By zahrah_mukhtar

172K 15.5K 1.6K

"So what are you doing in our house dingy girl?" He asked her coldly. "It's none of your business and please... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Author's Note

Chapter 41

2.1K 210 31
By zahrah_mukhtar

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: "A Qattat (talebearer) will not enter paradise."

[ Al Qattat* is a person who conveys disagreeable, false information from one person to another with the intention of causing harm and enmity between them.]

Sahih al-Bukhari 6056

Yay it's a double update 💃💃💃


They gist on so many things feeling happy talking to one another.

Aunty Saudah is a jovial woman, so Fadimatuu really get along with her really well.

After they had their Asr prayer. When they come back to the living room, they heard a knock on the door.

"Let me go and get the door" Khaleel uttered standing up.

When he opened the door he came face to face with his cousin, Aunty Khadijah's son. They never get along because Khaleel didn't like his habit at all, as he was a flirt and always follow bad guys.

"Brother so you're also here" The guy said smiling at Khaleel.

"Yes" Khaleel curtly replied as he got back to the living room with the guy trailing after him.

"Khaleel who is at the door?" Aunty Saudah asked and just then she saw the guy at Khaleel's back.

"Sadeeq is that you? What a pleasant surprise" Aunty Saudah smiled brightly at him.

"Good evening Aunty, I came to Abuja so I decided to visit you" The Sadeeq guy replied sitting down on a chair.

"Oh that's nice of you" Aunty Saudah uttered.

"Who is this beautiful lady?" Sadeeq asked as he looked at Fadimatuu from up to down.

"She's my wife" Khaleel quickly replied as he sat down beside Fadimatuu putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Oops it's not my lucky day I guess. So what's your name beauty we never met" Sadeeq smiled brightly at Fadimatuu making Khaleel to glared at him.

"My name is Fatimah" Fadimatuu answered him not to sound rude, because she wanted to ignore him before as she noticed that Khaleel don't like him.

Khaleel turned and glared at her for answering him.

She mouthed a "sorry" to him.

"What a nice name" Sadeeq said.

"Khaleel I get it why you've been hiding your wife away from us because she's a beautiful damsel" Sadeeq uttered eyeing Fadimatuu.

"Stop looking at my wife like this" Khaleel glared at him.

"Protective much" Sadeeq mumbled and Khaleel ignored him.

"Sadeeq what brings you to Abuja?" Aunty Saudah asked when she noticed the tension in air. She knows that these two never got along at all.

"It's some work" Sadeeq replied making Khaleel to scoffed at his answer.

"You and work?" Khaleel said mockingly.

"Yes or it's only you that can work?" Sadeeq rolled his eyes.

"Who knows" Khaleel shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay don't start you two" Aunty Saudah intervened.

"Okay Aunty. I'm hungry" Sadeeq whined rubbing his stomach.

"Okay let me bring you food" Aunty Saudah said standing up.

After a while she came back with a maid carrying the flasks containing a food with a drink.

"You can serve yourself" Aunty Saudah said after the maid put the food in front of the center table where Sadeeq was sitting.

"Thank you Aunty" Sadeeq uttered as he started serving himself the food.


After Maghrib Prayer, Fadimatuu has just finished her prayer and coming out of the room when she bumped into a hard body.

When she looked up she saw it's Sadeeq and she was shocked.

"Sorry" She apologized trying to leave the place, but he hold her hand making her stunned by his actions towards her, after him knowing that she's his cousin's wife.

"Not soon my beautiful lady" Sadeeq said seductively moving closer to her but she pushed him away from her body.

"Don't you dare touch me again" Fadimatuu warned him and he was surprised at her behavior.

"What will you do baby? I don't know what you see in that useless cousin of mine that you decided to marry him" Sadeeq said moving close to her.

"He's my husband and he's not useless like some people" Fadimatuu glared at him and she started to leave the place but he blocked her path again .

"What's wrong with you? Can't you see I'm trying to leave?" Fadimatuu asked.

"But I don't want you to leave" Sadeeq pouts moving closer to her, but the voice he heard made him stopped in his track.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Khaleel yelled coming to where they're standing.

"Nothing Brother just talking you know" Sadeeq replied smirking.

"I don't want you to ever and by ever I mean ever come close to my wife or even talk to her. Get that in the back of your head" Khaleel warned as he holds Fadimatuu's hand dragging her away from there leaving Sadeeq standing there mouth agape.

"Aunt we're leaving" Khaleel informed her when they entered the living room, as Sadeeq had totally spoiled his mood.

"So soon" Aunty Saudah uttered

"Yes Aunt" Khaleel replied.

"Okay, I'm coming" Aunty Saudah replied leaving the living room.

After a few minutes she came back with a bag, and give it to Fadimatuu.

"Here it's for you Fatimah" Aunty Saudah said when she hand the bag to Fadimatuu.

"No need for that Aunty" Fadimatuu said hesitantly and Aunty Saudah shushed her to keep quiet.

"Thank you Aunty" Fadimatuu uttered.

"Mummy should I follow them?" Marha asked coming inside the living room.

"No dear but you can visit them another time" Aunty Saudah replied.

"Aunty you should have let her follow us" Fadimatuu said because she really likes Marha as she's a lovely girl.

"She has school but don't worry I'll bring her to you some other time" Aunty Saudah said.

"Okay Aunty" Fadimatuu smiled.

"Bye Marha" Khaleel waved at her as they started going.

"Bye Uncle and Aunty" Marha waved at them and they waved back at her.


They arrived home after Ishaa Prayer and each of them went to their rooms to pray.

After Fadimatuu finished praying, she decided to go to Khaleel's room to talk to him, as he didn't talk to her since when they left Aunty Saudah's house.

She entered his room and found him sitting on the prayer mat reciting a Quran.

So she sat down on the bed waiting for him to be done reciting it.

His recitation was beautiful that she won't get tired of listening to it over and over again.

After some minutes he was done, and he went and sit on the sofa bringing his laptop out so that he can work, or he was pretending to be working so that Fadimatuu can leave him alone.

"I want us to talk" Fadimatuu said as she went and sat on the sofa beside him.

"Maybe later because I want to work now" Khaleel said focusing on his laptop.

"It won't take your time" Fadimatuu replied.

"Fine I'm all ears" Khaleel huffed.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Fadimatuu asked him.

"I'm not ignoring you" Khaleel denied.

"Yes you're because even now you don't want to talk to me. Did I do something to you, tell me so that I can rectify it because I can't bear seeing you ignoring me" Fadimatuu uttered like she would cry.

"You didn't do anything to me wifey. I just don't like it how Sadeeq was close to you before. You're only mine and only mine, so I can't stand any man being close to you or even talking to you because it'll make me go crazy baby" Khaleel spoked protectively.

"I'm only yours and only yours, so don't worry no man can ever get close to me except you ofcourse" Fadimatuu replied cupping his face.

"Thanks baby" He said sealing their lip together in a passionate kiss.

They were kissing when Khaleel's phone rang, but he ignored the call and continue kissing Fadimatuu.

The phone rang again. "Khaleel your phone is ringing" Fadimatuu said as she moved her back stopping the kiss.

"It's not important" Khaleel mumbled drawing her close to his body.

"You didn't even check who is calling you" Fadimatuu points out.

"Okay I'll check now" Khaleel groaned as he picked his phone and saw that it's from the office. He hoped there is no problem as they're calling him in the night.

"It's from the office" Khaleel told Fadimatuu and she nod urging him to pick the call.

He answered the call putting it on speaker. "Good evening Sir" The person said on the other end of the call.

"Sir there is a problem that occured in the IT department, Sir please we need your urgent help in order to solve the problem" The person said again not waiting for Khaleel's reply.

"Okay it's not a big problem right? I'll come right now" Khaleel replied standing up.

"Thank you Sir till you come" The person replied and Khaleel disconnect the call.

"I hope it's not a big problem that they're needing your help" Fadimatuu uttered worriedly.

"I hope so" Khaleel replied as he picked his car keys.

"I'll go with you" Fadimatuu told him.

"No you're not going with me, we just got back from Aunt's house and I know you're tired, so rest or sleep till I'm back" Khaleel told her.

"No I'm not tired" Fadimatuu whined.

"Even if you're not tired you won't go with me" Khaleel said sternly making Fadimatuu to pouts.

"So now be a good girl and wait for me till I'm back" Khaleel smiled getting out of the room with Fadimatuu trailing after him.

"Okay but don't stay long please" Fadimatuu requested.

"I won't stay long I promise, I'll be back before you know it" Khaleel smiled.

Fadimatuu hugged him when they reached the front door, and he hugged her back.

"Someone is emotional today" Khaleel teased.

"I'm not, I just don't want you to go" Fadimatuu whined as she felt restless not wanting him to leave.

"Don't worry I'll be back before you know it" Khaleel said when they broke out of the hug.

"Promise" Fadimatuu said.

"I've already promised you, but I promise that I'll be back very soon" Khaleel smiled.

She nod at him and he went out of the house waving at her.

She was about to close the door when he came back and hugged her again.

"Don't miss me that much" Khaleel smirked.

"I won't even miss you" Fadimatuu smirked back.

"Lie as if you're not the one that's being saying I shouldn't go" Khaleel chuckles.

"Whatever, you should go so that you'll come back early" Fadimatuu said pushing him away from her body.

"Okay your highness" Khaleel replied as he waved at her, she waved at him too.


After one and a half hours Fadimatuu thought of calling Khaleel again even though he called her immediately he reached the office.

"Assalamu alaikum" Fadimatuu said when Khaleel picked the call.

"Waalaikumussalam, missing me already" Khaleel teased.

"No, I just call to check on the problem that occured in the office" Fadimatuu replied even though she half lied because she called to check up on him.

"It's nothing big, it's just some hackers that tried to hacked our company, but now the problem had been solved" Khaleel informed her.

"That's a relief then. May God continue to protect our company" Fadimatuu prayed.

"Ameen. So what are you doing now?" Khaleel asked.

"I'm going through your stuff" Fadimatuu joked.

"No you wouldn't do that" Khaleel gasped.

"You think so, I've even found something that I'll use against you" Fadimatuu laughed.

"What's that?" Khaleel asked following her joke.

"Just come back and I'll show it to you" Fadimatuu smiled.

"Then I'm coming back in a jiffy" Khaleel said walking to the lift, as before Fadimatuu called him, he has been wanting to go home.

"Okay drive safely don't speed up" Fadimatuu told him.

"I will speed up a little since my wife is waiting for me" Khaleel smiled.

"I don't want you to speed up" Fadimatuu said.

"Okay I won't, bye" Khaleel replied as he hung up the phone.


Fadimatuu was feeling restless as it had been one hour since her phone call to Khaleel and still he isn't back yet. She knows that it'll take him twenty minutes to be back but it has been one hour and still he isn't back.

She called his phone but he isn't picking the call, which is not something that he normally does.

She calmed herself down and went and perform ablution to pray for his safety.

After she prayed she came back and sat down on the bed thinking about him.

She then thought of calling the office so that she can hear if something hold him up there.

So she called the head of the IT department the one that called Khaleel earlier.

"Assalamu alaikum Mr Kabeer" Fadimatuu said when he answered the call.

"Waalaikumussalam Mrs Siddiqui" Mr Kabeer replied.

"I called to ask you if my husband is still at the office with you?" Fadimatuu asked hopefully.

"No Mr Siddiqui has left like one hour ago. Has he not reached home yet?" Mr Kabeer answered making Fadimatuu more restless.

"No he's not back yet maybe he's stuck in a traffic" Fadimatuu replied trying to convince herself that.

"Okay I know he'll back soon don't worry. Did you called his number?" Mr Kabeer asked.

"Yes I called his number but he's not picking the call" Fadimatuu replied.

"Okay let me go and check on the way, maybe it's traffic or his car has broking down" Mr Kabeer told her.

"Okay thank you very much" Fadimatuu thanked him as they disconnect the call.

Fadimatuu had been waiting for Mr Kabeer's call for an hour but still she hadn't heard from him too.

She felt a bad feeling like something had happened to her Khaleel, but she prayed that he's safe. Because if something was to happen to him she won't be able to handle it as Khaleel meant so much to her now.

She then continue calling Khaleel's number but still he's not picking the call.

She had given up calling him so she kept her phone and just then she heard the ringing of her phone.

And when she saw Khaleel calling her she was relief that he was fine, so she picked the call eagerly.

"Khaleel Where did you go, I've been calling your number but you're not picking my call?" Fadimatuu said immediately she picked the call.

"Sorry ma'am this is not Khaleel" The other man on the other end of the call replied.

"Then who is this?" Fadimatuu asked confused.

"I'm the man that picked your husband's phone" The man replied.

"Then where is my husband? What happened to him that you picked his phone?" Fadimatuu said panicked not wanting to hear something bad happened to Khaleel.

And the man next words make the phone she was holding dropped on the bed breaking her fragile hearts.


Hello lovelies.

So I decided to double update you guys for taking long to update. I hope you're happy that I do so?

Ding dong. I don't know what's happening here. I hope nothing has happened to our dear Khaleel.

What did you think guys? What are your thoughts on this chapter and the cliffhanger I left you?

Leave your thoughts on the comment section.

Don't forget to vote, comment, share and follow.

Till later.

Love Zahra😍

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