Kuroko no Basuke

By weird_girl_fandom

166 1 1

This is just one-shot of Kuroko no Basuke. I am not sure if I will continue this or not. More

Rumors, Depress and Cake
Dreams vs Reality
Calm Down


26 0 0
By weird_girl_fandom

Being with Aomine is laid back. Since Aomime is police officer, you became really flexible on his arrival. You really don't mind since got to spend on your 3 year old daughter, [Daughter's name]. She so precious, she looks exactly like you but with her father dreamy eyes and cute smile. Aomine wasn't able to see his daughter first (you know, walk, talk, crawling, ect) because of his job.
One evening, you made dinner for the two of you. Aomine didn't come yet but you were use to it. It's almost 9pm and Aomine didn't come home. " He probably covering someone shift or something. No worries,____. He'll come home soon." You said to yourself as you tuck your daughter to sleep.
"Goodnight [Daughter's name], sleep well," You kissed her head.
"Mommy, where's daddy?" she asked, you felt her sadness and gave her a hug. You reassure her that dad is okay, he'll come home soon and he love you. She ask if she can sleep in you bed, which you agree. Even with [D/n] in the bed, you felt lonely.
~~~~~~Next Morning~~~~~
[D/n] jumps up and down the bed to wake you up. You wake up and tickle her and went to do you morning routine. Luckily, you manage a businesses at home. "Aomine is still not home yet. Its 10am, he must be at work." You decide to go buy groceries to get your mind off of things. After grocery shopping, you went to the park to play with [D/n] when you got a message from Aomine that he will be home at 5:30. Basically, in 10 minutes. You were 12 minutes way from home but you're really glad you'll be able to see your husband.
"[D/n], we need to go home since daddy will come home from work. Sorry if you weren't able to play for a long time."
"I wanna go home, I wanna see daddy." [D/n] couldn't talk clearly but you were able to understand her.
You drive back home and notice that the door was unlock. "Aomine" [D/n] ran in front of you and yell daddy. You smiled but there was no response. You place the groceries in the kitchen, went upstairs, and checked every room. No one was home.
You went downstairs and put away the groceries and tuck in [D/n], who fell asleep on the couch. You went to your room, all the memories appeared. The time you bought the house, playing around with Aomine, the time he brought you flowers when you were mad about business, the time you comfort him when his police dog died, the time when both of you told dirty joke to each other and it ended to be a game which you lost. You giggle and walk to you closet to change into PJ.
While changing, you remember Aomine changing [D/n]'s diaper for the first time. You went to go brush your teeth to realize that Aomine's dental stuff is gone. You just saw it this morning, then you ran back to Aomine's closet and most of his clothes was gone. You were in shock and lying down the bed, tears rolled down your cheeks. You didn't want to believe nor think about that Aomine left you.
You got up, woke up [D/n], packed some clothes for her and drove her to you parents house. Your mom became concerned why you drop her off at this hour and why you were in PJ. You told not to worry and you be back to pick her up in the morning. Your mom understands and you hugged both parent and went back to car. You looked at your left hand, your wedding ring. The wedding ring that Aomine gave, the porposal. Tears rolls down you cheek again. You're tired, tired of the waiting, tired of putting effort into something that won't work. You calm down and drove off to the police station. You enter the police station and ask the lady at the desk if Aomine was here.
"Ma'am, he doesn't work here anymore. He quit about 3 weeks ago." The lady said, she saw how sad and shock you were. She got up and gave you hug, you hugged back. After the hug, you realize you got the lady's shirt wet. You apologize but she said it was fine. You thanked her and left.
You want to cry alone at home. You parked in the near parking lot. You had to walk to the candy shop. Walking, you notice a familiar figures on the other side of the street. You saw Aomine and Momoi, who was your best friend in high school, holding hands and kissing each other. Your heart broke, "I am broken, I'm finally broken." No tear, you realize what you have to do now, you took off the ring. You walk to the other side. Walk up to Aomine.
"Aomine, here. I want you to have this." Aomine was really shock but you hand him the wedding ring and walked away, Aomine was calling your name but kept walking. You heard Momoi asking Aomine questions about you. You felt hurt, betrayed, broken but yet happy. Maybe because you don't need to give any effort in a relationship that was broken for a long time.
Okay, I'm going to stop here because there's another part and its also going to be long. I actually had this plot in my head for a long time so yeah. Anyway, hope you enjoy.
Any request, put it in the comments. I starting to ran out of idea. Sorry for a late update. See you guys, later.

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