Lucifer's Daughter [ON HOLD]

By L1ttlG1antB0okW0rm

726 33 7

[Book 1 - Devil's Play] Lilith is a demon hybrid, the Devil's daughter. She lives with her human mother on e... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 1

123 6 1
By L1ttlG1antB0okW0rm

 "For the last time, Lily. No! You are not going down to see your dad!" My mum tosses my lunch at me. I catch it easily with one hand. "But why not, mum? I haven't seen dad in ages! And it isn't that far to the portal. I could pack a bag and walk there. It's not like I'll be missing out on much." I stuff my lunch and books into my school bag. "'Won't be missing out on much!' You've asked to go on the busiest week this month! We have your Cousin Penny's wedding on Monday, a school charity dance to plan on Tuesday, you have a haircut on Wednesday, you have to be at home on Friday early to watch the neighbour's dog, and I have to go to Mrs Witten's house to measure her for her dress!" She finishes her speech with a glare in my direction and storms out the house, slamming the door. I groan. It's only next week. That doesn't mean I can't go this week.

 I stumble onto the bus and sit next to my best friend Max. Max is the only human who knows that Lucifer is my real dad. He is the only human who knows I'm a demon, a hybrid, human and devil. He puts his phone in his pocket and grins at me. "So, are we going to Hell?" It's our running joke. Max always wants to come with me to see my dad, but living humans can't access Hell through the portal. He still asks though. I groan. "No, mum says I can't this week. She says I spend too much time down there." Max's face falls in fake disappointment. "Well, when can you go? I really want that souvenir you promised me." I laugh. Max always knows how to lift my spirits.

 Mum hates every second I spend with dad. She tells me that she's afraid that she'll lose me to my dad, but I know she just wants a normal 25 year old life. She met my dad really young, and didn't know she was pregnant until it was too late to get rid of me. I know deep down that she loves me, but I still feel unwanted. Dad's much cooler. He was actually excited when my mum told him she was pregnant. He stayed on Earth until I was 2 years old, then he had to go back to rule his kingdom – Edom, a.k.a, Hell. Unlike popular suggestion, he isn't blood red with horns and a goatee. He's tall, quite broad in the shoulders, with black hair and dark eyes that turn red when he's angry. He loves it when I visit. He shows me any new souls that he's collected, the new torture weapons he's discovered, the same fiery hills I see every time, but somehow always different. I love it too. Sure, Earth has its awesome sights and water and that, but nothing beats breathing the hot, smoky air of Hell. It helps that I look just like my dad, minus the angry red eye thing.

 I'm not the only hybrid either, so I'm not lonely. I have a few sisters and brothers, older and younger. I'm really close with only a few though. Some attend the same school as me, but we don't share the same last name. We don't socialise with each other either, thank the devil. 

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