Epsilon [Werewolf]

By JMiaDavies

207K 10K 3.4K

Kyra's life as a human is over. Turned into a werewolf against her will, she can only look to one Alpha for h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
[18+] Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
[18+] Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Sequel Published!

Chapter 38

2.1K 153 46
By JMiaDavies

Kyra P.O.V

The darkness was soothing. It cooled every inch of me, leaving icy kisses along the skin that once seared. My mind was no longer on fire; instead, it was a pool of water: calm and still. I was okay here, I was safe.

I was alive.

Sounds came out of the darkness -- warbled voices I couldn't quite discern. I paid them no heed, though. I just remained afloat the waters, allowing the cold to seep into my body, cooling my soul and my mind. It was a place where time didn't exist, and neither did I, really; I wanted to stay there forever.

Suddenly, something whipped out from the darkness, striking my core and leaving a dull heat in its wake. And then came the pain. Oh, god, the pain. It seeped from my core and spread to my extremities, radiating off my skin in burning waves. The calm waters around me began to heat up, and before long it was boiling.

I whimpered as the heat tore through, sending unbearable waves of pain through every inch of me. The voices became clearer -- louder -- and suddenly I could discern them.


I knew that voice. It was so familiar, yet so foreign, but something pulled me towards it. I was clinging to an imaginary rope, pulling myself against the rapids as they slammed and crashed, dragging me under. My muscles screamed in agony, but I had to get to the voice; I had to get out of here--

My eyes snapped open, a gasp ripping through me. White light seared my retinas, and for a fleeting moment I thought I was dead. I started to panic; I couldn't die, not yet, I wasn't ready--

"Kyra?" The voice was next to me now. I craned my neck, my heart calming as I spied a pair of familiar green eyes amid the white.

"Look at me, alright? You're okay."

I nodded, gawking towards the figure as my eyes struggled to adjust. I could soon make out his sharp features, his long red hair, and lean body. My lips quivered as pain and relief alike swelled within me.

"Zion?" I squeaked, my voice quiet even to my own ears. I couldn't see the male's expression as he launched forward, gathering me up in a hug. My body screamed in protest, but I didn't care; I was alive; I was here, with Zion, with someone I knew. Before I knew it, tears were streaming down my hot cheeks. I felt a wetness form on my chest. "You're okay," he repeated, more to himself than me. "You're okay..."

Zion's body shook, and despite myself, I became worried. "Lord Zion?" I rasped.

"Drop the damned lord," he stammered, and it took me a moment to realize the wetness on my chest was his tears. He held me as he shook with silent sobs. I simply closed my eyes and allowed myself to take in his heat, his comforting weight.

After a few moments, he pulled back, bloodshot eyes staring into mine. "We thought we'd lost you," he whispered, his voice quaking. I'd never seen him so upset before, and seeing this side of him felt almost illegal. He was a rock -- my rock, in many ways, and to see him breaking down like this...

He shook his head, covering his eyes with his hands. "Kyra, all the medics were so sure you wouldn't survive the Burnout. Your temperatures were through the roof and you were having seizures every hour. We really didn't think--"

He stopped himself. He was rambling, I knew that much, but my mind was mush and I couldn't process what he was saying. I just remained quiet as he wiped away the rest of the tears, giving me a weak smile.

"But you're here, and you're okay..."

I nodded, and it was only then that I was reminded of the searing pain in my body. I hissed, Zion jumping up immediately. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I assured him. It was only then when I realized I was in the infirmary. "Everything just hurts."

He helped me lay back down, grinning despite his blotched cheeks. "That's an easy fix -- I can get you some pain medication for that. Stay here."

Despite my pain and atrocious state, an amused smile broke out across my lips. Where else could I go in my state? Maybe Zion was more discombobulated than I originally thought.

As he turned to leave, a sudden thought occurred to me. "Wait," I started, going to sit up, but, remembering my pain, lay back down. "How are Azure and Raina? Are they okay?"

Zion nodded. "Yes, they're fine. They've come by to visit you, especially Azure -- well, more than you'd expect, anyway. But I guess it's what to expect after what happened -- there's something about fighting back-to-back that creates an unbreakable bond."

My eyes widened. Azure visited me? I didn't allow myself too long to ponder on what that could mean. "And Azriel?" I asked, swallowing. Pain flashed through Zion's eyes and my heart dropped. For a fleeting moment, I feared the worst.

"No, he's fine."

I blew out a breath of relief, a manic laugh escaping my chest.

"He's been here almost all day every day," he continued quietly. My laughter stopped. "He went back up to his room about an hour ago because he hasn't slept in three days. He's been by your side this whole time."

He paused, and I saw his throat bob. "He really cares about you, Kyra. He said he would like to see you as soon as you wake up -- when you would wake up."

Maybe it was my disorientated mind, but I could've sworn there was a certain pain to Zion's voice -- a tone of regret. Before I could question him any more, he was out of the room, muttering something about how Azriel would be overjoyed to see me. 


After Zion's brisk departure, Dr. Hershel returned minutes later with pain medication. My body still bleated with pain, but the aches were much less intense. After some help, I managed to get on my feet. I was dressed in a thin, white gown, hugging my sides like a simple dress. I dragged my black hair up in a ponytail to look at least half-presentable before I emerged into the hallways.

I noticed how a few people stopped to stare at me, their gazes ranging from awe-struck to sheepish to downright fearful. I paid them no heed; I just had to get to Azriel. 

I raced up the main stairs, taking a right instead of the usual left towards my room. I knew his quarters were located in one of the court's towers, specifically the one at the far-right, but who knew if I was headed in the right direction? I just had to hope my sense of direction was correct, even in my dulled state of mind.

Once I got to the bottom of the tower, I groaned. A set of spiral stairs stared me in the face. Of course, what had I expected? Sucking in a deep breath, I climbed up them, ignoring the dull ache of protest in my muscles.

I knew I'd arrived at the right place when I'd ended up in a small lobby, its black carpet fitting the black-painted door before me. Its handle was glossy gold, matching the gilded patterns that had been etched into the door, which upon closer inspection I realized were a bunch of tiny Alpha symbols. Whoever had crafted this must've had a very delicate hand.

I raised my hand to the door, hesitating. What if he was asleep? He had been awake for three days straight, after all, and not even a wolf could remain awake for so long. And it wasn't like I could just enter unannounced -- I mean, what if he was naked?

I found myself blushing at the thought, but I quickly shook it away. We'd been grinding on each other the other day; surely it wouldn't matter if I accidentally stumbled upon him undressed, right?

Sucking in a deep breath, I palmed the handle and twisted it, pushing the door open as quietly as I could.

As I'd expected, the room was lavish. Black hardwood floors were polished raw, and I could see my own sallow reflection staring back at me. A golden-laced rug was in the center, where two black velvet chairs sat before a golden accent table. Mahogany drawers and large bookshelves lined the room, stacked with books -- in fact, there were books lining almost every corner of the room. I never knew Azriel was into reading!

My eyes traveled forward, towards where a four-poster large bed stood. Its black satin covers bore close resemblance to Azriel's hair, the golden pillows matching the gossamer curtains that hung above every window. And, sitting upon the bed, with his head in his hands and his back hunched over, was Azriel.

"Go away, Zion," he muttered. His voice sounded heavy with defeat, and my heart dropped. "I'll go to bed soon, just--"


His head snapped up, and I had to resist the urge to flinch. He looked like a mess -- his eyes were bloodshot; and by the black bags under them, I could safely say he hadn't slept in days. He eyed me in disbelief, slowly getting to his feet. His pants were crinkled; his white shirt disheveled and hanging off his frame like rags. 

He stared at me as though I wasn't real, like I was a ghost that had come back to haunt him. His bottom lip quivered as he stood to approach me, his delicate fingers reaching out to caress my cheek. Electricity formed upon the contact, and I didn't resist the urge to lean my head into his palm.

"Kyra..." he breathed, before wrapping me in a tight hug. One of his hands laced through my hair, while the other tugged at my waist, pulling me closer. I felt his body shaking against mine, and if he hadn't drained himself of tears already, I assumed he may have cried. I was crying -- tears of relief. He's safe, I thought joyfully. He's alive. He's here.

"I thought I was going to lose you," he said, his voice so impossibly quiet that it almost broke my heart. I had never seen him so vulnerable. 

I swallowed the tightness in my throat, trying to sound light-hearted despite the tears in my own eyes. "Hey, I don't die so easily, do I?"

His body shook harder as he pulled me further into his embrace. I loved the feeling of his hard body against mine, the way our warmth mingled. I loved the way his hot breaths -- despite being jagged and uneven -- brushed against my neck.

After a few moments of silence, Azriel pulled back and kissed the top of my forehead, the tenderness of his gesture making my insides melt. "I love you, Kyra," he said, the words stealing the air from my lungs. "I love you, and I never thought I'd get to tell you. I thought you would go to your grave without ever knowing how much I loved you--"

He stopped himself, obviously fighting the tightness in his throat. His words warmed my heart, and new tears formed at my ducts. I tenderly grabbed his hand, elevating myself to my toes as I kissed his lips. They felt so full and soft against mine, so safe. I realized this was where I belonged: safe in his arms, beside him. With  him.

"I love you too, Azriel," I murmured, and I meant it. I'd loved him for a long time -- I just hadn't the spine to admit it. Azriel began to shake again, and within seconds I was tangled within another one of his tight hugs. He kissed the top of my hair, and I felt my knees go weak at the gesture. 

"I'm never letting you go, Kyra," he promised, gripping me tighter. "I'll never let you go that close to the edge -- never again."

And I believed him. In fact, I knew deep in my heart that he would keep me safe.

"I love you--" I felt his throat bob against my head. Silence ensued, and I waited for whatever words would leave his mouth next, for the next lull of his lovely voice. 

"-- my mate."

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