Adopted by Scarlett Johansson...

By itssmfknme

66.4K 1.8K 964

Part two of Adopted by Scarlett Johansson! Everything is the same, but there will be new things added in this... More

Here We Go Again
I'm Not Going Anywhere
The D'Amelio Family
Hype House
Youtube Video
authors note
Among Us
I'm Done
The Sleepover
The Walk
The Walk pt. 2
Mom's Are Always Right
Authors note
Rose Is A Savage
Mean Comments
Pranks With Rose
Prank Gone Wrong
She's Not Worth My Time
Black Widow Moves
Where Are You Going?
Fun At The Hype House
Car Accident
What have you done!?
What have you done!? Pt. 2
Starbucks and rain
Fun house
Time to die
Lmao what?
Finding out
Kara Royster
authors note
What they mean
Middle name and hickeys
Take a chill pill
Oh hell nah
Pale as a ghost
Come watch the sunrise with me
Oh larray
New chapter

Telling The Truth

1.4K 48 39
By itssmfknme

Scarlett's pov

I really don't know what's going on with Chloe put she won't tell me anything so I can't help her. I've been trying to call her but she wouldn't answer. "I'm going to look for her" I tell Chris who was sitting on the couch reading a book to Rose.

"Okay stay safe" he says and continues.

I walk out and notice that it rained. Was my baby in the rain? Oh god. I run to my car and think of the only place where I can think of. Emma's house.

I drive my ass there as fast as I could not caring if I break some rules. Rules are meant to be broken anyways so. After a bit, I arrive and run up then steps and knock at the door. "Oh hello Scar" Emma's mom greets me and lets me in.

"Hi do you know if Chloe is here by any chance?" I ask her and she just nods her head.

"Yeah she came here a while ago. I thought you knew" she tells me.

"Well not really" she looks at me. I think she knows what's happening. Somehow. Maybe Chloe told her?

"I'll go get her" she says and I nod my head waiting patiently.

Chloe's pov

Emma's mom comes in the room saying that Scarlett is here to pick me up. Yes I'm calling her that now. I'm too mad to care. "Do I have to?" I whine getting up.

"Yes you do. Your moms is really worried about you" she says grabbing my hand and leading me downstairs with emma skipping behind us.

I'm now downstairs and Scarlett looks mad. Like mad mad. "Chloe go wait in the car" that's all she says and I just stand there.

"No" I tell her. Maybe not the right word choice.

"Chloe don't argue with me" she says and I can see Emma's mom nodding at me so I sigh and put my shoes on.

"See you later Emma" I say not even facing her and just walking out.

I walk to the car and hop in. Locking the doors after. I see her talking for a bit then she comes out to the car. She opens it but it was lock so she's giving me that look. I just look away. I then hear the doors unlock and she hops in. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong now?" She says starting the car up but not moving.

"No why should I? You're not my mother" I tell her without looking at her.

"Yes I am so I would like to know what's hurting my boor baby" I don't say anything so she just leaves and drives back home.


I walk in and go straight to my room, shutting the door and turning the light off. I just lay in bed crying. I then realized that the hype house wants to organize something fun for us to do so I turn my phone back on and look at the group chat. They all argue but then they decided on playing laser tag and watch a movie in the stars. I say I'm in and turn it off before I can see any more mean comments. But I didn't succeed. I saw one saying that I didn't deserve Scarlett and them and I should have just stayed at the orphanage. That's it I couldn't take it. I was full on crying now. Now hearing the door open. "Sissy?" I hear Rose climb on my bed.

"Yeah?" I whip my tears away like nothing happened.

"What's wrong?" She looks at me tilting her head a little.

"Nothing just some people can be really mean" I tell her and she hugs me.

"Don't worry, I'll never be mean to you even if you annoy me sometimes" she says kissing my check. "Can I sleep with you tonight so you can feel better?" She asks and I nod my head. "I'll go put my pyjamas. Make sure you put the cow ones" she says running off to her room.

At least I got to laugh a little. I get up from my bed and put my cow pyjamas on and brush my teeth and wait for Rose to come back. "I'm back!" She runs in and hops on my ned getting settled. I just laugh. "See I am making you feel better!" She smiles and i just lay down.

"Goodnight Rosie" I kiss her cheek.

"Night Chloe" she does the same and we both fall asleep.

The next morning...

Scarlett's pov

I'm waiting for the girls to get ready so that they can to school. Today I'm dropping them off and lizzie will pick them up and bring them to set. Chris Is already there since they needed him earlier. "Girls come on!" I say and see Rose run down the stairs and Chloe walking slowly behind her with her head down. "Let's go" i usher them outside.

Chloe's pov

Scarlett dropped us off at school and I'm not in the mood. I walk to my locker and I see my friends already there waiting for me. "Hi guys" I say kinda tired.

"What's wrong?" They all said. Ugh it's annoying how they always know when somethings wrong with me.

"Nothing" I give them a fake smile but I know they don't buy it but they don't ask me anything else. "Let's go to class" I said walking off to class.

After school...

"Hurry up Lizzie's here!" Rose is tugging on my shirt and I laugh. I'm glad she's making me laugh a little.

"Okay I'm coming" I said closing my locker and running off with Rose to Lizzie's car.

Lizzie's pov

The girls hop in my car and I can feel that there's something wrong with Chloe. "You guys ready?" I ask them and they nod. Yeah somethings off with her. I'll ask later.

I drive off to set and Rose gets out and finds her dad where the snacks are and I stay back walking with Chloe. "You okay bubs?" I ask her placing my arm around her.

"Yeah" she says.

"The truth young lady" I tell her and she laughs a little but it's not her real laugh so somethings really wrong.

"Um don't tell Scarlett this but I've been getting mean comments saying that I don't deserve this family and stuff like that" she says. Okay first. Why is she calling her mom Scarlett now?

"Chloe they are so wrong. So so wrong. They just want what you have so don't listen to them. Remember what I would always say?" I face her and she smiles.

"Block the haters" she says and I nod.

"Remember that" I tell her and she hugs me.

"Okay but please don't tell Scarlett" she begs me and I nod my head. "Thanks" so that's what she's so off.

She sees Rose playing with bubbles so she runs off and I walk to find Scarlett. I know I told Chloe that I wouldn't say anything, which I'm not really. "Hey scar can I talk to you?" She looks at me. "It's about Chloe" I tell her and she looks worried. Extra worried.

"Why what's wrong?" She gets up from her seat but I push her down.

"I promised not to say but just make sure that you show her that you dealt care for her and that you love her. That's all I'm saying" I said walking away.

This is not good.

Lock the door

Scar gets mad

They don't talk on the way back

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