Siren (ERERI)

By gayfanficslol

27.3K 608 313

Singer Levi x Eren Levi's songs will be coming from Ricky Montgomery, Conan Gray, The Weekend., Coyote Theory... More

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25. Last chapter.
Authors note.
Authors note.

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3K 58 70
By gayfanficslol

Song: Mr Loverman
Bold means: Hanji, Erwin, and or Petra.
Italic: Levi.

Eren's POV

"Where are we going?!" I asked as I pouted a bit to my friends, Mikasa and Armin.

"It's a surprise." Armin smiled at me.

I frowned and watched Mikasa drive as she turned corners. Finally we pulled into a very filled parking lot.

I raised an eyebrow as we got out. We started walking to big gates until it I opened it up letting Armin and Mikasa in.

My eyes then widened when I saw a big poster of my favorite band. Wings of Freedom. My hand shot to my mouth as I gasped loudly.

"AGH YOU GUYS!" I smiled as I turned towards them and removed my hand.

"Happy birthday!" They both said as I wrapped my arms around Mikasa and Armin.

"Thank you guys so much!" I smiled as we pulled back.

They nodded at me before grabbing my hand and dragging me to the doors towards the concert.

We got inside and immediately were met with a security guard.

"Mikasa?" He spoke. She nodded and showed her ID. "Great, follow me."

We followed behind him while I looked around at the packed space. He walks us to a table in the middle of the room that was very well cleaned and decorated.

My eyes widened as we slowly sat down. I was so excited. "This is all so much!" I shake my head at them with a small chuckle.

I haven't been so happy in this long.

Before they could respond Levi Ackerman came out with his band. He's the person who sings the most, obviously the lead singer. His other band members are echos.

We have, Hanji, the electric guitar. Erwin, the drummer. Petra the echo and also a guitarist.

They are all echos but Petra is the one who echos for Levi the most. Plus she's always right on his side.

Levi stood infront of the stage and my eyes widened. He looked so hot! Yes I might have a celebrity crush on him. It's okay though, not like I can ever be with him.

"Hello!" Petra started off with a smirk.

Everyone started to cheer loudly as levi swung his guitar over his shoulder. I felt so happy just watching them get ready to play their songs.

Petra spoke a bit before Levi said his quick greetings with his typical emotionless face.

"Let's start!" Hanji said with a small drum noise.

Everyone cheered before they waited for it to quiet down a bit. When it did quiet down they started playing their song.

Well Mostly Levi's song.

It started off with Petra and Levi using their guitars in the process of Levi's singing.

"I'm headed straight for the floor. The alcohol served its tour.. And it's headed straight for my skin Leaving me daft... and dim." He sang as he messed with his hair a bit using one finger to string his guitar.

"I've got this shake in my legs. Shaking the thoughts from my head.. But who put these waves in the door? I crack and out I pour.." He sung quietly but loud enough for us to hear.

Hanji starts to come in with her small retro guitar noises. (Very quiet.) Erwin comes in with his drum cymbals.

"I'm Mr. Loverman And I miss my loverman I'm Mr. Loverman Oh, and I miss my lover.." He looked around the crowd and his eyes slowly dropped to mines as he sang the last part. I almost died.

"The ways in which you talk to me.. Have me wishin' I were gone... The ways that you say my name.. Have me runnin' on and on" He sung as it got quiet to listen to this one part everyone loves.

"Oh I'm crampin' up.. I'm crampin' up~" He sung as he hit a low high note.

"WOOO!" Someone said which made others do that also. They got quiet when the next part came on.

"But your crackin' up.. Your cracking UP~~~" He hit a higher note with a different expression. A mixed emotion, mixed with emotionless and hurtful feelings.

"YEAHH LEVI!" Some yelled making me clap as he continued. God I feel so happy right now!

"I'm Mr. Loverman.. And I miss my loverman I'm Mr. Loverman. Oh, and I miss my lover~" He held the lover for 6 seconds long.

Petra came in with her beautiful echo noises. "Lover..." Erwin drummed a bit louder to match their voices and their beats.

"I've shattered now, I'm spilling out, upon this linoleum ground." My favorite part is always going to be "linoleum ground.' God he's so smart for writing that part. (CC: I love Ricky's songs, I was so hyped when I heard this song.)

"Mr Loverman~" Petra, Hanji, and Erwin sung as a echo.

Erwin tapped on two drums quicker and louder as Levi's voice got more emotional and louder. "I'm reeling in my brain again!! Before it can get back to you.. (Petra: Mr. Loverman) Oh what am I.. Supposed to do... without you?"

The guitar and drums were the only two playing while Levi showed a faint smile at the crowd. Making everyone so happy.

He sung again, quietly.. "I'm Mr Loverman.." The drums going back to being loud. "And I miss my Loverman..!" (Petra: I miss my lover..)

"I'm Mr Loverman..! Oh and.. I miss my lover. (Petra, and Hanji: Mr Loverman!) Levi's eyes were all over the crowds and back down to my table staring at me, then at Mikasa and Armin.

"I'm Mr Loverman.. And I miss my loverman." He closed his eyes and strummed his guitars. This time he got really louder. "IM MR LOVERMAN~~~ (Ahh) And I miss my lover.." The song ended with one last strum from Levi's guitar.

Everyone cheered loudly and Hanji, Erwin, and Petra had a smile on his face. Levi on the other hand was staring at everyone, his band.

They talked for a quick second before doing some more songs. All the best songs ever!


"Now that we're done.. We have a special song just for a special someone!" Hanji said as she walked closer to the stage. Everyone tried to reach their hand out for her to touch. She giggled and tried to touch everyone until Levi got sick of her doing that so he pulled her back making everyone laugh and say,

"LEVI!" (I don't know why but I found this cringe but I'm going to continue to do these cringey things a lot of people would say to band people when they do something goofy🙄)

"Okay okay! So today we're singing Happy Birthday for a special someone." My eyes widened. I looked at Armin and Mikasa to see them smiling but not looking at me.

I quickly looked back to see them starting to sing.

"Happy Birthday to you..!" They all sang slowly scanning the crowd.

I didn't care if it was for me or not. I was so happy that I got a fake song that was probably not directed to me BUT IM SO HAPPY!

"Happy Birthday.. To you..!" Levi sung with echos in the background making me smile widely. His face was emotionless. No smile, no frown, just bland. But still I was so happy.

I got even more happy when..

"Happy birthday.. To Eren. Happy Birthday.. To you~" They sang together which made me jump when they said my name.

Possibly another Eren. Still made me happy. That's until I saw Mikasa recording them then me. She smirked at me, so did Armin before she pointed to the stage.

I looked at the stage to see Levi beginning to talk. "Eren Yeager. Come to the stage." He spoke.

My eyes widened. My name.. Came out of Levi Ackermans mouth. MY NAME?! AHHH

"Go!" Armin said as he pulled me up and Mikasa pushed me towards the stage.

I quickly flipped them off before walking towards the stage. Levi bent down and dropped his hand down. I shakily took it. "When I say jump, jump." He said as he looked into my eyes.

I blushed intensely before looking away and nodding.

"One.. Two.. Three.. JUMP!" He said loudly and I jumped. He pulled me onto the stage like it was nothing. God he was mighty strong.

I giggled as he pulled me up to my feet. They quickly waved at the crowd and I waved at them too because why not.

Levi walked behind me as he pushed me towards the door his band was going. He's pushy but it's not a surprise.

We fully walked in and he shut the door.

"Take a seat, anywhere." Erwin spoke making me smile uncontrollably.

I slowly looked around my surroundings. I want to sit next to Levi but he's leaning on a wall. I slowly walk over to the seat in the middle of Hanji and Erwin. Petra sitting directly infront of me.

"It's so nice to meet you!" I spoke to Hanji, Erwin, and Petra. "You too Levi." I said as I leaned back to see him.

He shrugged at me while the others shook my hand besides Hanji. She pulled me into a hug. "ARENT YOU JUST ADORABLE!" She giggled.

I felt a bit insecure. I don't believe when people call me adorable, cute, or beautiful.. But I like that it's coming from Hanji. "T-thank you." I blushed as I slowly hug her back.

We pulled apart and then I flinched when I noticed Erwin was out of his seat and Levi plopped down besides me.

I slowly turned my gazed to him to see him smirking. He stretched his arm out on my chair and his own. His hand right behind my hair.

"So. How long have you known us for?" Petra asked.

"6 years." I said very honestly.

Everyone's eyes turned into a widened eye. Even Levi's. "Weve been a band for 6 years.. True fan!" Hanji said as she hit my back playfully.

I smiled before Levi turned me to him. "What was our first song." He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You called it your band name. Wings of Freedom." I said quickly and honestly so they knew I wasn't lying.

Levi's face soften. "What a cute fan." Petra giggled.


We talked some more and I noticed how Levi is so strict and a bit mean but still he was definitely nice somewhere in his heart.

Finally it was time to leave. I was sad but it was the best birthday I could ever ask for.

I said goodbye to everyone giving them all a hug. I was going to give Levi a hug but he held his hand out. I shook it with a smile and he looked away as he pulled his arm away from me.

He quickly put hand sanitizer on making me chuckle before I waved at them again and leaving.

As I walked out Hanji, Erwin, and Petra started to walk out giving me another hug before fully leaving.

I stood outside and looked for Mikasa's and Armin car only to find no cars for them. I raise an eyebrow and try to call Armin or Mikasa for none of them to answer.

"Come on.." I groan. I frown. Now I have to walk.

"Hey." Someone spoke. I turned my head to the right to see Levi. Oh my.. "What are you still doing here?" He asked.

"Well my friends aren't here so." I shrugged. "Guess I better starry walking." I said as I put my phone away.

"Your friends are weird. Anyway. Come on." He said as he walked to his car.


"I'm taking you home." He unlocked his car and nodded to the other side.

"Yo-You don't have to. It's okay." I put my hands up and smile at him.

"Get in the damn car." He rolled his eyes at me before getting in.

I hesitantly walked over to the passenger side and got in. Wow it is really fucking clean in here.

He didn't start his car or anything. He just stared at me. "Get this." He spoke. "Im a murderer who just lead you into their car without force. What would you do?" He asked.

"Well first, are you a murderer?" I asked as I looked into his silver eyes. He shook his head. "Then there's your answer."

"That didn't answer anything." He turned his head.

"It means that I shouldn't have to answer it because your not a murderer." I shrugged.

He rolled his eyes. "Don't get in the car with just anyone, kiddo." He shrugged as he finally started his car. "Directions?"

I gave him my phone for the directions and he immediately shook his head. "Too far. Your coming home with me."

"I think your kidnapping me." I fake gasped.

He rolled his eyes and started driving to his home.

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