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By -1ktrappacarti

5.8K 206 54

In which Leo Barton falls for the dorky archer but their relationship isn't the best at first but at one poin... More

001. ๐—ก๐—ฒ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ ๐— ๐—ฒ๐—ฒ๐˜ ๐—ฌ๐—ผ๐˜‚๐—ฟ ๐—›๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—ผ๐˜€
003. ๐—˜๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ผ๐—ฒ๐˜€
004. ๐—ฃ๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐˜๐—ป๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐˜€, ๐—”๐—บ ๐—ถ ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐—ด๐—ต๐˜?
005. ๐—ฅ๐—ผ๐—ป๐—ถ๐—ป

002. ๐—›๐—ถ๐—ฑ๐—ฒ ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฑ ๐—ฆ๐—ฒ๐—ฒ๐—ธ

1K 30 18
By -1ktrappacarti


"Kate Bishop" The girl responded

"Your a kid....shitt" Leo said as he let go of her neck until he realized why he attacked her

"How did you get this?" He asked referring to the suit as Kate was out of breathe and in shock. Leo then heard sirens heading their way

"Look. We gotta get you out of here, alright? It's not safe for you here, do you live anywhere near here?" He asked as she nodded

"Yeah I live just..." Before she could answer Leo grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of the alley as they were walking he asked "Are you okay?"

"I'm really fine I..." she said not being able to speak

"Alright come on hurry" He said

"I saw a dead body.....it was a first" She said as
Leo looked at her weirdly "Okayy....we'll talk when we get you home"

"So how'd you learn to fight like that?" He asked as the two of them walked down the street

"I...uh. Started taking Martial arts when I was five" She said

"Oh cool so it was a year ago" He joked as Kate rolled her eyes

"Very funny" She said with a stern tone as he  chucked

A few moments later there was silence until Kate decide to speak up

"So you just constantly look for things that are suspicious or weird?" She asked

"Uh-huh" Leo nodded

"Oh by the way just so you know, I'm not a total noob, right? and umm I know I was a little overwhelmed but I held my own with douchebags" Kate said but Leo wasn't paying attention to her then they approached a building

"Oh we're right here, some people have called me the world's greatest archer" Kate said

"Oh yeah? Let me guess your on of those people?" He asked

"Well one of them...yea, some people even say I'm better than your dad..." She said as He turned to her

"It's funny that people believe that" He scoffed "open the door" he said

"Oh..yea" Kate said as she opened the door and both of them walked inside

The two of them headed to the apartment as soon as Kate opened the door Leo saw a dog on the floor

"Some guard dog you got there" he said as he closed the as he looked around

"Yup I inherited it" she said

"Are you 18?" He asked as she shook her head

"I'm 22" she said as he slowly nodded

"So can I get the vest now so I can leave?" He asked as Kate nodded and was about to take it off in front of him but he quickly turned around and covered his eyes

"Woah! Not here, in your room" he said disturbed

"Oh yea...um sorry" she said as she went up to her room and He uncovered his eyes

"I can't believe Titan is in my apartment!!" She squealed in Her head

"So...how did you get the suit" he asked

" Black market auction" she responded as He nodded in understanding

"So you bought it?" He asked

"No, not exactly" she replied as Leo walked around the room

"So what did you do in that suit?" He asked

"Beat some guys up. Saved the dog. Some light B and E" she said

"A 22 year old Vigilante, shouldn't you be like in school?" He asked as she scoffed as the question

She finally came down

"It's funny you should ask because I was about to ask you the same" she said as he gave her a  sarcastic smile

"Now that I answered all your questions, I have so many for you, starting with , can you sign this?" She asked giving him a bow and a pen

"I'm not done yet" he said putting the down on the table

"But when you are can you sign my bow?" She asked "you're my favorite avenger..." she said with a sweet smile

"Are you okay? By the way?" He asked

"Oh I'm good, yeah. No. I'm fine, you should see the other guys" she said

"I did. Tracksuit Mafia" he responded

"So that's their name? That a little on the nose. Don't you think?" She asked as he chuckled

"Do you think they're the ones that killed my mom's fiancés Uncle?" She asked

"Your mom's fiancés uncle?" He asked

"Armand lll" she responded "at least seven"

"I do not know" he trailed off  "but what I do need to know is if anyone saw your face?"

"No, kept my mask on like a pro"  she said

"Good cause the person that wore that suit made a lot of enemies, alright? And the tracksuits are one of them"

"How do you know so much?" She asked

"Oh well uh....because I used to know the person he wasn't very good...so you told nobody about the suit?"


"There no way you're connected to this suit?"


"I need you to be honest"

"I am"



"The Tracksuits followed you from the auction to where I found you. Did you stop anywhere before that?"

"I just dropped off the dog" she shrugged

Then they heard a voice from outside

"Hey, Kate Bishop!"

They both turned to the window, then Kate looked back at Leo

"And my names on the buzzer" she said

"Shit..get down" he said as he pulled her down and said he guys threw cans of fire at window

Leo stood up and went to window and saw the guys as the guys threw the fire can to the window, Leo caught it and threw it back at them

"Cool" Kate thought as she grabbed her bow and arrow and shot a guy, Leo looked back at Kate

"Good job" then he saw the suit

"I gotta get the suit" he said as Kate shot a bow are the fire distinguisher, it flew across the apartment then out the window

They walked to the stairs but Kate tripped and landed on Leo which made them fall on the ground, Leo landed with on the floor with a grunt. Kate was holding onto Leo's shoulders as Leo was holding on to her waist, their faces were extremely close to each other soon he snapped out of it and sat up, they both realized what happened and both of their faces were blazing red

"Sorry" they both said as the guys threw another fire can

"Do you have a fire escape?" He asked

"I think so"

"Grab the dog and lets go" he said as they both ran up the stairs

"What about the suit?"

"We'll come back for it later" he said

Leo and Kate both went to a train station

"So where are we going?" She asked

"Further away from those people trying to kill you" he responded

"Right. And after that?" She asked

"We need some supplies" he said

"Hell yeah, Avenger supplies?" She said with a hopeful tone

Then they both went to a corner store as Leo went looking for some stuff

"No gonna lie to you, This is a bit of a letdown" she said

"Sorry is disappoint you, can you grab that rubbing alcohol over there?" He said, then she grabbed the alcohol and went closer to him which made him back away a little

"So what's the plan now? Let me guess. We're going to your safe house? Is it in the Avengers Tower?" She asked

"No. Tony sold that a few years ago" he said as he grabbed the alcohol from her hands

"That is so sad in so many levels" she whispered to herself

As they were both near the cashier the dog rubbed this head on Leo's leg

"What?" He asked then looked back at Kate "I gotta find you a place to keep you safe, so I can get the suit and clean your mess" he said as she nodded

"I actually do know a place about 10 blocks away"she said

The both adults approached a pretty big building bigger than the last one, Kate seemed to be searching for a name as Leo just stood there
and clicked the doorbell button And clicked it a few more times as she looked at Leo for any reaction, He just looked at her blankly and looked back at the door

"Y'ello" a man said

"Yes hey, uh....hi yeah, we're uh I got pizza" Kate said stuttering

"Huh? What?"


Then the door opened, Kate looked back at Leo for any reaction but he just looked blankly until he gave her a weird stare

"Why are you looking at me?" He asked

"I wasn't" Kate said as she turned back around and opened the door

They both went up the stairs and reached up an apartment and put their stuff down

"Here I need to you to clean your wounds, use this. Use soap , this and disinfect it" Leo explained

"All right, I'm going back to your apartment to get the suit then I'm going back home, because my dad is probably wondering where the hell I am" he said as he walked to the door

"Oh, yes, Leonardo, you may enter my apartment, don't you need my keys?" She asked

"Nope, I'm good, stay here and lock the door" he said as he opened the door and left

Kate sighed and sat down "Well at least he's cute"

Leo made it to Kates apartment but first he had to sneak in, He then saw a fireman uniform and a hat, He put his hood up and went over to the truck and grabbed the jacket put it on and the hat and went inside the building as He entered the apartment he started looking for the suit but couldn't find it, he tried looking for it but then gave up and went back outside

He took the jacket off and hat but stopped at he saw a sticker on the window he looked at it for a moment and then he walked away back to the place Kate was staying

Leo entered the apartment and put his stuff down as he heard Kate talking to he assumed her mom

"Hey" she said

"Hey" he answered dryly

"Since when did everybody start saying "I love you" to everybody all the time?" He asked

"That was my mom, since when did your heart shrink three sizes?" She fired back

"When a little girl in a ninja costume, ruined my life" he said with an annoyed tone, Kates face fell a little at what he just said

He then sat down on the chair as Kate got up from the couch and looked over at him

"What?" He asked

""Multitasking" she answered "reducing swelling, Thawing out Pizza Dogs breakfast"

"Is that what you named your dog?" He asked

"Doesn't have a nam, it's more of a title of nobility" she said as she sat down "Like Earl of Sandwich"

"How's your wounds" he asked

"Uh..they're all right, it still hurts a little bit" she replied as she put the pizza box to the side, Leo looked at her wounds

"Oh shit"


"Did you clean it?" He asked

"Yea" she replied

"Well you did it all wrong" He said as he got up and went over to her side "let me fix it"

"You're taking it off?" She asked

"Yea, it's in wrong" he said "and I'm just gonna rip it off like a Band-Aid" he said as he took of band-aid

Leo then grabbed a wet wipe, and grabbed Kates cheek which made her look at him, He then put the wet wipe on her wound

"Ow" Kate said as He apologized

"This actually isn't that bad" he said "it's just a deep scratch"

Then Leo finished and put the bandage on her again

"So how's my place?" She asked

"It's....crispy?" He said

"So, did you get the suit?" she asked


"But you have a lead" she replied

"What makes you say that?" He asked as he looked at a drawing of a man "what's this?"

"Oh I started to describe, um, what I could remember of the Tracksuits faces " she said

"You sure suck at drawing" he said

"Like your any better" she scoffed

"It would surprise you to say that I am" he said with a small smirk, Kate rolled her eyes changing the subject

"I would offer to buy you a hotel, cause from certain angles, I know this all looks like my fault, um, but my mom cancelled my credit cards. Due to the whole clock tower" she said

"Clock tower, huh? Cool.... but trust me it's not necessary" he said

"Oh well Um, thank you for" she said pointing at her wound

"I'll see you Tomorrow I guess" she said as she left to her room

He then sat down on the couch and opened his phone which shows

36 missed calls from dad
86 text messages

"Crap" he said and went to google and searched up 'NYC Larpers' on Instagram, he clicked on the video and saw that a guy in the Romin suit

"I'm so dead." He said as he ran his hands through his hair, then the dog approached Leo

"I'll be back in the morning buddy" he said as he stood up and went to check up on Kate but she was already dead asleep, so then he went to door and left

Leo opened the Window to his room and closed it, as he went inside making sure no one was in here the the lights turned on

"Where the hell were you?" Clint said "I was worried sick"

"Dad I can explain" he said but got cut off

"Hell yeah you will"

He then began to tell Clint everything that happened tonight

This sure is gonna be a hell of a Christmas.

In the morning

Clint's kids were packing to go with their mother except for Leo

"Why aren't you coming with us?" Lila asked

"Uhh dad wants me to help him with...work stuff" he answered as she slowly nodded not believing him

"Come on guys lets go" Clint said as they both went downstairs

"Okay guys, this car to the airport" Clint said to the driver

"Once you get to the airport Cooper is in charge" Clint said

"What? Why's he in Charge? He's an idiot" Lila said

"But I got seniority" Cooper fired back as Lila glared at him

"When you guys land' your mom is gonna be there waiting, okay?" Clint said

"Is this about the Ninja?" Cooper asked

"No it's not about the Ninja dumbass" Zack said as Clint gave him a look


"Most important, things is "Dont lose Nate" okay"? Clint said

"Where is Nate?" Cooper asked

"Where is Nate" Clint said "Get in the car guys"

Clint then carried Nate behind his back and put him in car, Leo was talking to Cooper about the Ninja yesterday, then Leo heard Lila say something

"He has a cut in his forehead and nose dad. What's going on? Should we be worried?" She asked

"No no it's nothing, your brothers got this, okay? Come on" Clint said leading Lila to the car

"I really thought you two were gonna be home for Christmas" she said

"Hey, look at me, We will be home for Christmas" he said

"Promise me"

"Promise, okay" Clint said as he hugged her, Leo then ended the conversation with Cooper and gave Lila a hug, Clint then closed the car door

"Bye guys"

"Bye dad"


Father and Son watched as the car drove away, as soon as it did, Clint turned to his eldest son

"Come on lets go see that friend of yours" Clint said

"She's not my friend"



Leo and Clint entered the apartment to see Kate watching tv, Kate still hasn't noticed Leo

"Well that's sad" Clint said looking at the new, Kate quickly turned her head around and was shocked to see Hawkeye

"Oh.my.god. You're-"

"Hawkeye" Clint and Kate said in unison Kate stood up and went over to introduce herself as Leo went over to pet the dog

"Alright now since introduction are done, can we get to why we're here" Clint said then the news started talking about the death of Aramd

"Oh my god, wait. Wait, they think I...they think that... vigilante?" Kate asked

"It's been less than 24 hours, you've been on the news two damn times already. Impressive Bishop" Leo said as Kate rolled her eyes

"That suit sure is bad news" Clint said as he headed towards the kitchen leaving the two young adults alone

"Wait Leo, I gotta go" Kate whispered to him

"Wait what no, that's the last thing you need to do, don't you remember the tracksuit guys trying to kill you yesterday?" Leo said

"Look im going to find this suit and until I do , you two are staying put" Clint said

"Wait what?" Leo asked in disbelief

"Look you two are the reason we're in this mess, we could've been home for Christmas but no instead I have to be here cleaning up the mess you two made" he said, Leo's face fell a bit but shook it off

"Are you kidding me? I helped" Leo said

"Me too" Kate said standing up

"Shut up" Leo said as she rolled her eyes

"Look my mom is already high strung, Surprised she hasn't called me already " Kate said

"Please just both of you stay put" Clint said

"If we stay put, shes gonna come and get me anyways, she owns a security company, it's literally the safest place I can go" Kate said

"Yea no, your two are not gonna listen to me are you?"

"I want to, but no" Kate said

"Go get changed, you look silly" Clint said looking at Kate

"All right, I'll go see else she has" she said leaving the room

"We're gonna be late thanks to you two" Kate said annoyed

"You're gonna be alive cause of me" Clint fired back as a guy handed something to Clint

"Thank you"

"Being a gentleman walking in the outside that's nice" Kate said

"No, no, it's just so I can hear you, and to be clear not cause I want to, just cause I need to" Clint said pointing at his Hearing aid

"Oh, what happened" Kate asked as Leo and Clint looked at each other

"Uh too hard to tell" he said as they heard a little boys voice behind them

"Mommy mommy, superhero's" A little girl said as the three turned around

"Wow Stevie, wanna say "hi"" the mom said as they both walked toward people dressed as superhero's well one was Hawkeye the other was Titan

"Hey look those two are you guys"

"No thats Katniss Everdeen. Lets go" Leo said as he grabbed Kates arm dragging her away

"Your problem is branding" She said

"No my only problem is you" Leo said

"And my problem is the two of you" Clint said "and this ninja suit and the people trying to kill you cause of it, the whole thing is a problem that I'm going to solve today, so we can go home"

"No, it's branding, that's both of your problems, that's why you father and son" Kate said

"Your whole thing is that you're both low-key it's very hard brand to sell" Kate said as they walked down the street

"Well, we're not trying to sell anything" Leo said dryly

"It should technically make you cooler but with the scary stuff that's happened since the avengers appeared people don't want cynical, cool thing anymore, they want seniority" Kate explained

"Is that right?" Leo asked

"Not self seriousness, but heart on your sleeve sincerity" She said

"I see" Leo said annoyed of her talking

"You two are very contained. Keep your cards close to your vest, which you wear over a suit and 16 other layers of self protection. All of which, under, finally is your heart. So not exactly on your sleeve" She said

"Lovely speech but like I said not trying to sell anything" Leo said

"But you do anyways" Kate said

"Yea okay Kate, what am I selling huh? It's certainly not Halloween costume's or toys off the sehelf" He said

"Inspiration, Leo." Kate said sternly as He rolled his eyes and Clint watched the two bicker

"The office is here. Shall we meet at the safe house after work?" Kate asked

"Uh.." Leo trailed off looking at Clint

"If all goes as planned today, this is probably gonna be the last time we see each other" Clint said

"But all Leo taught me is how to lose a tail and I almost already knew that" Kate said as she shook her head in disbelief

"Right, but I taught you how to bandage a wound" Leo said "How's that?"

"What about trick arrows?" Kate asked looking at Clint

"There are no trick arrows, Kate. Here put your phone number in here. For emergencies only" Clint said handing her the phone

"Oh and by the way Leo you stay with her" Clint said, Leo's eyes widen as Kate almost dropped the phone

"What?!" The both of them said

"The only reason we're here right now is because Of you two, I can't have more trouble so you two are going to stay somewhere where you'll be safe" He said

"But they are only going after Kate" He said

"Yes but I'm sure they've seen your face that means they'll be going after you as well" Clint said as he took back the phone

"Emergencies only or I'll block and delete you" he said as he started walking away

"I'll call you later" Kate said

"Please don't" Clint said from far distance as soon as he was gone, Kate turned to Leo

"Well looks like we're stuck with each other for the rest of the day until your dad comes and picks you up, so you too can go back to your family...oh and there's no way you're going inside with that on" Kate said

"This is a cool outfit " He said as he looked at what he was wearing, he was wearing a hoodie, and black jeans

"Your gonna need something just a little fancy" Kate said then saw a store "come on" she said as she grabbed His arm and dragged him towards the store

The two walked towards the elevator after they got back from the store surprisingly it took 10 minutes to shop, Kate then took off her jacket and fixed her hair as Leo rolled his eyes

"You look fine" He said as Kate began to smirk

"You look very fine too Barton" she said as he rolled his eyes

"I didn't mean- you know what never mind" he said as Kate chuckled

They both then began to head towards the office, but first Kate dropped off her coat and bag to the floor

"Be back in a sec" she said as the two continued to walk

"Manners you have are brilliant" Leo said sarcastically

"Thanks I learn from the best" Kate responded looking at him as he rolled his eyes

As they were heading towards Kates moms office they saw a lady who stood up as she saw them

"You two can't go-" before she can finish he sentence, they both already walked inside

"I'm sorry. I know. Before you say it-" Kate said but got caught off by a mens voice

"Katy" the two of them turned to see Jack

"Good morning and who is this?" He said referring to Leo

"Oh I'm Leo. Leonardo Barton" He said as shook Jacks hand

"Aren't you Clint Barton's son?" He asked as Leo nodded


"Anyways. Kate" Eleanor said giving her a look

"Oh sorry for your loss, I um saw it on the news" she said

"Thank you Kate, that's very sweet of you" Jack said "He was very dear to me"

"Must've came as quite a shock sir" Leo said

"It did. It did indeed" He said as he sat down

"You two were probably really close" Kate said

For the rest of the conversation Leo wasn't listening probably because he didn't care




He quickly snapped back to reality

"We we're just talking about if you wanted to join us for dinner?" Eleanor asked

"Uh.......sure" he said as Eleanor smiled

"Okay but I come up with the conversation topics" Kate said as Jack chuckled with a smug smile

"Well we should be going" Kate said as she stood up with Leo and they both headed towards the door without another word

"I really hate that guy" he said as Kate scoffed

"Who doesn't?"

Leo was eating dinner with the Bishops, if he was honest all he wanted to do is go home

"The secret to a good risotto is to agitate it. Just enough. And then it's just down to patience and attention" Jack said as him and Eleanor smiled at each other

"Wow" Kate said as Leo was already falling asleep on the table from exhaustion

"You cook, you're attentive, you're wealthy. You're almost too good to be true" Kate said as
Leo stood up and everyone looked at him

"Uhm...is it alright if I use the bathroom?" He asked Eleanor nodded with that he left and went over to a random room to call his dad, but he didn't answer so he called again but still he didn't answer, he tried calling him a couple more times but no response, so with that he left the room and went over to kitchen to see Kate and Jack in white suits

"What's going on?" Leo asked

"Just watch" Eleanor said as he slowly nodded

"Honey be careful" Eleanor said

"When am I not careful?" Kate said as he and Jack got in position

"I was talking to Jack" Leo rolled his eyes at this then they both started fighting but to him it looked like Jack was trying to make Kate win

"Wow. You are good" Jack said pulling up his mask

"Don't let me win, Jack" Kate said

"I wouldn't go again?" He asked pulling his mask down, they both started again but Kate won

"Wow you got me again" Jack said

"Kate, I prefer a fiancé with four limbs please" Eleanor said as Leo rolled his eyes

"This whole family is annoying"  He thought

"Stop letting me win" Kate said

"I'm not. Honest, I mean, two time state champ right?" He said as they went again and like the last two times Kate won

"What are you hiding Jack" Kate said taking off her mask

"Nothin, I'm a opened book, right darling?" Jack turned to Eleanor as Late went to stab him in the face but Jack threw her sword to the side of the room

"Kate!" Eleanor said in disbelief "what is wrong with you?"

"He's lying" Kate said

"To be fair, I did downplay my skill and repeatedly lied about it" He said

"She tried to stab you in the face" Eleanor said

"I wish she did" Leo mumbled

"No I knew he would Parry, what I was trying to do was to prove that he is lying which I successfully did" Kate said as Jack heard upstairs to change

Then Eleanor and Kate went over to the living room but Leo decided to stay in the main room because he didn't wanna get into family drama a few minutes later Jack came down the stairs and walked pass Leo with a weird smile, which Leo gave a weird look

A few minutes later he saw Kate walking towards him "Come on we gotta go" she said as she grabbed his hand dragging him out the apartment

Kate told Him about what happened and they both called an Uber, Kate then called Clint but he didn't answer and sent him a voicemail the looked at Leo

"Should we try again?" She asked

"Yeah" he nodded but this time he called Clint from his phone, and called Clint it was dialing then it stopped so that means he picked up

"Hey dad uhh, Where are you right now? I think Kate found a clue" Leo said

"I'm sorry Clint Barton can't take your call right now" Leo then but his phone and whispered over to Kate "hes In trouble" Kate then went into Bishop Security and started tracking Clint then found him and she showed Leo the phone

"Hey sir we need you to speed up please" he said to the driver 

Leo and Kate made it in the roof, Kate was wearing a Purple suit and Leo was wearing a black hoodie and black jeans

"Ready?" He said as he was about to break the window on the roof

"Yea" Kate nodded then Leo broke the window with the bow and both of them jumped down to see a bunch of men with weapons in front of them

"Wow did not realize you were supposed to bring guns" she said as everyone cocked their guns at them, Leo and Kate chucked nervously

The guys tied up Leo and Kate in plastic animals, the guys then started laughing

"Look what you two did" Clint said

"I was trying to help" He said

"Me too" Kate said form next to him

"Sure dealing with Family problems is a way to help" Leo said sarcastically as Kate rolled her eyes and glared at him

"This is gonna be a long night"

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