The Arranged Marriage of Two...

By goodgirl_1299

24.3K 346 119

Cammie Morgan is known as a legendary spy, but when shes thrown into an arranged marriage with the cocky, wel... More

Cammie Morgan A.K.A Chalmeon and Zach Goode A.K.A Cocky
Bex Baxter A.K.A Duchess and Grant Newman A.K.A Fighter
Liz Sutton A.K.A BookWorm and Jonas A.K.A Electric
Macey McHenry A.K.A Peacock and Nick A.K.A Swordsmen
Tina Walters A.K.A Paparazzi and Abgail Cameron A.K.A 'Aunt Abby'
Rachel Morgan A.K.A 'Cammies Mom' and Joe Solomon A.K.A Co. Ops. Teacher
chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
NOTE!! Please Read!!!
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Please Read Everyone!!!

Chapter 5

1.3K 26 4
By goodgirl_1299

Zach’s POV

As we walked into the restaurant, leaving Cammie in the parking lot, I couldn’t help but smirk knowing all the girls in the place were staring at me, and all the guys want to be me. And being the Cocky Ass I am, I winked at a few of the girls, causing them too blush and look down.

After about Five minutes, Cammie finally came in while walking over to our table almost every guy stops and stares at her ass as she took a seat across from me, with a blank expression. She picked up her Menu and started looking through it. After realizing she’s going to try and ignore me I picked up my Menu also and scanned through it once, already decided what I’m having. The waiter came over too take our orders, completely obvious too Cammie’s Beauty. ‘If only he knew how much of an attitude she has.’ I thought while laughing out loud to myself.

Cammie’s mom and my dad gave me funny looks, then went back to telling the waiter what they want. I was still laughing too hard when he turned to me for my order, so he went on to Cammie. Giving her a Flirty smile and asked,

“What can I get you, Beautiful?”

That made Cammie finally look up, and do a once over of him. Then she looked over at his name tag for a fleeting second before replying with a Flirty smile,

“I’ll just have a salad Josh, Thanks.”

And that’s about when I started getting pissed. But Josh just looks surprised before answering with a bright smile, while writing it down. Then he turns to me with a blank expression and asks,

“And you?”

While glaring at him I answer through clenched teeth,

“Grilled Chicken Salad.”

Fear flashed in his eyes before nodding and quickly writing it down.

“Your order will be ready in ten minutes.”

He replied in a shaky voice before walking away fast. I look over at Cammie’s mom and notice she’s glaring at Josh’s back. Then look over at my dad to find him trying to contain his laughter. I smirk in victory, and finally look over at Cammie. She glares at me and says,

“Why the Hell did you do that?!”

I just smirk and say,

“Cause I can.”

This seems to make Cammie even more pissed off, before replying,

“No you can’t, you’re not my Boyfriend!”

That’s when Cammie’s mom steps in and says,

“Cammie that’s enough, Zach was just doing that so that boy doesn’t hurt you.”

Cammie just mutters something to herself, so low that I can’t even hear. Ten minutes pass and the waiter returns with our food, giving it to us not saying a word. Then leaves, while Cammie and I eat our food quickly wanting the night to just be over so we can find out what this stupid surprise is and get it over with, our parents eat slowly and talk. ‘When will this night end?’ I think to myself.

Then again Fate is never on my side.

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