Shattered Memories

By bellaPiiink

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A lot can change in two years. You can turn into a nerdy girl to a popular girl. You can turn into an ugly gi... More

Shattered Memories
Prologue: Car Accident
Chapter One: The Lost of Two Years
Chapter Two: Family Matter
Chapter Three: Home Sweet Home... I Think
Chapter Four: Miss Popular?
Chapter Five: Embarrassing Moments
Chapter Six: Stuck With You?
Chapter Seven: Jealous? You Got To Be Kidding
Chapter Eight: Diamond Ring
Chapter Nine: Friends Again... Well, Almost
Chapter Ten: The Cake and Us
Chapter Eleven: Xavier's Story
Chapter Twelve: The Clash of the Friends
Chapter Fourteen: The Swimsuit
Chapter Fifteen: Guilty Kisses
Chapter Sixteen: She's the Reason
Chapter Seventeen: Best Friend Knows Best
Chapter Eighteen: Caught in Act
Chapter Nineteen: Like Before
Chapter Twenty: Blackmailing Boyfriend
Chapter Twenty-One: Masquerade
Chapter Twenty-Two: Prom Night
Chapter Twenty-Three: Secrets Revealed
Chapter Twenty-Four: Questions and Answers
Chapter Twenty-Five: The Girl in the Attic
Chapter Twenty-Six: Sandor's Plan
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Breakfast
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Blue Eyes
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Apartment in Massachusetts
Chapter Thirty: Convincing
Epilogue: The Surprise
Author's Note

Chapter Thirteen: Sudden Holiday

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By bellaPiiink

“Happy birthday!” Mandy and I greeted Summer happily.

She blinked her eyes sleepily, rubbed her eyes once then blinked again. With that, she broke out into a grin and laughed. “You remembered!”

I rolled my eyes. “No, we forgot,” I said sarcastically.

She laughed again. Then she turned serious. “Oh my God. I'm twenty-six.”

“And still single,” Mandy pointed out.

Summer scowled. “Don't worry I'll find someone.”

“When would that be?”

“Soon,” she replied dismissively. “Anyway, let's go downstairs. I want to eat the cake.” She started walking out of her room then stopped suddenly. She turned to us. “There is some cake... isn't there?”

I pasted a fake smile on my face. Crap. “Yes, there is.”

“There is?” Mandy echoed questioningly.

I stepped on her foot warningly. She gasped, wincing then clutched it with her hands. “Of course. Don't you remember?” I asked sharply, giving her the eye.

She glared up at me. “Yes,” she hissed.

“But it won't be here this morning,” I hurriedly replied to Summer. “Maybe tonight... We ordered.”

Summer shrugged. “Oh, well.”

I smiled at them awkwardly waved at them one last time. “Um... I'll be downstairs.”


I turned and walked away, a smile on my face. Yeah sure, Mandy and I might have forgotten about the cake, but I know that today would be awesome. At lunch, Olive will join us eating here and after, we'd go and watch movies, do some shopping then eat somewhere fancy for dinner. A contented sigh escaped my lips.

But everything changed when I heard that single doorbell.

That single doorbell that made my week a whole lot better.

Or worse.

Frowning, I walked to the door, hesitating whether to open it. Who might it be? I'm sure it's not Olive. I told her that she must come around eleven-thirty or twelve. But it's still ten! She couldn't be that early... 

A confused frown creased my face. What if it was Claire? I know somewhere she's plotting the revenge she wants to have because I ditched her and Kelly the week ago.

And ever since that happened, I felt myself changing. A lot of people stopped talking or whispering whenever I arrive. They stopped staring at me all the times. They also stopped flinching in fear whenever I call their names. But they didn't also ignore me -- like old times. Some of them greeted me as if I was their friend and I politely greeted them back. And I absolutely loved it.

But that didn't stopped me noticing Claire and Kelly giving me those death glares whenever I saw them. So what if they are plotting a revenge that would really make me crawl to them on my knees -- as if I ever do that?

“Oh, for goodness sake, open the door!”

I froze.

Was that the voice of my mother?

“I think no one's home, Lauren.”

This time, my eyes widened.

I'm positive it was the voice of my father.

“But -- but that can't be,” Mom argued. “Where would they stay?”

Dad sighed. “Maybe they went to somewhere for Summer's birthday? I told you that this is a bad idea.”

“Oh come on, Henry,” she sighed, irritated. “It's been years that we haven't spent time the right amount with our daughters and our niece.”

“They're fine in their own. They don't need us.”

“That's not true.”

I took a deep breath. I can't take listening with their argument anymore. More specifically, I can't take listening with my dad, whining as if we -- his daughters and his niece -- were more like burdens than relatives. And so I threw the door open. 

Shock was written all over their faces. I didn't pay attention much with my mother, but more of my father. I glared at him, his blue eyes locking with my green ones. “We don't need you,” I hissed. “So why don't you go back to LA where you belong?”

I turned away and heard my mom mutter, “Now look what you have done, Henry.”


I heard Mom gave out an annoyed sigh then followed me inside. She caught my hand, making me stop. “I'm sorry, Autumn. Your father is just so tired with our flight,” she apologized. “Anyway, we've brought cake in the car for Summer.”

“We already have plans,” I deadpanned as I turned to face her.

“I -- I know... But it's different... you know,” she helplessly stammered.

“What's different?” I snapped.

“When your father and I are here.”

I rolled my eyes. “Are you trying to kid me? Since when did you and Dad gave a damn about us?”


“Leave whatever you need here and then go. Go back to LA because we don't need you.”

“Darling, please,” Mom pleaded. She looked up at me with those emerald and forest green eyes. I inherited my eyes from her and I could see my expression through them. I was torn between agreeing and disagreeing... “Just give us some time. Henry and I will be happy to spend time with you.”

I sighed and then gave in. I nodded. “Fine,” I muttered.

That made her very happy. But I don't know if it would make me happy.


“Best. Birthday. Gift. Ever,” Summer announced loudly as she left my room.

I sighed as she banged the door shut. It doesn't take an Einstein to realize that what she said was sarcasm. She just learned our parents were downstairs and she's not glad. Well, specifcally, she's mad as hell. 

I got up from my bed then went downstairs. Mandy was talking with my parents awkwardly. They didn't talk about something important -- just how their show was going on and their lives in LA. Dad looked bored while Mom looked happy and cheerful. When they looked up and saw me, she smiled. “Autumn! So glad you could join us. Where's Summer?”

I winced. Damn. “Um... she's in her room.”

“Is she okay?” Mom asked worriedly.

“She's going to be fine,” I said then the doorbell rang. I excused myself to open it so I walked to the front door. When I opened the door, I let out a relieved sigh. “Olive!”

She grinned. “Hey! There's a new car in your driveway -- and really, a BMW? Let me guess... Summer's new car?”

Rolling my eyes, I replied, “I wish.”

“What?” she asked, confused.

“That car belongs to my parents.”

Olive's eyes bulged out of her sockets. “They're here?! Susan and Brad are here?!”

“What are you talking about? My parents' names are Lauren and Henry.”

Olive blanked then laughed. “Oh yeah, I forgot. Susan and Brad are their names in their show. Have I told you I love that show?”

“Yes you did.”

Her eyes twinkled. “Can I get their autograph?”

I gave her a glare. “What? No.”

“Why?” she protested, pouting.

“They're my parents, for heavens sake!” I exclaimed. “You're my friend and that would be so damn awkward.”


“No. And that's final.”

She hesitated then let out a defeated sigh. “Fine, you win.”

I smiled smugly. “Well, let's go inside, shall we?”

She stepped in and I closed the door behind her. While walking inside the living room, I can't help thinking about my parents' show. In the show, Dad's a spy and Mom's his wife. And they're married. So... do they make love?

I almost vomited. Okay, that would so freaking weird. My parents making love in TV... That's just wrong. I wondered what Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's adopted kids feels if they would watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

We arrived at the living room. Summer was still nowhere to be seen. I heard Olive squeal silently behind me and I sighed as if to say, Really? “Mom, Dad... Olive's here,” I announced.

I saw Dad frown. “Olive? Where's Claire and Kelly?”

It took all of me to stop myself from rolling my eyes. “We had a fight.”

“Olive! You're the girl two years ago, weren't you?” Mom asked her and rose from her seat.

Olive nodded vigorously. “Yes, yes! It's me. You remembered?”

“Of course. Why wouldn't I? My, my, you've grown! How old are you? How's your father?”

She tensed. Ah damn. Does Mom need to bring that topic up? “Um... I'm fine. Dad's fine, too,” she answered quietly. 

“That's lovely,” Mom replied. “Now where's Summer? Let's go out for lunch!”

“Are you sure?” Mandy asked, frowning. “You two out in public is not a good idea.”

“Who said about eating in a public restaurant?” she laughed. “We can call a restaurant and tell them we're going to use it for private use.”

“Is that even legal?”

“Sweetie, it is okay. Trust me.”

“Fine,” Mandy sighed. “I'll call Summer.”

“You do that.”

I glanced at Olive. She was staring at my father with big eyes.

And she's drooling.

Embarrassment flooded me and I nudged her ribs. She gave out a sharp cry then looked at me with disbelief. 

“Stop staring at my dad!” I hissed.

“He's hot.”

What the hell?

“It's true! For an old guy, he really is. Like Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise. Or even Antonio Banderas.”

I stared at my best friend then shook my head. “He's married.”

“So what? That doesn't stop me from drooling.”

“Ugh, you're disgusting,” I grumbled.


Mom and Dad took their BMW while the four of us were on Mandy's jeep. She was sitting on the driver's seat while my sister sat on the passenger's seat. Olive and I stayed at the backseat. There was some silence as Mandy drove and I leaned my forehead on the window, watching the sun shining up above us.

“Why are they here?” Summer asked, breaking the ice cold silence.

“I don't know,” I replied. “They just... arrived.”

“But they don't come in our birthdays,” she shot back. “Not even in New Years, Thanksgivings or Christmases. And now they suddenly arrived. In my birthday, too.”

“Maybe they want to change?” Mandy suggested.

“Bullshit,” Summer declared, rubbing her temples.

I frowned. “It's possible, you know.”

“I know them more than you do. I know what I'm talking about.”

That made me shut up and so the ride continued. After twenty minutes, we arrived on an unpopular but decent restaurant. We got out from the car and made way inside. Mom and Dad were wearing shades -- as if that would make as a good disguise. I could still see that it's them.

But the waiters didn't even notice. Mom haven't told them that it was us that would use the whole restaurant for private use. They just told them that we're going to dine in private. We reached our table, which have eight chairs.

“What's the other two for?” I asked.

Mom gave me a mysterious smile as she sat down on her chair. “Oh haven't I told you? I invited your dear boyfriend and his brother.”

I froze. “You invited Sandor and Xavier? But-but how do you know them?”

She snorted. “Don't you think we know your boyfriend? His parents are good friends of ours.” Then she called the attention of a waiter. 

I wasn't about to make out their conversation. My mind was on Sandor and Xavier. Why did Mom invite them, I wonder?


“Sorry we're late,” Sandor announced, smiling charmingly as he and his brother made their way on our table.

“It's okay,” Dad said, grinning at Sandor. It's obvious he likes him.

“Happy birthday,” Sandor greeted Summer and gave her a paper bag. “I haven't got the moment to wrap it up. So sorry about that.”

Summer waved him off. “It's okay. Thanks, by the way.”

“No problem.” He smiled at me then pressed his lips on mine, kissing me softly. Then he took the seat beside me while Xavier sat across me, beside Olive.

“Now that we are all here,” Mom started, leaning on the table, her eyes glistening mischievously, “I think it's time to announce the real reason why your father and I are here.”

“I knew it,” Summer muttered. And out loud she said, “You're just here because you have some scene to do in the show, right?”

“No,” Mom replied, her eyebrows furrowing.

“Then why are you here?”

“We are going to a holiday,” she declared, smiling. “In our private beach resort for one week.”


Damn it, this is one boring chapter. -,- Sorry about that... I have one hell of a headache and the beach would be in the next chapter. :) Until in the next update!

- Bella, xoxo.

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