The Sister (Harry Potter/Geor...

By StylesImagines444

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Angelica Lily Riddle is the secret Daughter of Lily Potter and Tom Riddle (Voldemort). She was sent to Azkaba... More



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By StylesImagines444

The Sister Part LXXII

The Next Day:

Angel's Point Of View:

Angel's And Babies Outfits Below:

The next morning, I awoke before George and went to the other side of the room to check on the twins. They were both awake, sucking on their dummies while staring up at the ceiling, completely contented.

Smiling, I reach into their twin bassinet and somehow manage to lift both of them out and cradle them in my arms before making my way into the living room.

Fred and Angelina were already there, surprising me because it is still early. Fred was at the kitchen counter, drinking coffee while Angelina was sat on the sofa, drinking tea.

"Morning, guys."

I say, walking into the room. They both look up at me and immediately smile, Fred grabbing his mug and making his way around the counter to me.

"Hey. How're you feeling?"

Fred asks, approaching me to hug me. I happily accept his hug while Angelina watches on, waiting for my response. I nod.

"Actually good. After speaking with Delphi last night, it put things into perspective. I just want to move on."

I say and Fred nods, Angelina too. I smile and reach Freddie out to Fred. He gratefully takes him, a bit awkwardly. I approach Angelina and hand her Sirius. She excitedly takes him.

"I'm gonna go pump some milk if you wanna feed them."

I comment, making my way to the kitchen. They both nod and Fred goes to take a seat next to Angelina on the sofa.

I grab the bottles and head into the bathroom to pump milk. When I return, I hand them bottles to Fred and Angelina before heading back into kitchen.

"You guys want some breakfast?"

I ask, reaching for a frying pan. With shocked expressions, they both nod. With a grin, I begin making breakfast. Pancakes, waffles, bacon and eggs, I think.

As I begin plating everything up, George appears in the room. He glances down at the twins sleeping in their travel cot and smiles. He nods to Fred and Angelina before approaching me.

"Morning, babe. You cooked?"

He asks, surprised and I nod, handing him his plate before grabbing Fred and Angelina's. They thank me and I nod before going back for mine.

"I need to see Harry, my Dad, the Pack and Sanguini today. If you wanna come, I'm gonna take the twins."

I say and George glances at Fred and Angelina, who both nod.

"Yes, of course. You both go out, do whatever. We have the store covered."

Angelina says and I smile. George turns back to me and nods.

⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡

I have Freddie wrapped up in one of those kangaroo chest carriers while George has Sirius in one as well. We have just arrived at Harry and Ginny's and were waiting for someone to answer the door.

Seconds pass before the door opens and Harry stands on the other side. He looks taken aback to see me standing in front of him. I send him a smile.

"Can we come in?"

I ask and he nods eagerly, stepping aside to allow us entry. We all make our way into the living room where Ginny is, on the ground, playing with James with his toys. She too looks surprised to see me.

"Hey, Gin. Goodness, he's getting big."

I smile, taking a seat on the sofa where I take Freddie out of his chest carrier. George sits down beside me and does the same.

"It's so good to see you. How are you feeling? Are you okay?"

Harry asks, taking a seat opposite me. I nod and hand Ginny Freddie as she was eyeing him happily. I gently take Sirius from George and hand him to Harry, who is happy to receive him.

"Really good actually. Delphi really helped me yesterday. I'm ready to move on and focus on raising these two miracles."

I say and Harry smiles at me. I reach out to James and he reaches his arms back out to me. I lift him up and he giggles. Just then, the door opens and Hermione walks in, Ron behind her.

"Hey, you two."

I say and Hermione gasps when she sees me, quickly coming over to hug me while Ron smiles at me.

⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡

Like clockwork, we are soon knocking on my Dad's door. This time, I have Sirius and George has Freddie. The door soon opens and Dad appears. He looks relieved to see me.

"Hi, Dad."

I say and he smiles and pulls me into his arms. He is soon ushering us inside, eyeing the twins with a happy expression.

Annette is not home when he enter the living room. We all sit down and Dad eyes me worriedly.

"Are you really okay?"

He asks and I nod, smiling at him as I get Sirius out of his carrier.

"Yes. Delphi really helped. I'm ready to move on now."

I say and Dad nods, seeming satisfied with my answer.

"Now, do you wanna hold your Grandson's?"

I ask and he sends me a smile before nodding. I happily hand him Sirius.

⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡

With Freddie tucked in his kangaroo and George behind me with Sirius tucked in his, we enter the Pack house. I had already mind linked Delphi to have her and Raf there. I also made sure that Bill would be in attendance and our new Omega.

When we enter, every Wolf turns to stare at Freddie. They can sense the Wolf in him. Their future Alpha. Delphi immediately comes over to hug me.

"So good to see you, Angie!"

She says and I nod, sending her a smile once she pulls away. Raf takes her place and hugs me.

"Thank you for returning her to me."

He whispers in my ear and I nod. Bill appears behind Raf and I happily hug him.

"It's good to have you back."

He says, nodding to George behind me. I nod and watch as each Wolf seems happy to see me back.

"A few of Mason's Wolves have left the country. Some have decided to leave the Pack life behind and the rest want to join our Pack."

Raf explains and I notice that there are eleven new faces at the house. I notice how they all seemed loyal and respectful. Sanguini's contact did say that most of Mason's Wolves didn't want to be in his Pack. They wanted peace, stability and respect. I nod.

"I will allow each new arrival to stay. We have positions open in the warrior group. Speak to your Omega for entry. We also have positions open to take care of the pups. Raf and Bill will extend the Pack house to accommodate you. However, do understand that any attempt to double cross me or bring harm to any member of my Pack, will be met with swift death."

I say and they all nod, thanking me as I nod to Raf and Bill. They nod and take the new arrivals to sort them out a room each. I turn to George and smile.

"Why don't you take the twins home? I'll check in with Sanguini and meet you there, so, we can get started on the twin's room."

I say, unclipping the kangaroo and handing George Freddie. He nods and I smile and kiss the twin's heads before kissing George. He disapparates and I turn to Delphi. I send her a smile before disapparating myself.

I arrive in front of Sanguini's house and knock on the door. He opens it seconds later and I smile at him. He looks happy to see me and takes my hand to kiss the back of it.

"Angelica. It is so good to see you up and well. Do come in."

He says and I nod and step into his home.

⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡

When I returned home, Molly and Arthur were there. Molly had Sirius and Arthur had Freddie. I smile.


Molly looks up and smiles widely when she see me standing before her. Standing, she gives me a hug.

"Thank Heaven's you're alright."

He says and I smile, turning to Arthur with a smile and he smiles back. George appears from the back and I frown at his huge smile.

"Come with me. I wanna show you something."

He says and I nod and take his outstretched hand. He leads me down the corridor and I see that we had a new extension. A new room. The twin's room. Opening the door, we walk inside.

One wall on the left side was a beautiful yellow colour with the name 'ƑƦЄƊƊƖЄ' above a black cot. The middle wall was white with a stencil of the Hogwarts castle in the middle. A black dresser sat in the middle. The right hand wall was red with the name 'ᏕᎥᏒᎥᏬᏕ' above another black cot. The floors were a dark brown wood and a black and white circular rug sat in the middle. On the other side was a huge closet. Beside that was a nursing chair, which was black. Two windows went from floor to ceiling and you could see all of Diagon Alley from them. Covering them were white velvet curtains.

"Oh, George! This is perfect!"

I say, turning to kiss him deeply. Molly and Arthur appear at the door with the twins. I happily take Sirius while George takes Freddie. We make our way over to their respective cots and place them inside, covering them with their blankets.

As George goes to see his parents out as they were leaving, I stood and watched the twins as they slept, the biggest of smiles on my face.

Life is good.

⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡

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