Assassins Creed

By eyez4dem

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In which a girl who just want to be more baddass stumbles into an all out karate war and a crazy love triangl... More

Mood boards
Let's Begin
First Learn Stand
Then Learn Fly
Kicks get Chicks
Party Time
The Fall
The Rise

Match Point

144 1 0
By eyez4dem

We are at practice, Kenny working with a dummy, when Robby speaks up "They think you and I are the biggest threat so we have the advantage of Ana over them. They haven't seen her fight so they will be in for a shock". Sensei Kreese and Silver walk in grabbing our attention. "We just had a little powwow with the senseis at miyagi-do. From here on out, there'll be no more fighting until the tournament" Silver explains. "So our enemies get to humiliate us and we have to back down and take it" Tory says speaking her mind.

"Of course not. We should always show our enemies no mercy" Kreese pipes up, "but there's a time to fight. No need to waste a punch if its not going to score a point. So if your enemies do something to mess with you or laugh in your face, good! Take all that anger and store it. You're gonna need it when the time comes. Is that understood?" Silver says. "Yes sensei" we responded.


I am walking through the halls to my locker. So far it's been a good day so far no miyagi-dos yet. I am on good terms with Hawk right now, he came to me and apologized profusely. He told me he didn't care if I was in cobra kai, that I was a nice person and he didn't want to mess up a friendship. I forgave him because I was never good at holding grudges.

I spot Hawk and walked up to him, "Hey Birdie and birdies friend" I greet as I open my locker which they were next to. "A-are you being nice to me?" his friend questioned making me sigh "look I know I was kind of harsh at the movies but my sister instincts kicked in so I didn't mean to come off like that" I semi apologized to him. "Uhm Ana I have something to tell you" Hawk spoke but I didn't hear him I was to engrossed in my phone texting Robby .

"Annie!" Hawk exclaimed trying to get her attention. She looked up and smiled at him the same smile that made his heart beat 10 times faster. "Yeah Birdie?" she questioned using her nickname for him. He looked over at Dmitri to make sure he was recording. The boy was confident that by the end of the day him an Anastasia would be dating, he didn't care that her friends hated him all he wanted was her. When he looked back down at Ana she wasn't paying attention her eyes glued to her phone smiling.

"Ana!" hawk exclaimed again making her look up and start talking, "sorry Hawk I was text Robby we-" Anastasia's explanation was cut off by hawk bring her lips into a kiss. Ana pulled away quickly and slapped him, "What the hell is wrong with you!" she yelled before storming away. Hawk at a loss for words looked to Dmitri who spoke "would this be a bad time to tell you I posted the kiss on my story" he piped before scurrying away.


It's my last period so I'm at cheer practice. I have avoided Hawk all day, how could he kiss me! Granted he didn't know me and Robby were together but you still can't just kiss someone. I have been thinking on how to tell Robby all day. He's driving my car and he has to pick me up to go to practice so I guess I'll tell him then. "Ana come on we have to start the stunt" Moon called for me.

I was in the middle of a prep when I saw Robby angrily storm in the field looking around. He spotted me and started walking towards me. "We need to talk" he said, "Okay but give me a sec kinda doing something here" I told him referring to me being in the air. "Now please" he said not really asking "Ok ok, girls cradle please" I asked them. They tossed me in the air and I did a spiral heel touch before landing in their arms "thanks girls umm take 5" I told them before walking up to Robby.

"What's up?", "What's up? what's up is this picture" Robby said shoving his phone in my face. On the screen was a picture of Hawk kissing me. "It's not what you think. Hawk kissed me I pushed him off and slapped him. I would never cheat on you or do anything to hurt you Rob"I told him holding his hands, he sighed "I know I know it just that when I saw that picture I panicked, I didn't want to lose you" he explained looking to his shoes. I lifted his chin up with my finger pulling him into a kiss. Pulling away I smiled at him but my eyes caught something over Robby's shoulder Hawk was walking towards me, fast.

Robby turned to see what I was looking at and if looks could kill Hawk would be six feet under. "You got a lot of nerve coming here keene" Hawk said getting in Robby's face, Robby chuckled sarcastically before responding "If you ever come near my girlfriend again I'll give you another scar to match your lip". "ENOUGH!!" I yelled before continuing "I'm tired of the bullshit you guys are bickering like 5 year olds. You're juniors for god's sake grow up. This whole rivalry is petty and isn't going to matter when we are 18 so just stop." I huff before walking away back to the team.


Sensei silver has us kicking while he gives he speech. "Arms out. Attention. Chae-ryut. Kyun-Nae. Dismissed ." Silver instructs dismissing us. "Second sensei's working us hard today. Guy's going beast mode. Sucks we can't give a beat down before the tournament." Kyler said making Robby respond "Just because we can't fight doesn't mean we can't get payback" Robby thought aloud smirking.

"Well you can count me and Kenny out for that" I say taking a sip of my water while Tory started complaining "Ana revenge won't be as fun without you". Kyler decided to add on some complaints "come on Assassin Tory's right everything's more fun with you" he said picking me up by the waist and spinning me around making me giggle. Over the course of month Kyler got less annoying and more fun to hang around, we basically became like siblings always picking with each other.

After he put me down Robby pulled me into his side wrapping his arms around me. I noticed Robby became more touchy after the Hawk situation but I didn't mind. Speaking of hawk I forgave hum again but I haven't told Robby yet. "Guys we can't me and Kenny have a whole day of sister and brother activities planned" I told them to which they boo'd. "I'm sorry but we have tickets". "It's ok killer we'll fill you in" Robby said leaning down to kiss me which I happily let him. "How long is it going to take for them to notice we are still here?" Tory asked to anyone. "Hey, you're lucky at least you weren't there when they first got together. My poor eyes" Kenny cried making me pull away from Robby who whined but I just hushed him.

"You are so dramatic Ken it wasn't that bad" I told him leaning back on Robby who wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer. "Wasn't that bad? It wasn't that bad?" Kenny questioned sarcastically to which I nodded "You got out of your seat to climb on his lap. You completely forgot I was in the car." he exclaimed. "Whatever but we gotta go. Bye guys I called to my friends before turning to Robby "Stop by my house later?" I asked him to which he nodded. I pulled him into quick kiss before running out the dojo getting in the car and pulling off.


After the game I dropped Kenny off and now I am currently sitting in my living room waiting for Robby when the doorbell rung. Thinking it was Robby I hopped up and ran opening the door but instead of seeing my boyfriend I was met with a teary eyed hawk. "Hey what's wrong I asked him" wondering why he was here and why he was crying. He pulled down his hoodie and I audibly gasped. His used to be mohawk was completely chopped off with the ends sticking up telling me he didn't do this himself. "Who did this to you?" I asked bringing him into a hug. Right before he answered Robby walked up my driveway and the looks on both of their faces told me everything I needed to know

"I'm gonna go Annie" Hawk said "Yeah I think that would be a good idea" Robby said roughly, hawk just shook his head and walked away. "What the hell was that? Why was he here Ana?" Robby questioned me as we walked in the house making me stop in my tracks and turn around death glaring him. "You don't get to ask questions I ask the question now sit down" I say hardly and Robby does exactly that never actually seeing me this angry. "Why did you do that to hawk?" I asked sitting down. "He betrayed cobra kai" Robby said lying.

"Bullshit! You and I both know you don't care about that so tell me the truth." I say getting tired of him stalling "Fine you really wanna know why I did it. He was trying to steal you from me. First he kissed you and you just forgave him so easily, he was trying to worm his way into your heart. Oh yeah and guess what when we visited him today he was about to text you. Yeah he was asking you to prom. He was trying to steal you and it felt like it was working" he explained telling me everything.

Without hesitation I pulled him towards me into a passionate kiss. This kiss wasn't like the others. This kiss was filled with love, we poured all of our emotions, everything into this kiss. Pulling away breathing heavily I stared into his eyes before laughing quietly. "I am still mad at you. You shouldn't have done that to hawk but you also should've told me how you were feeling. You don't have to worry about anyone stealing me away, can't get rid of me that easily" I reassured him. "God I love you Anastasia Creed" he said "and I love you Robby Keene" I smile kissing him again.

Demi Speaks
Ahhhh we are halfway through the season
I have a question guys
Do you mind if I change the all valley tournament winners.
I have an idea but not everything is going to change.
Well you'll see anyways
Bye lovely's ❤️‍🩹

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