all, what do you mean? I just cut up some of the dummies in there." They tilted their head and let go of Neptune, who was glaring at Carmen. "..Alright." Carmen sighed, she seemed to be protective over Andromeda, perhaps they were close? "How'd it go, Merid?" Nix walked up to Merid, and questioned them. "It went well..!" Merid smiled. "That's good, how about we go take a walk? Just to see what's happening." Nix suggested, "We can bring Neptune, too. Make sure to bring your scythe as well." Merid nodded, and already had their scythe on them. Neptune heard her name and jumped up, excited. "Yeah! Let's go!" She seemed.. happy despite the war. "Well I guess that settles it." Nix laughed, "Let's go." Merid walked outside, leading the way for the other two. 


The three made their way to a street, something you'd see out of a vintage movie.. but it was damaged. Merid looked at their surroundings. A destroyed green flower shop, a few homes with broken windows, and a bar which was on fire. Everything seemed to be in ruins, debris spread across the entire street. Broken glass shards, ashes, soil. "I never knew it would get this bad.." Nix sighed, he felt as if he didn't do his job as the prince correctly. "N-neither did I.." Merid was shocked, their home was being destroyed. 

A television came on, it seemed to be a news report. A news reporter with bright, white, hair and piercing blue eyes was sitting at a wooden table, work papers in front of her. "Cities are now evacuating to the clouds. I suggest those who are outside get to a safe city immediately." The TV cut off, going to static. "Huh, the clouds?" Merid twirled their hair with their finger. 

Neptune had wandered into the flower shop, and it was destroyed. Broken pot shards littered the floor as she stepped around. Neptune felt a sense of nostalgia. She looked down on the floor, and picked up a photo. The photo displayed someone with pink hair, and small parts of it being blonde, they were smiling. Neptune looked closer at the photo, part of it being ripped off, another person's face. "That's weird.." Neptune put the photo back down. "Hey! There you are!" Merid had ran in, tripping over a broken pot. "Ah- Ouch." They got up and dusted off their knees. Neptune smiled at Merid's entrance, "Yeah. Just looking around!" She chirped.
"Why?" Nix had followed behind Merid, "There's no reason to." Neptune sighed. "I just felt like it, if I'm being honest." She put her hand on the back of her neck. "Well, let's get going!" Neptune took off, the other two following.

Merid noticed their older apartment building, not their house, but why they lived when they were a baby. "W-wait guys, can I..look in here?" The others nodded, and Merid ran inside to their old apartment. 

A weeping boy could be seen in Merid's old closet, he looked to be around the age of 12. "..Sir? Are you okay?" Merid walked towards the boy. Upon a closer look, the boy had pink hair, a light purple scarf, a cropped purple jacket, and some pants with extra pockets. The boy looked up, seeing Merid. "AAAH-" He screamed, thinking Merid was going to attack him. "Don't kill me- please! Please!" Merid's eyes widened, they realized a threat could be around here. "What's your name?" They asked the boy. "A-Archer.." Archer answered Merid, his blue eyes were fearful, and tears were falling from them.

 "Archer, did someone try to hurt you?" 


"What did they look like?"

"White hair.. red eyes, red cropped hoodie..?"

"Thanks, I'll be off on my way to find them." Merid got up, scythe pole in hand. "W-wait.. are you going to kill me..?" Archer looked to Merid, he had stopped crying. "No, I am not. Unless you are a threat." Merid answered. "Now, I'll go find the person who hurt you." Merid was right, Archer had been hurt. Archer's nose had been bleeding, and his head was bleeding as well. "...Oh, thank.. thank you." He thanked Merid. "Don't thank me it isn't needed, I'll be on my way now." Merid did just that, they set off to find their target.


Merid had looked everywhere, and couldn't find their target. Merid eventually made the decision to go to the roof, perhaps they were there?

Well, Merid was right. A white haired, red eyed, girl was standing at the edge, looking from below the railings. "You." Merid darted towards the girl, extending their scythe and the blade. "My name is Ruby, for your information." The girl introduced herself. Merid swung their scythe towards Ruby rather quickly, just for it to.. go through her? No, that's not right, it seemed to be a display of some sort? Merid quickly turned back, Ruby hitting them in the chin with a bat. Merid fell back, landing on their back, the air being taken out of their lungs from the impact. "What are you here for, purple?" Ruby walked towards Merid, putting her foot on their chest. "You.. hu-hurt a boy named.. Archer." Merid was coughing from both the impact of their fall, and Ruby's foot on their chest. "Archer? The idiot with pink hair?" She put more weight on her foot. Merid saw an opportunity, and grabbed Ruby's spare foot. "Get. Off. Of. Me!" They pulled it forwards, catching Ruby off guard. Merid's chest was freed, and they hopped up to their feet. "Now listen here, you're either gonna apologize to Archer, or I'll kill you right here and right now." They pointed towards Ruby, who was catching her balance. "Kill me then." She eventually caught her balance, and squinted at Merid. "Gotcha." They dashed towards Ruby, swinging at the various displays she had set up. 

Ruby had been hit, yet only slightly. Her arm had been cut open, but it wasn't too severe. "Shit." She did not want to get hurt. Merid reacted fastly, turning to Ruby and swinging at her again..

..She was decapitated. Merid looked behind themselves, seeing Ruby's head fall off smoothly. 'Andromeda was wrong.. this can cut through bone easily..' Merid stood there in shock of what they had just done. "I...I…" They couldn't speak, they fell to their knees and dropped their scythe. 

Neptune, Nix, and even Archer could be heard running up the stairs to the roof. "MERID! ARE YOU…" Nix slammed open the door to the roof, seeing Merid covered in Ruby's blood, and their own tears. "Merid.. did you…?" 

"..Ye-yep.." Merid mumbled, their voice shaking. Nix walked over to them, it was clear to him that Merid had just done that. "...Let's..go back to Andromeda's." Nix grabbed Merid's arm and scythe pole, and dragged them back to Andromeda's, Neptune and Archer following.


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