You Are The Reason

By AnonymouslySmug

13.1K 366 345

Just a simple cliche love story of a human and a werewolf. True love is rarely found and if it is found, it'... More

Author's Note
Authors Note


280 8 2
By AnonymouslySmug


This doesn't compare to all the scenarios I've viewed in my head, this is worse.

I've asked Kerry's neighbour if Kerry was home. She said she hadn't seen her for the day. The security said she didn't enter the building.

It was getting late at night and my worry for her wasn't ending. I wanted to know if she was safe. I wanted her to be safe. Fuck, I tried calling her but it said that her phone was switched off. Where was she? I needed to know if she was safe.

She can't still be in the forest. It's dangerous at night out there especially with all those creatures lurking everywhere. I want mi amor to be fine.
I slam my hands on the wall and curse myself out. This is all my fault. I should have known that she wouldn't take this well. I could have hid my identity and lived the way we were living. I could have stayed this way and no one would know. But I'd end up a cheating liar to her and I didn't want that.

I need to find Kerry before night. I need to get to her or else the worry will kill me. The only person I haven't asked is Darla. I should ask her.

So I call her.

"Noah? Great time you called me, I'm almost about to finish work."

"I'm sorry for disturbing you, Darla. I just wanted to know if Kerry is with you."

"No dear. She hasn't even contacted me for a few days now. Is everything ok?"

"No. I messed up."

"We all do at some point of time. What happened?"

I couldn't tell her everything so I just decided to tell her somethings. "I confessed to her about my feelings. I asked her to give me a chance. She did. And then I told her something that I already knew would hurt her. She wouldn't talk to me. I have no idea where she is. I'm worried, Darla. I want her to be safe. I want to see her safe. I'll go crazy if I don't figure out where she is." I said all that in one breath.

"True love finds each other. Have faith and don't give up on my daughter. She isn't used to with her emotions and feelings that's why she wanted to stay away."

"I love her, Darla. I can't help myself. I want Kerry to see that I'm never going away from her no matter how much she pushes me."

"Then you'll find her. And when you do give me a call, ok?"


I hang up. I've checked the nearby park, and all the places Kerry could go to. I've checked everywhere except the forest. What if she got lost? The sun was setting and I had no time to waste.

I made it to the forest. I let my wolf take over and began my search. Time went faster. I still couldn't find her. Even the sun had set. The weather was deteriorating. It looked like it was gonna rain soon. Then I saw a trail of blood. Fresh blood. The scent overpowered me and my wolf growled deeply. If he was sure that mate was hurt then I was sure too.

I followed it down to a small clearing. A piece of blood stained fabric was only left behind. Kerry was hurt. I tried to look for other hints but none were there. I could have caught onto the scents if I followed them but the rain erased all the traces. My anger thrived to the surface. I howled louder than I've ever done before.

I changed back to my human body and got dressed. If anything happens to Kerry, I will brutally end myself. I won't show myself any mercy when I kill myself.

My phone vibrates in my pocket.

"What do you want, Shawn? I'm in no mood for your arguments and your stupid comments."


"I don't want to hear it, ok." I growled.

"Do you not want to know where your beloved mate is?"

That had me shut up.

"Brother she could bleed to death if you don't come here soon." He urged.

"W-what the fuck do you mean by that?"

"She's going to die. There's alot of poison found in her system. Come to the pack house and I'll explain everything else."

He ends the phone call. I strip once again and urge my wolf to the packhouse. The conversation keeps replaying in my head over and over again. Tears pool in my eyes but I won't cry because Kerry can't leave me yet. The rain gets heavy but I don't stop. My wolf is getting tired but he still manages to move faster. We both wanted to save her at all costs.

Finally we reached. I stormed to the infirmary. My parents, my whole family was outside there. Even the pack members were all on the outside of the infirmary. The door slammed behind me as I stared at my family. I don't say a word and move towards the door that separates me from my mate.

"No one is allowed inside." Says Dad.

"Do I fucking care?" I growl and move forward.

Hands pull me back with all the force. My wolf and I push through but they all came me in. Eventually, after all the growling and swearing I did, my knees gave out under me. The tears I stopped had escaped now. I was vulnerable. Shawn patted my shoulder and sat beside me.

"Where was she?" My voice held all the pain and the vulnerability and I was sure my family members looked at my sympathetically.

"We found her in the forest. At first, we thought that it was just a random person sitting out there. But when I smelled your scent on her, I knew it was Kerry. I called her name and she looked up. She was hurting and crying, that's all I could tell from her features. I wasn't alone. Jacob, Tyler, Diane and Chloe were there." He paused. "Something came over Chloe and she just moved forward at such a speed that we all were shocked for the moment. The spear we took for hunting was poisoned and the poison we use is not easy on humans. She just... she stabbed her with it."

I saw red. "Where the fuck is she?"

"Locked up in the dungeons."

"I want her dead. First, she committed a crime and second she hurt my mate. I won't tolerate that. I want her dead right this minute." I stated furiously.

"Yes, we want her dead."

"End her. She hurt our Luna."

The people yelled from the outside.

"Roger that." Said dad. "Tell the executors to end her immediately. I will inform her parents of her deeds."

"Noah, you need rest." Said Mom when Dad and Shawn left.

"I'd rather die than rest. It's all my fault. I showed her me, she figured out and now... all this is my fault. I'm the one who hurt her."

"No, don't say that. Kerry wouldn't want that dear. She will forgive you."

"Yes brother. She's a nice girl. When they brought her in, she was only saying your name. If I knew it was Chloe, I would have killed her ages ago. The bitch-"

"Language!" Scolded mom.

Kerry said my name. The pain in my chest increased as I thought about it. Hours passed yet there was nothing from the Doctors. All the pack members were asked to go home. I was on the verge of committing murder. The anger in me intensified and rolled off like hot larva coals.

At 9, the news came that Chloe was executed. I could hear the long distant howls made by pack members. It was then that I couldn't hold it in anymore. Fortunately, the doors opened and out came the doctor. I glared at him.

"Alpha, our Luna is o-out of danger now. S-she is safe. We managed to get rid of most of the poison in her body. However..."

My ears perked up even more. "However what?" I clenched out.

"However, she is still unconscious at the m-moment. She should wake up by morning. You can see her if you want."

I immediately got up and shoved past him to see my mate. Even though he said she was out of danger, I was still scared and hyped up all about her. I ended up sleeping on the edge of the bed with her hand enclosed in mine.


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