Naruto Fanfic: Changed Fate

By AnbuItachi14

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This is a story about being reincarnated as Naruto's twin brother and with the information of Naruto and Ship... More

New Plans For A New Life
Results of Training
The Academy's Graduation
The Team
Sibling Spar
The Capture Test
Start of the Chunin Exams
The Second Exam
The Tournament
Harsh Truth
The Red Flash
Kage Summit
Start of the War
Uninvited Guests
The Ghost of the Uchiha
In The Nick Of Time
Battle Against the Two Uchiha
A Voice
Kiyoko's Determination
Obito, The Juubi Jinchuriki
Obito's Power
New Companion
Nine against One
New Foe
Team One
Everything and Anything
Hanma and Kaen
Special Chapter: Emotions
Special Chapter: New Age

New and Improved

643 16 0
By AnbuItachi14

-Medical Division-

Hanma overused the Byakugan and needed to get healed and a female Medic Nin from Konoha was in the middle of healing Kiba. Hanma immediately activated Raiton Chakra Mode and rushed at him, one quick chop at the head cut it clean off and Kiba was revealed to be a White Zetsu. Hanma exited out of the Chakra Mode, "How did you know?" she asked and threw away the head she reflectively caught. "Kiba's with my brother" he answered, she knew he wasn't an imposter since he could activate Raiton Chakra Mode.

"Hanma-san, I heard some people talking about your Raiton Chakra Mode and how it was different compared to the Raikage, what's that about?" she questioned. "Well you see, the difference is that I made some very noticeable changes, the Raikage's Mode focuses on strength while mines focuses on speed. There's also the defense changes, mines is condensed to give a thinner but stronger armor all to counter a certain someone" he explained.

Sakura and a Medic Nin from Kumo came to check out the noise, "You alright?" she concerned then saw Hanma and thinking he was a White Zetsu she went in to attack but as soon as she began running at him six unfamiliar shinobi and one very familiar rouge assassin appeared. "This is the Hiraishin jutsu" the Konoha shinobi pointed out and the other shinobi were surprised too.

"Sorry about this but fighting six Jinchuriki with immortal bodies, infinite chakra with shared vision and a Sharingan and Rinnegan each after a chakra draining fight is difficult" I then passed out and before falling to the floor, Hanma caught me. "I-I'll go inform HQ about what just happened" the other Medic Nin decided. The six went outside the tent to get filled in on the war and explain what happened to them. "There's so many things going on" Hanma sighed and turned around. "Take care of him" he requested, she nodded then began healing me and Hanma went back to the defensive line.

-War, Day Two-

Killer B and Naruto had just engaged the reanimated Nagato and Itachi. Nagato summarized the fight that happened last night, "Your brother takes a lot of pride in fighting, despite being outnumbered and against six Jinchuriki he still continued to fight even though he was low on chakra and could have escaped with his Space-Time Ninjutsu" the red haired Rinnegan user concluded. Killer B started rapping in the background about something with drain and pain, he wanted to add it to his book but doing that in the middle of fighting those two might as well be death.

"What's the point of having strength if you can't use it is what he told me a few years ago" Naruto reminisced and had a sad look on his face. "Even though he could have, he didn't kill those six under Masumi's control, don't give up on your brother Naruto just like you haven't given up on Sasuke" Itachi gave Naruto hope. "Heh, getting my brother back is something I left to someone else and I'm confident he won't give up on him" Naruto grinned and their fight continued.

Meanwhile with the Fourth Division, Kiyoko defended her allies and herself with her Doton from the four reanimated Kage. "Doton: Doryuso (Earth Flow Spears)" the spikes made of stone rose from the ground in an attempt to hit the Third Raikage cloaked in Raiton Armor, a flash could be seen in the distance approaching with high speeds. Unfortunately the Raikage easily dodged the Doton jutsu and came right for Kiyoko and she had no time to react. Before the Raikage's attack connected Hanma snatched her causing the attack to completely miss.

""H-Hanma, shouldn't you be with the Third Division?" the confused Kiyoko asked. "No time to explain, get that jutsu ready, we're going to use that combo", Hanma suggested and Kiyoko had a smile on her face. Hanma rushed at the Raikage, "Being a user of Raiton Chakra Mode myself, I know exactly how to defeat you" he smirked. Hanma used his Gentle Fist in such a way that it cut right through the Raiton Armor which surprised both the man known as the best user of the mode and all the shinobi in the battlefield.

Hanma kept slicing through the armor and it seems like he was deliberately not hitting him. "Brat hurry up and do some damage, seal me before I-" the Raikage's personality was suppressed. Immediately the Raikage put his finger out and did the Jigokuzuki (Hell Stab) and seeing all the chakra gathered at the Raikage's finger Hanma backed off. A then rushed towards Hanma with his now increased speed and instead of dodging, Hanma started running while the Raikage chased him towards Kiyoko, as soon as they reached the Kunoichi Hanma dodged the last second making the attack to run through Kiyoko.

Her entire upper body got busted open but it was mud, she used Doton: Kage Bunshin. The ground opened up and the Raikage fell down a hole 5 meters wide opened up with Doton: Chidokaku (Moving Earth Core). Hanma deactivated Raiton Chakra Mode, did a back flip and swallow dived into the hole along with the Raikage. The Raikage landed at the bottom of the hole and with the dark Hanma was able to land a surprise attack. He used Hakkesho Kaiten (Palm Rotation) and started grinding his way through but it wasn't fast enough.

"Having to run all the way here to the Fourth Division sure takes up a lot of chakra but I'll have to use this move and finish this...before I collapse from exhaustion" Hanma thought to himself. He activated Raiton Chakra Mode which sped up the jutsu by a lot, "This was going to be a jutsu to beat Kaen but I have no choice!!" he added Raiton to the jutsu which completely grinded its way through the armor and grated through the Raikage until Hanma stopped when only his lower body was left.

-In Konoha the same day Pain attacked-

Hanma and Kiyoko were training, Kiyoko was working on her Doton: Goremu no Jutsu (Golem) and Hanma was trying to achieve successfully adding Raiton to Hakkesho Kaiten. His problem was that having to focus on spinning while emitting chakra from all over his body and adding Raiton at the same time but he knew it was possible. "You tried it so many times I lost count, I'm not saying give up but even though you have an impressive amount of chakra at least rest before you pass out" Kiyoko told the heavily breathing Hanma.

"If I pass out then can I rest on your lap...a-as a reward you know" he nervously asked Kiyoko who were making two eight meter giants fight. "Said something?" she asked with a smile, enjoying the golems literally break each other apart. "N-nothing...c-continue" he laughed nervously then went for another try this time with the goal of his rouge teammate standing by his side again. With that in mind he began emitting chakra and spun, waiting until he got enough speed and tried adding the element.

It began spinning quicker and a bit of lightning could be seen but seeing this he lost his focus and the jutsu released. He fell to the ground having exhausted a lot of his chakra especially with the almost successful attempt. "I warned you yet you still went ahead and did it" she got a bit irritated then sighed. A few minutes had passed after Hanma passed out and the sounds of destruction could be heard coming from the village.

Hanma activated his byakugan, "He's here, let's go Kiyoko!" with that they rushed over to protect the villagers. An old lady struggling to get away from all the destruction was noticed by the Three Headed Dog, one of Nagato's summoning. Before the lady could be harmed Kiyoko made two big stone spears from the ground impale the dog but they just split apart and joined together with more heads. Hanma took quick action before the old lady became endangered again and carried her somewhere else so she could get to safety and went back to Kiyoko.

Kiyoko made two Golems each the size of the Three Headed Dog and made them rip out the two spears from the ground to use against the summoning. "Go get the villagers to safety, I'll focus on these big ones" she ordered as she made a huge shield made of stone from the ground in the direction of where the Giant Ox was running towards her from. The Ox tried to knock down the shield but was being overpowered by another Golem Kiyoko made. It was the same size as the other two and pushed the Giant Ox back with its brute force and weight using the stone shield.

Elsewhere, Yun was fighting the Asura Path, he used his Bukijutsu and Taijutsu to surpass even the reaction time of a Rinnegan. The Asura Path had no choice but to use whatever it had hiding, it grew two pairs of arms and made two faces. Yun's blade heated up and it looked as if it was made of lava now with the use of the Hi Shinten no Jutsu (Flame Spread Jutsu). The Asura Path made a missile come out of his back but Yun cut the missile in half with his Chakram and it exploded in two after reaching the ground several meters behind him.

Suddenly a huge long sword came out of the ground surprising Yun and ultimately knocking one of the Chakram out of his hands upwards but Yun threw a kunai connected to a wire at it and brought it back to him. The long sword got caught by one of the Asura Path's hand and threw it behind him which was caught by a guy in the Akatsuki robe not imbedded with a rod. He was 6'8, around his early 40s, very muscular, bald and had a scar right across his face.

"So you're Yun, one of the Guardian Twelve, this'll be fun" with a menacing look and laugh, he rushed at Yun. With his height, weight and weapon he easily overpowered Yun and what was most surprising was that his long sword was barely chipped when Yun tried to attack him and the Asura Path joined the fight. "Suiton nature... his weapon, nature and numbers are against me, I need to find an opening somehow but it looks like in this situation I wouldn't be getting one, I would be expending way too much chakra with this but..." Yun thought to himself. "Hmph, Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Yun made three shadow clones to join him.

Together with the shadow clones Yun put up more of a fight against the Asura Path and the other Akatsuki member. Back with Kiyoko, every fight in the village, Hanma saw everything with his Byakugan and Yun's fight was the one closest to him. He wanted to help somehow as he already got all the endangered villagers within his area to safety. "Kiyoko! Take care of this, I'll go help sensei!" Hanma alerted Kiyoko, she nodded in agreement.

Yun was able to cut off three of the Asura Path's arms and even though he was hit the other Akatsuki member didn't get wounded in the slightest. Two of Yun's shadow clones were already cut down and he took a few hits himself. A barrage of missiles were launched at him and at this point he was tired but still didn't give up, he made his shadow clones take most of the blasts and prepared himself to take the rest. Before the missiles were a meter from him it was deflected out of nowhere by a Hakkesho Kaiten.

"You good sensei?" Hanma concerned, "Course I am and you not being in that mode must mean your low right?" he asked, hoping for a no. "Right on, so let's finish this quick, I'll take the guy with the long sword" he entered his Gentle Fist stance. Yun began by throwing one of his Chakram at the Asura Path, he tried to block with another weapon but it melted in half and with that he engaged the Asura path who now grew back the three arms. Hanma appeared right in front of the other member and tried to hit his chakra points but it didn't work.

"As I thought, it's gonna take more than this to get through him" Hanma thought, he had realized something with his Byakugan the moment he showed up to fight Yun. Hanma kept dodging every attack the guy with the long sword sent his way knowing without Raiton Chakra Mode he wouldn't be able to kill him but there was one way. Without the aid of the other member, Yun was overpowering the Asura Path and he went in for the final blow. He deactivated the Hi Shinten no Jutsu then threw both of his Chakram at the Asura Path's head and it deflected it with another weapon.

A kunai came flying at the Asura Path right afterwards and again it just made another weapon deflect it but as soon as it made contact the paper bomb attached to it exploded dealing damage to the Asura Path and creating a smokescreen. After the smokescreen was cleared, Yun had vanished along with his Chakram confusing the Asura Path. It checked up, left, right and he realized Yun was below and something did come from below. Both of Yun's Chakram came out from the ground barely missing the Asura Path's head and it immediately launched its hand like a rocket to the ground thinking that's where Yun would come from.

Right from above Yun already collected his two Chakram and heated them to the max with Hi Shinten no Jutsu then cut the Asura Path in three. "Now then, time to help Hanma and move on to the others" Yun said to himself and looked in the direction of their fight only to see Hanma using Hakkesho Kaiten which made the Akatsuki member stand his ground and defend with his long sword. "Last time when I almost made it I had waited until I sped up then to add the I know how to complete this jutsu" Hanma thought to himself.

He activated the Raiton Chakra Mode which sped up the jutsu causing the member to be pushed back and grinded away at his weapon bit by bit without him knowing. "Doesn't matter what you try, both my body and weapon are indestructible but I'll give you credit for trying, names Kinniku" he tried to put more weight and power on his blade in an attempt to stop the jutsu. "Now!" Hanma added the Raiton nature and the jutsu began going even faster. "Raiton: Hakkesho Kaiten!!" ,the jutsu appearance became different because it now had lightning chakra and became a lot of times faster than the normal one or the one boosted by Raiton Chakra Mode.

As Yun watched in surprise, Kinniku's body was completely obliterated without a trace. "That jutsu of yours is just a copy of the same jutsu like that Akatsuki member Kakuzu which you also used on your blade too so all I had to do was get an attack strong enough to break through diamond which I conveniently had" Hanma dropped to his knees.

A moment after that, the summoning animals and Paths got desummoned then the legendary move was executed, the Shinra Tensei. Hanma temporarily activated the Raiton Chakra Mode and dashed towards Kiyoko in an attempt to shield her from the damage and reached her. Kiyoko released her jutsu which went back to the ground before it could fall and injure anyone.

Hanma had successfully shielded her but was covered in rubble and they were close up against each other under the rubble. Hanma was on an almost completed push up like position facing Kiyoko right in the face while holding up the wall and other pieces of the houses on top of that wall. Kiyoko blushed and averted her eyes from Hanma who protected her. Kiyoko decided to take action and try to use her hands to make a Doton jutsu to get rid of the wall but Hanma literally being on top of her prevented that.

He was struggling to not let the weight of the building pieces rest on her and realizing of what she was trying to do he tried to lift himself a bit higher but failed before she could bring her hands together. "I-I'll try again" he activated Raiton Chakra Mode and did a full push up giving her enough space to make four pillars come out from the ground to hold up the wall. Even after the weight was released from his back they both remained in that position. Footsteps could be heard walking towards them, "Uhh, am I interrupting something?" Team Six's sensei asked, they quickly stood up and pretended like nothing happened.

Yun's right arm was injured so Kiyoko went to heal him. Hanma activated his Byakugan and was devastated of what happened to the village and how many deaths there were. "Is that...Naruto?" Hanma saw Naruto in his Sage Mode and how he destroyed the Asura Path with one hit and Katsuyu showed up to tell them how Naruto said not to interfere. "Looks like we could leave the rest to him" Hanma said before passing out due to exhaustion.

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