Broken Secrets• JJK

By _Side_Dish_

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Y/n returned to college after her parents death in hope to maintain her life there normal so the secret of he... More

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By _Side_Dish_

~ The Aftermath ~
• Jeon Jungkook •
Chapter 10

| Kim Jennie |

"Hey everyone wants to go out tonight. wanna come?" I asked Y/n as we sat on the couch.

"Who's everyone?" She asked still looking at the tv.

I glanced down at the ground "Why does it matter? Just come out and have-" Y/n had shut off the tv and walked to her room, slamming the door shut behind her.

"Why are we slamming doors?" Yuna said as she walked out of her bedroom.

"Why do you think." I grabbed my purse from the counter "Taehyungs here. I'm leaving so she's your problem tonight."


| Y/n |

"I'm ordering food... do you want anything?" Yuna asked, her head slightly peaking in my door. My no response caused her to barge in, flickering on the lights and pulling the pillow from out underneath my head "Okay that's it. It's been months Y/n and you're not yourself."

"I'm fine" I smiled "You are just over-"

"What happened between you and jungkook during break?" Silence.

Even when I say it in my head it sounds childish. So what he found out is what I keep saying but to me there's so much more to it than a secret. College wasn't infected with the tragedy of my parents. No one knew. No one looked at me like a girl who parents got murdered while she was out partying, her phone dead and unable to answer her parents calls.


"Nothing happened okay?"

She laughed "I'm not stupid. Ever since you guys went upstairs on break you can't even stand the sound of his name"

"Look I don't wanna talk about it. Just leave it be" I shouted at her

She stood up and grabbed me by my ear "What is so bad that you can't even-"

"HE KNOWS SOMETHING." I shout through the pain.

"Know what?" She said while releasing my ear and crossed her arms across her chest.

I signaled for her to sit back down "Don't tell anyone. Not even Jennie" She promised me "Before this year started I went home for summer break and I went out with my friend to a  party."

"When I returned home my... my parents were laying on the ground dead. They had been murdered." A moment of silent over took the room "I didn't want anyone from college to know.... I needed to get away from that, I didn't want people treating me differently"

"So you hid it?" She questioned

I nodded and continued with my story "That morning I left I visited my parents grave, so did Jungkook." A light gasp escaped her mouth "Turns out the house I ran to for help, was his house."

"So because he knows about your parents death you cut things off?" She asked. I nodded "YOU IDIOT!"


She slapped my arm "Y/n, you seriously think jungkook would be that type of person?" she took a deep breath in "I don't know if you are aware of this but jungkook is in love with you. This? him finding out changes nothing."

I stayed silent. I knew there were more than sexual feeling coming into our relationship but never did I think "He loves me"


| Kim Taehyung |

"Still depressed?" Jimin asked me as I walked out of Jungkooks room which has officially turned into the nastiest place in this dorm.

I nodded and grabbed a bottle of water "I don't get it."

"I told him not to get attached." Jimin said

The cold water cooled my throat "He usually knows better."

We both stayed silent and waited for some sign that jungkook had gotten out of his bed and into the shower. There was none.

"This is it, we're dragging him out to a party tonight. He needs to get laid" We both marched into his room, grabbing him off the bed and into the bathroom

"Why can't you both just leave me?" He whined

"Cheer up Kookie, we're going to a party and you my guy, are getting laid."


| Y/n |

"Girls, tonight we are going to the best college party ever." Jennie placed two bags from a costume store and another from victoria secret. "Just us girls." She said, making it obvious it's directed at me

Yuna pulled out a piece of clothes from the bag "These are our oufits?"

"Yes. It's a Christmas party, and since it's mandatory that we show our Christmas spirit, even if it's slutty"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my outfit from the bag " Slutty santa?"

"Yuna is the slutty reindeer and I'm a slutty elf" She seemed proud of herself.

"And you're sure it's just gonna be us?" I asked her.

She nodded "Let me honest with you, Jungkook hasn't been to a party in 2 months." She sighed "The boys can't even get him out his room. I'm sure he's not gonna be there tonight"

A smile formed on her face as she continued to talk about the party. I wanted to be excited with her but my mind was worrying about Jungkook. Is he okay? I didn't really hurt him did I? Why hasn't he came out his room? So many questions and the only one with answers is Jungkook. A person I'm to afraid to even face.

"Party's in 3 hours. Get ready girls" Jennie shouted before turning on some music.

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