Danganronpa Despair Redemption

By Freezetaggers

763 1 0

16 students from 3 different killings game. International Killing Game, Killing School Semester and the Capti... More

Prologue - A new mutural killing
A remembered character
Chapter 1 - Memories of the past
Failure of the present
History of the future
The new way of land
Having a rocky restart
The shattered hope
Trusting classmates
Chapter 2 - Paths of escape
End of the path
Highway of length
The next investigation
Betrayal of smarts and strength
No straight road to truth
A new set of mind
Chapter 3 - All in one and not for all
Split opinionated
Drained spirits
No longer a classmate
A worst made environment
Tricks and traps
Hatred of yourself
Chapter 4 - One remains when five have died
A puzzle without a clue
A lie hidden in truth
Trapped by guilt and truth
Ending the clear accusation
The accusaton for truth
The end of friendship
Chapter 5 - One's mind flip leads to an untold truth
In all our hearts
Locked in our hearts
Forgon mystery
The final murder
Hanging on lives
Behind the facade
Chapter 6 - Void
The final class trial
The truth is now


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By Freezetaggers

Welcome to my next book in this series, this one will be more so a non-canon part of the series so think of this as more of a what if for the book. With that being said here is your cast for your redemptionronpa

Faye Warrington - Ultimate Detective: Victim 1 of the International Killing Game

Faye is our protagonist of the story as the first ever victim of a killing game, the friend or rival of Nick she is definitely one of the smartest of the people in this killing game. Hopefully this time round she lasts longer

Harry Goodman - Ultimate Striker: Killer 1 of the International Killing Game

Harry the killer of Faye has joined the party, his energetic nature will hopefully keep others from killing, despite his early killing, Harry hopes to prove himself in this next killing game

Zara Able - Ultimate Cosplayer: Killer 2 of the International Killing Game

Zara is the killer of Sophie, wishing to save all her friends from the killing game however it only left with her death. Zara is a helpful and kind person who always does her work

John Stone - Ultimate Writer: Victim 3 of the International Killing Game

John is the writer and a leader of his group, he was so willing to be helpful to his friends that he sacrificed his own life for the end of his motive

Ozan Miller - Ultimate Jazz Player: Victim 4 of the International Killing Game

Ozan is a calm and overall level headed person, he was effected by a motive which forced him to pass out however this caused him to die from a killer that even he wasn't sure of 

Chloe Lloyd - Ultimate Manager: Killer 4 of the International Killing Game

Chloe the none caring member who was Ozan's killer, a pure lack of motivation or anything of the sort. Will her past sins crawl on her back

Vicky Bawn - Ultimate Dater: Victim 2 of the Killing School Semester

Vicky the calm but sometimes overbearing girl, she was killed in a completely unfair motive that made it so even she didn't know who had killed her hopefully she can do more this time  

Lewis Cope - Ultimate Friend: Killer 2 of the Killing School Semester 

Lewis is a friend to all, but unfortunately he became a killer in a motive that was a complete bias against causing the most despair in all his friends, and even at the face of death he sacrificed himself for his friends  

Leary Atkinson - Ultimate Guardian: Victim 3 of the Killing School Semester

Leary a silent and protective member of the group she isn't all that good at interacting with people, she sacrificed herself as she felt her self worth made her put herself under others

Adam Edmanson - Ultimate Brawler: Killer 4 of the Killing School Semester 

Adam is quite the stoic member, he has a fairly important sense of justice, his punches are strong enough to kill as shown in the fact that he killed two people during the killing game  

James Powley - Ultimate Pervert: Victim 6 of the Killing School Semester 

James as his talent says can be quite perverted, during the killing game however he tried to resist his urges but due to a swap of bodies he couldn't handle it and with the help of another he moved the others to hope

Jill Powley - Ultimate Swimmer: Victim 1 of the Captives Killing Game

Jill is easily the most innocent member of the cast, not understanding a lot about the world. Being the first to die in her killing game due to selfish means of another sibling but this time he isn't here 

Derek Cooper - Ultimate Prankster: Victim 2 of the Captives Killing Game

Derek, despite his age, is quite playful and also very energetic. Derek has some enjoyment in pranking others especially those that are strict. His death happened as his killer got over emotional which showed his fate 

Sebastian Faulkner - Ultimate Artist (Hitman): Killer 3 of the Captives Killing Game

Sebastian is known as the Ultimate Hitman truly. He believes that he is better then others, which is due to his high upbringing when he killed Kathy, his killer saw this and in self defence killed him

Janet Carlton - Ultimate Teacher: Killer 5 of the Captives Killing Game

Janet is a fairly smart individual who thinks highly of herself, while very logically intelligent she certainly isn't emotionally intelligent. She killed to protect Vincent from becoming a blackened as he would be more helpful in her opinion  

Alice Bias - Ultimate General: Killer 6 of the Captives Killing Game

While technically not a killer, she was certainly treated like one. Punished for breaking the rules and known for her hatred of guys, she attempted to kill Charles to kill the traitor and then protected the survivors by becoming the last victim of the killing game

And that is the cast, hope you enjoy

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