
By theloyalfanatic

6.3K 491 522

Anupama, shivered with shock, seeing her reflection in the mirror A white patch had now appeared on her arms... More

Character Aesthetics
Short Note - I
1. Heavy Duty
2. A Step Closer to Reality
3. Meeting Someone
4. Attending A Play
5. Close Meet
6. Dreaming ๐Ÿ’ญ
7. Yearning For Her
8. Sneak-Peak Into The Past-Present And The Final Decision
9. The Meeting
10. The Weddingโœจ
Short Note - II
11. Him, Going To London
13. Excepting The Harsh Truth
14. Destiny's Play - I
15. Removing Her From The House
Short Note - III
16. The Mess
17. Loosing Hope
18. Heap Of Problems And The Final Choice
19. A New Life
20. A New Job!
21. Things Running Smoothly
22. Friend In Need, Is A Friend Indeed
23. A Twist In The Tale
24. Getting Another New Job
Short Note - IV
25. Destiny's Play - II
26. Things Getting Settled
27. Satya Gets To Know Things
28. HIM Thinking Of Coming Back To HER
29. Meeting Her?
30. HER Father's Death
31. Anand Gets To Know Things About Anupama
32. Anand Meets Anupama For The Last Time

12. The Shock

151 8 8
By theloyalfanatic

It is said that wealth normally never comes alone. It is generally followed by arrogance, and so it was with Aadya. She did not pay any attention to Anupama or try to be friendly with her. She had her own room and her own set of friends, and she was always busy with her own activities.

One day, during dinner, Aadya told her mother, 'Avva, all my friends have decided to go on a two-day study tour to Belur and Halebeedu (Some places in Karnataka). I want to go, too.'
'Will there be any boys joining this tour?' asked Sunaina.

'No, only the girls from our class and our lady teachers are going,' She assured her quickly and was given permission to go on the trip.

While Aadya was away Sunaina's friend, Sulochna, who was celebrating her grandson's first birthday, invited her to attend the function.

Sunaina had not been feeling well, so she called Anupama and said, 'Anupama, you must attend the function. Give the child a silver bowl as a gift. Remember to wear your emerald ornaments and take the car. But don't stay too long in their house.'

Sunaina believed that the purpose of attending a function was not so much to socialize or participate in the festivities as to flaunt one's wealth. Her actions were never the result of love or affection.

Anupama could not go out without taking the car and the driver, and never
without her mother-in-law's permission.

Before her marriage, she had been a free bird and had gone wherever she pleased. Now, she felt as if she was locked up in a gilded cage. She dressed to please her mother-in-law, and left for the ceremony. By the time she arrived at Sulochna's house, the other guests had departed, and only the members of the family were around. Anupama began talking to Sulochna's daughter, Sharda, who was Aadya's classmate.

Casually Anupama asked Kamala, 'Hey, why didn't you go to Halebeedu?'
'What are you talking about?' Kamala looked puzzled.

'I thought the college had taken the girls from your class on a study tour.'

'The college hasn't organized any such trip for us. Now that we're in the middle of our seminars, no one can go anywhere.'

Anupama was nonplussed. She realized that something was wrong, but did not want to divulge any family secrets to an outsider.

Sharda, however, persisted, 'Who told you about the trip?'

'I can't remember. I guess I was confused and got everything mixed up.'

'Where is Aadya?'

Anupama stammered, 'Oh, she is not well, so she stayed at home.'

'Is that why she didn't come to college yesterday?'

'Yes!' Anupama was now desperate to escape from Sharda's clutches. 'Oh, it is getting late; I must go now,' she mumbled.

'What's the hurry? Anyway, Anand is not here. Stay for some more time. It seems the school for the physically handicapped is organizing a fund-raising
programme this year, too!'

'Is that so?' Anupama had lost contact with the world outside Lakshmi Nivas since her marriage.

'Aren't you acting in their play?'
'Which play?'

'Chand Bibi. Now that you're at home, I thought you'd go for the rehearsals. I'm surprised you don't even know about this.'

Sulochna, who had overheard their conversation, exclaimed, 'It's out of the question. Sunina will never allow her daughter-in-law to act. Imagine girls from decent families going on stage! Things cannot go on as they did before the marriage. Sunaina will have a heart attack if her daughter-in-law carries on like that!'

Anupama left with a sinking heart. So that was their opinion of such a beautiful art! It meant that, henceforth, she could never act or sing. Her only purpose was to be adorned and exhibited as an acquisition, a reflection of their status in society. She had never expected to live this kind of a life.

Her only ray of hope was that an educated person like Anand would not hold such views. After all, had he not been charmed by her play? She was confident that he would never let her down.

When Anupama reached home, she found that Aadya had returned from her tour. She was describing to her mother the beauty of the Belur and Halebeedu temples. Anupama behaved as though nothing had happened, and did not breathe a word of what she had heard to anyone.

As the days went by, Anupama began to get bored and depressed. She did not feel at home in her in-laws' house, and suspected that she would always feel like a stranger there. The only comfort she derived was from Anand's calls and letters. They were as welcome as rain during the hot summer, as refreshing as an oasis in the desert. In his letters, he described the beautiful places that she had seen, and also his loneliness and how he yearned to see her. If only I had wings, I'd fly away to him, thought Anupama.


One day, Anupama was in her room, reading Anand's last letter over and over again, when Girija walked into the room in a towering rage.

'Anupama, who told you to gossip about me?'

Taken aback, Anupama asked, 'What did I do?'

'It seems you checked with Kamala about the tour.'

'No. I never asked her anything. We were just having a casual conversation.
You're mistaken if you think I was trying to pry.'

'No. I'm not mistaken. You had doubts about me, so you asked Sharda.'

'I really do not know whether you went on the tour or not. Only you know about that. But Aadya, as your sister-in-law and as someone older than you, can I tell you something?'

Aadya did not answer.

'You have not chosen the right path, and your behaviour does not befit the family you come from. That's all I want to say.'

'Oh, stop preaching. Only avva has the right to advise me. Who are you to tell me anything? You have enacted so many love scenes on the stage. Was that all right?'

'They were only plays, Aadya. Not real life. You can ask anyone about me- you will not hear a single word of scandal.'
'Just because you have married my brother, do not think you can tell me what to do. You should know your limitations.' Aadya was about to leave the room when Sunaina entered. When she saw her mother, Aadya's attitude underwent a complete change.

'Avva, Anupama thinks that I did not go to Halebeedu and she asked Sharda about it. I learnt this from Sharda in college today,' Aadya began to sob.
Sunaina was furious with Anupama. This girl who had come into their house a couple of months ago was making her daughter cry!

She raised her voice, 'Is that true, Anupama?'

Things were going out of control. It was as if there was an ocean of misunderstanding between them.

Anupama understood the reason for that and said haltingly, 'I only mentioned the trip in passing. . .it was a casual question. I'm sorry if I have hurt you all.' Tears rolled down her cheeks-the first since her marriage. She had hardly ever wept before. Silently, she withdrew to the window, and Sunaina followed Aadya downstairs.

'Aadya, tell me the truth now. Where did you go?'

'Avva, I swear on goddess Lakshmi that I went on the college tour.'

'Then why was Sharda not aware of it?'

'Sharda belongs to a different batch and we don't interact much with each other.'

Since Sunaina did not know that there were no batches at the MA level, she directed her anger at Anupama.

'No wonder they say you should check out the family background before you bring a girl into your home. She wanted to ruin your reputation! How dare she! I agreed to this alliance only because Anand was so adamant.'

Throughout the night, Anupama lay awake; she just could not sleep. Aadya's altercation with her had made Anupama withdraw from the rest of the household. She was desperate to go away to England; each day had become a trial for her.

Anupama was not sent to her mother's house for the Gowri festival. Not that Sarita had been keen on inviting her. Her father had sent her 500 rupees -a large sum for him-by money order. Sunaina was disgusted. 'The baksheesh I give our cook is more than this,' she muttered.


At last, it was the auspicious day of the Lakshmi puja. All of them forgot their differences as it was the celebration of the year.

Every nook and cranny, every room in the house was cleaned till it gleamed.

Hundreds of invitations had been sent out and Anupama was decked in silk, gold and diamonds. She was waiting for her visa, and was due to leave for England in a couple of months.

Before the puja, Shekhar (See Part 8, to know who he is) kept hustling everybody, 'One should not miss the auspicious time; otherwise, Lakshmi won't stop here.'

Sunaina sent Anupama to get the hot coals to light the incense for the goddess. On her way back from the kitchen, a red-hot piece of coal fell on Anupama's foot, severely burning it. She quietly poured some cold water on her foot and went to the hall to continue with the puja.

In spite of the pain, Anupama mingled with everyone; she was the perfect hostess. Sunaina was very pleased that the function was a success.

After the function was over and the guests had departed, Anupama poured some more cold water on her foot. The cold gave her some relief from the pain, but the burning sensation did not subside. By the time she went to sleep, she noticed that the burn had bubbled into a large blister.

Her discomfort persisted over the next two days, but she did not tell anyone about it. She preferred to suffer in silence as she knew that no one there was concerned about her. She applied some medication and though the wound started healing, it itched occasionally.
A couple of days later, she noticed something very strange. . .

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