Neighbors (Davekat)

By sp00kyJish

120K 4.2K 12.5K

Dave Strider. Jock of the century. Leader of leaders. God of gods. King of kings. Most ironically loved guy... More

The Dream
Gettin' shit done, son.
Gettin' shit done, son pt.2
Just a Project
Their Moment (very short)
Tears & Boners
not an update but..
Guys & Wierd Eyes
Not that Different
The Plan
Bad Yet Perfect
Happy Valentines Day
Important A/N
Back to Normal
Uninvited Guest
Uninvited Guest 2.0
Satan Is Back
Better Off
John (Continuing)
"I Don't Care."
The Two Ships

2 people, 1 project

7K 230 825
By sp00kyJish

Okay, so I was thinking I should give you guys the headcanon voices I have for them. Check them out guys, you won't be disapointed;
The video is: Homestuck Headcanon Voices
There's a picture of Dave as the cover.
Please check it out :^)


I forgot about that in the last chapter.



Be the one flipping his shit:

"OH MY GOD KANAYA I'M FLIPPING MY SHIT,"I yelled. These 11 people I call friends and I, have a spot to always 'chill', which is at the top of the bleachers at our school. I always liked it, for some odd reason. "If I May Ask, Why Are Your Shits Being Flipped?" Kanaya replied calmly, I don't understand how she manages to but up with my melodramatic-self. "OKAY WELL, MR. SLICK ASSIGNED PARTNERS FOR SOME PROJECT THING WE'RE DOING, AND JUST *GUESS* WHO I FUCKING GOT." She smiled and laughed a little. Jesus, why is everyone laughing today? Am I that funny? "Oh Karkat, There Is No Need To Fake Your Anger, We All Know," my eyebrows knit in pure and utter confusion, what is she talking about? Nepeta sprung up from behind Kanaya and exclaimed,"That mew have a thing," she raised her eyebrows,"For Strider." Is she being serious? Am I being pranked? "I-I DO NOT, YOU," I pointed at Nepeta,"YOU PUT THOSE THE BACK DOWN." Vriska waltzed next to me and put her arm around me,"Ahah, Oh Karkat, you poor soul!" She laughed in utter sarcasm,"There is no need to be denial!" I facepalmed. Is everyone on drugs? Am I on drugs? Is this even real? "I CERTAINLY DO NOT HAVE ONE SINGLE THING FOR STRIDER!" I yelled angrily. I mean, why would I! He's worthless. Feferi managed to hear me and hugged me tightly,"Awwwwwwe, KARKAT IS IN LOVE GUYS!" She screamed happily. Next thing you know, I was surrounded by these nerds asking me if I was in love with Dave.

Was I?


The warning bell rang, meaning I had to get to class. Did I want to go to class?

What kind of question is that, no one wants to go to class. Absolutely no one.

I rolled my eyes at these fuckers and walked down the bleachers, still wondering what the hell gave them the thought of me, Karkat Vantas, having some type of interest in that wet bag of horse shit, Dave Strider.

Just the thought of his name made me twitch.

I stepped into the hallway and quickly made my way to class, almost bursting into a vomit volcano passing through all the couples sucking eachothers filthy faces off. In all honestly, I'm glad I've never been in a relationship, I mean, just the thought of having someone around you all the time makes me wanna scratch my eyeballs out and eat them.

I eventually managed to get to class without vomiting, and made my way to my seat. There were pros and cons to having assigned seats. I got to sit in the back, and the best part is that it was next to a window, the best seat in class.

The worst part;I sit next to the only person I hate more than myself, and I'm pretty sure everyone knows who.

The only person that doesn't know, is Strider himself.

Hilarious, right?

The second bell rang, meaning it was officially time for class.

I sunk into my seat and waited desprately for the class to end, even though it barely started. This class was pretty crowded, meaning everyone had to pretty much breathe down eachothers necks. Everyone somewhat arrived on time, Strider of course being the last.

Not that I waited, or anything.

Fuck that.

This class was somewhat okay, considering our teacher was a slacker and was asleep most of the time. So everyone kind of, did whatever they wanted. I decided to catch up on my sleep, considering my horrible sleeping habits. I put my head down, and closed my eyes for about 30 magnificent seconds until I was rudely interrupted my Strider tapping my shoulder. What could he possibly want this time? I sighed and lifted my head up lazily, turning my attention to him,"WHAT IN THE SWEET ALMIGHTY TAINTCHAFING FUCK CAN YOU POSSIBLY WANT THIS TIME." He smiled and answered,"Your name." That took me by surprise, I thought he was going to sell me drugs or something along the lines, but still. What the fuck does he need my name for? "THAT'S NONE OF YOUR CONCERN," I harshly responded. "It kinda is, I mean we are partners."

I sighed, knowing his clever mind would eventually make me say it,"KARKAT," I mumbled. "Well Karkat, you have very nice eyes." He flashed me one of his famous smiles, one that would make a girls panties into a waterfall. But, incase he didn't notice, I'm a guy. And incase he didn't notice, he, also, is a guy. Unless he's gay, which I doubt he is, considering he is constantly surrounded by so many horny bitches that throw themselves at him. Am I gay? Hah, I doubt it. There's no way in hell I'm gay.

But his smile was very, pleasing, to watch.

Very pleasing.

I felt my face get somewhat heated at that unexpected comment, I stuttered, not having a clue what to say due to the fact that I get complimented on rare occassions. "I-I UH..WHA-UH..I..," To put it in better words, I sounded like a fucking idiot, which seemed to ammuse him. "Hah, cute," he commented. At this point, I didn't wanna make eye contact with the guy, he made me feel all weird, that asshole. I wanted to change the subject completely, so I did,"UH, THE PROJECT! YEAH, I WAS THINKING WE SHOULD BEGIN EARLY!" I exclaimed. The level of akwardness seemed to have been lowering down. "Excited, I see?" He smirked.

How can someone so worthless manage to make me loose my words?

"N-NO! ALL I WANT IS TO GET THIS USELESS SHIT OVER WITH SO I CAN CONTINUE SOMEHOW LIVING MY LIFE," I defended. He still had the ammused look on his face,"Oh, so you like things done fast~?" He replied in a low tone. Is he trying to flirt with me? Is he trying to get in my pants?


Bad news Strider! I'm not that easy.

What am I even saying? I hate this motherfucker with a burning passion.

"IS THIS YOU TRYING, AND HILARIOUSLY FAILING, TO FLIRT WITH ME? IF THAT'S THE CASE, YOU ARE EXTREMELY HORRIBLE AY IT." I warned. I regained my power, some dignity too, and gave him a straight face. "I'm not tryin' to flirt," he put his hands up, then leaned into my personal space bubble,"Unless you want me too." I squinted me eyes at this horny bastard. "YOU KNOW WHAT I WANT?" I replied with a smile. "YOU KNOW WHAT I REALLY WANT?" I bit my lip seductively. He leaned in and I yelled into his ear,"TO GET THIS FUCKING PROJECT DONE YOU HORNY SHIT!" He flinched and leaned back, and was about to say something until the holy sound of the bell rang, giving me the chance to get the hell away from Strider.

I got up and practically ran out of the classroom and straight to the bleachers. Was he honestly trying to hit on me?


I pushed the double doors that lead to the football field, clearly having a hard time. I stepped foot into the empty field, hearing the obnoxious voices of my somewhat-friends.

I climbed my way to the very top of the bleachers, later sitting down and trying to, once again, catch up on my sleep and hopefully be successful at it.

Until I heard footsteps coming to the spot I was at, I tried to roll my eyes, and failed at it soon realizing me eyes were closed. I peeked through one eye, and saw that it was Eridan. What can he possibly want this time?

"Kar, I'vve seemed to come across a slight, problem," Eridan shyly said. I half opened my eyes,"WHAT DID YOU DO, THIS TIME?" I sat up, being welcomed with a head full of unbearable pain. I ignored it, as usual and tried to stay awake. I took off my sweater, leaving me with a grey t-shirt, I pretty much prepared myself for his emotional self. "Wwell, there's this..person," he sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. The funny thing is, we all knew who he liked,"YOU HAVE SOME TYPE OF FEELING TOWARDS SOLLUX, DON'T YOU." He looked at me with the most surprised look he's ever made,"Howw did you knoww?" He whispered. "EVERYONE KNOWS, MAN. JUST TELL HIM HOW YOU FEEL, DON'T STRESS ABOUT IT AND STOP BEING SUCH A SISSY," He nodded, still looking unsure,"JUST, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, OKAY?" He smiled slyly. He always smiled when I said things like this, which somehow made me smile. "You care about me, don't you," he gave me those 'you know you do' eyes, and I tried my hardest not to smile, something I rarely do. I pushed his shoulder,"SHUTUP, YOU FUCKING LOSER," He smiled as got up and left.

Well, that's enough smiling for today.

"Thank you," he gave me a smile as he got up and left. Just as Eridan left, Gamzee came all the way to the top of the bleachers, where I was at. He sat next to me, and asked,"WhAt'S Up, BrO?" I sighed,"I HATE EVERYTHING."

His dopey smile never left his painted face,"Aw, cOmE hErE." He patted a spot on his lap. Is he serious? I'm absolutely not sitting on his lap. "GAM, I'M NOT SITTING ON YOUR LAP."

"LaY yOuR hEaD oN mY lAp, KaRbRo," he looked at me. I hesitated, not exactly knowing if I should.

Fuck it, I'm tired and I need to vent. I layed my head on his lap, looking up at him and later closing my eyes and began,"OKAY WELL, I GOT PARTNERED UP WITH STRIDER FOR A PROJECT, AND YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I JUST WANT TO SMASH HIS FACE, RIGHT?" He started patting my hair. This was actually quite relaxing,"MhM, I hErE yOu, BrOtHeR." I continued,"AND THE LAST PERIOD, HE STARTED FLIRTING WITH ME. WHO DOES THIS GUY THING HE IS?" I sighed. This felt good, not that this was the first time we did this, I help him and he helps me.

We compromise.

Gamzee commented,"WeLl, ThAt's BaD nEwS, cAuSe ThAt StRiDeR bRo Of YoUrS iS mOvIn' To ThE bUiLdInG nExT tO uS, iT's A mOtHeRfUcKiNg MiRaClE."

My eyes shot open, as did my whole body,"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? OH GOD WHEN I SEE THAT SHITS-"

"ShOoOoSsShHh," Gamzee 'papped' me until I calmed down, he got up and enveloped me in a huge bear hug and but his head on mine,"ShOoOoOsH bRoThEr, It'S aLl GoOd," I sighed, he was right. I'm making this too much of a big deal. "THANKS, GAM." I lazily hugged him back. He's the only person I would hug, something about Gamzee made him huggable.

The bell wrang, once again.

Time for more complete bullshit.


After all the lecturing, school was finally over. Gamzee and I didn't hesitate to go straight home, considering the fact that we were walking home. We about two streets away from our apartment building, until I heard the sound of footsteps coming our way. I didn't bother to look, I didn't care.

Well, that was up until I saw who it was.

"Hey, wait up!" Strider yelled. Can thus day get any worse? "CAN YOU JUST GO DIG A WHOLE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN, GET INSIDE IT, AND DIE IN IT?"

He laughed and ruffled my hair,"You're funny." My patience for this idiot is, oh wait, I don't have patience for him.

I hate him, more than absolutely anything. "FUCK OFF."

We stopped at our apartment building and I got out my keys, just wanting to go sleep for the rest of my life. "Wait, you live here?" I nodded, not bothering to look at him. I heard him walk away, saying something before he left.

"See ya later, neighbor."

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