The Art of being Strangers

By sidhttps

1.1K 71 7

It's been two years since the student Basil Farrow was announced missing. No one really knew what happened to... More

Author's note


43 2 0
By sidhttps

I arrived late for school today. I didn't get a single drop of sleep last night. My mind kept going back to Basil's request. I kept replaying the scene in my mind.

"What?" I asked.

"My killer," he said like it wasn't a big deal.

"But don't you know who killed you?"

"No, I don't."

"I'm confused."

He sighed. "I was taken by surprise. Killed from behind. I didn't get to see their face."

"But after you died, couldn't you see them?"

"I was only conscious after a few weeks. I found myself in the place I died."

"The place you died?" I repeated his words.

"Yes. It was cold. And night. I didn't know I was dead. I thought I had lived, after all. My house was too far so I made my way over to the school instead. There was a guard, he was probably just about to leave. I ran to him, screaming. There was no reaction coming from him, so I figured he didn't hear nor see me. But then I got next to him, begging for his help. The man didn't even look at me. He just passed by me, leaving me panting and exhausted. I collapsed on my knees, screaming at him again. I was so confused. The guard left the school's door unlocked, so I made my way inside. I went to the bathroom to wash the blood from my fingers and my face. As I arrived at the bathroom, I turned the sink on, the cold water running. I washed my hands until they turned light again. I raised my glare to look into the mirror so I could clean the mess on my face. I screamed when I looked in the reflection and found the walls of the bathroom. There was no me in the reflection. There was only a dirty wall. I couldn't believe it, but everything started making sense. How I felt numb, no pain from my injury. How the guard ignored my presence. How the mirror refused to acknowledge me. However, I still wasn't believing it. I stayed the night in the school and slept on the couch from the principal's office. I woke up the next day due to the voices in the room. When I opened my eyes and saw the principal talking to a kid, I knew it. Basil Farrow was dead. I was now a ghost."

My mouth was dry. I didn't know what to say. I was speechless. I knew my voice had just failed me, so I just pulled him back into a tight hug. The hug was enough for Basil.

I agreed to help him.

My head was hurting badly, and I was sweating. I didn't want to go to school today but I knew my parents wouldn't let me stay home. Even though I knew they already left to go to work, I still felt like I should go to school. Plus, I didn't want to make Basil think that I left him. So, shaking, I made my way up from my bed. The pillow I laid on was wet from my sweat. I figured I'd feel better when I'll get out. The cold air helps, doesn't it?

I tried looking for pills but couldn't find any. I rarely got sick, so my parents never bought pills. I swore and hurried to leave my house.

I already missed the first period, which wasn't such a big deal anyway because it was chemistry. I hated chemistry anyways. When I arrived, Basil wasn't waiting at the door like yesterday. I got worried again.

But my concerns were quickly erased when I heard someone.

"Creek, good morning," called a voice.

I turned my head in the direction of the voice. Basil was leaning on a wall.

"Basil!" I call.

"You missed the first class, did anything happen?" he said. "Are you alright? You look very pale."

"I'm alright, don't worry. Just overslept. I sometimes do that."

Basil shot me a worried look but didn't say anything else, knowing I would insist I was alright.

Math passed way quicker than I thought it would, and now lunch break started yet again. Mari was waiting for me outside the class as usual. I greeted her and we started walking towards the canteen.

"Creek, you look pale today, are you alright?" Ansel asked when he saw me.

"I was thinking the same!" Marigold said quickly.

"I'm fine, probably just a temperature or something," I shrug.

"That's not fine," Marigold said crossing her arms. You should go to the school nurse. She'll give you some pills."

"I'm fine, really."

"Alright, then I'm going! Don't eat all my chips while I'm gone!" Mari said getting up from her seat.

I sighed but let her go. Now I was left alone with Ansel smirking. "You have no chance against her. When she wants to do something, you can't stop her. I learned it the hard way."

"And what was the hard way, exactly?" I asked.

"You see, while we were hooking up—"

"Never mind, don't answer that."

"You asked."

"And I regret asking."

Basil was having a hard time keeping his laughter.

Not long after me and Ansel's small chat, Marigold came back.

"What'd I miss?" she asked, sitting down next to me.

I just rolled my eyes as I stuffed a stack of chips into my mouth, acting like I couldn't talk, and just shrugged.

"Here are your pills, Creek!" Mari said, laughing at my gesture. Then she stretched out her hand so I could take the pills from her.

I popped the pills in my mouth, swallowing without any water.

"Oh, nothing much. Just me telling Creek how irritating you are sometimes," Ansel says in a soft tone.

"Branleur," she spat.

"Wash your mouth out with soap, mon poussin."

"Nique ta mere," was Marigold's reply to Ansel.

"Auch, don't say that. My mother adores you," Ansel said, trying to look hurt.

"So do I," Mari smirked.

"Tu casse mes couilles, Mari."

A gasp stopped me from laughing, followed by a French teacher's mad yell.

"Marigold, Ansel! Language!"

Mari pointed at Ansel.

"He started it!" she justified.

"Did not!" Ansel immediately jumped at her accusation.

"I don't care who started it! If I hear you two use words like that again, I will not hesitate to talk to the principal about your behaviors," the French teacher stated.

Marigold rolled her eyes but slowly nodded. Ansel did the same.

When the teacher finally left, I wheezed. Basil did the same. We were both trying to hold our laughter when Marigold started shouting random French words at Ansel again. I genuinely enjoyed spending time with Ansel and Mari. They were really fun to be around. And Basil, of course.

"Creek, did you pick a partner for the art project the teacher assigned?" Marigold asked suddenly.

"We have a project?" I ask, genuinely confused.

Marigold laughs. "Yes! It's due next week, though, so we don't have to worry. But, do you have a partner?"

"How would I have a partner if I didn't even know about the project," I groaned.

"True... Well, lucky for you, I don't have a partner either!"

"Oh, just how lucky I am,"

Ansel and Marigold laughed. I turned and found Basil smiling.

"What's the project about, anyway?" I ask.

"Some landscape painting. Apparently, it should be a real place, preferably not referenced from a google image. That's what the teacher said."

I look at Basil.

"You're a photographer, right?" he asks me.

I nod slowly.

"Great. Don't worry about the reference picture. I'll take you somewhere perfect for the painting."

I nod again and turn to Mari. "Don't worry about the reference image, I can take it," I say, repeating Basil's words.

"Ah, perfect! How about we do the project at my house? If that doesn't bother you, of course," she adds.

"No, that's perfectly fine. Are you free on the weekend?"


Mari and I set a date and time for the meeting. I was going to her place on Saturday in the evening, and I was really excited about it. Ansel asked if he could come too, and of course, we all agreed. Basil will also be tagging along, so I felt relieved.

As I thought about it more, I found it such a coincidence. We were never assigned art projects before. Or if we were, we were bound to work alone. And now we're obligated to work with someone.

Not only that, but we had to paint landscapes. With real places. Which makes my mind go to Basil because all of his paintings were inspired by real places, as he said. It was weirdly fitting.

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