Caged (Taejin)

By caseylove01

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He was always unwanted,Unwanted son, unwanted brother and now unwanted husband. This is the journey of unwant... More

1: Ignored & Unwanted
2: He is angry
3: Disgusted
4: stalked
5: dead
6: Panic attack
8: Past & Love at first sight
9: Promise
10: Attack
11:Smile and Fanboying
12 : meeting father


1.3K 97 8
By caseylove01

As always Jin was tidying Taehyung's Tie before heading to their works. After what happened last night, Ye-seul went away immediately not wanting to take further humiliation. Taehyung was proud of his husband. HE wish he should have shown that braveness in front of his father. He looked at his husband, he was looking so beautiful, and Taehyung couldn't help but kiss those plump lips nth time this morning.

Tae: "Happy Birthday love"

With that Taehyung kissed another time. Last night at exactly 12am, Taehyung has wished jin happy birthday. He even decorated whole Teres with candles and lights, wanting to make day more special for Jin. He played the PowerPoint containing Jin's and his photo from their trip. The whole thing overwhelm Jin. No one have done something like this for him.

Jin: "Mmmm, Thank yo-"

But before he could finish his sentence he was brought in another kiss. He was done with this. After he asked Taehyung to kiss him in front of everyone, he was kissing him practically in every 5 minutes. He push Taehyung gently enough to make his apart from him.

Jin: wah it's like 100 th time since yesterday you kissed me.

Tae: Oh I remember correctly you were the one who wanted me to kiss you infront of everyone.

Jin: That's because I wanted to show that Ye-seul to don't mess with what is mine.

Jin tried to reason with Taehyung but Taehyung hugged him from behind him and made him to face in front of the mirror.

Tae: So, I am yours?

Taehyung asked in his deep firm voice.

Jin: Yes. You are.

Jin said looking straight in Taehyung's eyes through the mirror. Taehyung chuckled and leaned down to give a small peck near Jin's ear making Jin giggle a little.

Tae: Yes. I am. I have planned date for us because it's your birthday. I will pick you up from animal shelter. Be ready okay.

Jin: Okay.

Jin was really excited for his first date. The first ever date of his life. He was even eager to what has Taehyung planned because last night surprise was literally blast for him.


Jin looked at time, 2 pm. Didn't Tae said he will pick him at 1 but here he was nowhere to be seen. Jin purposely done all work in animal shelter not wanting to keep Taehyung waiting. He was even ready half an hour before said time due to excitement. But all his excitement was slowly faded as there was no sight of his husband. He had called him number of times but still no answer. He even tried on office number but Taehyung's secretary told him that Taehyung left nearly 11pm. Jin was worried was understatement. What if something has happened? He was worried, he didn't know what to do. If he didn't get any answer from Taehyung in an hour then he decided he will call Jimin, and tell him that he couldn't get in contact with Taehyung.

Suddenly Jin's phone ring in his pocket. Jin hurriedly take it out from his pocket wishing it would be Taehyung. But no, he was wrong. It was the person who became his living nightmare. His father. Why was he calling him? For wishing happy birthday? Who was he kidding, that man would mourn on his birthday, no way would he wish him birthday. Then why? For what Jin know, Taehyung was doing his business with his father without any cut. Then why? Nonetheless he picked the call.

Jin: H-hello.

Father: Come at my office this instant. And prepare something beautiful. Make sure to look presentable. You have one hour.

The phone cut before Jin could reply. What was that? Jin didn't even realize he was sweating by now. he could clearly see goose bumps on his body just by one sentence of his father. What did he want now? What did he mean by looking presentable?

Jin was scared as hell. He didn't understand the reason behind his father's words. What should he? He only have an hour. He was already ready as he was going to date. So it will spare more time for Jin. Jin called Taehyung multiple times with his shaking hands. He was terrified of his father. Taehyung was the only person came in his mind. Jin didn't want to do anything related to his father without Telling Taehyung now. Taehyung has promised Jin that he would help him in his father's problem. Then where was he when he needed him. Where are you Taehyung?


(Hours earlier in Taehyung's office)

Taehyung was busy since morning and working hurriedly wanting to finish his work as soon as possible. He don't want to make Jin wait for him on their first date. He looked at the time 12 pm. He still have an hour to finish it. Suddenly his intercom rang. Taehyung received it not even looking out from his laptop for a second.

"Mr. Kim, Mr. Park he to see you."

Taehyung paused whatever he was doing. Jimin? So sudden. He literally meet him yesterday then why so sudden visit.

Taehyung: Send him in.

He said and cut the intercom. He closed his laptop knowing if Jimin came here so sudden means it something important. After few minutes, the door of his office opened by none other than Jimin, wearing a black tuxedo. They exchange smile instantly seeing one another.

Jimin: Hey buddy.

Taehyung: Hi. Why so sudden visit? Sit first.

Taehyung signaled Jimin to sit in the chair in front of him. He looked at the time 12:30pm. He have to be on his way in 10 minutes to pick Jin up if he don't want to be late. He looked at Jimin, who relaxed in his sit and looks like he would be here for an hour or two.

Taehyung: Sorry Jimin. Can you hurry up? I have to-

But before he could finish his sentence, Jimin cut him off by placing a photo in front of him. Taehyung looked at photo. Shit. It was Arum's photo. Why did Jimin have it? Didn't he place it in his pocket last, shit. He mentally slapped himself, how can he be so careless. It's the only copy they have. If Jin have find out he lost the only picture of Arum, then he will be crying by now. And Taehyung didn't knew if it is okay to tell about arum to Jimin. He have to ask Jin first. She was his secret.

Jimin: Here, It's slipped from your pocket yesterday.

Jimin said, observing every expression of Taehyung carefully. He is Therapist for god's sake Taehyung. You won't be able to lie in front of him. He was watching Taehyung's every action like Hawk.

Taehyung: Oh. Thanks man.

Taehyung said while rubbing his neck and giving Jimin his boxy smile in return. That was his first mistake. He should not have rubbed his neck like that. That's the clear sign he was nervous. Jimin looked at Taehyung with stern expression. And pointed his finger on the photo place of the desk.

Jimin: Who is she? Why you have her photo?

Okay. Jimin caught Taehyung. Taehyung thought for a minute and decided to tell him the truth. He took a deep breath and leaned in further in the chair.

Taehyung: She is someone important to Jin. He wants me to find her.

Jimin thought for a minute. And glanced at the picture nth time since yesterday. He was restless whole night. Who was she? It worried him more than she some what looked like Jin. He knew Jin has something precious to him, which was holding him to free the ties with his father. But he never expected this. He didn't wanted whatever his mind was telling him to be true. He took a deep breath. And finally asked the question which was keeping him restless since last night.

Jimin: Is she Jin's daughter?

Jimin looked at Taehyung, wanting him to tell the truth. But what he got from Taehyung was a long sigh as he leaned further into the chair.

Taehyung: To be honest, I don't know chim.

Jimin: what do you mean by that?

Taehyung: You remember me and Jin have fight when we were of trip. (Jimin nodded). Well after that fight I kind of ignore him for days and told him to not talk with me unless he is ready to tell me reason why he was biding with his father. Then one day he told me about her. Arum. That's her name. You know, when I first saw her, that same question came into my mind. And I wanted to ask him but he looked so vulnerable so I didn't ask him who she is. He just told me, she is someone important to him, and his father taken her somewhere that he don't know. And now he want me to find her. But I couldn't find her till now. I have send one team for her search.

Jimin: what if what we are thinking is true and she really is Jin's daughter. Then are you ready to accept her.

Taehyung: I don't know. I wanted to trust him Jimin. I have placed that question aside for some time and now concentrating on finding her. It will be bet for us to free Jin from his father.

Jimin: What if I say I have seen her?

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