Hermione Granger One Shots an...

By Gwynn__

340K 9.2K 1.3K

Just little scenarios in my head. They get longer, I promise... Smut maybe? Only if someone requests it! He... More

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Not so Fun Fact
Hotter than Hell
Which ones which?
Name a word
Pick-up Lines pt. 2
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Y/n Granger
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Y/n Being Y/n
I'm a Witch
I like you
Two Best Friends in a Common Room
Pick-up Lines Pt. 3
World 🌏
Drunk 'Mione
Y/n being Y/n
Attention Pt. 2
New Life
Y/n being clingy
My idiot
What Game?
Not Wanted
Unforgotten pt. 2
Not Wanted Pt. 2
Yes Sensei! [C.K. x H.P.]
Yes Sensei! [C.K. x H.P.] pt. 2
Just 'Friends'
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I (don't) like you
Hermione Being Horny
Mahal kita
New Year
I Don't Like You
Goodnight Kiss
Y/n's Storytime
The Weird Kid's Stalker
Enemies 'and' Lovers?
Cute and Hot
Radio DJ [AU]
A Good Title, Yes
I Love You
I don't know what this is
F. O.
Girl Best Friend
Sana 🎶
Dance With Me Tonight 🎶
Not an update
Brown Eyes 🎶
To You From Me 🎶
Princess' [AU]
Accio Pt. 2
Do You Like Me?
If Hermione and Y/n Had TikTok
Hogsmeade Visit
Not That Kind of Cheese!
A Hypothetical Question.
Train Sick
Dude. Dude?!
First Choice
My Brother's Best Friend
Y/n Being Y/n Part idek
I Liked You Already
Well That's Strange
Let Go
A/n: Question
Fight [C.K. x H.P.] pt.3
Hair Tie
Sad Songs In A Hotel Room
Miss Malfoy
Would You Love Me Now?
Yule Ball Troubles

Princess [AU]

2.5K 63 33
By Gwynn__

You and Hermione are Royalties from different kingdoms. Your father (the king) then, tells you that you were invited to visit a kingdom somewhere in Scotland for business purposes.

Buckle up peeps. This is a long one!

Y/n's POV:

I just got finished dressing up for the day so I slipped down the stairs (not literally) from my bedroom and headed straight through the corridors towards the dining hall.

The dining table was filled with various foods with complicated names, lit candles on their holders, shiny pure silver utensils and the walls covered in old paintings of each family member that formerly reigned over the kingdom.

"Good morning, dear." My father, Armando -who was sat at the end of the long table- acknowledged me with a small smile.

"Good morning, father." I replied with a smile myself, showing respect.

"Good morning big sis!" My brother Alonzo exclaimed grinning from ear to ear. He was sat at the left side of the table, beside father.

"Good morning loco- I mean, 'Lonzo." I greeted back whilst hiding my chuckle.

"Y/n! Be kind!" My mother, Julianna scolded sitting at the right side of the table, beside father.

"I was kidding!" I said shrugging my shoulders as I sat beside Alonzo, filling my plate slowly and neatly.

Being a Royal meant you had to act like one. We had to learn these different forks to use, how to walk properly, how to address someone, how to eat neatly, do as they say and many more.

Even if me and my brother have lots of silly antics like this, we only do it when we were alone. To set a good example to the people watching us, like father said.

I noticed a glow in my father's eyes that were definitely saying that he was exited of something, or maybe someone?

"Are you alright, father? You seem to be more happy than usual." I asked as I brought the spoon near my mouth and took a bite of the meal on my plate.

"Oh, yes. I sure am happy! You see, the king of Drazell, an old pal of mine, have invited us to visit their kingdom!" He exclaimed excitedly as he showed his excitement through his expressions and voice that was in another octave higher now.

(A/n: I just made up a name, don't attack me for that!)

"Isn't that exciting!" He continued as he drank his wine in one go.

"It is exciting indeed. If my memory serves me right, he's that role model king you admire, right father?" I asked him, slightly doubting the sudden news that came out of his mouth.

Everyone has heard about the king and all the good deeds, he and his family had done. He was quite the role model to his fellow rulers.

"We're finally getting to meet the King Wendell Granger?!" Alonzo exclaimed in excitement and in surprise.

"Yes, he's the one! And guess what?" Mother answered for him and added

"What is it, mother?!" Both Alonzo and I asked in anticipation

"He has children around your age!" She says excitedly, her news just made us groan. We knew exactly where this talk was heading.

"Mother, please!" I pleaded, not wanting to have this kind of talk that'll ruin my day.

"We're too young for you to set us up, mother! Can't you wait at least when we're 18?!" Alonzo whined placing a hand on his temples.

"The both of you should start finding your love early!" Father replied sternly raising his voice slightly.

" You'll just set us up with someone anyways. Does it matter?" I asked, clearly not wanting this to happen.

"Of course it does!" Mother snapped.

"Can I not go to Drazell with you then?" I asked father, silently asking for his help but mother beat him to it.

"Just come with or else..." mother said, leaving a few words to herself.

"Or else what?" I asked, getting nervous by the minute as I looked at her confused

"Or else, I'll find you a man!" She threatened, a gasp left my lips while my once squinted eyes widened.

"Mother! You know, that I don't lik-"

"Oh I know you very well, Princess." She said with a satisfied smirk as if she won the lottery.

I huffed in my seat slamming the utensils on the table and abruptly standing up, dragging the wooden chair on the tiled floor which made a loud unpleasant noise.

"I've lost my appetite." I said blankly with an annoyed expression.

I left the hall without another word and went straight to the castle gardens where there were vibrant flowers. The peace, quiet, and scenery makes me calm my senses down. It makes me feel alive, awaken, but safe.

My parents know about my sexuality. But they never showed their feelings, either mad or happy they never told me what they felt. I didn't know if they were supporting me or not. They were just neutral about it. But what mother just did, made it all clear to me.

"Beautiful, aren't they?" A familiar voice from behind me said.
"Beautiful indeed." I replied turning around to see my best friend, Cedric Diggory. He was the son of the head gardener Amos Diggory.

Ironic isn't it? He's a gardener and his names Diggory.

"You alright?" He asked walking closer as he admires the colorful flowers with me.

"What do you think, Mr. Diggory?" I asked back sarcastically as we both laughed.

"I'm not sure, Ms. De Luca." He replied sending his iconic sweet smile.

"You tend to vent out here whenever you aren't." He added placing a hand on my tense shoulder making me relax.

"Your father did a great job taking care of these flowers." I complimented

"N/n, don't change the topic." He said sternly squeezing my shoulders reassuringly.

I sighed and looked away from him to the scenery in front of me. "She said she'll find me a man if I don't oblige and come with."

I practically felt him freeze as he heard me. He too knew about my sexuality, we told each other anything and everything. He himself wasn't as straight as people thought. People would often think of us as a couple because of how close we were, but what they don't know is that we're both gay. Goodness, bless their innocent poor souls. He remained silent for some time and I knew he was thinking of something to say.

"It's okay, Ced. You don't have to say anything. I just wanted someone to listen to me."

"I know. I just, don't know what to do to make you feel better." He replied sending me a sad smile. I smiled back and said "But, I do."

"Alright, tell me. Anything to make you feel better!" He said getting excited. He loved helping others out, especially me.

"Well, you know how your father worked for the king of Drazell before?"

"Yeah, what about it? Wait- don't tell me you're dropping your position being a princess to become a gardener?!" He exclaimed with wide eyes of worry and fear while I laughed at him.

"What?! No silly, I was wondering if you could tell me about the Royals in Drazell since you've been there already." I said smacking his arm lightly.

"Oh- right. Of course! Well, as you probably already know the current rulers in Drazell are the 'Granger family' where the famous King Wendell Granger resides. There's really not much to tell about the family that isn't already known."

"How about his children?" I asked curiously, silently wishing there were ladies.

"Right, The king has three children. Two Princes and a Princess. They are very well mannered and kind, too kind, so you might wanna prepare for that."

"Oh, so you have met them?" I asked him raising an eyebrow.

"No, not really. I've just seen and observed them up close." He explains shrugging his shoulder like it's nothing.

"You sound like a spy." I joked

"Stop being silly. I'm not a spy, I'm just observant." He said chuckling slightly while smacking the air beside me lightly.

"Okay then, tell me more." I demanded.

"The first born, Prince Warren, the mature and serious one of course, understandable. The second born, Princess Hermione, loves books and dancing. There's even a bookstore and a dance studio in Drazell named after her. And the last born, Prince Louis, loves sports and any physical activities. He's basically the goofball out of the three."

"And believe me when I say they're hawt, especially the princess, oh Merlin I might just become straight because of her!" He exclaimed with dreamy eyes gazing through the gardens.

"What the- Cedric I thought you hate women?!" I asked, slightly surprised that he would actually 'act' straight for that Princess. She must be really hot. I guess I have to find out for myself.

"Well yeah- except you of course!" He cut himself to correct his statement.

"But, good news!" He exclaimed with a wide grin.

"What is it?" I asked

"They say that the Princess always declines every proposal from different kingdoms." He started

"Then why is it good? It just lowers Lucas' chance of getting married! What does that have to do with me?" I asked confused as to what he meant

"Can't you see, Y/n?! She's been declining because every kingdom who proposed was a Prince!" He exclaimed excitedly

"What? Does she want a king to propose?" I asked, feeling dumb

"A Princess, Y/n! A Princess!" He shouted, facepalming while shaking his head.

"Oh- wait what?! Really?! Do you think I have a chance?!" I asked, now getting interested.

"Of course you do! You are the Y/n De Luca, after all!" He says, inflating my ego.

"You think we'll get along? You know how weird I get." I asked, remembering my first encounter with a princess. That's a story for another time.

"Meh, you'll be fine! Just don't be weird." He said

"Wow. Great help. You were supposed to be my hype man, Ced." I thanked sarcastically which made his face contort in a hurt expression.

"Hey! I've told you information!" He stated quite offended which made me laugh.

"Yeah yeah, thank you Ceddy!" I thanked genuinely yet playfully this time.

"Oh please, it's my pleasure your highness!" He said as he bows playfully.

"Oh no no, the pleasure's all mine my fellow citizen!" I said like a politician as I bowed back.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to bully Father to let you come with me." I said as I patted his back with smiles to our faces.

We both laughed at our silly demeanor and went on with our day.


Hermione's POV:

"Wait- you mean to say that, you've invited the Royal family from Talon?!" I asked surprised of the news.

"Yes, I have. They'll be arriving in three days and I expect the three of you to behave!" Father said sternly looking at me and my brothers back and fourth.

"Yes, father." We replied in unison.

"Very, well. I must go now, I'll see you three later." He said as he exited the room.

We waited for him to be out of ear reach before we spoke.

"Did you guys hear that?! We're meeting the De Luca's!" Louis exclaimed jumping up and down.

"Yes Louis, we were here too when father announced the news." Warren said as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on, Warren. Loosen up a bit! Isn't it exciting? The De Luca's are one of the most powerful Royal family's and we're meeting them!" I exclaimed excitedly as I jumped in excitement with Louis.

"Not really. We've met more powerful people before." Warren says with a blank expression.

"And where are they now? Either dead or in hiding. Even if you admit it or not, they're our best bet." I said sadly, placing a hand on his tense one.

"You know how much threats father gets." Louis continued as if he read my mind.

"Sorry. I just- we cant just trust people that easily." Warren sighs and hangs his head down.

"We can trust them, Warren. Father's done business with them before." I reassured him with a gentle smile to my face. After a few moments of silence, it was broken by-

"Cheer up my dearest siblings! I have great news for you!" Louis cheerfully said while slinging an arm around me and Warren.

"And that is?" Warren asked with an eyebrow up peaking his interest.

"Well, the King of Talon has two children. A boy and a girl, you already know who's mine. I'm too gay to be forced with a princess." Louis says with a beaming smile, wiggling his eyebrows playfully.

"Plus the princess is hot. Too hot, that she just might be able to reach me one day!" He added.

"So you're saying-"

"The two of you has a chance of winning a Princess' heart! But, there's only one princess. So you guys have to win her heart before the other does!" Louis exclaimed excitedly, cutting me off while nudging our sides. Warren and I looked at each other with narrowed eyes and smirks on our faces.

"May the best Granger win." Warren says eying me up and down.

"Hmm." I hummed "I'll see you at my wedding, Warren." I said, disconnecting Louis' arm from my shoulder and walking away proudly.

You're mine,


— 3 Days Later —

Y/n's POV:

Okay, today's the day!

Don't get nervous. Don't get nervous. Don't ge-

Fuck I'm nervous!

I am currently sitting in my own Carriage in front of the Granger palace, and dang it looks so good. And that's just the outside.

Alrighty then, let's find this hot princess.

"From the Kingdom of Talon: King Armando, with his wife Queen Julianna, and his children, Prince Alonzo and Princess Y/n!" A man standing just outside the carriage welcomed as he opened the doors of the carriage when each persons name was called.

I stepped out my carriage and was met with the sight ahead, the famous King Wendell Granger, beside him was his wife and children inside the castle. I looked at them one by one from the serious looking tall guy, to the goofy looking boy (yes boy, he looks like a child), and to a lovely lady that's incredibly alluring.

I smirked as I looked her up and down. I stopped at her face that was flushed for some reason, and admired her features below the bright morning sun.

"Your majesties, this way please." The man spoke. Directing us inside the castle that was looking more fancier and posh on the inside than I could ever imagine.

As we entered the castle my father-

"Wendell!" Shouted.

"Armando!" The Granger King replied as they both ran to each other and hugged like there was no tomorrow.

I leaned into Alonzo's ear and whispered "That's gay"

He laughed silently and nudged my side lightly as he shook his head for me to stop joking around. I just shrugged and looked ahead of me where our fathers were conversing.

"Ah, young love! Isn't it delightful?" I whispered to myself, teasing them as I clasped my hands in the air.

It was heard by the other Princes and the Princess but thankfully not our parents. They chuckled silently at my statement, careful not to be heard by their parents.

"Oh- I almost forgot! My children!" My father introduced as he gestured towards me and my brother who was standing beside me.

"How could you forget me?!" I said with a fake hurt expression, my hand on my chest as I shake my head in disbelief. The teens once again laughed silently at my remark.

Well, that's a good impression.

"Y/n, behave!" Mother scolded me which I replied with a shrug and an innocent smile.

"This is Y/n De Luca, my Princess." Father said gesturing for me to move forward. My face contorted into a weird one because- really?! MY PRINCESS?! I'm not a fucking child anymore! I stepped forward sending a smile to everyone in front of me.

"Princess will be fine, father. You can throw the word MY out of the kingdom if you please." I said in a whisper

"Y/n!" Mother spat making me roll my eyes.

"Just kidding." I sighed out shrugging my shoulders.

"Y/n De Luca, Princess of Talon." I introduced myself bowing respectfully towards them.

"This is my little brother George- I mean Alonzo. Prince of Talon." I said as he too, bowed to show respect. I hid my laughter in between my teeth and showed them a toothy grin.

Only the teens knew what my joke was, that's why we all had grinning faces. I let a deep breath out to control my laughter as I hung my head low to hide my face.

"And these are mine." King Wendell said as he gestured to his own children.

"From the kingdom of Drazell, Prince Warren Granger-" he introduced himself bowing politely as he stood straight dusting off imaginary dust from his dress robes.

I replied with a nod and a smile and so did Alonzo.

"I'm Prince Louis Granger" he introduced himself with a beaming smile while eyeing my brother up and down. Which made me smirk, he totally likes Alonzo.

"And I'm Princess Hermione Granger." The beautiful, gorgeous, alluring, hot Princess introduced herself. She took a step bowed respectfully then extended her hand to shake mine, but I had other ideas.

I shook her hand while maintaining eye contact, as she was about to pull away, I tightened my grip slightly and brought her hand to my lips to give her knuckles a peck.

I visibly saw her blush while grinning like she won a jackpot. I swear I just saw Warren in my peripheral view glare at her, but I can't be too sure.

"Ah, I see you're as hot as they say you are aye?" I said dropping her hand and slowly eyeing her up and down while biting my lips.

Hermione's POV:

"Ah, I see you're as hot as they say you are aye?" Y/n said while eyeing me up and down, biting her bottom lip.

I felt myself blush crimson red, my eyes widened and my smile beamed. "T- they say that?" I asked stuttering. Mentally facepalming myself.

"I couldn't blame them." She says shrugging her shoulders, her sweet smile never wavering.

"Alright gays- I mean, guys! I believe we're headed to the dining hall for the banquet." My brother Louis said.

"Louis!" I scolded him while nudging his shoulder heavily.

"Alright, follow me please." Warren said as he led walked in front of everyone and led the lot to the dining hall.

All of us followed behind him. Louis who was once beside me walked forward and walked beside, no other than Prince Alonzo. Honestly, even if I wasn't his sister I still would've known what he is. I'm honestly surprised my parents haven't noticed yet.

Just then, Y/n slowed down and I thought there was something wrong. It turns out, she waited for me and walked beside me and looked straight ahead. I glanced at her side profile and thought 'does she always look this good?'.

She smirked and looked at me so I immediately looked away and blushed like I was bitch slapped on both of my cheeks.

"You know, for someone so 'well mannered' that staring isn't a good thing, right?" She says looking back in front of her with a smirk to her face.

I just stayed silent and looked down embarrassed, I've just been caught staring. Merlin, please don't look at me. Please don't look at me.

I turned my head slightly to check if she was and

"Don't get embarrassed, Princess." She says looking at my flustered and embarrassed state. My eyes just widened as my face heated more than it already is. She chuckled and looked ahead of us, I didn't even notice than we were already here.

We entered the hall and sat on our respective seats on a long table. On one side were the De Luca's and the other were the Granger's. Father cleared his throat and got some of our attention.

"So, as everyone here probably already know. The De Luca's are here, because of business. But, not just for the protection of this Kingdom, but also the security of the future of both our families' monarch." Father said, everyones heads snapped towards his direction.

I didn't know they were setting us up!

I looked at Y/n to see her reaction, but hers was far more harsh than everyone elses. A while ago she was this happy, bubbly person but now it was different. She looked furious, she had her brows furrowed and her nose flaring in anger.

"Mother?!" She questioned her mother who ignored her completely. She huffed and glared at her parents who avoided to share a glance at her.

She stood up abruptly and said "Excuse me, I'm not feeling well. I'll be out for air." She then walked out and ran her hand through her hair. Warren stood up to follow her and so did I, we both looked at each other then at our parents. Father nodded my way because- well, I'm a girl. So I put a hand on Warren's shoulder and gave him a sympathetic squeeze before leaving the hall to find Y/n.

This wasn't no game anymore and he understood it. I needed to make sure Y/n was alright. She seemed mad at her parents.

But why tho? Did she know this? Did they not tell her too? Why was she so bothered?

I looked everywhere for her. In the halls, down the corridors, on balconies, even in the restrooms. But to no avail, I didn't find her. There's only one place left to check, The Palace Garden. I basically ran to where it was to check if she was alright.

When I reached the Garden I saw her standing in front of flower beds, but she wasn't alone. She was talking to someone, a guy. I swear, if Warren found her first I'm going to ignore his arse until he dies.

They had their backs face towards me so when I walked closer to them they didn't notice.

"Ced, they can't keep on doing this." She whispered to the guy but I heard it.

They can't do this? What are they, are forbidden couple? Am I missing something?

"They don't even consider what I feel! Threatening me but not following it themselves!" She whispered yelled.

Threaten! Who could be threatening her?!

"Y/n, I'm sure your parents just wants the best for you." The guy spoke as he put a hand on her shoulder.

Wait- I know this voice. Ced- wait Ced! Cedric! He's the Gardener's boy! Are they a couple? It's not that I'm jealous or something. I'm just curious, right?

"No Cedric! They don't, they want what's best for them! Not me, not Alonzo, but just them!"

(A/n: haha Not me, not Hermione, You!)

"Y/n, don't say that." He said in a hushed tone.

"Never mind. Enough about me, what about you? How's Harry?" She asked him.

"He's fine, I guess." He replied looking down at his feet as he shuffled.

"Are you guys still not talking?" She asked before I stepped on a branch that made a cracking sound. They both looked behind then and saw me.

"Oh, how long have you been here?" She asked me with a surprised expression.

"Just now." I replied, it's true but I also didn't want her to know I was eavesdropping

"Right. Do you need anything?"

"Pardon me, I came to check if you're alright." I told Y/n while sending a sympathetic smile.

"Oh- I erm, I'm not sure what l feel." She says turning away to gaze at the flowers.

So she likes nature, huh?

"I'll give you ladies some space to talk." Cedric said as he backed away to go somewhere else.

"Thanks Ced, I'll see you later?" Y/n stated as he nodded in approval before disappearing.

There was moments of silence around the two of us and I can't help but to feel a bit uncomfortable. I started to shift on my spot where I stood and I think she noticed this. She looked at me and held a hand out. I looked at it and to her then took her hand on mine, she led me on a bench and we both sat down side by side.

"Thanks for coming out here. I shouldn't have walked out like that." She says as she looks at me with a sad face.

"It's alright, I didn't expect the sudden news too." I replied giving her a sympathetic smile as she smiles back.

She hums before the peaceful silence surrounded us again.

"That's all we're made for, huh?" she says as she again, turned her gaze admiring the plants.


"That's all we're made for. To marry a Prince, be by his side when he becomes king, to give him children." she says as she rests all her weight on the backrest of the bench.

Sighing I replied, "Unfortunately."

"If only there was a way to-" I continued but was cut of by Y/n

"That's it!" She exclaimed as she abruptly stood up from the bench.

"What's it?" I asked as confusion was written on my face

"We just simply don't marry a prince." She states with a big smile

"And how would we convince our parents?" I asked, still not following where this is going.

"Follow me lead, darling." She says as she grabbed my hand and led me back inside the castle.


Alrighty, imma make a part two to this obviously but if you have any suggestions on what should happen next it'll be greatly appreciated.

I have an idea in mind but I'm not so sure about it so- type away!

Go now!


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