Busted pipe lines and late ni...

By Sunnydumplings

1.2K 57 27

Y/n let out a yawn pulling the back of her hand to her lips to cover her unflattering yawn. You know the face... More

Quick run down
The lady Crows
Untitled Part 3
Untitled Part 4
Just the two of us
Love triangle
Untitled Part 7
Um......Writers block......Help?
Love means war.
Love means war pt.2
A night to remember
Part title
Part title
Lil friend
Untitled Part 17
Part title
Part title
Strawberries and Chaos
Untitled Part 21

I fight kids.

29 2 0
By Sunnydumplings

The warm water speed across your skin sending a tingly feeling through your body. You signed before turning the water off. You were the only person left in the shower room. You allowed yourself to relax. The steam turned your hair puffy. It jiggles and jumped with slight movement. The light in the shared room had been turned off. You assumed the lady crows were sleeping. (Y/n) used the wall to guide her way over her sleeping bag. She stared at her phone for what seemed like hours. Her eyes grew heavy the longer she stared. The longer she held the phone the harder it became. With one last blink, the phone dropped. She had fallen asleep.

             🤍🖤🧡Hinata/3rd pov🧡🖤🤍

The team gathered around one screen squeezing in close to catch a glimpse. Tanaka had taken pictures of the girls on the beach without them knowing. "I only have pictures of the hottest ladies" He bragged. Most of the pictures were blurry. You could barely make out a face. On the off chance, the pictures looked good his thumb was blocking half of the frame. Finally, a good picture broke free. Or at least it was meant to be good. (Y/n) was laid out in the sand seeming to have fallen over while playing a casual game with her teammates. Half of her chest was out. Dangerously close to being fully exposed. "I took this picture right on time" Tanaka smiled while staring at the picture.

Before Hinata was able to speak he was cut off. "Delete it" a gruff voice command. It was Asahi's. Tanaka quirked a braw while looking up. "What did you say?" He asked while standing up tilting his up to make himself look bigger. "You heard me delete it" Ashai hunched over until he was Tanaka's height adding to insult. "Or what?" Tanaka challenged while crossing his arms with a smug look. "I'll make you". He narrowed his eyes at the buzz-cut teen. Tanaka took him up on the challenge. Before Hinata know it He was outside on the outskirts of a circle with Asahi and Tanaka in the middle on opposite ends. "This is crazy," Hinata thought. They were bluffing they weren't gonna fight.




The two boys had each other in headlocks. Tanaka threw punches while trying his best to escape. Ashai squeezed tighter while widening his stance before throwing Tanaka to the ground. Who knew the team softie packed such a hard punch. Tanaka clears his throat before spitting out a glob of blood. At that moment a flame has been lit inside of Tanaka. At last, someone finally broke up the fight. Kgayama and Hinata held back Tanaka. He buckled and buckled under the two teens while trying to get to Asahi. The rest of the team held back Asahi. Three in the morning at three in the morning (Y/n) was woken up by both coaches for questioning. She walked in with a long fuzzy robe with her arms crossed. She couldn't care less where she was. She sat down and closed her eyes and went back to sleep. Tanaka, Asahi, Hinata, and Kagayama all sat in the office with their heads down not daring to look up out of fear and shame. "What's gotten into you fools?" Ukai gripped while slamming his hand on the desk. "You, what happened". He pointed to Asahi, he was the biggest meaning he was supposed to be the bigger man and walk away. At least that's how he saw it. "We got into a disagreement and things got out of hand."

He said quietly while looking. "(Y/n) do you know what's going on between these two?" Coach Yumi said while nudging you awake. You stared back processing what she just said. The only thing could muster was loud "HUH". You had no clue what was going on as far as you knew you could be a suspect in some crime. Ukai snorted while giving Yumi a glance. "Do you know why these boys were fighting?" "There was a fight?" You asked, you were fully awake and looking at the boys in the room. "Who won?" You asked with a smile. "We're getting off the track" Ukai reminded. You shook your head while readjusting your robe. At last, Tanaka explained. You were at a loss for words. You stood up and walked in front of Tanaka holding your hand out. "Show me the picture." You said in a demanding tone with one hand on your hip. Tanaka handed you the phone, he had turned several shades of red from embarrassment. You narrowed your eyes at the picture in disgust. "You motherfucker" you said under your breath while deleting the picture. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH CHU?" You slammed the phone to the ground before stomping on it.

Tanaka flinched, the back of the phone had been thrown across the room. It was obvious the phone was done for. "Mrs.(L/n) that was unnecessary" Ukai snapped while standing from his seat. You turned to face Ukai angrily. "Unnecessary MY ASS" You yelled while taking a step closer to him. "Get a handle on your god damn players and we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place" You poked a figure into his chest. Ukai matched your energy, you both were now in a dick swinging contest. Coach Yumi broke it up by blowing her whistle. "Ukai you're a grown adult arguing with a CHILD". She reminded; Ukai rolled his eye with a quick comeback. "I fight kids," He said while crossing his arms. While Coach Yumi was telling off Ukai you glared at Tanaka. "You were tempted to get physical but you knew that was a fight you would quickly lose. Instead, you sat down in your chair while crossing your arms. Asahi and Tanaka were given bathroom duty for starting the fight. Hinata and Kageyama got off scot-free, while you had to stay in your room all day for back talking a teacher.

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