Percy Jackson and the Flying...

By Emayuku

50 12 1

Despite Annabeth's misgivings about Christmas, Percy vows to warm the mansion with the spirit and hope of the... More

Percy Jackson and the Flying Beast: The Enchanted Christmas

50 12 1
By Emayuku

It was Christmastime and Annabeth's mansion looked like a fairyland with garlands, evergreens, and the biggest Christmas tree Glover had ever seen!
"It's good to see the boy having a proper Christmas!" Hazel said as she watch Glover play among the gifts. "Certainly not like last year!"
"Yes," agreed Thalia. "This is much more agreeable!"
"Please tell the story, Chiron! About last Christmas?" Glover pleaded.

So Chion settled into a chair and began, "Well, let's see... Percy Jackson had been Annabeth Chase's guest for a little while, and we all hoped that he would be the one to break the spell. There was no time to waste, so somehow we got them to ice-skate together the day before Christmas."

The demigods watched as Percy taught Annabeth how to ice-skate on the pond. Everyone was happy... everyone, that is, except Hades, the pipe organ who the Greek God and ruler of the Underworld, riches and the dead. For if Percy and Annabeth fell in love, the spell cast over the whole mansion would be broken, and everyone human again. Then Annabeth would no longer need the gloomy music Hades liked to play.

"Persephone, my dear wife, what's that merriment I hear outside the window?" asked Hades.
"Oh," replied the oboe, "Annabeth Chase is skating with Percy Jackson."
"Percy Jackson?" cried Hades. "That will never do! Persephone, see to it that this blossoming love wlits on the stem. Go stop them now!"
"Yes, my darling Hades!" said Persephone, bounding away.

"Pardon me... coming through... TWEET!" announced Persephone, pushing her way through the crowd. She onto the ice, then grabbed Annabeth's coat and caused her and Percy to fall into a snowbank.
"Look! I made a Christmas angel." Percy cried.

Annabeth stood and starved at her own hideous shape in the snow.
"This is no angel. It's the shadow of a... monster!" she roared. Then she stormed away. "I hate Christmas!"

Percy decided that Annabeth needed some Christmas cheer, even though Thalia warned him that her friend had forbidden Christmas. "She doesn't wish to be reminded of the Christmas when the castle was put under the curse," she explained.
But Hazel and Chion agreed with Percy, so up to the dusty attic they went.

There, among the crates and broken furniture, stood a pretty Christmas angel. "Ah, Hazel! My dear sister!" the angel cried happily.
"This is Nico di Angelo, the mansion decorator who is the son of Hades and he is my younger half-brother," Hazel proudly announced. "My friend, we're planning the greatest celebration ever! And we need your help!"
But Nico shook his head and said sadly, "No, no. I refuse to hope for Christmas anymore. I will not be disappointed again!"

Later that day, Annabeth found a present from Percy marked DO NOT OPEN UNTIL CHRISTMAS.
"I said no Christmas presents!" she shouted. But Annabeth touched the gift and smiled, then went to tell Hades to stop playing his gloomy music.

"Sorry, old friend, but I don't feel gloomy anymore," explained Annabeth. "I want you to compose a song. It's a present for... Percy. And make it a happy song!"
Hades frowned. After Annabeth left the room, Hades dreamed up a plan that would get Percy out of the mansion—for good.

"These trees don't look very Christmasy," Percy told Glover as they rode through the eerie Camp Half-Blood Forest. Hades had told him that the tree was Annabeth's favorite part of Christmas, and that the Camp Half-Blood Forest was the perfect place to get one.

Back at the mansion, everyone was frantically searching for Percy. "He must have gone all the way into the Camp Half-Blood Forest!" cried Hazel as she spotted the tracks in the snow.
"What will we tell Annabeth?" Thaila cried. "She's been looking for Percy! We must hurry and find him!"

Meanwhile, in Hades's chamber, Annabeth could no longer wait for Percy. He grabbed the magic mirror and shouted, "Show me the boy!"
There in the reflection she saw Percy riding away in the sleigh.
"I'll bring him back!" shouted Annabeth.
Hades saw his chance. "No, Annabeth," he said quickly. "He's abandoned you!"

The Camp Half-Blood Forest was dark as Persephone secretly followed Percy and Glover.
As Percy and Glover began to tow their tree home, Persephone tried to unhitch Blackjack the Pegasus from the sleigh and accidentally revealed himself. "Whoa!" Persephone cried.
Persephone's high-pitched tooting sound startled Blackjack. He bolted and broke loose from the sleigh—causing Glover to fall into the icy water!

Percy jumped in and saved Glover, but the icy currents were too much for him. Suddenly, a loud roar echoed through the forest. It was Annabeth! She dove deep into the water and emerged with Percy, then carried him back to the mansion as the others followed.
"What have I done?" cried Persephone. "It's all my fault. I never should have listened to that my husband, Hades. He put me up to all of this!"

Annabeth took Percy to the dungeon. "You said you'd never leave," she growled.
"I wasn't trying to leave. I just wanted to make you happy," sobbed Percy.
"You broke your word," shouted Annabeth. "And for that, you'll stay here forever!" She stormed up the stairs and Percy felt completely alone.
"Bong... bong... bong..." Somewhere in the silent castle, a clock struck midnight. Christmas had come.

The enchanted objects crept down to visit Percy. Nico stepped forward. "I told you that Christmas was a hopeless folly!" then his face softened as he said, "But I was wrong. We must have Christmas!" He began to sing a sweet Christmas song. Everyone join in, even Percy.

Upstairs in Hades's chamber, Annabeth finally opened Percy's gift—a book about a cold-hearted little rich girl who discovered the warmth and joy of friends, and of Christmas. After reading it, she sighed and said, "Maybe there is still hope for me."
As Annabeth left the room, Hades cried desperately, "Master! Come back! Percy is not your friend—I am!" But Annabeth was gone.

Percy and the others were startled when Annabeth appeared in the middle of their celebration. She stood before Percy and gazed into his eyes.
"Percy, can you forgive me?" she asked.
"Of course," replied Percy gently. "Merry Christmas."

Everyone was happy, except Hades. She began to play a horrible song that blasted through the castle and shook the walls. Dust flew everywhere as the ceiling began to crumble!
The floor of the dungeon cracked open between Percy and Annabeth.

Annabeth bounded up to Hades's chamber while Percy and the others followed.
"Hades! Enough!" she shouted. She tore the keyboard from the organ. The music soared, then stopped. Hades was so angry that he ripped himself from the wall with all her might and smashed to the floor.
All was silent. Finally Annabeth said, "What are we standing around for? Let's give Percy the Christmas he's always wanted:

And what a Christmas it was. Annabeth and Percy laughed and danced together. Nico's beautiful decorating and the scrumptious food were enjoyed by one and all.
"And that's when Percy and Annabeth began to fall in love. Thank goodness!" said Chion. "Soon the spell was broken and we all became and happy... again."

—The End—

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