Notes with a smile on it // d...

By keepercheese

46.2K 1.2K 1.6K

Georges's life hasn't always been sunshine and rainbows. Divorced parents, bullies, losing friends, and more... More

Chapter 1: Nightmares
Chapter 2: Bullies
Chapter 3: Confrontations
Chapter 4: Unintended
Chapter 5: Punished
Chapter 6: Not Found
Chapter 7: Detention
Chapter 8: Why
Chapter 9: Another Day
Chapter 10: Last straw
Chapter 11: Shattered glass
Chapter 12: The Truth
Chapter 13: Solved
Chapter 14: Stepping into the Closet
Chapter 15: New Number
Chapter 16: Repairing
Chapter 17: The Forgotten
Chapter 18: Unfamilliar
Chapter 19: Round 2
Chapter 20: Second Attempt
Chapter 21: Snapchatting
Chapter 22: Labels?
Chapter 23: Opinions
Chapter 25: Darksides
Chapter 26: Party - part 1
Chapter 27: Party - part 2
Chapter 28: Party - part 3
Chapter 29: Afterthoughts
Chapter 30: Reminder
Chapter 31: The discovery
Chapter 32: Tension
Chapter 33: Dinner
Chapter 34: Almost there
Chapter 35: Talking

Chapter 24: Unanswered

865 22 79
By keepercheese

TWs: Swearing and Trippy dream?


George POV: (Day before the party)

My day started a little differently than it normally did.

I woke in a slight panic due to the dream/nightmare I had. This one was different than the other ones. There was no cliff and my father was far from the main focus. I was in a house I didn't recognize and the was a bunch of music and flashing lights.

There was most likely a party of some sort going on. The room and was filled to the brim with people, it reeked of sweat and alcohol. The counters were littered with beer bottles and empty cans, figures bumped into me as I traveled through the crowd. In front of me, there was some shadowed figure pushing through people knocking them over. Just as if I were in a film I followed them, not knowing a single thing.

They made it outside and went to the corner of the yard. The shadowed person turned to look at me as if he already knew I was there. The darkness surrounding their identity faded. Shocked I stepped back and tripped over a rock falling to the ground. The un-masked figure moved forward and crouched down to my level with a smirk spreading across their face.

Slowly my surroundings began to mold into an endless void with dark purple waves and shaded white speckles that appeared to be stars. The grass beneath me faded and the two of us began to float in this space-like area. Ahead of me, I could see the face of the someone I feared looking down upon me. They gradually gained height as I seemed to sink further into the blackened atmosphere. This god-like figure stared into my soul as their eyes turned white and glowed brighter than the sun. Quivering, I sat hovering in this warped night sky wishing to get away from this demon as it slowly drifted in my direction.

Shaking I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. They only laughed at my speechless words while a smirk appeared under their luminous eyes. They grabbed my chin and pulled me up to them, they exactly three words.

"You cowardly twink"

The instant they let go all gravity seemed to have returned, I fell deeper and deeper into the distorted atmosphere. Darkness clouded my vision and swallowed me up the further I fell from him.

Him as in Schlatt.


The grin on his face widened before all went black and I woke up. It wasn't early early in the morning, but it was still early for me. It was about 6 o'clock. This is fine for some people, however, I'm not some people. I like my sleep, therefore I sleep/nap a lot. Yet, somehow I still have a bad sleep schedule.

Anyway, I was tired when I woke, whether it was from mental stress or exhaustion. I don't know. But, I know for a fact that I wouldn't fall asleep again. My breath was still a little staggered from the nightmare, so I took a few seconds to calm down before I got out of bed. Finally, feeling better I got up and prepared myself for the day to come.

Once the time rolled around Mya and I left for school after we ate breakfast together.

As usual, after Mya was inside. I sped off to my school.

I was greeted by Dream and Lukas in the parking lot. I walked over to my boyfriend and kissed his cheek.

"What's up guys"

"Oh nothing, just came to see my lovely boyfriend"

I smiled at his response and looked in Dream's direction.

"Just came to say hi to my friend, that's all"

I nodded and we started talking about Quackity's party that's tomorrow. They both seemed genuinely excited for it, however being the invert I am I didn't really want to. The good thing is that we didn't invite a lot of people, so hopefully, it isn't too crowded.

Soon I checked the time realizing that we had to get inside and to our classes, I hugged Lukas and Dream and ran towards the doors off the school.

There was one thing I noticed though, as we approached the school I looked back to wave Lukas and caught a glare that seemed to be aimed at Dream.

It confused me.

I couldn't think of one single reason Lukas why he would glare at Dream.

This thought was being processed all throughout my morning classes. By the time lunch rolled around, I had given up and left the subject be.

Since this week was the last week of school before the Christmas holidays most of my friends were busy finishing things up, so they had less to do during the break. I had finished most of my work and I didn't mind doing it during the break, I ended finding Lukas who was in the same boat as me and we hung out in one of the secluded corners of the school. Neither of us wanted to go outside due to the cold weather.

We sat quietly chatting when I noticed that Lukas was acting a little strange. He was a little quieter than normal.

"Lukas are you okay?"

I asked, he paused seeming as if he were trying to figure out how to word his sentence.

"Babe, I need to talk to you"

To be honest I'm still not really used to the pet names and I don't know If I like them.

"Umm, okay. Sure, what's up"

"I know this is a lot to ask"

"What is?"

I replied without letting him finish.

"Let me finish. So, Dream"

"Yeah what about him"

"I don't like him"

I frowned, now the glaring makes sense.

"Why not"

I ask

"Something about him just doesn't sit right with me"

"Well, what do you want me to do?"

He breathed a long heavy sigh.

"I was thinking that maybe you should stop talking to him less"

My jaw dropped, I felt a little insulted, to be frank.

"Hell no, there's no way in hell that I am doing that"

I crossed my arms and his expression went from one of sympathy to annoyance.

"Well, who's more important YOUR BOYFRIEND"

he said raising his voice slightly while pointing at himself aggressively

"Or your friend who used to bully you"

"Don't word it like that, he's changed. He's not an asshole you know. Maybe, if you got to know him you'd actually like him."

He ignored my statement.

"Try talking to him instead of barely acknowledging when we hang out with my friends, instead of being a dick. You guys could be friends, you're very similar."

I argued trying to get his attention, but he still wasn't listening.


I tried to walk away after, but before I got too far he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"Look, George. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you that, I'll try to be nice. I guess I just got a little jealous. I'm sorry"

I smiled pulling him into a hug.

"It's okay"

We figured we'd head back to the cafeteria a little early.

To our surprise we found Wilbur and Ranboo sitting where we normally do. Lukas and I walked up to them holding hands.

"What's up guys, I thought you had some stuff to do"

"Yeah, we finished and got bored"

Wilbur replied while Ranboo nodded

"What about the other three?"

"They're being idiots"

"Ahh, now that makes sense. What about Tubbo?"

"Making sure they're not being too idiotic"

I nodded.

Lukas and I sat down at the table with them and joined in their previous conversation. Nothing too interesting happened throughout the rest of the day. Although, things were still a little shifted with Lukas. How could he ask me that?

I didn't see Dream at the end of the day, he usually meets me by my locker but, he wasn't there today. I left to go to my car and apparently he already left. His car wasn't in the parking lot. I texted him and got no response.

I had a few things to do tonight, so I didn't see any of my friends. Seeing as Christmas was nearly here, I had to go finish up some gift shopping. Our group decided to do a secret Santa instead of buying something for everyone, cause were all broke.

I got Dream and I had no idea what to get him.

At the mall, I went into a bunch of different stores. Till I finally came across the perfect thing for him. I also found a few things for my family, so I bought those and returned home.

Once I got home to see that I had a few messages in our group chat. It was all chitchat about smaller issues that needed to be resolved before the party tomorrow. This was the group chat without Lukas

Everyone in chat was excited about it, I was scrolling through the messages reading over what everyone was saying. The party they were talking about big seemed like one big rager that isn't my kind of scene. I began to type in chat.

The Bois


I thought this party was supposed to be a smaller one


GEEEEOOOOOORGE, you finally here


Hi Goerge

Fuck, I fucked up.


Who the hell is Goerge

Sippy cup



Don't "lol" me


Get loled




Yeah, sorry. It was

Froggy boy

Alex accidentally invited too many people

Big Q

NO. No, I did not.

People invited themselves

Froggy boy


Big Q

I swear


Are you still coming?


I don't know


Please, George. It will be fun


It seems like a lot of people

Sippy cup

Don't be a party pooper

You had fun last time



Big Q

They'll be fewer people than you think

trust me





Needless to the chat is uncontrollable, especially with Tommy in it. We're all chaotic.

I left the chat not wanting to deal with its shenanigans and went to start my homework. Once I finished I sat in my room thinking.

The party wasn't going to be that bad. I mean even if it is, it's the last time I'll see my friends until after Christmas. So, there was no way that I wouldn't go.

I just wish that we could've come up with something else to do instead.

Before I left my room, I grabbed my phone off the nightstand.

Mya was downstairs on the couch watching a random series I didn't recognize on Netflix.

Sitting down on the opposite end of the couch I unlocked my phone. The number of messages that were sent to the group chat was insane. I read through the chat.

Most of it was just random jamble.

Except there was one thing I noticed.

Dream hadn't sent a single thing.

By now usually Dream would have texted me or something

But, I haven't seen him all day. Apart from the parking lot this morning and in class. Even then he was very quiet.

Is something wrong


Is he ignoring me?

Mya snapped me out of my thought by tapping me on my shoulder.


"What's up"

"I was talking to mom the other day"


"And we were talking about dating and stuff."

"Okay, and what does that have to do with me?"

"She wants to meet your boyfriend"

"Oh, okay. Well, that can be arranged. I just need to talk to him"

"For the record so do I"

"Why couldn't she ask me that"

"You've been out more lately, probably with your boyfriend"

"I do other things"

"Like what"

"I hang out with Dream"


she said.

"That's practically the same thing"

She mumbled just so it was barely audible

"Excuse me"


She said very quickly

"I'm gonna go do my homework now, Byeeeeeeeeeeeee"

With that, she left.

Why does she keep saying stuff like that?


How's it going 

I hope it's going good cause



I hope y'all are excited for the party chapter

Shits about to go down.


Have a day/night

- Keeper

* I keep forgetting got add titles to my chapters sorry for the confusion.

Word Count: 2067

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