Red ribbons || Hyunlix

By SaturnYang

372K 16.2K 12.7K

TW: 18+, blood, BDSM, death, torture, drugs, alcohol, abuse, mental illness Hate does not always mean that y... More



5.7K 218 161
By SaturnYang

"No fucking way" Felix's head shot towards the parking lot, grinning when he heard his old friend's shout.

"Come here you little bastard!" Felix laughed heartily when Wooyoung threw himself in the younger's arms, squeezing him for dear life.

Wooyoung was pulled out of Felix's arms, making him confused but wheezed when Mingi tried to fit in his arms. 

"Fucking bitch!" Wooyoung said, slapping Mingi's arm before going to hug the others

After they broke the hug, Felix smiled at the other members, hugging them too. Minho sighed, patting Seonghwa's shoulder "It's been so long, sweet Satan" "Indeed, how long has it been?"

"Three years"


Clapping his hands, Minho smiled pointing towards the door "Let's get inside gentleman, we need to charm some daddies"

Everyone chuckled, walking towards the Casino. Wooyoung linked his arm around Felix's, pushing him softly with his shoulder "So how's it going with Mr. Bang?"

He was smiling widely, the corner of his eyes wrinkling and his body screaming in energy. Wooyoung didn't change at all.

"We broke up"

Everyone stopped walking when they heard Wooyoung gasp loudly, scared he might choke. "What?!" he screamed, apologising when Hongjoong slapped the back of his head.

"Why? How? When—" Wooyoung rambled, grabbing Felix's shoulders and shaking the poor male.

"Woo calm down, you're shaking the boy too hard," San said softly, pulling the red haired back. "Thanks" Felix muttered, grabbing onto something to keep his balance— that something being apparently Hyunjin's arm.

He felt the warmth of the older's hand on his lower back and the other holding his upper arm. "Are you okay?" he said, confused as to why Felix grabbed his arm out of the blue.

After the dizziness went away, Felix smiled awkwardly nodding "Yeah, got a little dizzy. Woo shook me too hard"

Humming, Hyunjin ran his fingers down Felix's black waistcoat, touching gently the white pearl buttons that matched the dress shirt he wore under.

Felix looked at Hyunjin, amazed at how good he looked in such a simple outfit. He wore a black satin dress shirt, a blazer and dress pants that were the death for Felix. He looked effortlessly good.

The older smirked, pulling Felix closer and leaning down slightly, feeling the urge to kiss him. "Don't tell me you broke up with Bang to be with Hwang Hyunji—" Wooyoung screamed, as usual, but was shutted up by San who put his hand over the male's mouth. "You're too loud, sugar. If you really want to scream, I'll help you with that later but shut up for now"

San winced when Wooyoung bit his hand, blushing furiously. "Let's go inside"

Minho sighed, chuckling. They entered inside the casino, the workers bowing in greeting. "Good evening, boss. Table 3 is reserved for you" "Thank you, Lisa"

"And he owns the fucking casino, what did I expect" Changbin muttered, rolling his shoulders. Jisung giggled at the older's remark, shaking his head.

Minho turned around, stopping everyone from entering the poker room. "Remember, lads. The first round will be only as a warm-up, from the second one I'll make a bet with the leader. Felix and Changbin will do their little tricks with the cards while Hyunjin will provoke them. Woo, Seungmin and Jongho. You know what to do" they all nodded, fixing their clothes before entering the room through different entrances.

Felix and Changbin went through the back door, separating ways. Changbin went to the bard, talking with an old friend while Felix walked around the room, making sure that everything was in its place.

Wooyoung, Seungmin and Jongho, dressed in more revealing clothes, sat at different tables, joining the games being played currently, a flute of champagne or wine in their hands.

Minho, Hyunjin, San and Chan took a seat at the table, waiting for the guests to arrive while Jisung sat behind Minho's chair, looking all pretty and dressed up. The Manns were some boring middle aged males who owned some business across Korea, especially in the North.

"It could be a good option. Considering the increase in profit," Minho said, playing with the buttons on his sleeve. "I mean, look at this—" Hongjoong pointed at his iPad, making Minho hum "We could double the production of weapons, imagine with the ammunition with substances in them" Seonghwa said, pointing at something on the screen.

"I might add swords made by the best maker in Asia and tested by a sword master" Hongjoong snapped his finger, pointing at Minho "That's it hyung" "Call me again hyung and we'll meet again just afterlife" Minho muttered, making Mingi chuckle.

The doors opened, making everybody from the table get up and greet the guests while the others spreaded in the room, watching closely.

"Mr. Gyeol" Minho greeted the other leader, pointing to the empty chairs around the table "Please take a seat"

The man sighed after he took a seat, looking at Felix who made his way towards them. "Good evening, gentlemen" he said, bowing before placing in the middle of the table the chip case and opening it.

He gave everyone the chips before dealing two cards at each person.

Everyone looked at the cards before putting them down. Felix inspected each male at the table, seeing that almost everyone was stiff but Minho and Hyunjin who were way too relaxed.

"I have a proposal that I'm sure you're interested in." Gyeol nodded, being now more curious. "Go on"

San threw a chip of 1 on the table, considering he was the small blind. Hyunjin followed San's movement, placing 2 chips of 1 on the table (as he was the big blind), looking boredly at a bald headed man at his left who was biting his thumb.

"Call" the bald male said who was at Hyunjin's left. After placing the bets, Felix dealt the first three community cards. Everyone checks, ending the betting round.

"I've heard you're producing weapons in the North, that some of your men control the government, which is beautiful. But what do you think of having the best weapon masters from Asia work there?"

Felix dealt the fourth community card, making Mr. Gyeol bet on 25.

"What do they master?" "Guns, swords, machine guns, snipers, shot guns, assault rifles and more. Everything would be made with high quality materials, I'll make sure of that" Minho said, leaning back on the chair, muttering "Raise" and throwing a 100 chip. Everyone called, placing the same chip in front of Felix.

Humming, Gyeol tilted his head, playing with a chip. "And what do you want in return?"

Minho broke into a grin, looking at Felix deal the fifth community card. "This pretty boy over here" he said, nodding towards Felix "Works in a lab. From making drugs to chemical reactions, modifying the contents of the bullets and even making new throwables. He's magnificient, Mr. Gyeol"

The older male looked at Felix, frowning. "Perhaps you know him by his name—" Minho muttered, watching San place a bet of 50, calling and placing 50 too on the table. "Lee Felix"

Gyeol raised his brow, looking confused at Felix. "The psycho, huh?"

Minho hummed, staring intently at the male. "I didn't expect him to look so..." "Innocent?"



The other leader nodded, placing the same bet as everyone. Hyunjin chuckled, showing his cards having a royal flush. An ace and K in his hand, 10, J and Q being the first three community cards.

"The devil was an angel, after all" he said, winking at Felix when he pushed all the chips towards the blonde.

"What do you think of producing our guns in your fabric, get free ammunition for your gang and sell that's modified manually by our lovely dealer?" Mr. Gyeol looked at Minho, the corner of his lip curling. "There's more you want, Lee."

Minho shrugged, watching Felix shuffle the cards and doing his small trick. "Your trust. You'll get free access to our factories and buildings along with 25% from our profit as long as your fabrics are under my name and you become our allies. You'll get paid monthly for joining my empire"

"35%" The bald headed male on Hyunjin's left interfered. Minho smiled at him, battling his eyelashes "30%"

Mr. Gyeol pursed his lips, thinking. Felix started dealing the cards but Minho stopped him. "Let's make a bet. If we win, you accept our proposal and get 30% along with our protection, if we lose I raise the profit to 45% and I give you one of my buildings in the South?"

Wooyoung walked behind Mr. Gyeol, running his hands up his arms to his shoulders, massaging them "I would accept it, sweetheart. You don't get this proposal everyday" he whispered next to the male's ear, humming the lyrics of the song that was playing in the background, trying to allure the man.

"Deal. But we get the pretty boy sitting behind you if we win along with the other things"

Minho nodded, holding Jisung's hand that was caressing softly his neck "As you wish" he smirked, kissing Jisung's knuckles.

Seungmin and Jongho walked behind the other two males at the table, giggling and whispering things, making them smirk, leaving the bald male beside Hyunjin to stare too much at Felix.

The silver haired dealt the card, feeling an arm sneak around his waist and pull him back, making him yelp.

His body tensed feeling the arm pull him gently but relaxing when he smelt the citrus perfume. He gulped when Hyunjin pulled him to sit on his thigh "You know you look so fucking good dressed up like this?" Hyunjin muttered, caressing the younger's hip.

His heart started hammering inside his chest, especially when everyone at the table stared at them both, confused.

Hyunjin pulled him closer, making Felix sit on his lap, wrapping his entire arm around his waist in a protective way.


San betted for 15 while Hyunjin placed a 50 on the table, everyone calling for Hyunjin's bet but one male folding.

Felix collected the chips, continuously shifting in Hyunjin's lap. He dealt the first three community cards before leaning back on Hyunjin's chest, taking a shaky breath when he felt the older caress his stomach.

King of diamonds, 7 and 10 of spades.

The bald male muttered "Check" but San had another plan. He put a 50 chip on the table, making Mr. Gyeol say 'Raise' and place a 100 on the table.

Minho called, placing a 100 beside the other chips and smirked when Hyunjin raised with 50 more.

Felix gathered the chips and placed on the table the fourth card, stopping his movement when he felt Hyunjin's hand on his hips, holding him still.

Ace of hearts.

He sat straight and still, shuddering as he felt Hyunjin's boner rubbing against his ass as the older shifted, hissing softly.

Everyone was too focused on the cards, not acknowledging Felix and Hyunjin's change in demeanour.

Hyunjin pushed the chair closer to the table, pulling Felix against his chest, again, but being able to collect the chips and deal the cards easily without moving that much.

Everyone placed the bets, Mr. Gyeol raising it to 100 again. Hyunjin placed the chip on the table, accidentally grinding against Felix.

The younger bit his lip, an idea popping in his head. He leaned towards the table to collect the chips, moving his hips slightly, rubbing his ass against Hyunjin's erection, smirking when he heard the blonde whimper quietly. "Last card, gentlemen" he announced, placing the fifth card beside the others.

He started rolling his hips, thanking God that the table was high enough to cover half their torsos and their lower bodies.

Felix pursed his lips when Hyunjin threw 200 on the table before placing his hands on the younger hips and guided him to move slowly but hard against him.

What the fuck were they doing?

Felix didn't process anything that was happening anymore, his skin burning and heart beating in his ears, his whole focus on how good it felt rubbing himself against Hyunjin and how the older's hand was holding his hip and the other caressing his inner thigh.

How did they end up like this?

Everyone showed their cards, cheering when Mr. Gyeol showed his cards but groaning when they saw Hyunjin's.


They won, as expected.

"A deal it's a deal" Gyeol spoke, disappointment lacing his voice, shaking hands with Minho. "My pleasure doing business with you. We're going to contact you in a few days for more information"

Hyunjin and Felix stopped their movements, breathing heavily, shocked at what happened.

Gyeol nodded, and left after they signed a contract.

"And that's how you make business," Minho said, dusting his hands. "Okay, we got the dealer. Now let's drink" he chuckled.


Felix extinguished the candles, feeling relaxed as his mind was empty. He got up from his meditation corner and looked at the clock. 1:47 AM. He lost track of time, but it was worth it. He left his room and walked slowly to the kitchen.

When he entered the room, he saw that the light was on. It couldn't be Minho and Jisung, they were not home yet. Chan was with Jeongin and Changbin—

"Oh" Hyunjin muttered. Felix went to the fridge, taking a bottle of water. "Why are you up?" Felix asked before drinking the cold water.

They avoided eye contact, too embarrassed from today's events.

Hyunjin closed the drawer, showing Felix the medicinal alcohol. He looked confused at the tall boy.

"I want to pierce myself and I think I would need this" Felix raised his eyebrows, chuckling when Hyunjin stared at his body. He forgot he was shirtless and that his pants were hanging loose on his hips.

"Don't use that, it slows the healing" he said, taking another bottle of water and leaving the kitchen. "Are you coming?" he asked with a smile on his face after seeing Hyunjin's cheeks reddening.

After going silently to his room, Felix went to his bathroom and took a bottle from the closet under the sink.

"Take this. It's a saline solution" he said, giving the bottle to Hyunjin. "Thanks" he mumbled, looking around Felix's room, seeing it for the first time, shifting awkwardly at the tension filling the room.

"I should go—" he whispered shyly from the intense stare on him, pointing towards the door. They walked towards the door, Hyunjin stepping in the hallway but stopping Felix from closing the door. "Can you help me?"

The younger looked at him, confused. "With the piercings" "Oh, now?" Hyunjin nodded, feeling a little nervous. "Okay" Felix said, following the blond.

This is going to be an interesting night.


The Christmas performance of Thunderous (idk how to call it) was AmAzInG— it made my fucking month. They were so happy, sweet Jesus. That was such a good performance.

I wish you a happy new year and I hope to see you well.

A lot of hugs



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