By Shiba_Sakeen

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A Legion of Legends from your favorite SULTANATE. The Gashkori and Dehwaar Heirs would never be the same with... More

Mahafaz محافظ
Sarparast سرپرست
Wali ولی


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By Shiba_Sakeen

" Jamaal?"

He tried pulling the Major's body to safety and he was successful to an extent but time was of essence.

" Jamaal?"

This was not a drill back at camp. This was war. This was happening right now and the man's life hung in balance.

" Jamaal, uthein!"

He had to be inconspicuous if he wanted to live. If he wanted to save the man's life.

" Jamaal!"

The loud panicked shriek finally managed to get through his hazy mind and he woke up with a start.

Jamaal looked around and he was back in his own bed. Just like he has been everyday since the last year when he saw the Major's face. But this time instead of the plain white walls greeting him, he was met with the worried face of his Little Hurricane.

Seerat stood at the side of his bed, staring down worriedly at her man and her heart went out to him seeing him so pained.

Her poor baby didn't have a peaceful moment even in sleep!

" Hey" Jamaal drawled sleepily, his breathing returning to normal.

The darkness surrounding him suddenly seemed to disperse because the sun was out.

His own personal sun.

" Hi" Seerat greeted back now overcome with shyness.

She averted her eyes when Jamaal maneuvered around in bed and the slipping quilt revealed his vest clad body.

His well built vest clad body.

" Come here" Jamaal moved his pillow and made space for her actually expecting her to abide by his request.

Seerat looked at him as if he had lost his mind but sighed in surrender when his face showed the seriousness his words held.

She sat down by his pillow, her fingers nervously fidgeting and gasped in shock when he discarded his pillow and laid his head in her lap, holding her hand to his chest.

" What are you doing!" She exclaimed in a scandalized tone and Jamaal chuckled a little.

" Shhh! I'm still sleepy and this seems like an excellent place for some shut eye" he teased her and pretended to doze off.

" Badi Ammi is just outside!" She tried telling him quietly but the stupid man just snuggled more in her lap, now holding her hands even tighter.

Seerat sighed before giving up and leaning back on the headrest as she freed one of her hands from his grip and started running her fingers in his hair. She smiled when his lips turned upwards in contentment and leaned down to place a barely there kiss on his head.

" Now who's taking advantage of whom?" Jamaal said naughtily while still snuggled up in her lap.

" You! It will always be you!" She sassed back and he finally opened his eyes to look up at her face.

" I'm only glad" he smiled at her and kissed her hand, holding it against his chest again.

" What are you doing here?" He raised his eyebrows at her in question and was alert when she grinned mischievously at him.

" You have to take me to college from today. Abba said he's washing his hands off of this duty and since you already promised to bear my tantrums all our lives, he said this is your responsibility as well" Seerat laughed as did Jamaal.

" Uff Allah! Kya gunaah kiya tha maine!" He exclaimed dramatically much to her surprise.

Because all her life she has only seen him brood and sulk!

This new side of him was only too appealing to her!

" Now you can't do anything about it Mr Sahni, you've foolishly given your word without reading the fine print of this contract" she shook her head at his folly and laughed out loud when he tickled her in retaliation.

" And I'll do it all over again in a heartbeat" he said somberly when they came down from their laughing high, his face etched in seriousness.

Seerat looked up at her man, his grey eyes showing nothing but sincerity and she smiled at him before leaning up to kiss his nose.

" Go wait outside, I'll be right there" Jamaal rubbed his nose against hers and smirked when she sighed in contentment.

" You have ten minutes" she warned him and pushed him away from her before skipping out to the living room.

Jamaal sat there for a few moments, trying to let the happiness sink in as he saw her leave and smiled to himself hearing her continuous chatter with his mother before getting up and running.

" ...so Sara decided that she will try to cheat on the test by breaking into the professor's office. The Penguin thought Professor Singh is some kind of stupid to have kept the question papers in the drawers..." Seerat giggled as she recalled the funny incident from last week and Jamaal found himself lost in her laugh yet again.

He was walking beside her on the dirt road and walking at a pace matching with hers, listening to her ramble as if it was the most important thing in the world!

What a change of heart!

" Needless to say, she was caught and then suspended. I think she comes back today" Seerat thought out loud as she was suddenly distracted by the fresh blooms of daisies in one of the fields.

Jamaal stopped to see what had her attention and shook his head affectionately when he saw her bent over the flowers and pick out a few before running back to him.

" You're so silly" Jamaal laughed when she tried to pin a daisy behind his ear, jumping to match his towering height.

She was not small but Jamaal made everyone look like a midget in front of him!

" Bend down" Seerat finally gave up and ordered him instead.

" Jaisa aap kahein Mrs Sahni" he said softly and did her bidding.

Seerat blushed at that and forfeited her plan of making him look silly with the flower, tucking it in his pocket instead. Walking ahead with red cheeks, too shy to meet his eyes.

" You look even more beautiful when you blush like this" Jamaal flirted with his wife who had suddenly stopped talking due to all the blushing she was doing.

That's right, wife!

Sardar Sahni had insisted that the two have their Nikaah the day after the Fair incident since he didn't want to wait another second to fulfill his dead son's wishes. Although, Fareed and Muneera requested that they hold the rukhsati after a few months since Seerat is their only child and they wanted to wed her off in style. Just like a princess!

And so they said qubool hain the third day after they confessed their love for each other and Jamaal had never known true happiness until his Hurricane had waltzed in his life.

" Jamaal aap mujhe chedh rahe hain" she whined when her husband kept on teasing her throughout their walk to her college.

" Meri Biwi, meri marzi" Jamaal shrugged his shoulders and laughed when his wife hit his arm in response.

Jamaal smiled down at her and looked around to see if there were people around. Seeing no one, he leaned down and kissed her head inconspicuously.

Seerat blushed yet again when he did that and she unknowingly held his pinky finger as she looked up at him in complain, not letting go even when they started walking again.

Jamaal sighed feeling her hold his finger like that, not mentioning it to her seeing as she did it unconsciously.

" Okay minx, don't stir up too much trouble alright?" Jamaal repeated his instructions as they stood at her college gates, just like he does everyday.

Seerat looked at him with mischief shining in her eyes as she giggled in response.

" I'm serious Seerat. No more complains from your faculty" he tapped her nose which she scrunched cutely.

" Professor Singh might have called Abba and I might have picked up the phone and maybe, just maybe I might have told him that my husband will come meet him instead" Seerat informed him cheekily and Jamaal threw his head back in laughter hearing her little scheme.

This little hurricane of his is something else!

" Let's get this over with" he shook his head in amusement as his wife led the way to the professor's office.

" Do not listen to everything he says. He has a habit of exaggerating" Seerat whispered softly.

" Achaa?" Jamaal humored her as she paced outside the office.

" Hmm hmmm" she nodded too fast.

" And remember I'm your wife and not him. You've to come home with me, so you better get me out of a severe punishment" Seerat threatened him as she bit her nails in nervousness.

Jamaal looked at her in disbelief seeing her use the wife card to get out of trouble!

He was just about to retaliate when the professor himself came out with books in his hands, as if he was already late for a class.

" Yes?" The old man stopped in tracks seeing the infamous Sahni tornado and then a man behind her.

" Jamaal Sahni, Seerat's husband" he introduced himself, his handshake a reminder of his army days.

Firm and confident.

The professor was shocked to hear what he did and then his face settled on an understanding smile.

" Aaahhh my sympathies" he empathized with him.

Jamaal looked at his wife with a barely contained smile as she looked at him in disbelief from behind them.

" I mean congratulations" the old man corrected himself and Seerat narrowed her eyes at her husband who was thoroughly enjoying the conversation.

" Thank you" he shook the man's hand and avoided his wife's eyes who was killing him with it.

" You wanted to meet with us?" Jamaal reminded him and the professor shook his head in surrender when he looked at the girl in question.

" Seerat is a bright student. One of our best..." Professor Singh began and the girl just beamed up at her man who looked quite proud of her.

" But she's also the ringleader of every single mischief that flies around here" the old man complained in exasperation and Jamaal had to bite his cheek to stop the smile from spreading at the murderous glare she was sending the poor man's way.

" Like what professor?" Jamaal goaded him on and could almost feel his wife's heated glare now buring a hole in his head!

Oh he's so dead when they go home today!

" This class topper here..." Professor Singh turned around to acknowledge his student who immediately looked down at her feet as if she wasn't killing him in her head just now.

" ... volunteers to do just about every work ranging from marking attendance to borrowing the duster from the next classroom..." He started only to be interrupted by Jamaal.

" But that's a good thing right?" He asked in a confused voice.

Why would his wife be a troublemaker if she was just helping the professor out?

" Aahh but that's not just it. She goes a step ahead and does social service under the pretext of helping us out. She marks proxies for her friends when they're not in class. Goes out to borrow the duster and roams the entire college or sits in the other class, talking to her friends for hours forgetting the reason why she was sent out in the first place!" He said in a defeated tone and Seerat just scowled at the back of his head.

Jamaal on the other hand was having a blast with the complaint session and prayed for his life as he sympathised with the professor.

" Just last week Miss Sahni..." Professor Singh began and this time was gently corrected by Jamaal.

" Mrs Sahni, professor Singh" he told him respectfully and the old man smiled indulgently at the younger one.

Seerat swooned at her husband and winked at him salaciously, grateful that the professor had his back to her.

" Last week Mrs Sahni here, formed a student union and organised a protest against the library to increase the number of novels they can borrow" the process stressed on the Mrs as he recalled that incident.

" Seerat? Library? Protest for novels? I'm sorry but I don't believe that" Jamaal said incredulously and his wife rolled her eyes at that.

The Hurricane cannot read a single sentence from a novel to save her life and here he's saying she protested for it? Impossible!

" Not for herself! But for the silent readers, the shy students who are scared to approach the management! As if she's some Messiah!" The old man exclaimed and Seerat had to stop herself from gasping out loud.

Jamaal fawned over his little wife and chuckled before answering the professor.

" I apologise for the inconveniences professor Singh. I assure you this will not happen again" Jamaal promised on her behalf and Seerat had half a mind to smack his head for that.

How would she survive in this college if she's robbed of her basic mischief rights!

" Thank you!" The old man sighed and as if he was reminded of the class he had to teach he hastily took their leave.

" You're in so much trouble when we get home" Seerat narrowed her eyes at her husband who frowned upon hearing that.

" The poor man didn't even mention punishment" Jamaal reminded her and was on guard when her eyes sparkled with mischief.

" Oh Mr Sahni you're so naive!" she spoke cryptically and smiled to herself in amusement.

Jamaal just shook his head at his dramatic wife before tugging at her hand to pull her closer.

" Behave!" He warned her again as he grasped her chin in his hand and puckered her lips lightly.

" Okay minx?" He whispered near her ears before kissing her cheeks and letting her go.

" Hmm hmmm" Seerat nodded in a daze and walked behind her husband as he held her hand and dropped her off to her class.

That afternoon when he came to pick her up, Jamaal laughed seeing his wife trudge her feet towards him with a frown on her face. But that immediately turned upside down when she saw her husband sitting on his bike!

" Are we going somewhere?" Seerat jumped in her place with barely contained excitement.

Her college is only a walking distance from their home and they rarely used a bike for such a short commute.

Jamaal smiled at her childlike innocence and  laughed as she squealed when he nodded his head a yes. He waited for her to sit behind him and stopped breathing when she held his shirt on the right side and his shoulder on the left. And he forgot the world when she laid her cheek on his back, rubbing against it ever so softly.

" Where to?" She asked him tiredly and Jamaal smiled at the little hurricane.

So she does get tired afterall!

" Since you have been such an obedient, non-mischevious student for an entire day..." Jamaal teased her and looked back slightly as he maneuvered the bike out of the college campus.

" It was the most horrible day I've ever had!" Seerat exclaimed dramatically and her husband just laughed at that before continuing.

" I thought I'll take my wife out for icecream" he revealed and his bike wavered when the said wife squealed loudly and threw her arms around his waist in excitement.

" You're the best husband ever!" She complimented magnanimously and her man just smiled at her through the rearview mirror.

They had been riding for a few minutes when Jamaal felt a heavy weight on his back, that along with the radio silence meant one thing only.

His Hurricane was asleep!

He turned the bike around and took them back home, thinking of taking her out some other day.

" Seerat?" He cooed at her when they stopped at her house.

" Baby?" He tried again but the girl was fast asleep on his back, her arms still wound around his waist.

Somehow he managed to get down from the bike and pick his sleeping wife up in his arms before knocking on the door.

" I'll lay her down" he told her mother when she just raised her eyebrows at her daughter in amusement.

Her baby girl can sleep just about anywhere!

" Jamaal?" Seerat mumbled sleepily when he was tucking her in bed.

" Hmm?" He hovered above her and his heart stilled seeing her look so beautiful even in sleep.

" Icecream?" She scrunched her nose adorably seeing herself back home.

" We'll go some other day" he murmured and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

" You'll take me out on a date?" She smiled dreamily at him and he chuckled at her before nodding his head.

" I'll take you out on a date" he promised and sighed when she sent the most beautiful smile his way.

" I'll wait" she yawned and smiled when he leaned down over her even more.

" Go to sleep minx" Jamaal kissed her forehead and rubbed his nose against hers before sitting back to admire his wife.

Muttering the Ayat'ul Kursi he blew it over her and sighed to himself before walking out of her room.

That evening the entire family was gathered yet again in Ghalib and Shama's aangan. With his grandparents sitting on a chaarpai in the centre, the entire family surrounded them as they spoke.

Jamaal looked around for his wife and shook his head when he saw her caught up yet again with a stray cat, her eyes darting around everytime the cat ran from one corner to the other. He laughed when she scowled on being scolded by Faraaz's wife to pay attention.

" Haider Sahab has invited us all for his daughter's wedding next week. The nikaah is on Sunday but he insisted that we attend the functions from Friday itself" Sardar Sahni told his family who listened to him with rapt attention.

Haider Sahab was one of their friends who lived in the next town and was like family for the Sahnis.

" Dadu, I have an exam on Saturday" Seerat frowned when she remembered the wretched physics test.

" You can't take it next week Beta?" Fareed asked his daughter who shook her head regretfully.

" I'll talk to your Dean?" Ghalib offered but the girl shook her head again.

" No use Bade Abbu, this is professor Singh's class and not even The Dean can convince him to change his schedule" Seerat explained with a tad bit more drama and Jamaal chuckled out loud at that.

Much to the entire family's surprise.

" Maybe I should skip the test" she said excitedly and Jamaal just rolled his eyes at that.

" Or maybe you could give the exam and then attend the wedding" he offered her a logical solution and stifled a smile when she glared daggers at him.

" And miss the first day of the wedding?" She asked incredulously.

Was he her husband or her enemy!

" Jamaal is right Seeru" Sardar Sahni laughed at the girl who was busy killing his poor grandson with her eyes.

" I'll stay back with her and then bring her after the exam" Fareed suggested to his father who shook his head.

" We have to meet the vendors while going. It's just ten minutes before the town and it'll be better if we both talk to him" Ghalib told his brother who frowned upon hearing that.

" I'll stay back Chachu" Jamaal volunteered and everyone thought it was a good idea except for his own wife.

" No!" Seerat protested much to their amusement.

" No?" Sardar Sahni asked his beloved granddaughter.

" He'll make me study extra hard for it since professor Singh is his best friend now" Seerat complained to her grandfather who just laughed at her drama.

" He'll do no such thing, hain na Jamaal?" Sardar Sahni warned the boy with his eyes who shook his head in agreement.

" Ask him to promise in front of everyone" Seerat crossed her arms defiantly and wasn't fazed even when her husband glared at her.

" I promise" Jamaal smirked at her, promising for the sake of their family.

She's so going to have it from him once they're alone!

" Now that that's settled, Faraaz..." Sardar Sahni began to talk business after that and Jamaal too forgot everything but their farm.

The day for their departure came sooner than expected and Jamaal yet again found himself stifling a smile seeing his wife sulk like a petulant child.

" Don't have too much fun without me there" Seerat frowned at her Bhabhi who laughed at the little girl.

" And don't forget to save me some sweets from every day" she told her mother who rolled her eyes at her.

" You're missing out on only one day. One function only" Aadil reminded his cousin who was looking over the bags they were keeping in the Jeep.

" The first function in the wedding is the most important function Bhai. Everyone knows that" Seerat deadpanned at her Aadil Bhai as she sneaked a biscuit package from her mother's handbag.

" For you every function is the most important function of the wedding" Faraaz rolled his eyes at the dramatic girl and stole a biscuit from her hands, popping it in his mouth before she could snatch it back.

" Jamaal!" Seerat whined to her husband when everyone stole a biscuit from her and the man just shook his head at her.

" I'll get you more, let them have it" Jamaal pacified his whining wife who looked at him in disbelief.

" Sometimes I feel as if you're my sautele shohar" she whispered to him and he threw his head back in mirth.

" You're something else, minx" Jamaal smiled down at her in amusement.

" I've kept lunch on the counter and there's lassi in the fridge" Aabeda told her son and daughter-in-law as she stood in the open door of the car.

" Seeru, make sure you reheat the halwa before eating" Muneera reminded her daughter who was still sulking.

" I'd rather she not enter the kitchen Chachi. I'll take care of it" Jamaal assured his mother-in-law who caressed his cheeks in affection.

" And don't trouble my son too much" Muneera warned her daughter who gaped at her in response.

" When do I ever trouble him? This brute is the one doesn't let me have a moment of peace! Always behind me to behave or study or not do any mischief" Seerat ranted as they rolled their eyes at her drama.

" Jamaal, don't be a nagging hen okay?" Aabeda admonished her son to pacify her daughter-in-law who smiled in righteousness.

" Yes, now go or Daadajaan would leave you both here" Jamaal reminded the ladies of the cars full of their family waiting for them.

" Allah Hafiz meri Jaan. I'll see you tomorrow" Muneera kissed her daughter's head before sitting in the car.

Jamaal sighed when he saw his wife's sad face as the cars went out of sight and pulled her closer by her shoulders and into his chest.

" We'll leave the minute you get done with your exam" he promised her and kissed her hair as she sunk in his arms.

" I'm hungry" she turned around in his hold and looked up at him with a pout.

" You just had biscuits" he pointed out to her as they walked back inside his house.

Where she'll be staying for the next one and a half day with him.

" Which you so graciously offered to your cousins" she reminded him with an overly sweet smile and elbowed his chest when he laughed at her.

" Amma keeps biscuits in the steel container above the gas stove" he told her and watched her immediately run to get those.

" I'll make you some tea with it?" Jamaal asked as he locked the door from inside.

" You will?" She asked him with hopeful eyes and he nodded his head at her before pulling out a saucepan for the same.

"...and I'm going to wear the green lehenga for the baraat with my golden earrings. Myra Appi got them for me last year" Seerat rambled about her plans as she sat on the counter while her husband poured the tea out for her.

" And for the walima?" He asked as he kept the pan in the sink for washing.

Seerat smiled at that. Jamaal may appear as if he's disinterested in what anyone says since he chooses to stay silent throughout the conversation but he's paying close attention. Attention to even the slightest change in tone and tempo of the person's voice.

Especially his wife.

" The silver dress that I wore for Aadil bhai's Nikaah. I've rarely worn it" she frowned as the biscuit melted inside the tea while she was answering him.

" You looked so beautiful that day. Like a hoor" Jamaal sighed as he remembered the moment vividly even if it was from a few months ago.

" My hoor" he gazed deep into her green eyes when he said that and his chest puffed up seeing her blush a pretty pink.

" I didn't know you were paying attention to me then" she told him in a small voice as she stirred the biscuit in the cup of tea.

" I've always paid attention to you, minx. You've always been my number one priority and you always will be my number one priority" Jamaal whispered as he leaned in closer to her, his arms on either side of her hips as she still sat on the kitchen counter.

" Never forget that" he murmured as his breath fanned her face and she got lost in his grey eyes and nodded her head absentmindedly.

The eyes that have been holding her captive ever since she knew what love is.

" Now let's get you to college" he drank her now cold cup of tea with a chunk of the melted biscuits at its base.

The tea she had forgotten about as soon as her husband came closer.

" Hmm hmmm" she agreed nervously, his presence doing that to her.

Jamaal picked her up by her waist and put her down on her feet but not before kissing her forehead and rubbing his nose against hers.

As was his ritual.

" Go get your stuff" he patted her cheeks before pulling away from her.

Seerat sighed in content and stood in the same place for a few minutes before rushing to get ready for college.

Staying back with her husband was not as bad as she had thought it would be.

" You take Amma's room. I've even cleaned up the table for your books" Jamaal told her that evening when they came back home.

" I want a nap" she whined as she threw her bag on the diwan in the living room.

" There's a blanket in the cupboard if you need..." Jamaal who had gone to drink water from the kitchen came out to tell her and shook his head when he saw what he did.

His sleepy head of a woman was already asleep on the diwan using her bag as a pillow!

He carefully replaced the bag with a cushion and covered her body with the quilt before going about his work. She slept the afternoon away and was alert until midnight as she revised her syllabus. He had tried staying up with her but his eyes had ultimately given up and after much insistence from his wife, Jamaal had gone to his own room to sleep.

It was sometime in the middle of the night when he felt her crawl in bed with him and adjust herself in his arms thinking him to be asleep. He smiled to himself when she threw her arms around his waist before tightening his own hold on hers and pulling her even more into his chest.

" Jamaal?" She called out to him softly.

" Hmm?" He hummed in her hair, adjusting her leg between his and pinning her hips with his thigh, not leaving an iota of space between them.

" I was scared out there so..." She felt the need to explain but her husband just patted her back in response.

" I know Minx. Sleep" he cooed at her and pulled the quilt over their bodies.

And it was the first time that he slept without any nightmares invading his peace.

Because his peace resided in the woman in his arms.

The woman who loved him and the woman whom he loved.

" How was it?" He asked her the next day as she came out of the campus.

" Meh I'll pass" she shrugged her shoulders before sitting behind him on the bike.

" Just pass?" He said incredulously and she just laughed at that.

" What Mr Sahni, such little faith you have in your wife" she teased him and he glared at her through the rearview mirror.

" You might leave the paper blank just to mess with that poor man" Jamaal accused her playfully, referring to professor Singh.

" Professor Singh? Bechara? You're delusional" Seerat pinched his waist in retaliation and it was his turn to laugh at her now.

He's been doing that a lot more these days.


And the reason was sitting behind him on the bike, with her arms around him and her cheeks against his back.

His minx.

" Where are we going?" She asked confused to see them take the road that did not lead back home.

" I believe I owe you a Date Mrs Sahni" Jamaal reminded her and smiled when she squealed excitedly.

" You remember!" She was surprised to say the least.

" When it comes to you, I remember even the tiniest of details" he said somberly, his eyes on her through the mirror.

" Flirt!" She teased him and he winked at her salaciously.

" This was the best day ever!" Seerat giggled as she chomped down her third kulfi for the evening and laid back on the charpayi in contentment.

Jamaal smiled at his wife when she laid there unmoving, her eyes on the stars above and the kulfi stick lying on the floor beside the charpayi.

" Was it?" He crawled on the bed and hovered above her, his eyes admiring her beautiful face.

" Hmmm hmm" she murmured, winding her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her.

" Better than the mehendi function that you missed?" He teased her and she laughed at that.

" Surprisingly, yes" she giggled even more when he tickled her sides lightly.

Jamaal had called up his mother and her parents telling them about his bike's fake engine problem that wouldn't be repaired until the next morning. An excuse to take his wife out on a date.

A date to the village fair since she couldn't enjoy it last time, buying her everything that she wanted and then coming home to cook her dinner before getting her as many kulfi as she liked!

And he was pleased to hear that she enjoyed every minute of it!

" I'm glad" he said affectionately as he lavished kisses on her forehead and cheeks.

" You're my best friend you know that?" She told him and he didn't have a reason to not believe her.

" And you're mine. So glad you're mine. My everything" he murmured and laid on the mattress beside her.

Seerat raised herself on her elbow and peered down at her man. The man who has faced so much in life and yet has such an immense capacity to love.

And then she realised she doesn't tell him that enough.

Just how much he means to her.

" Jamaal?" She whispered softly, her fingers caressing his cheeks.

" Hmm?" He hummed as his thumbs created imaginary patterns on her waist.

" I love you" Seerat confessed shyly and sighed when her husband brought her closer to himself.

" You're my world, Minx. My entire world" he said instead and brushed his lips ever so softly against hers.

Seerat stilled feeling that and her eyes closed on their own accord when he did it again.

Their first kiss!

" Jamaal I..." She looked in his eyes for a second as did he and she knew the moment he mirrored the same emotions as herself.

The moment he swooped down for a kiss, a proper one this time.

" I know Minx. I know" he whispered against her lips, knowing exactly what she wanted to say.

Feeling the exact same thing for her.

Unconditional love.

They slept on the charpayi that night. Snuggled up in each other, cocooned inside the thin mosquito net around their bed separating them from the rest of the world. Creating a haven for them. Where they basked in each other's warmth, stealing kisses here and there as they talked late into the night; as the other's heartbeat lulled them into a peaceful sleep.

They left for the wedding early next morning and Jamaal had never seen his wife as excited as she was when she saw their family there. Chattering away with everyone at once. As if she was meeting them after an eternity!

His Hurricane was a force of nature!

The Nikaah was a beautiful ceremony and he saw his wife swooning at the couple. Walking upto her, he stood behind her as the qazi sahab recited the dua'a.

" We'll have an even more beautiful wedding. I promise" Jamaal whispered to his wife who looked back at him in pleasant surprise.

And then she smiled at him in affection, holding his pinky finger stealthily.

" I know" she whispered back and looked on at the couple as everyone congratulated them for their nuptials.

For she knew her husband was a man of his words. A man who kept his promises.

And they did have the most beautiful wedding in the entire village, if not the world. It was simple like the bride and her groom and yet one couldn't take their eyes off of them even if they tried.

Because Jamaal had kept his word. He gave his wife exactly what he had promised.

A fairytale wedding.

A wedding fit for a Princess.

His Princess or like he calls her, fit for his hurricane!

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" 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐮𝐭, 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞. " ╰┈➤◝𝑰𝒕'𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒆...
155K 10K 9
Hamdaani Heirs #2 The story of Azaan and Faiqa. Of how they meet, entice, fall in love and decide to spend the rest of their lives irritating each ot...
32K 2.3K 38
Murtasim Khan... is a man whose heart is made of stone. Doesn't care anyone! He is the king himself. Fell in love with a girl for the first time.Who...