Crimson Eyes

Von zenki_ross

464K 28.8K 8.2K

What if there's no Kim Rok Soo? It's a story of the Trash Og!Cale who can see a glimpse of the future. Heavy... Mehr

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Not a chapter
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 25

8.8K 640 259
Von zenki_ross

The night was quiet and peaceful. Fragrance of a high quality tea lingered the office of the Crowned Prince. The sound of the quill scathing the parchment paper filled the room. It was another normal sleepless night for Alberu Crossman. The load of paper works compiled on his table made him sigh. He needs to finish his work before the sun comes or he'll end up building a paper tower inside his office.

"Minimized damage my ass..." He whispered to himself. The report made on the meeting earlier was absolute bullshit to him. It wasn't minimized at all. The thunder that the red haired created made a giant crack on the ground and the Palace of Joy. It will take for at least 3 months for everything to be fixed.

Alberu leaned on his chair and stretched his arms out letting out a faint groan. "So, how long do you plan to hide there?" He went back to his paper works.

"You knew I was here." It was Choi Han who came entered the room holding his blood covered sword. He had been standing outside the office for 10 minutes looking for the right time to attack the Crowned Prince.

Alberu brushed the strand of hair on his face back with his hand. "So, what's up? I hope you didn't killed my guard?" Alberu looked up smiling gently.

"I just put him into sleep." Choi Han didn't returned the smile and approached Alberu slamming his hands on the table.

"Hmm? Do you plan to help me on my work?"

Choi Han glared at the prince and pointed his blade at his neck. Alberu sighed and closed the door with his magic.

"You came unannounced and now you're pointing your blade at the soon to be King? You could be sentenced for death you know." The Crowned Prince's blue eyes glowed in mockery.

"Shut up, I already did what you asked me for. Now clear his name." His teeth grit in anger.

Alberu clapped. "You sure they're dead?"

"You talk as if it's the first time you made me clean your mess." Choi Han took back his sword with a smooth flawless move.

Ever since Choi Han got out of the Forest of Darkness, he accidentally met Alberu surrounded by bandits. Although he could have taken care of it easily, the black haired punk suddenly appeared slashing necks. Since then, Choi Han would kill someone as long as Alberu provide him a reason to in exchange for secretly supporting Harris Village.

"It's not my mess. They're the dirty ones. Sigh, like what kind of shit head sells mages nowadays? And in my country?Aren't they scared of me?" Alberu massaged his temples. He had been secretly cleaning Roan Kingdom thoroughly, but it was hard moving by himself, then he met Choi Han.

"What will you do to them now?" Choi Han asked as he sat on the couch grabbing a piece of cookie on the table.

Alberu grabbed another pile of paper. "What else? Shelter them. They're the people of my country after all." It was haft true. The other truth was he needs more mage's for an upcoming war. With the information Taylor Stan had provided him in exchange for healing his feet wasn't put into vain at all.

Choi Han smiled with satisfaction. "About Cale-nim," he grabbed another cookie. "How can you clear his name?"

Alberu frowned at Choi Han. "It was obviously just for show. We just need to put those nobles to their place. I already forged an evidence to prove Cale's innocence." Alberu yawned and stared at the grandfather clock. It was already 2 in the morning.

"Are you going to use him too?" The black haired man stood up. If the crowned prince would have the same objectives as the princess, he wouldn't hesitate to kill him right now. Although he knows that Alberu is also strong, he's confident that he can win. But he wouldn't be able to leave the room without any severe injuries.

Alberu placed his hand on the table and formed a pyramid and crossed his legs. "Do you think I'm crazy?"

"Yes I do."

"Anyway, I don't need Cale Henituse in my wing. I already have you, aren't you happy that you're special?" Choi Han glared at Alberu. "I'm just returning the favors. His mother helped me when I was a child. You know, the queen died giving birth to me so it was normal that I'd be abandoned. But Jour did something and father was forced to acknowledge me. I don't think he regrets doing it tho," Alberu laughed at his own joke. "So I'm just helping back. I don't like owning favors." It was the truth. Alberu was just very thankful that's why he pointed his own sword at his father that if he dare touch Cale, he'd have to hand his throne to him by force. And also, Cale Henituse caught his attention now. He's curious about Cale. Setting that aside, he wants nothing else.

Choi Han nodded in understanding. He sat down and shoved another cookie down his mouth and later helped the Crowned Prince with his paper works.


It was pitch black and his feet hurts from walking barefooted with his eyes closed. He was tired of everything. No more reason to live and continue. There's nothing for him to do except take care of baby dragon's go thru their first growth phase.

"Human! Human wake up! I'm going to destroy the world!" A faint cry of a child made him look up. It was too loud but quite. There's a ball of bright light ahead of him. He didn't even tried to hide, he just approached the source of the annoying sound.

"WHO'S IN THERE?!" The child shouted. The man was still 50 meters away but it sensed him, he was surprised.

"Lower your voice child, what are you doing in here..."

Two cats baring their fangs met his gaze then a flying black dragon he had never seen before stared at him with hostility.
Then the look disappeared.

"You're a dragon too gramps?" The white haired man couldn't help but scoff at the black dragon. 'Gramps? I don't look old in my human form tho?'

The two cats exchanged looks and seemed to calm down.

His eyes landed on a certain person wrapped in a cape emitting a strange familiar aura with pale hand and a few red hair stands sticking. His face was covered with cape but there's a visible amount of blood dripping out his mouth. His hands have a speck of ice and are trembling slightly.

"Please help my human, he's so cold my magic isn't helping. If he dies I'm going to destroy the world!" The dragon shouted and tears started to dripping out it's giant blue eyes as it flew around him. The white haired looked at the dragon and just stood there trying to analyze the strange situation.

The silver furred cat transformed into a human girl with dark silver hair and bright yellow eyes and  proceeded to hug the caped man.

"Raon let's hug him! Cale-nim told us before that body contact can help in cold situations!"

The white haired man furrowed his eyes brows at the name. "Cale...?"

The dragon sobbed loudly and lugged at his human sending his hood off.

Eruhaben fell on his butt.


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