BNHA: The Orphan (Currently b...

By LazyWhiteRaven

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This is the story of orphaned girl Ryuuki Aizawa, rescued and adopted by Pro Hero Eraser Head: Shota Aizawa a... More

Basic Things About Ryuuki
The Sludge Villain Incident
The Entrance Exam
Freedom at UA
Battle Training Start!
Team B vs Team I
USJ Incident Part 1: It Can't Be True!?
USJ Incident Part 2: A Friends Plea
Ryuuki's Declaration, UA Sports Festival Start!

Preparing for the Test

96 3 0
By LazyWhiteRaven

"Hi" - Speech

'What?!' - Thought

POV Change

I Am Here - All Might Buff form

A/N: From this point, the story is gonna diverge from the anime a bit, that's all hope ya'll enjoy. Let's get on with the chapter woooo!!


Aizawa residence

Ryuuki: "AAAAAAHHHH!!"

I screamed as I fell off my bed hitting the floor with a thud and making me groan.

Ryuuki: Owww, uuugghhh... Why am I so clumsy first thing in the morniiing...

I then heard dad call me from downstairs.

Dad: Ryuuki, get up. It's already past seven, you're wasting time.

Ryuuiki: Haaaai.~

I then got up, made my bed then went to the bathroom to freshen up and brush my teeth. I then headed back to my room and put on my favorite black tank top and red sweatpants. I headed downstairs and saw dad was in the kitchen. I greeted him heading to the fridge to get a glass of chocolate milk.

Ryuuki: Morning dad.

Dad: Morning. You overslept, were you that tired from yesterday?

As I finished pouring my milk I flinched. I stayed quiet for a moment before taking a deep breath and answering.

Ryuuki: Y-yeah... I just ran into danger without thinking about my safety, it was like my feet just moved on their own.

Dad looked at me with an expression I couldn't read and waited for me to continue.

Ryuuki: I tried to save Bakugou and help with the situation, but the best I could do was slow down the Villain and weaken the flames. A minute didn't even go by and my throat already started to freeze over and my head started to pound. When All Might came and blew the Villain and flames away and made it rain with just one punch, it made me realize how weak I was. I wanted to go to UA but yesterday made me realize that... with the way I am now, I'm not good enough for UA.

Dad just looked at seemingly thinking about my words and seeing what I was getting at. After a moment I paused putting my glass on the kitchen counter before I looked at my dad with determination in my eyes and said.

Ryuuki: I want to train myself so that I can be worthy of UA and become a great- no, an amazing Hero, a Hero that can make my family proud.

As my dad heard my words he gave me a smile I haven't seen before.

Dad: Oho... You want to train and take the entrance exam instead of getting in with recommendation?

My dad asked me and I answered with the same determined look as I nodded.

Ryuuki: Hai! I want to prove that I actually belong in Japan's best Hero school.

Dad: You're finally thinking rationally. Alright, I'll train you along with some of the other staff that can help.

I stared at him for a while in surprise. I snapped out of my shock and said in surprise.

Ryuuki: Really?!

Dad: Yeah, so you better not waste this opportunity and train like your life depends on it.

I nodded with a hum in joy before hugging him.

Ryuuki: Thank you so much papa!~

He was a bit surprised, not because of the hug but because I called him "Papa". I haven't called him that in years. The last time I called him that was when I was about 7 or 8. He then smiled softly before patting my head.

Dad: Better be ready, your training will start this afternoon.

I broke the hug and looked at my dad with a bright smile and nodded with a hum. He gave me a soft smile and asked me to help with breakfast. I nodded again, I then drank my chocolate milk before helping with breakfast.

After eating breakfast and washing the dishes, I raced to my room to get ready and texted Himiko that my dad is gonna help me train for the UA entrance exam.

After I finished putting on training appropriate clothes, I received a call from Himiko.

Ryuuki: Hey Himi-chan.~

Himi-chan: Hey~, I thought you were just gonna get in with a recommendation? Your dad is a Pro Hero isn't he?

Ryuuki: I was, but after that whole sludge Villain incident I realized how weak I was. I want to get stronger not just to be a strong Hero, but also to be strong enough to protect the ones I care about and love.

Himi-chan: Ohhh~, I see. That's a big goal Ryuuki-chan~. I know you'll be a great Hero one day, I'll be cheering for you with all I got.

When she said that my heart fluttered a little bit, I didn't know why. She's always said that she'll be cheering for me, from sports meets even to just small competitions at school or at restaurants we've gone to, so what makes this time different? I didn't notice I was lost in my thoughts and went quiet for a bit, I was snapped out of it when Himi-chan shouted my name.


Ryuuki: AAAAAHHHH!! Huh-? wha-?

Himi-chan: Jeez, what happened, you went all quiet.

She asked in a somewhat annoyed tone, I gotta admit though, she can be pretty adorable when she gets annoyed.

Ryuuki: S-sorry 'bout that, I kinda got lost in thought for a sec there ehehe. What were you saying?

Himi-chan: It's alright. I was asking if we're still gonna be able to hang out, I don't want to get in the way of your training.

Ryuuki: "Of course, my dad knows when to take a break even when training hard. Besides, I love hanging out with you, and there's no way I'm missing out on that.

Ryuuki-chan: Of course, my dad knows when to take a break even when training hard. Besides, I love hanging out with you, and there's no way I'm missing out on that.

When Ryuuki said she loved hanging out with me I felt something in me, it was strange but not unpleasant.

Himiko: Awwwe~ hehehe, I love hanging out with you too. Time spent with my best friend is always great.

Ryuuki-chan: I know right?! It's like it never gets boring, we're always having fun even when we're just talking about the most random things.

Himiko: Right?! Oh, remember when we pranked the soccer team back in elementary school? That was so fun!

Ryuuki-chan: I remember that hahahahaha, they chased us till the end of the street, we only managed to get away by sneaking into an alleyway.

Himiko: Their faces were priceless hahahahaha, why did we prank them again?

Ryuuki-chan: We pranked them 'cause they were being mean to you. No one makes fun of my best friend.

Himiko: 'Oh yeah, when she found out that they were making fun of me she suggested that we get back at them by pranking them.' Oh yeah~, that's why you're the best hehehe.

Ryuuki-chan: If anyone tries to mess with you, they'll have to deal with me hmph.

I giggled at how she was acting but when she said that, the strange feeling came back. I didn't understand this feeling but I didn't mind it either.

Himi-chan: Oh yeah~, that's why you're the best hehehe.

Ryuuki: If anyone tries to mess with you, they'll have to deal with me after hmph.

I said while puffing my chest out, Himi-chan giggled and my heart fluttered again while a tinge of pink dusted my cheeks. I then heard my dad calling me for training.

Dad: Ryuuki. Come on, it's time to train.

Ryuuki: Coming dad, just one second.

Himi-chan: What was that?

Ryuuki: Dad just called me, it's time for my training.

Himi-chan: Awwww~, already~?

I could feel she was pouting on the other end, I giggled then told her that we'll talk again after.

Ryuuki: Don't worry, we can talk again after training.

Himi-chan: Alright hehehe.

Ryuuki: Heheheh, you're adorable sometimes Himi-chan, gotta go byeee~.

Himi-chan: Alrighty. Do your best Ryuuki-chan, love you byeeee~.

She then hung up and I was left flustered and I didn't know why, it was just a casual 'love you' so why did it get me flustered? I shook my head of the thoughts and pushed it to the back of my mind and went downstairs to start training.

10 months of special training

The first few weeks of training were brutal, dad would have pushed me to use my Quirk to the point where I had a hard time breathing and my head throbbed with pain, increasing my endurance, power, control, temperature control, and limit.

Though dad wouldn't push me too hard to the point where it could affect my health, dad may seem like a lazy bum but he knows how to push anyone to their limits without any negative backlash.

Of course I still had to focus in class, but it seemed Izuku was falling asleep in class or being scolded by the teacher because he would start muttering in the middle of class sometimes.

After 3 months

After the three months my Quirk had gotten much stronger, my throat only started to freeze over when my cold mist reached -10 °C cold enough to quickly freeze water. My control over ice and snow increased allowing me to create more than simple shapes, even my control range increased, my range before was 150 meters, now it's 310 meters at least.

I was proud of how much I grew in three months and it seemed dad was satisfied with how much I grew, so for the next 4 months dad, mom, and Uncle Vlad helped me train my body, dad trained me in hand to hand close combat, mom would teach me a bunch of subduing techniques, and Uncle Vlad helped me with my workouts.

After 4 months

After those four months my body had changed so much, my muscles were now more defined and my height had increased from 170 to 173.5. Of course me and Himi-chan would hang out once a week to which dad and the others allowed because they said I deserve as much with how hard I was working.

Every time me and Himi-chan would have our hang outs I would blush a lot more whenever she compliments me or give me words of encouragement and I would get flustered whenever she did something that we normally do with each other like using our finger to wipe the cream of each others mouth when we eat crepes.

Last 3 months

The last three months of my training was focused on my academics led by Ana-nee, Uncle Zashi and Uncle Ectoplasm, whenever I had free time I would train on my own practicing my quirk along with combat and subduing techniques. I had so much help from my family and to repay them I'm going to pass the entrance exam with flying colors and make them proud.

As for my situation with Himi-chan... well I thought it would go away, but spoiler alert it didn't, it just grew, I couldn't get my mind off of it and there were times I would zone out during training. I couldn't wrap my mind around it so I had to ask my family for help, but who do I go for this type of stuff?

Night Before The Entrance Exam

Ryuuki: U-umm...

Mom: Hm? Ryuukii~, is there something mama can help you with?

Ryuuki: U-umm well, i-it's about my best friend.

Mom: What about her? *gasp* Is she being mean to you?!

Ryuuki: Wha-? No. No no no, it's not that.

I waved my arms in front of me.

Mom: Oh, it isn't? What is it?

Ryuuki: W-well, I've been feeling... weird around her. She makes me happier than normal, I get flustered whenever she does something that didn't get me flustered before, my heart flutters or skips a beat whenever I see her adorable smile...

I ranted and ranted to mom for a long while, listing off everything that I could as I paced back and forth, mom all the while had a smile that grew in excitement as I went on. Not being able to contain herself she suddenly yelled and hugged me.

Ryuuki: I also can't stop thinking about her, I even see her in my dreams- UWAAAH.


Ryuuki: E-eh, mama? What's wrong?

I was so surprised by her hug that I called her mama.

Mom: It's so obvious Ryuuki~.

Ryuuki: What's so obvious?

I asked while tilting my head to the side.

Mom: You, my dear daughter, are in love with your best friend!

I didn't react at first until her words cemented themself in my mind.


I thought to myself while I was blushing like a ripe tomato.

Ryuuki: EH? EEEEHHHH!?

Midnight hugged tight as she was happy that her daughter that only had crushes and never falls in love just fell in love with her best friend. We then talked into the night making sure that what I was feeling was love and not just a hard crush.

At some point we had Ana-nee join us to get another's view. It was already late at night and Ana-nee had already gone home, after the talk we had confirmed that I am, in fact, in love with Himi-chan. After the talk I thanked her and as she was about to go home, I asked stopped her.

Ryuuki: Hey, Mom?

Mom: Hm?

Ryuuki: It's already late outside so why don't you spend the night here?

Mom: It's alright Ryuuki, I can take care of any pervert that tries to come near me.

She said with a confident smile.

Ryuuki: I know but I thought it'd be nice to sleep together again like when I was little?

I was surprised that Ryuuki wanted to sleep together like when she was young, I don't know why she wanted to but I accepted it as I gave her a warm smile.

Mom: Of course we can Ryuuki.

She had a bright smile on her face as she ran up to her room. I was confused but after a few minutes she handed me some pajamas.

Mom: Oh, thank you. Where did you get this?

She fidgeted with her fingers while answering.

Ryuuki: I-I just had them ready on hand in case you wanted to stay over...

My heart melted at what I heard and how thoughtful she is. I gave her a warm smile again and thanked her. I went to the bathroom to change as she went back to her room to wait for me.

I went back to my room to wait for her as she changed in the bathroom. After a while she came into the room and after turning off the lights we got in bed. I turned to her and said.

Ryuuki: Thank you for helping me sort out my thoughts.

Mom: Of course Ryuuki.

She said as she turned to face me with a smile.

Ryuuki: U-ummm..

Mom: Hm?

Ryuuki: Thank you for helping me train too. I'll place highest in the exam and pass it with flying colors!

Mom: It's no problem sweetie, I couldn't say no when I saw how determined you were and how hard you worked. Even if you don't place 1st in the exam we'll still be proud of you."

Ryuuki: Thank you mama.

I said with a bright and warm smile and she returned the smile.

Ryuuki: I love you mama, goodnight.

I muttered with a smile as I slowly fell asleep.

Ryuuki: I love you mama, goodnight.

She smiled and muttered before nodding off. I couldn't help but beam a loving grin at my daughter. When I stroked her hair, I gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Mom: I love you too my little dragon, sweet dreams.

I soon fell asleep.

Mom: I love you too my little dragon, sweet dreams.

I heard mom say, my lips formed a soft smile as I slept peacefully that night with one thought in my head.

'I'll make you guys proud.'


Please tell me how I can improve this chapter and I'll try to update it <3

That's all from me, Thank you for reading and I hope you have a good day/afternoon/evening/night, see you next chapter, byeeee~.

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