Loving Marianna Book Two

By XKyoshiX

43.6K 1.6K 216

18 soulmates isn't for the faint of heart, rejoin Marianna in the second book of the series for more chaos, b... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty- One
Chapter Twenty- Two
Chapter Twenty- Three
Chapter Twenty- Four
Chapter Twenty- Five
Chapter Twenty- Six
Chapter Twenty- Seven
Chapter Twenty- Eight
Chapter Twenty- Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty- One
Chapter Thirty- Two
Chapter Thirty- Three
Chapter Thirty- Four
Chapter Thirty- Five
Chapter Thirty- Six
Chapter Thirty- Seven
Chapter Thirty- Eight
Chapter Thirty- Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty- One
Chapter Forty- Two
Chapter Forty- Three
Chapter Forty- Four
Chapter Forty- Five
Chapter Forty- Six
Chapter Forty- Seven
Chapter Forty- Eight
Chapter Forty- Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty- One
Chapter Fifty- Two
Chapter Fifty- Three
Chapter Fifty- Four
Chapter Fifty- Five
Chapter Fifty- Six
Chapter Fifty- Seven
Chapter Fifty- Eight
Chapter Fifty- Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty- One
Chapter Sixty- Two
Chapter Sixty- Three
Chapter Sixty- Four
Chapter Sixty- Five
Chapter Sixty- Six
Chapter Sixty- Seven
Chapter Sixty- Eight
Chapter Sixty- Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy- One
Chapter Seventy- Two
Chapter Seventy- Three
Chapter Seventy- Four
Chapter Seventy- Five
Chapter Seventy- Six
Chapter Seventy- Seven
Chapter Seventy- Eight
Chapter Seventy- Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty- One
Chapter Eighty- Two
Chapter Eighty- Three
Chapter Eighty- Four
Chapter Eighty- Five
Chapter Eighty- Six
Chapter Eighty- Seven

Chapter Three

819 31 1
By XKyoshiX

Warning: talks of child abuse

He sits on the floor still holding his knees processing everything I told him.

"But they didn't do anything to you." He says softly, afraid.

"My grief told me otherwise." He looks at me unsure.

"That seems like an excuse."

"It is, but it's true."

"Did it make you feel better?"

"Not at all." I say without hesitation.

"I guess I understand." He says standing up coming closer to me. I step back as I see the look on his face and in a split second he swipes a blade at me and I just narrowly avoid it.

"You killed my parents now I'll kill you." He lunges at me again and I swiftly move out of the way ending up behind him. He quickly turns around and looks at me angrily keeping the knife pointed at me. I look at the pain and anger in his eyes and drop to my knees his face looks for confused for a moment but not for long before he's pressing the knife to my throat.

I don't try to stop him or fight back and he presses it harder drawing blood.

"Why aren't you fighting back?!" He screams tears running down his face I almost don't notice the tears running down my face I don't answer and he grows angrier shaking now.

"Answer me!" He cries.

"If killing me is what you need, then there's nobody who understands that the way I do, I deserve this, but you don't deserve to live with doing this." He closes his eyes tears falling wetting his shirt before his hand falls the knife clattering to the ground.

He drops to his knees and leans against me, I slowly bring my arms around him surprised and hold him as he sobs.

I let him cry for as long as he needs to before he pulls away wiping his face.

"I don't know what's wrong with me, they didn't even want me. What they would say, how they would treat me, it all makes sense."

"How.. how would they treat you?" I ask my stomach falling at his words, flashes of Aaron standing over me with a belt calling me a whore.

"If I would mess up, do anything they didn't like they would scream about how I was just like my brother, who I now know to be my dad. Not to mention-" he stops himself shaking his head.

"It's okay, I know it doesn't seem like it but you can trust me."

"Why are you being so kind to me? Why didn't you kill me the second you realized who I was, you must be scared that I'll turn out like my broth- Aaron."

"Answer my question and I'll answer yours." I smirk and he eyes me but sighs before lifting up his sweater sleeves to show a soul mark on each on before reaching down lifting his pant leg to show another.

"And I really don't think you want to see my other one." He blushes and I snort showing him some of my soul marks.

"18 in total." I smile rubbing Peters (Q) mark behind my ear and his jaw drops, I can't help but laugh.

"I thought I had it rough." My laugh drops and I look right in his eyes.

"It can be rough. But I wouldn't trade it for anything. Having multiple soulmates.. it's.. electrifying." I say with a goofy smile. He watches me with amusement.

"You never told me your name." He says wiping the remains snot from his nose.

I look taken aback for a second, "Marianna."

He furrows his brows, "should I know that?"

"No- I- just a lot of people know who I am. Wow that sounds cocky. I promise I'm not an ass."

He shrugs, "there was no televisions or anything on the farm, just a landline. I didn't really go anywhere, I was homeschooled and the closest thing to us was 50 miles away."

I get quite debating if I should ask my next question. He notices and nods for me to ask.

"Did they.. hurt you for having multiple soulmates."

He bites his cheek, "you still didn't answer why you're being so kind to me."

"Because I already love you with my whole heart." His eyes well up with tears and he pushes into my arms.

"Nobody has ever told me they love me." I hold him tightly closing my eyes as a tear slips down my cheek at his words. All of a sudden the door shoots open and Fury is standing there with a smile.

"I'm going to talk to him for a minute, okay?" I say getting up but he grabs my hand shaking his head.

"Don't go." I squeeze his small hand.

"I promise I will be right back we're just going outside the door." He nods wearily letting go and me and Fury step out together.

"You're not crazy!" He says patting my shoulder.

"At least not completely." He smirks. I glare at him.

"You put that little boy in danger so you could see if I would snap or not what's wrong with you?!" I yell disgusted. He smiles.

"It's good to have you back Yanis." I roll my eyes and shake my head pinching the bridge of my nose.

"They weren't good people Fury. My mother failed another child." My eyes fill with tears.

"Why do women like her get to have children and not m-" I stop myself, and Fury rests a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry I'm just going through a lot of emotions right now." I sniffle and he gently smiles.

"As much as you eating someone disgusts me and the fact that you didn't know beforehand they were terrible people I have to say good job, he was extremely malnourished and when we found him in the farmhouse he was in the basement, tied to a chair being forced to watch this, he pulls his phone out and a video begins playing my stomach falling with each word.

"They we're trying to brainwash him into not wanting multiple soulmates." He nods his head in disgust and I hold my head closing my eyes.

"What is wrong with people?" I say voice shaking.

"I ask that question everyday."

There's a moment of silence before I speak again, "what's, uh what's going to happen with him?"

"He has no other family so he'll have to go into foster care. That is, besides you." I look at him like he's crazy.

"He won't want to come with me." I shake my head.

"We have cameras in there, I saw everything Yanis. He clearly trusts you even if that scares him." I close my eyes shaking my head.

"Only if that's what he wants." The door shoots open and Matteo is standing there with a bag on his back and a journal in his hands.

"It's what I want."

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