Agent Raven of S.H.I.E.L.D. (...

By Sparkplug02

40.4K 1.6K 363

It's time for Agent Raven to play with the big boys. She has to start at the bottom of the list, but as time... More

Transferring Departments
The Drafting System, according to some hotshot
Know Thy Place
Follow the Leader
Why Did I Follow the Leader?
Not So Side Job
New York Night Out
They Won't Die. Probably.
A Royal Assist
Man Down
Playing Nurse
Stuck in a Rut
Car Trip
Chicken McNuggets
Free Rein
Red Tape
Living Up to Romanoff
New Sergeant
Anyone Home?
Wait Another Day
Occupational Hazard
Three Kings
Watch List
Test Prep
Taught Me Well
In the Line of Fire
Special Delivery
Light Flight
Heavy Fire
Job To Do
A Different Call
Dead End
Belly of the Beast
Alone and Alive
All the King's Men
Take A Seat
Know Thy Place, Part 2


232 12 2
By Sparkplug02

Raven brought the case up to her dorm, closing and locking the door before even thinking about opening it. She had a feeling Shuri didn't want SHIELD to know about a few of the things inside. 

The case was coded to open with her thumbprint. Raven provided it and cracked the case open, revealing a full equipment package. For how small the case was, there was a lot of stuff inside.

First and foremost was a letter. Probably best to read that first.


'Most of these are prototypes, so I will need to improve them before long. Your watch will collect data to help me fine-tune some of the features. Hopefully, some of this will come in useful during your missions. 

'Included is a suit (the first version, obviously), a new watch, three protective slap-bracelets, and a new bow and quiver. No arrows for now; I hope you have your own to use for the time being. I am working on a few different ideas for arrows in the future, but I want to explore options. 

'Best of luck,


She decided to try on the suit first. Setting the letter aside, she carefully lifted the suit out of the briefcase and held it in front of her. It wasn't flashy, which was perfect for Raven. There were a few dark purple highlights here and there, but not enough to draw attention. 

Some of the seams looked rather familiar, though. It took Raven a minute to place them, but the fabric had been sewn together to mimic Natasha's Black Widow suit. She hoped she would have a chance to show Natasha before long. She'd probably get a kick out of it. 

Underneath it was a set of boots and gauntlets. These were pretty stiff, which was perfect. It would take some time to break them in, but they would reinforce Raven's joints like medical braces did. 

She changed out of her SHIELD suit into Shuri's suit. The first thing she noticed was that this was much more comfortable and it fit her better. Out of instinct, she tried crossing her arms in front of her chest. Sure enough, a purple energy shield generated around her. Raven grinned as she released the shield. She felt like an Avenger already.

Curious, she looked into the mirror near her door. It only reinforced the giddy feeling rising in her. It looked cool. 

The watch was next. She wrapped it around her left wrist, knowing that if she needed to use it during a fight, it was better to have it on her bow hand. As soon as she tightened the strap, the watch sprung to life. On the screen, a little symbol appeared: a configuration of diamonds that looked suspiciously like a bird. 

Shuri, you really outdid yourself, Raven thought, watching the symbol fade away as the home screen replaced it. There were plenty of functions for her to choose from: GPS, satellite tracking, communications, health statistics, and suit controls. She decided there would be time to experiment with those later and she moved on. 

She took a minute to inspect the slap-bracelets. In the center was a small light, probably an indicator of some sort. Raven suspected that when the bracelet activated, her watch could track its location. Although she was curious to test it, she hoped she wouldn't have to anytime soon. 

The last thing was the new bow and quiver. Raven grabbed her SHIELD quiver from her closet and emptied out the arrowhead attachments. Shuri had made the new bow compatible with the old components, thankfully. She reattached the sizzle arrowheads, the explosive arrowheads, and the electric arrowheads. Raven knew Clint had other tricks in his arsenal back in the day, but his gear had been lost when he died, and no one knew where the schematics were. 

All that was left to do was switch the arrow shafts from one quiver to the other. Once everything was loaded up, Raven slung it on her back. The straps were loose at first, but once the quiver made contact with her suit, it snapped into place and the straps tightened. The suit and the quiver were programmed to fit together. Not that it came as a surprise. 

Raven grabbed the bow and stood in front of the mirror again. She didn't look quite like Clint used to, and she didn't look like a Widow either. She looked like her... but like she knew what she was doing. Like she was supposed to be wearing a Wakandan suit and like she was supposed to be an Avenger. 

Something on her right shoulder caught her eye. She stepped closer to the mirror to look and saw the same symbol that had appeared on her watch. Raven smiled again. Apparently, Shuri had chosen a callsign for her. 

It was a good look. Obviously, she couldn't use it on Field missions, but Raven was excited for her next Espionage assignment. She was going to look so badass.

Unfortunately, she couldn't test the suit just yet, but she could test the bow. It had been a while since she practiced her archery anyway. Raven took everything off, packing the suit back into the case. The watch she could keep on (Shuri would want data from the bow anyway) and she cou-

Her phone buzzed. She grabbed it off the dresser and read the notification: 'MISSION ALERT: UNIT 6-11 REPORT TO HANGAR 4.'

Well, so much for testing the bow. Begrudgingly, she packed the bow and quiver away too and closed the case. There would be time later. 

Grabbing a pair of shoes, she stuffed her phone and her badge in her pocket and made for the Field locker rooms. 

She was one of the last agents there. Everyone else was already changing. She quickly stashed everything she wouldn't need and changed into her Field suit. Trying not to think about how much better Shuri's suit was, she put her boots on, grabbed her firearm and her helmet, and ran out to Hangar 4 to join the others. 

Smith gave her a look once she boarded the jet. "You're late."

"Don't listen to him," Danny assured her. "If you beat Doug, you're not late."

"I don't take scheduling advice from him anyway," she said, taking her seat and nodding at Smith, "but thanks."

"Whatever you say, Roadrunner."

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