Our Love

By cyber1509

23.4K 452 118

Tony and Layla were partners they work together and now something is caught up with their relationship find o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Authors Note
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Authors Note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
Chpater 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chpater 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Choater 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 13

597 9 5
By cyber1509

Laylas pov
We went to the the vacation house.
Then after I saw Tony Sashie cisco Frostee and pallendrome run to a room. Then we're like jammed by  the door. Then Tony broke free and ran to the room.
Tony:It mine I came first it's mine.
Layla:What the hell are you'll idiots doing?
Sashie:we fought for the best room duh.
Tony: an I bloddy got it!
Knowwhere: Nope I paid for this so it mine.
She entered the room and threw Tony like a sack of potatoes and grabbed pallendrome into the room. Guess that's what they doing for the night.
I laced me and Tonys hands and we got the room farthest to the others. Tony grabbed our bags and placed into our room. Wow this room looks gorgeous

Then Tony held my waist from the back and started to kiss my neck.i turned around to him out my hands around his neck and kissed him.  I took Tonys shirt out. Tony closed all the blinds so no one saw us.he lifted me up making me wrap my legs around his waist placing me on the bed.
Tony: Want to do this?
I nodded at him. He gave me his signature smirk. He then trailed down kisses from my neck to my shirt unbottoning with every kiss. Then I flipped us over taking out my shirt.I started kissing him to his abs to his jeans taking it out
He then kissed me on the lips unbotting my pants so as we know it we were completely naked and under the sheets. Depening out kisses. Before we kiss again. Pallendrome Bursts in killing all hot romance air in the room.
I hided behind Tony with my hands around Tonys chest.

Pallendrome: oh fuck shit sorry Tony please can I talk to you after this.
He left.

I flooped on the bed. Waiting to scream. I was gonna have hot fucken sex with my dream boyfriend which girl wouldn't want that.tony saw me angry.
Tony: I should have locked the door.
Layla : no shit sherlock.

Tony laughed. Grabbed  his boxers and jeans slipped it on.
He passed me my clothes.
Layla : don't go now he said when we done we never finshed we never even started.
Tony: I will be back.
He puts on his shirt that makes his muscles pop out. God he is hot asf. He kissed me and left to see pallendrome.

Tonys pov
I met pallendrome on the deck he was siting on a chair with a black label beer.

Pallendrome: Want a beer.

Tony: Nah I am good trying to stay fit. Umm watsup you wanted to talk.
Pallendrome: Yeah after me and knowwhere got married it ain't the same I though we like grow together like have romance in our life.

Tony: like sex and dates
Pallendrome: yeah but she is always busy and it kills me I want to have kids with her but she only work work work fucken work. You should understand you and Layla work at the hq the whole week. How in the hell do you'll go on dates and love eachother and and...
Tony: See here plan the day when you'll gonna spend time together. Tell her how you feel women love when you tell the truth that's when you get extra sex points in the bed. And also  make sure she knows your want to spend time with her be opened. OK I go to go now I got my lady in my room.
Pallendrome: Thanks torreto.
Tony: Anytime.
I walked back into my room and saw Layla looking at the night sky standing by the window. Snow filled the ground. Remember it is Christmas. I wrapped my hands around her waist and brought her close to me.
Layla: My dad called me he said after we get back you must come over for dinner.
Tony: you dad seems pretty chilled with me I thought he was like a gangster or something.
Layla: Yeah he stoped now because I joined youll.

Hell thanks for reading I am so grateful there is over 1.5k readers please follow me

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