[OLD] Luna Mew Light Johto Jo...

By EleftheriaYuyaCielo

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Xx BOOK 2: Sequel to 'Luna Mew Light Kanto Journey' Xx Xх Second FanFiction Story! хX Luna Mew Light is a you... More

Prologue: Before Johto
Character Profile
Chapter 1: Johto Starters and Meeting Casey
Chapter 2: Forest. Cherrygrove and Castallia City!
Chapter 3: Capturing Chikorita! Primo and Violet Gym!
Chapter 4: Meet Cyndaquil and Kurt. Azalea Gym Battle!
Chapter 5: The Pond, Houndour and Pokémon Swap Meet!
Chapter 6: Noctowl, Savage Skarmory and Len Town
Chapter 7: Tyrogues Evolutions, Goldenrod City and Pokéathlon
Chapter 8: Bug Catching Contest! The Dojo and The Wannabe Trainer
Chapter 10: The Burned Tower History and Ecruteak City Gym!
Chapter 11: Meeting Todd Again and Articuno!
Chapter 12: The Naughty Murkrow Thief! The Dunsparce Swarm! Brock is Sick?!
Chapter 13: A Sumo Competition? Electric Company. A Cunning Smergle and Kecleon?
Chapter 14: The Light House! Shuckle Group and Cianwood Gym!
Chapter 15: Whirl Islands Adventures Start!
Chapter 16: The Water Pokémon Poachers?! The Wild Corsola! The Silver Wing!
Chapter 17: The Whirl Cup Competition Begins!
Chapter 18: Lugia's Arc
Chapter 19: Tomo 10th Birthday! The Aircraft? Back to Olivine Gym!
Chapter 20: Meeting Ho-Oh and The Three Legendary Beasts Face-to-Face!
Chapter 21: The Extreme Pokémon Race! Meet Phanpy! The Loyal Ninetails!
Chapter 22: Johto Champion Lance and The Red Gyarados Rage!
Chapter 23: The Lost Piloswine! Mahogany Gym!
Chapter 24: The Dragon's Den! Blackthorn Gym! Wynaut?
Chapter 25: Larvitar. The Unown? The Pokémon Reserve.
Chapter 26: Meeting Harrison. The Johto League Torch!
Pokémon List Update
Chapter 27: The Silver Confernce Begins!
Chapter 28: The Last Two Final Matches of the Silver Conference!
Chapter 29: Separation and Back to Pallet Town!

Chapter 9: Fishing Contest! Beauty Contest! Grass Pokémon Tournament!

6K 98 26
By EleftheriaYuyaCielo

Today the gang were at a stream and Misty was training her Goldeen.

Misty hardly had that much chance to train Goldeen, because usually she had been in towns, cities and other places that didn't have any places for the Goldeen to swim about it.

Misty's Goldeen was actually quite strong for a fish type Pokémon, she battled really well in the water and she knew many moves: peck, horn attack, fury attack, flail, water fall, ice beam, agility, supersonic, horn drill, aqua ring, mega horn and poison jab. She also had the egg move hydro pump. So even though Misty's Goldeen didn't look much, she was a good battler.

Suddenly Goldeen start to glow and then she evolved into a large, orange, fish-like Pokémon. It has billowing caudal and pectoral fins, all of which are white specked with black. However, its dorsal fin is pure white and rigid. It has round, dark eyes, prominent pink lips, and small fangs, as well as a horn in the center of its forehead.

"Wow Seaking," said Misty, "you look more magnificent than ever."

"I've got to say Misty," said Brock, "all of your water Pokémon are looking greater every time you train them."

"Thanks Brock and I am proud of all of them." Misty said. Right now she had Staryu, Totodile, Seaking and her two Poliwhirls.

"Are you going to evolve your two Poliwhirls into Politoeds when they are more experience?" Luna asked.

"That is correct Lu." Misty replied, "I need to train them some more."

Suddenly a Poliwrath came out of nowhere and punched one of Misty's Poliwhirl really hard.

"Hey what did you do that for?" Misty demanded, tending to her Poliwhirl.

"Because that Poliwhirl of yours is a wimp." A voice said. The voice belonged to a boy, with blue-green hair, and he was carrying a fishing rod.

"How dare you call my Poliwhirl a wimp!" Misty shouted.

"Well it is your wimp," said the boy, "and so are your other Poliwhirl, your Staryu and your Totodile. None of them have evolved yet."

"Hey just because they hadn't evolved, that does not mean that they aren't great Pokémon." Luna said, "And plus you have no right to what so ever to judge a trainers like that."

Pichu had sparks coming out of her cheeks.

"That's right." Brock said, "Pokémon can be strong even without evolving."

"Whatever." The boy scoffed. Apparently he was one of those trainers that believe that Pokémon are only strong when they evolve.

Misty wanted to battle him, but the boy said he had business to do and walked off with is Poliwrath.

"That little brat!" Misty growled.

"He's a jerk!" Tomo shouted.

Luna and Brock agreed.

The gang were just about to walk down a road, when they noticed a lot of people with fishing rods.

"I wonder what's going on." Luna said.

Luna asked one of the fishermen what was up with all the trainers.

"The Seaking catching contest is on today." The fisherman said.

"Seaking catching contest huh?" Luna said, "That sounds interesting, let's check it out."

Tomo, Misty and Brock agreed to that idea.

The Seaking competition was held at a gigantic lake and lots of people, with fishing rods, were there.

A man, who was in charge, explained the rules:
1. Those who were entering the competition needed to use only one Pokémon to help the fisherman catch the biggest Seaking they could find.
2. They could use any rod, reel, lure and bait they wanted to.
3. They only used one PokéBall called a lake ball to catch the Seaking. The Lake Ball was a green, blue, white and yellow PokéBall.
4. After the time was up they all had to have their Seaking weighed to see who wins.

Luna thought that this was nearly a bit like the bug catching contest, but different.

The first prize was a gold trophy and lots of chocolate bars.

Just then they saw the rude Poliwrath trainer, which they met earlier.

Apparently the trainer's name was Andreas and he had won the Seaking catching competition lots of times before.

Misty wasn't impressed, she was still angry at him for insulting her Poliwhirls, "I'm going to defeat him in this Seaking catching competition," she said, "I have been fishing ever since I learnt to walk. And I am going to make that brat pay for insulting my Pokémon."

Misty signed up with one of her Poliwhirls at once.

Luna, Brock and Tomo decided to just watch Misty compete in the competition.

Luna didn't want to enter it because she wanted a bit of a break.

They found a motor boat, got their rods ready and soon it was time for the competition to start.

Brock drove the motor boat to a fishing spot by Misty's direction.

Misty knew exactly where the perfects spots for fishing were, having to have fished millions of times in the past.

Misty had not caught anything yet, fishing always took time.

Andreas had caught a big Seaking, but he let it go again.

What Andreas did was that after catching a Seaking, he would release it and go after another Seaking but bigger.

Misty wasn't willing to give up, she was desperate to defeat Andreas.

Some moments later the gang moved the boat to a different spot to fish.

Misty said that the wind was perking up and that meant the Seaking would be swimming to a different spot in the lake.

Just then Andreas hooked and caught a massive Seaking and kept it, knowing that it would win him the competition.

Misty decided that it was now time for her to use her secret weapon lure; one of her four Misty lures.

The Misty lures were lures that Misty created herself and they looked like her only smaller and with a different decoration.

One lure had Misty holding out ten fingers, another looked like a normal lure, but with Misty's head on it, the third lure had Misty wearing a cape and the last one had Misty doing a peace sign.

After placing a Misty lure on her rod, Misty threw the line into the lake again.

This time she hooked up a massive Seaking.

With Poliwhirl's help, Misty caught it with her Lake Ball and decided to stick with it.

Soon it was time up for catching a Seaking.

Those who captured a Seaking had their Seaking weighed to see whose was biggest.

Those who failed to catch a Seaking got a medal, with a picture of a Seaking on it.

The final result was both Misty and Andreas got the biggest Seaking at 55kg.

According to the rules; if two fishermen get the biggest Seaking that weights the same, they would have to face each other in a Pokémon battle with the Pokémon they registered with.

That meant Misty would have to defeat Andreas and his Poliwrath, with her Poliwhirl, to win the Seaking catching competition.

The battle took place on a water battle field on the lake, Misty's Poliwhirl and Andreas' Poliwrath got ready to battle.

"I hope Misty will be all right with this," said Brock, "her Poliwrath is facing one of its final evolved forms and Poliwrath is part fighting type as well."

"Misty will be fine Brock," Luna reassured Brock, "don't forget she is a Gym Leader of Cerulean Gym."

The Pokémon battle soon began.

Misty started off by telling Poliwhirl to use bubble.

Andreas told his Poliwrath to dodge the bubbles and use submission. Poliwrath rolled towards Poliwhirl and hit him hard.

Poliwhirl did get a lot of damage, but he didn't want to get up just yet. He remembered when Andreas and Poliwrath picked on him, his trainer and his other Pokémon friends this morning and wanted payback.

"Poliwhirl use mega punch." Misty said. Poliwhirl jumped up and punched Poliwrath really hard. "Now use double slap Poliwhirl." Poliwhirl slapped Poliwrath lots of times. Andreas told his Poliwrath to use mega punch. Poliwhirl easily dodged Poliwrath's punches.

"Oh, I think Poliwrath may be in trouble Brock." Luna said.

"I think so too," said Brock, "Poliwhirl may be Poliwrath's pre-evolved form, but Misty has trained her Pokémon well."

"I think Misty is going to win." Tomo said.

Tomo was right, Misty told her Poliwhirl to use water gun and not only did Poliwrath got blasted into the lake, but it fainted too. So Misty won the Seaking catching competition and got the golden trophy and lots of chocolate bars.

Andreas congratulated Misty and apologized for calling her Pokémon wimps.

Misty sent her golden trophy to Cerulean gym and some chocolate bars to her sisters.

Misty also sent bars of chocolate to Brock's family, to Julia, to Professor Oak and Tracey and kept some for herself, Luna, Tomo and Brock.

So today was a good day for Misty.


Today the gang were relaxing at a Pokémon Centre in a town called Bonitaville.

Brock was on a computer checking his email account, while Luna, Tomo and Misty here having ice creams.

"Brock checks his emails every time we enter a Pokémon Centre." Misty said.

"Yeah, it seems that he's eager to get an email from someone, but who?" Luna said.

"I don't know," replied Misty, "I don't think the email would be from his family because Brock prefers contacting them by phone. So I guess we will have to wait and see who the email will be from."

Just then Brock said that he finally got an email from Suzy.

"Do you mean the Suzy, who gave you Vulpix Brock?" Misty said.

"Yes she's entering in a contest that's being held here in Bonitaville today," Brock said, "and she needs a Pokémon for it. Come on guys it's time to go."

Tomo asked Luna who Suzy was and Luna explained that Suzy was a Pokémon Breeder and how she gave her Vulpix to Brock.

The gang left the Pokémon Centre and went to find Suzy.

When the gang walked through the town to find Suzy, they noticed a lot of trainers with Pokémon all looking stylish.

Some Pokémon had fancy make up on; some had jewellery and ribbons on, some had cool looking decorations on and some had very well brushed fur.

"Wow look at all of these stylish Pokémon," Misty said, "they must all be entering the contest."

"Seems to me that Suzy has some tough competition here." Luna said.

Brock, who had changed into a white tuxedo to look smart for Suzy, was looking for Suzy. He was carrying Vulpix in his arms, Suzy was going to enter the contest with Vulpix.

"Hey Brock." Luna said, "What's going to happen to Vulpix once we see Suzy again? I mean are you still going to keep Vulpix?"

"I'll be returning Vulpix to Suzy Luna," said Brock, "don't forget Vulpix never truly belonged to me in the first place. And I always knew that I would to have to return Vulpix to Suzy one day. So I have decided to return Vulpix to her today."

Luna, Tomo and Misty understood.

Just then Vulpix jumped out of Brock's arms and started to run off.

"Hey Vulpix, where are you going?" Brock said running after it.

Vulpix jumped into a woman's arms; it was Suzy!

"Oh Vulpix!" said Suzy, "I'm happy to see you again."

Luna and Misty saw Suzy and said hello to her.

"It's been a long time Luna, Misty." Suzy greeted back.

Luna introduced Tomo to her.

Brock said hello to Suzy and gave her the roses.

"Thank you Brock," said Suzy, "and I thank you for taking care of Vulpix. I can tell that you have taken care of her well."

"It was my pleasure Suzy." Brock said.

A young man, with brown hair, walked up to Suzy. "Hey Suzy," he said, "I look forward of going against you in this beauty contest."

"Same with you Zane." Suzy said.

Suzy introduced the gang to Zane, who had been her friend ever since nursery school.

"Ever since nursery school, Suzy and I have both dreamt of becoming breeders," said Zane, "and we both got a Vulpix for our starter Pokemon. I decided to evolve my Vulpix into a Ninetails some time ago."

"Seems to me Suzy that you and Zane have a lot in common." Misty commented.

"We do," Suzy replied, "but we also have a lot of disagreements. Truth is Zane cares about a Pokémon's beauty on the outside, and I care about a Pokémon's beauty on the inside."

"You certainly haven't changed at all Suzy," Zane said, "well Ninetails better go now and get ready. Good luck in the contest Suzy." Then he left with his Ninetails.

"Zane hasn't changed either," Suzy said, "even though he likes competing against me, he is still really nice."

Brock looked carefully at Suzy, he had a feeling that Suzy and Zane had feelings for each other.

Soon the beauty contest was about to start. Luna, Tomo and Misty took their seats in the audience section.

"What number is Brock and Suzy Mist?" Luna asked Misty.

Misty had a schedule program of the beauty contest in her hands and looked through it. "It says here that Suzy and Brock are number 37," she said, "and it says that Zane is after them."

"This is going to be tough for Brock, Suzy and Zane." Luna said.

"I feel nervous, even though this contest hasn't even started yet." Tomo said.

Brock, Suzy and Zane were waiting in the waiting room back stage for their turn.

Brock and Suzy were brushing Vulpix's fur.

"I thank you for letting me take part in this contest with you and Vulpix Suzy." Brock said.

"It's my pleasure Brock," Suzy said with a smile, "besides I also thank you for being here with me."

Zane was looking at Brock and Suzy, with a kind of jealous look on his face. The truth is he liked Suzy and he felt jealous of Brock being near her. But he didn't want to admit his feelings yet.

Just then two people in white jackets entered the room.

They introduced themselves as Pokémon doctors and asked everyone to give them their Pokémon, so they could be checked before going on stage.

"That's strange," said Suzy, "nobody told us anything about this."

"Something about this doesn't feel right." Brock said.

The doctors led all the Pokémon out of the waiting room to another room.

The trainers wanted to be with their Pokémon, but the doctors wouldn't let them and just left with the Pokémon.

The truth is the so called doctors were actually Team Rocket and they actually led the Pokémon into a big metal container.

Their plan was stealing all the Pokémon at the beauty contest.

"This plan of yours was a great idea Meowth." Jessie said.

"Of course, I always come up with great ideas." Meowth boasted.

"Who ever thought that there would be so many Pokémon at this beauty contest?" James said.

"Geniuses like us of course." Meowth replied.

"Come on," said Jessie, "let's make our way with this Pokémon, before anyone finds out."

They attached the container to their balloon and got their balloon ready to make a getaway.

Meanwhile the beauty contest had just started, but no contestants were coming on the stage.

"That's funny," said Misty, "the contestants should have been coming on stage by now."

"Maybe something happened in the waiting room," Luna said, "let's go see."

Luna, Misty and Tomo left their seats to find out what was going on.

Once they reached the waiting room, they noticed that the door was locked.

Luna knocked on the door. "Brock, are you in there? This door is locked. What happened?" She asked.

"Luna is that you?" replied Brock, "get us out of here."

Luna unlocked the door and all the trainers came out.

"Where are those two doctors?" Zane asked, "they've got our Pokémon."

Suzy explained to Luna, Misty and Tomo about two doctors taking their Pokémon for a check-up.

"Something about that does not feel right to me." Misty frown.

Tomo's Growlithe began to bark and was looking up in the sky.

"It's Team Rocket's balloon!" Tomo shouted.

"Tomo's right," said Misty, "it is their balloon."

"I should have known." Brock said angrily.

Brock called out his Geodude and ordered Geodude to use rock blast at the balloon. Geodude's body glowed white, then white rocks appeared in front of Geodude and then Geodude fired the rocks at the balloon.

The balloon burst easily from the rocks and both the balloon and the big container landed on the ground.

"What happened?" James asked.

"I don't know, but someone is messing with our plan." Jessie said.

"You're right about that Team Rocket." Brock replied.

Team Rocket noticed the gang and all the trainers in front of them.

"I should have known that you would ruin our plan twerps!" Jessie growled.

"Team Rocket," growled Brock, "you're not taking the pokemon anywhere. Geodude set the pokemon free from the container." Geodude used rock smash to break the lock on the container and freed the Pokémon.

Suzy, Zane and the other trainers were happy to have their Pokémon back.

"Grrr you twerps always get in our way!" Jessie growled.

"Team Rocket, if you think that you are going to ruin this beauty contest for breeders you are so wrong." Brock said.

Geodude waved his arms into the air and roared, when suddenly he began to glow. Geodude evolved into a Graveler.

"That's great Graveler," Brock said, "now it's time to teach you a lesson Team Rocket."

"You teach us?" said Jessie, "forget it twerp. Just because your Geodude evolved does not mean you will defeat us." She sent out her Cloyster and James sent out Victreebel.

Luna was about to send Pichu out to help brock, but Suzy and Zane stopped her.

"Well handle this Luna," said Zane, "they are a disgrace to those who work with Pokémon, so we intend to teach them a lesson."

Together Suzy and Zane sent Team Rocket flying, by having Vulpix and Ninetails use fire spin attack together.

Team Rocket was flown away by a big fiery cyclone.

With Team Rocket gone, the beauty contest was now right back on schedule.

Luna, Tomo and Misty were in the waiting room with Brock, Suzy and Zane.

"I thought that both Vulpix and Ninetails were wonderful in that battle with Team Rocket." Misty said.

"Yeah their double fire spin attack was amazing." Luna commented.

"Thank you Luna and Misty." Suzy said.

"You know Suzy, I've been thinking," said Zane, "I've been thinking about you and me opening up Pokémon a beauty salon together."

"I like that idea," said Misty, "I mean Suzy can work on a pokemon's beauty on the inside and Zane can worn on a Pokémon's beauty on the outside. That will be a great combination."

"Yeah go for it," Luna said, "besides I believe that you and Zane will make a great team together Suzy."

Tomo and Brock thought that it would be a great idea too. Suzy agreed to Zane's idea too.

So it was arranged. Suzy and Zane agreed to open up a Pokémon beauty salon to work on a Pokémon's beauty inside and out.

Brock gave Suzy Vulpix's pokeball back to her, meaning Vulpix was now Suzy's Pokémon again.

After the beauty contest was finished with, the gang bid farewell to Suzy, Zane and Vulpix and left on their journey again.


Today the gang were finally getting near to Ecruteak City.

"I'll be glad to get to Ecruteak City." Mosty said, "I'll be able to have a good rest in a nice warm bed at last."

"I can't wait to battle the gym." Luna said excitedly. Just then Luna remembered about Bugsy telling her about Morty the gym leader of Ecruteak City. "Since Bugsy told me that the Ecruteak Gym leader Morty studies Legendary Pokémon, how do you think he would react if I showed him my Arashi?"

"Well he would be very surprised," Brock said, "besides it's not every day that you see a trainer with a Lugia."

"Are you going to show Lugia to Morty Luna." Misty said. "Along with your other legendary as well."

"Bugsy said that he would tell Morty about my Lugia, so it's best that I do show him my Arashi." Luna said, "And about my other ones I'm not sure yet."

Tomo suddenly saw some grass Pokémon not far from where they were standing.

"Wow look at the Sunflora, Bellsprout, Oddish and Gloom." Misty said.

"The guide book says that many grass pokemon live around here" said Brock.

A plant Pokémon that has a round, green body with stubby arms, feet, and tail. It has large, flat ears on the sides of its head and oval, red eyes with no pupils. On top of its head is a yellow bloom with a white centre, ran past them.

"That's a Skiploom." Luna said.

Skiploom, the Cottonweed Pokémon.
The evolved form of Hoppip. The bloom on top of its head open and closes as the temperature fluctuates up and down.

The Skiploom ran towards a boy, with navy blue hair. "Hey Skippy," the boy said, "your speed is getting better."

"Hey is that Skiploom yours?" Luna asked the boy.

"Yes Skippy here is mine and it's also my starter Pokémon." Th boy said.

The boy introduced himself as Ephraim and the gang introduced themselves.

Ephraim asked Luna if she had any grass Pokémon with her.

"Yes I have a Bayleef and a Bulbasaur with me." Luna answered.

"Then I would like to have a battle with you and your Bulbasaur." Ephraim said.

Luna galdly accepted and sent out Bulbasaur from her PokéBall.

Luna and Ephraim got ready to battle at once.

"Skippy tackle Bulbasaur." Ephraim said. Skippy charged at Bulbasaur to tackle her, but Luna told Hana to counter with her tackle attack. Skippy got knocked back by Flora.

"Sorry Ephraim, but Flora is no pushover when it comes to battling." Luna said. "And just like her father, she's is not an easy opponent."

Ephraim thought that Luna was good, but it didn't make him give up. "Use double team Skippy." Skippy multiplied itself and surrounded Flora.

"Use razor leaf Flora." Luna said. Flora flung some leaves at Skippy and the leaves hit the real Skippy, ending the double team. "Okay use secret power." Flora glowed pink and then she tackled Skippy.

Skippy fell asleep, "Since this is a grassy area, Bulbasaur's secret power has made the Skiploom fall asleep." Brock said, "But when did Luna get another Bulbasaur?" Tomo and Misty wonder that too. If they remember correctly she only has 2 Venusaur.

Luna saw that Skippy had enough and stopped the match and recalled Flora.

Ephraim checked to see if Skippy was alright and Brock gave Skippy a potion to get better.

"I must say Luna, your Bulbasaur is strong." Ephraim said.

"Thanks I train all my Pokémon nearly every day." Luna said, "And they even train themselves with the help of my other Pokémon's."

"Luna does actually we watch her train all the time." Misty said, "But Lu."

"Yes Mist?"

"Where or when did you get a Bulbasaur exactly?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm wondering about that too Luna/ Big sis." Brock and Tomo said.

"It's actually Venusaur and Vena youngest child." Luna answered. "They started to mate when we started out Johto journey. The eggs hatched about 2 months ago. Venusaur and Vena was training them for a while before I could use them for battles."

"What?!" Misty, Brock, Tomo shouted together in shock. "No way!"

"Wait you said it's youngest." Brock said and Luna nodded, "How many Pokémon eggs then?"

"3 eggs. The oldest one is the brother of her a Shiny Bulbasaur and the second one is also her brother but it's a normal Bulbasaur." Luna said, "Same with my Blastoise and Blasta, Charizard and Chara they all have 3 childern." She finished with a happy smile.

"Unbelievable." Misty said.

"Yeah and now the ranch is lively." Brock said. "With baby Pokémon's running around."

"Aww, I can't wait to see them when we get back." Tomo said.

After that little talk about her Pokémon. Ephraim then asked the gang if they would like to come to his house, and the gang agreed.

Ephraim lived on a farm with his parents and with some grass Pokémon.

There were two Sunfloras, two Bellossoms, two Glooms and two Hoppips.

"Wow from the look of it I would say that you and your family love grass Pokémon." Brock said.

"We do and the grass Pokémon help us a lot on the farm." Ephraim said.

Luna smiled, "Same with my mum Pokémon. They are mostly, grass, bugs and water Pokémon." She said, "Their great in the garden."

Ephraim introduced the gang to his parents and his parents greeted the gang.

The gang had lunch with Ephraim and his family and his parents explained that their grass helped their flowers grow very beautifully.

Luna, Brock, Misty and Tomo smiled, remembering Julia's garden it was like a forest and garden for Pokémon to live now.

"I take it you wish to become a grass Pokémon trainer Ephraim?" Luna asked.

"Yes I do," answered Ephraim, "which is why I'm entering the grass Pokémon tournament tomorrow."

Ephraim's dad explained that every year they held a grass Pokémon tournament in the area.

"Wow, it's simpler to the other tournaments we've seen and been in." Luna said, "What do you get if you win the tournament?"

"You get a trophy and some leaf stones," Ephraim said, "and you are given a Bulbasaur and a Chikorita."

"Wow, what a prize." Brock said.

"Yes and I hope to win it," said Ephraim, "because I would love to have my own Bulbasaur and Chikorita to train."

"Are you entering it big sister?" Tomo asked his sister.

Luna smiled, "No I'm not." She said, "I want to take a bit more break from contests and tournaments for a while longer."

They gang understood her Pokémon needs a break sometime.

That evening Ephraim was training Skippy and asked Luna to help, she gladly agreed to.

Tomo asked Misty and Brock if they were entering with their Bellossom and Weepinbell.

Misty said that she preferred just sticking with water Pokémon battles, and Brock just wanted to watch.

Luna saw Ephraim's Skiploom train its speed and thought that his speed was getting faster and wanted to teach a move. "Hey Ephraim," she said, "I think it's time for Skippy to learn aerial ace."

"Luna is right," Brock said, "besides Skiploom are part flying type as well as grass type. So learning aerial ace would be good for Skippy."

Ephraim liked the idea too, so Luna helped Skippy learn aerial ace with her Noctowl help.

The next day, it was time for the grass pokemon tournament.

Ephraim were in a waiting room for their turns to battle with Luna.

"Good luck out there." Luna said to Ephraim.

"Yeah." Ephraim replied.

Tomo, Misty and Brock and Ephraim's parents were sitting in the stadium seats, waiting for the tournament to begin.

When they saw Luna walking towards them. "Hey." She said.

"The tournment is about to start now." Brock said.

Luna sat next to Tomo with Pichu and Zorua on her lap.

At that moment the grass Pokémon tournament began and a trainer was up first. Against a trainer, who had a Gloom.

Next was Ephraim and Skippy.

They were facing a trainer, who had a Victreebel. At first Skippy was having trouble with Victreebel's vine whip attack. But thanks to Skippy's moves aerial ace and leech seed, Victreebel was defeated.

Ephraim defeated all of their opponents easily, until at last they were facing each other in the final round.

"Wow Ephraim in the finals already." Misty said."

The finals was intense Ephraim was up against a trainer with a Parasect. The battle seems to be in the favour of the Parasect trainer but Ephraim manage to turn it around by defeating the opponent Pokémon with a powerful solar beam attack directly making Parasect faint.

So Ephraim was the winner of the grass Pokémon tournament.

"I say that was a great battle." Misty said.

While she and everyone else in the stadium seats were clapping.

"Yes and Skippy learning solar beam was certainly something to remember." Brock said.

"You got that right Brock and Skippy was not giving up till the end." Luna said.

"It was great." Tomo said.

Ephraim's parents were very proud of their son.

So Ephraim was given a trophy, a set of leaf stones and was given two PokéBalls, which contained a Bulbasaur and a Chikorita.

Once the tournament was over, Ephraim, his parents and the gang went back to Ephraim's home. Ephraim released his new Bulbasaur and Chikorita from their PokéBalls and greeted them at once.

Bulbasaur and Chikorita were happy with having Ephraim as their new trainer.

Ephraim decided to call Bulbasaur, Bulbs, and Chikorita, Chikker.

Ephraim's parents used two of the leaf stones to evolve their two Glooms into Vileplumes. Brock explained that Vileplume's pollen would defiantly help around the garden now.

Luna spoke to Ephraim, "The way how you and Skippy battled in the tournament and won it defiantly proves that you will be a great grass Pokémon trainer. And you're new Bulbasaur and Chikorita will make you greater as a grass Pokémon trainer."

Tomo, Misty and Brock agreed with Luna's words.

Ephraim thanked Luna for all the help and training she taught him, and then the gang said goodbye to Ephraim and his parents and went on their journey.

12/09/2015- Edited

1. I think Misty's Goldeen and Brock's Geodude should've evolved in the anime. I mean I know they weren't used much, but Brock and Misty had them for a long time, so Goldeen and Geodude should've evolved.

2. If you wondering what happening to with Brock and Vulpix. Don't worry about Vulpix returned to Suzy, because Brock will be getting a Ninetails later.

3. Don't worry folks Misty's Poliwhirl's will evolve before the Whirl Cup chapter.

4. About Luna Kanto Start Pokémon's. I had them to be a couple with each other, now Luna as the starters again but they are young and smaller that the avenge size Bulbasaur.

5. The reason why Luna didn't enter the water and grass tournaments because I wanted her to take a break or free time as you say it.

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