Shifting & script templates

By officialtegan

7.6K 49 17

A guide on shifting realities, including methods and how to use them, a basic script template and a Hogwarts... More

What is shifting?
Basic script template
Subliminals, affirmations & Visualising
Methods & Symptoms
Raven Method
Julia (I am) method
Heartbeat Method
Estelle Method
Alice in Wonderland Method
Staircase Method
Non - sleeping Method
Pillow Method
Train Method
Rope Method
Coraline Method
Elevator Method
Sunni Method
Sage Method
Mirror Method
Waiting Room
Hogwarts Script Template

ADHD Method

191 1 0
By officialtegan

Lay down in a comfortable position and play some 8D music to distract your mind. Once you're in a comfortable position, start to breathe in time with the music and count up a number each time. For example: *Breathe in* 1, *Breathe in* 2 etc. Once you reach any number with a 0 on the end (10, 20, 30 etc.) repeat these phrases: "I am shifting to my DR. I feel symptoms. The closer I get to shifting the calmer my body becomes".

After you have reached 100 and said your final affirmations, ask yourself for permission to shift.

If you're ready, picture yourself standing in a completely white room and you can see another version of you blocking a door. Ask "Can you please move so that I can enter my desired reality?" You will then see yourself move out of the way to unblock the passage.

At this point your ADHD will become an asset, let your mind wander, let it do what it wants to do. Once it takes hold, your mind may begin to come up with memories that go with the lyrics of the music. Soon you will be able to see, taste things and even touch people around you.

Imagine yourself sleeping in your DR (or feel yourself sleeping in your DR if you have trouble visualising). Imagine your DR self sleeping in the same position you are in, and just fall asleep. You should then wake up in your DR.

Note: You don't have to listen to 8D music but it does help. You can find some on YouTube, Spotify or Apple Music.

Credits for these steps: u/ShiftingRealities18 (Reddit)

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