Onderon- A Luxsoka Fanfic

Por Rainbow-Rocker

3.7K 44 25

Ahsoka Tano and Lux Bonteri have gone their separate ways since their previous adventure on Carlac. She has g... Más

Chapter 1: Old Friends
Chapter 2: A Cry For Help
Chapter 3: Homesick
Chapter 4: Privilege
Chapter 5: Decisions
Chapter 6: Arrival
Chapter 7: Jealousy
Chapter 8: Backfire
Chapter 9: Switching
Chapter 10: In-Fighting
Chapter 11: Jewellery
Chapter 12: Ideals
Chapter 13: Celebrations
Chapter 14: Fly Over
Chapter 15: The Rupling Queen
Chapter 16: For Onderon
Chapter 17: Grieving Doubts
Chapter 18: Boredom
Chapter 19: Quarters
Chapter 20: An Old Friend
Chapter 21: Questions, no Answers
Chapter 22: Sibling Trauma
Chapter 23: Remembrance
Chapter 24: A Gift
Chapter 25: Friendship
Chapter 26: Morning After
Chapter 27: Attack
Chapter 28: Crime Investigation
Chapter 29: Witnesses
Chapter 30: Letta Turmond
Chapter 31: Guilty or Innocent?
Chapter 32: On the Run
Chapter 33: Expelled
Chapter 34: Trial and Error

Chapter 35: I'm Sorry Master But I'm Not Coming Back

108 1 5
Por Rainbow-Rocker

Here we are! The grand finale! Yippee! This has been a long time coming! My final finale of the 'Legat' series! I honestly, truly hope that you all honesty have enjoyed this trilogy. These stories were the first ever stories I've written on Wattpad or just for an audience that wasn't my friends, family or teachers. Every read, vote and comment has meant so much to me over this last seven months so I want to say thank you to all of you! I think this has helped me rediscover my passion for writing. I do truly love it. Like Raxus and Carlac, Onderon will get an epilogue so this isn't just quite the end however it is like the official ending chapter that has a number. Sorry if I rambled but now: To completely conclude the story!

The Cosmic Force was being torn apart! The Son had been gathing his army of Darkness for ages, ever since the Jedi had came to Mortis. His Father, an old man, the 'Balence', couldn't control him here. Not like he used to. The Son unlike his sister had no host to bind to yet he had to admit that he hadn't always enjoyed seeing the Togruta suffer. She'd been a useful assest to him in the brief time she'd served as his pet. Ultimately, he had killed her but there was a light inside the former Padawan that strangely connected with him. She wasn't the purest nor was she morally ambiguous to the point of self-destruction. Her heart did what she thought was right, even if that meant going against the rules of those set by the purest however the Togruta also knew restraint. That was something her former Master sorely lacked in.

The Daughter had been fighting since Day One to keep Ahsoka on the path of Light. She'd been warned, over and over that Darkness was coming for Ahsoka. Yet she hadn't heeded the signs; hadn't taken the time to talk things through. The jealousy, the grief, the hurt, the fear, the anger, the hate, the betrayal. It was all there. In everyone, always just below the surface. Ahsoka had finally cracked and fallen but in a weird way, the Daughter didn't try to stop her. Ahsoka's powers had been growing for ages along with her experiences that shaped who she would become. The first taste had been when Dooku tortured Lux and she'd wanted him dead. Now her best friend had framed her, caused her only home- Only family- to abandon her and killed the love of her life. It was no wonder the Darkness finally took over. They all deserved what was coming for them...

The Father had been trying, in life and in death, to control the ever growing and ever present powers of his children. He'd failed once more. The people sworn to guard the Light had allowed themselves to ignore the Darkness and those who deeply followed the Dark had started to see brighter. Chaos insued where roles reversed.


"AHSOKA!" Anakin shouted at her, desperate to break through thr darkness that had consumed his dearest Togruta. He remembered how he felt when his mother had died, the anger and hatred he'd felt for the sand people. They had deserved to die for what they'd taken from him. However a few years later while the grief and regret remained, guilt and shame also followed him. Anakin knew that what he had done was against the Jedi way and also simply terrible as a decent person in the galaxy. The events of that day haunted him and probably would continue to do so for a long time. Anakin refused to allow Ahsoka to go through what he was suffering from. "AHSOKA LISTEN TO ME! THEY AREN'T WORTH IT!" Ahsoka appeared not to hear him though as her usually bright orange skin was tattooed with black lines and her crystal blue eyes had turned to a sick yellow. Her clothes were exactly the same however the handcuffs she had been wearing were now disintegrated. An aura of Darkness, despair and death surrounded her as Ahsoka floated off the ground and turned to Tarkin, cowering in his boots.

"Did you hear that, Admiral?" She asked with a gentle sweetness, more terrifying then if she was yelling. "The sound of screaming, chaos and death. I assume I'm responsible for that as well. Not the MIRIALAN WHO PRESSED THE FREAKING DETONATOR! NOT THE PERSON WHO IS TRULY RESPONSIBLE! ME! AHSOKA TANO IN YOUR EYES! SIMPLY BECAUSE... WHY? WHY DID YOU BLAME ME? I TOLD YOU!" Ahsoka turned to the members of the Jedi Council who were now on their feet. "I TOLD ALL OF YOU! NONE OF YOU BELIEVED ME! YOU'VE TAKEN EVERYTHING FROM ME!" Ahsoka screamed at them, her emotions rising and her power becoming more unstable by the minute. The Chancellor as well as his team and the Senators had all fled by now so it was now just Anakin, Ahsoka, the Jedi Council, the Temple guards and Barriss, who was laughing manically. "Now watch as I take everything from you..." She hissed at them before yelling out and her power exploded. It shook the walls, floors, ceilings and platforms while people stumbled and fell as the room began to cave in.

Anakin suddenly jumped up through the air using the Force and bravely pinned Ahsoka down onto a platform. "AHSOKA! LISTEN TO ME! I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL, BELIEVE ME! I'VE BEEN THERE! IT WON'T FIX WHAT HAPPENED! JUST DON'T DO SOMETHING YOU'LL REGRET FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!" Ahsoka growled as she fought against his restraints. He didn't understand, no one did. Screaming, Ahsoka summoned her power and blasted Anakin off of her before flying upwards once more.

She turned to Barriss who was still snickering and being pulled away by the guards. "I'll be back for you." Ahsoka threatened before she took off into the late afternoon sky.

Anakin groaned as he rose from the ground with the help of Obi-wan. He shook his head to dispell any dizzyness before storming over to Barriss. "Tell me where that warehouse was." Barriss just shook her head but then he grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her some more. Hard. "TELL ME!"


Firefighters, ambulances, police cars and other emergency services were surrounding the food district of Coruscant. Mere minutes ago a huge explosion had gone off, causing serious casualties and a horrendous fire. Police were desperately looking for suspects and trying to keep the public back while the firefighters fought with vigor against the blaze, testing themselves to the limit to reduce the damage and rescue others. The ambulances and paramedics had arrived and immediately started to attend to the wounded or critically injured in the blast.

Ahsoka saw all this chaos and destruction from above in the sky, surrounded by smoke and the lighting from the emergency vehicles. Coruscant was in a state about two bombings happening within such a short space of time. Ahsoka knew that while those injured or dead were tragic, she was only here to find one person. Lux. Diving down, Ahsoka used her new powers to protect herself and subsequently those nearby from the inferno. The more dangerous the fire became, the closer she was to the nanodroids which meant that she was closer to Lux. She would find him, even if it was just a body. He deserved a proper goodbye. Unlike those losers caught in the hanger bay explosion that Master Yoda gave a touching tribute to at the funeral. Coughing slightly as the smoke stung her skin and made her eyes water, Ahsoka used the Force to push the fire back and almost collapsed as it revealed a charred, burnt and broken body. "Lux..." She cried, feeling all emotions but grief evaporate.

Cradling his body in her lap as the blaze surrounded them, Ahsoka vowed internal hatred for Barriss. How dare she! "Don't worry Luxy, you'll be fine." Ahsoka tried to reassure him although she'd yet to feel a pulse and he was surely at the very least unconscious. Ahsoka was just trying to convince herself most likely. Having found what she was looking for, Ahsoka's powers came to her aid once more as they flew off into the cleaner and clearer air.


Ahsoka brought him not to a hospital but to a rooftop. She doubted what good the doctors could do for him in this state so she would try to heal him to a recoverable degree. This rooftop was of the building they had gone to that fateful night. Ahsoka realised now that she had nothing to hide from the Jedi anymore as she was expelled. Subconsciously, she brought her hand to her lips and then her stomach before cuddling Lux's body once more. Without the darkened light of a collapsing burning building, Ahsoka could now easily assess the damage. His hair had all but burnt to a crisp, so she kissed his hairline. A scar ran across his cheek which Ahsoka immediately identified as caused by a lightsaber. She realised now that the sound she had heard from her comnlink in the prison of someone in a lot of pain was Lux. Barriss was a crazy person to think it would be funny for Ahsoka to hear that. His arms and hands and cuts, burns and bruises that were also inflicted by Barriss. Force Ahsoka hated her.

Knowing that assess the impact wouldn't save him, Ahsoka began frantically checking for a pulse. She couldn't find one. Deciding that CPR would be the best move, Ahsoka performed that with ease as she had been given a refresher course every three months of the war. Suddenly, there was a faint but thankfully definite pulse. Lux was alive! She'd saved him! Ahsoka breathed a sigh of relief as the conflict lifted from his face and he looked like he was sleeping. Force he was cute when he slept. Ahsoka looked down at herself and recognised the markings along her body, they were similar to those given to her by N'Kata when she'd first met Lux. Ahsoka gasped as she realised she'd given into the Darkness, let Barriss get under her skin.

Once Ahsoka realised this, she heard the sound of screaming ring throughout her ears. "NO! NO! I WAS SO CLOSE!" She remembered that voice as belonging to the Son, the Dark God from Mortis. He must've been trying to use her fall as a way to escape from the Cosmic Force. Saving Lux and knowing that she still had someone out there for her managed to bring her back to the light. The longer she looked at Lux the more peaceful she felt until a bright white light engulfed her and Ahsoka could see the Daughter.

"Hello Ahsoka Tano, I'm very impressed with you." She smiled at her.

Ahsoka was surprised. "Me? Why? I fell to the Dark Side." The shame pricked at the back of her neck.

The Daughter held her shoulder, causing Ahsoka to look at her. "You did do that however that was a natural response to what happened to you. What you did, to come back to the Light, that is rare. Many Jedi have tried and failed to do so. However those who have, have all had one thing in common:" The Daughter showed Ahsoka a picture of Lux. "Their fall and rise was all for the people they love." The Daughter smiled at her. "Well done, Ahsoka Tano." Then the light faded away and Ahsoka was left on the rooftops with an only unconscious Senator. Beaming at what had just transpired and the elation one felt after returning to the Light, Ahsoka summoned a speeder and drive her dearest Lux to the hospital.


Ahsoka Tano walked into the Jedi Council Chambers where the members of the Council and her beloved Master stood waiting for her. Once upon a time, Ahsoka would've bowed to them and shown immense respect towards them. However too much had happened recently for Ahsoka to feel like they deserved anything from her. They had expelled her, caused everyone she cared about to turn against her. Even now, as Anakin looked at his Padawan with a broken smile she knew things were broken beyond repair. Still, her former Master didn't know that. "Ahsoka, I am so sorry, about everything." He told her, pulling her into a hug. The guilt he felt over allowing this to happen to her was nearly unbearable for him.

Plo Koon stepped forward to meet her. "You have our most humble apologies, little 'Soka. The Council was wrong to accuse you." Ahsoka couldn't help but frown at his words. Yes, they were wrong to accuse her, couldn't they have already seen that before she destroyed everything?

Master Tiin smiled slightly at her as he stepped forward. "You have shown such great strength and resilience in your struggle to prove your innocence." Ahsoka knew that he meant well although she doubted what kind of say he got in this seeing as she didn't know him that well.

Ki-Adi-Mundi looked at her and then his fellow Jedi before turning back to her. "This is the true sign of a Jedi Knight." She hadn't expected that, she'd fallen to the Dark Side for a day or two and the Council's solution was to reward that with a higher honour. Unbelievable.

Mace Windu tried to give her a comforting nod of the head but all it did was infuriated her further. Ahsoka could feel her powers growing as she looked at his unexpressionable face. "This was actually your great trial. Now we see that. We understand that the Force works in mysterious ways, and because of this trial you have become a greater Jedi than you would have otherwise." Ahsoka actually struggled to hold her tongue at those remarks. How dare he use that load of Bantha mess to cover up the Council's failings! 'Great trial' 'Greater Jedi than you would've been otherwise.' it was all so ridiculous!

Master Yoda walked towards her with a smile. Ahsoka tried to be angry with him as well but seeing his elderly face stopped her. "Back into the Order, you may come." Ahsoka tried to be happy about that, tried to be grateful that they wanted her back. Yet... She could not. This wasn't her life anymore, she knew that now.

Apparently, the Force still decided that Ahsoka hadn't suffered enough just yet. She heard someone cough behind her and turned around to see the hopeful face of her Master. "They're asking you back Ahsoka… I'm asking you back." Ahsoka could see the tears that had begun to form in his eyes and gasped inwardly when he held out his hand, containing her Padawan braid. Subconsciously, she reached behind her head inbetween her lekku where it had once rested. She'd gotten use to the feel of them not being there in the days since her expellment. She couldn't believe what she was about in do.

Reaching out, she allowed her fingers to stroke the beads however cursed herself when she saw the hope light up his face. Ahsoka's own eyes filled with tears and her lips quivered as she found his fingers and closed them around the braid. Daring to look Anakin Skywalker in the eye, Ahsoka Tano cried as she spoke the words: "I'm sorry Master, but I'm not coming back." Then she turned and ran away, from him, the Council, everything. Anakin looked stunned for a few desperate moments before his brain understood what happened and he raced after her. Unbeknownst to either of them, Obi-wan did start after his old friend but Master Plo held him back.

Ahsoka didn't care about the tears dripping down her face as she ran out through the Jedi Temple. She just wanted to get out of here. There was no place in the Jedi Temple or Order for her anymore. Ahsoka could hear Anakin yelling at her from a few meters away. "Ahsoka! Ahsoka wait! Come back!" She hesitated for a moment before stopping to let him catch up. He spun Ahsoka around and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Why? Why are you doing this? You can't leave, the Order is your life!"

"I know." Ahsoka whispered.

Anakin sighed. "Then don't walk any from it, come back with me. To leave would be idiotic."

Ahsoka looked up at him. "I know! However the Council didn't trust me, so how can I trust myself?" She folded her arms and turned away from him.

Anakin raked a hand through his hair. "What about me Ahsoka? I stuck by you, I believed in you!" He started to raise his voice which caused Ahsoka to turn back to him.

"I know and I'm grateful for that. However I need to figure out who I am now. Without the Order... And without you..." Her voice lowered to a whisper as the pair turned away from each other, now to painful to look back.

Anakin sighed for he knew there was nothing to change her mind. So he agreed with her. "I understand Ahsoka, more than you realise... I understand wanting to walk away from the Jedi Order." He was talking about Padme, Ahsoka knew about their relationship for obvious reasons. It didn't take a genius to work it out. She was honestly surprised that he had chosen to stay with the Jedi when they prevented him from every truly being with the one he loved.

Ahsoka looked back over her shoulder at his face, already partly shrouded in the shadows because of the evening sun. "I know." She told him, implying all that was needed to be said.

Anakin's eyes widened as he wondered what she meant by that and turned around to see her start to make her way back towards the steps, out into the big wide world, away from him. "So long Snips." Then he walked slowly and heartbrokenly back into the Temple.

Wow! Emotions running high throughout the chapter! I really do love that scene though so I hope I did okay. I hope you enjoyed this final chapter before the epilogue. That will be up tomorrow. Until then, adiós amigos.

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