Never again

swiftgirlil द्वारा

31.2K 1K 277

Andy and Robert already knew each other when he came back to Seattle to be the captain of station 19, but whe... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A/N - super important quiestion!!!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21 - Epilogue

Chapter 20

975 41 7
swiftgirlil द्वारा

"Never again" he promised her and caught her lips in his to seal the promise for one more time before going to enjoy that special day with their daughter.

Two days later, both Andy and Robert were on shift. Maddie asked to come with them to work as she knew they were going to tell her uncles and aunties they are getting married.

Robert called a line up in the burn and five minutes later everyone from A shift was there. Well, everyone except Andy. She was with Maddie in Robert's office waiting for him to start and give assignments. Then they'll do their big announcements.

"And lastly, Montgomery, you're with Herrera on aid car." Robert finished.

"Yeah... where is Herrera though?" He questioned and raised his eyebrows.

"Oh yeah I'll call her she's in my office with Maddie" he looked back to the barn door's direction and called Andy's name.

When she heard Maddie was at the station Maya quickly got concerned "why is Maddie here? Is she sick? Did something happen?" Robert chuckled at her "what a second we'll explain everything in a moment".

Just as he spoke Maddie came into the barn running straight to her father and jumping up to his open arms. Andy was just a few steps behind her "Maddie you can't ran like that in the barn. We've talked about it!" She said.

"Sorry mommy... I just got excited"

The whole team looked at the five year old in awe "what were you so excited about Maddie?" Vic was the one to ask, trying to get information about the weird situation.

Andy found her place right next to Robert and he put the arm that wasn't holding Maddie around her shoulders bringing her closer.

While Maya and Vic just smiled to themselves knowing the pair were together each and every one of the boys had the most shocked look on their faces.

When Ben saw the girls just smiling he figured they already knew "you knew?" He laughed uncontrollably "ummm yes... Andy is my best friend" Maya said. "She told me when she was drunk. But I'll take it as a compliment because none of you knew" Vic giggled.

"Okay so now you all know that Robert and I are together. But what none of you know is that..." she thought for a moment that decided it would be best to do it in a different way "Maddie you wanna tell them?"

A huge smile spread across her face in a second as she nodded her head "my mommy and daddy are getting married!" She said the happiness and excitement clear in her voice.

The team were rather shocked but still happy for their friend and captain. Seeing the now surprised face maya and Vic both had the guys knew that didn't know about the engagement.

"Say Andy's your best friend all you want. You still found out with the rest of up" jack said laughing at maya who punched his arm playfully "shut up"

"I'm so happy for you Andy!" Vic said as she went up and hugged Andy. "I'm gonna have to talk to you later though..".

"About?" Andy asked as she pulled away from the hug. "I'll tell you later" Vic replied and went back to stand with the others.

After everyone congratulated the couple, made some comments about the upcoming wedding and made it clear they were happy for them they all went up to the beanery and took Maddie with them while Andy and Robert went to his office to talk for a second.

At the moment he closed the door behind him Andy jumped on him and hugged him tightly. Her legs around his waist and her hands around his neck.

Him, surprised got a little off balance but quickly got it back and hugged her back.

She pulled her head out of the crock of his neck and kissed him passionately. Pouring all her love to the man to that sweet kiss. The need of air became too much and they pulled away smiling at each other. Robert hadn't put Andy down in the floor yet.

"What was that for?" He asked as he looked deep into her eyes.

"Because I'm marrying the best, most incredible man ever. And I'm so lucky to have him and out beautiful daughter" she smiled at him and packed his lips again.

"Oh is that so?" He smirked.

"Mhmmm" she nodded her head as he put her back down.

"Just so you know. Im the lucky one of us." He packed her lips in return.

"I honestly thought they'll be much more problematic about it... ask questions and all. I'm glad they didn't though." Andy said casually.

"Yeah they have a history of asking inappropriate questions so I'm glad they didn't do that especially in front of Maddie"

"Yeah... should we go up?"

"I just want another moment here with you. Then we can go up" he said pulling her to his chest.

With her arms around him, his arms around her and his chin placed on the top of her head.
They stayed in their embrace for a few minutes until pulling away and going up to eat breakfast with the rest of the team.

"Mommy, daddy look! Uncle Travis made pancakes" Maddie said with her mouth full when Robert and Andy walked hand in hand into the beanery. "I can see that! Just don't exact too much because last time you didn't feel so well after" Andy replied with a sweet smile.

Andy and Robert headed to the table and sat in two chairs beside each other across the table from their daughter.

Maya made sure Maddie ate her food without making a mess with the syrups. Robert and Andy loved seeing how everyone cared so much for their daughter. Every time she was at the station they all played with her, made sure she was eating and kept her entertained.

Everyone was still at the table minding their own business and making small talks in pairs.

"We should set a date for the wedding. I can't wait to marry you" Robert whispered in Andy's ear with his low, sexy voice.

"I can't wait to marry you either. I'm gonna have such a hot husband" she smirked.

"Yeah my soon to be wife is pretty hot as well" he chuckled and she turned her head to him.

They smiled at each other for a moment, forgetting they had a crowd, Robert leaned in and gave andy a sweet kiss on her lips. 

"C'mon guys were not ready for all of that sweetness yet" Vic said laughing uncontrollably.

"Yeah let us get used to the idea first before you start kissing in front of us.." Jack said a little jealous since he had a crush of her for forever.

"At home they kiss all the time..." Maddie commented. Making everyone to laugh. "They do? And you don't think it's gross?" Mya asked the little five year old.

She shrugged her shoulders "no... they just do that a lot and they also call each other baby which is weird because mommy calls me baby all the time"  she replied making them all to laugh again and her parents to blush.

"Never thought you'd be one to call your boyfriend baby Andy" Ben said and andy covered her face with her hands in embarrassment.

Under the table Robert put his hand on her thigh for some comfort.


It was about 10 pm. Andy sat in the lounge with Maya and Vic. The guys were minding their own business, each in his own bunk and Robert was trying to put Maddie to sleep in his bunk but she was rumbling about how excited she was for the wedding and didn't go really easy on him.

When she finally fell asleep it was almost two hours after her regular bedtime which is 8 pm.

So Robert decided to go up and let Andy know she was asleep. He found her with her friends, sitting at the lounge, each one on an armchair and Andy on the one closest to the door.

"Speaking on the devil..." Maya laughed signing with her head to Andy to look back to the door.

Andy turned her head and saw Robert there. "I don't like to be spoken about behind my back" he joked. "Don't worry we were only saying good things" Andy smiled at him as he took a step inside.

"Is Maddie okay?" Andy asked.

"Yeah she finally fell asleep. She is very excited about her dress for the wedding..." He said making all three women in the room to let out a little laugh.

"Sounds like her.."

"Anyway.. I'm gonna go finish my paperwork so I just wanted to say goodnight" he leaned down to place a soft kiss on her lips. Andy blushed a little as she knew Maya and Vic were watching. She had never been one to show a lot of affection in public.

"Goodnight" she said pulling away from the short kiss.

Robert smiled and went to the door only to be stopped a second later "babe I'll night come down to stay with Maddie later okay?"

"Fine by me" he smirked to himself as he walked away and back down to his office.

"Babe? Stay with Maddie?" Maya laughed.

"C'mon Andy we all know she's not the reason you'll be going there... I mean who knows how many times you snacked to his office at nights so you can do whatever you guys do." Vic completed Maya's thoughts. Again, with no filter.

"Oh my god you guys are gross. My daughter is in the next room! And just so you know it only happened twice. after that really tough call with the nursing home and the one with the four kids we couldn't save..." she said and suddenly got a little sad thinking back to those moments. Sometimes this job is so hard.

"And it was just because I needed him to hold me otherwise I wasn't able to sleep. In fact... we've never done it at the station." Andy said.

"Good. Keep on that because I don't wanna hear things in the middle of the night and get traumatized" Vic laughed and Andy just shook her head.

"But are we gonna talk about how lucky you got? I mean this man feels those uniform perfectly." Maya mentioned.

"I really am lucky. But Maya, don't forget that it's my fiancé you're talking about."

"I'm just saying..."

"If he looks so good with the uniform on I can't imagine how he looks without them" Vic said and Andy just knew where is this conversation going to.

"I'm not gonna share details about our sex life..."

"C'mon Andy! I'm not getting any... help a friend" Vic said without tact as usual.

"Yes Andy. Just give us something" maya put her fingers up and pulled them farther apart signing on a certain size.

"Nope. I'm just gonna say, he's good at what he does and I have no complains" Andy finished the conversation.

Her and Robert's alone time is private. And she was never one to share about  those kind of things even with one night stands anyways, let alone when it was the love of her life.

He always took such a good care of her. Made sure she was comfortable and happy. The time they spent together was unlike nothing she experienced before. Because he loved her like no man has loved her before.

The time they spent together, the nights they shared. Those are all sweet memories. But she'll never share them. Because it was their's and their's only. She didn't want to discuss this with anyone other than him.

"Hey I need to ask you just something" Andy said breaking the silence. Maya and Vic looked at her with a questioning look.

"Would you like to be my bridesmaids? Maddie asked to be the ring bearer it's gonna be so cute.I really want you guys to be by my side that day and I can't pick a maid of honor"

A huge smile spread across both of their faces "oh my god yes!" Maya said excitedly.

"I mean... if you insist..." Vic shrugged her shoulders. "I'm kidding! Of course I'll be your bridesmaid!"

"I'm gonna go see how my girl is doing" Andy smiled at them softly and got up to go down the stairs to Robert's office.

"Hey you" Andy said entering the captain's office quietly.

"Hey.." Robert gave her a soft smile as he looked up from his paper work. And crossed the office and sat down on Robert's lap, circling her arms around his neck.

Softly she kissed his lips and he was quick to return it. "Vic and maya agreed to be my bridesmaids" Andy said.

"Of course they agreed you're best friends." Andy rested her head on his shoulder. He smelled good. "Is Maddie still asleep?"

"Yup." He said placing a sweet kiss on her forehead. "Hi u was thinking, we should set a date for the wedding."

Andy pulled her head up to look at him "We should. But I'm too tired for that now so let's just do to sleep and we'll do everything tomorrow" she said and just as she finished speaking the half closed door of Robert bunk and Maddie walked out rubbing her sleepy eyes with her palms.

"I thought you said she was asleep?" Robert just shrugged his shoulders. Andy got up and went to pick Maddie up to her arms.

"Baby why aren't you sleeping?" Andy rubbed her daughter's back up and down. "You talked and it woke me up" the little girl replied, the tiredness was clear in her voice.

"Oh I'm sorry sweetie" she kissed the top of her head "let's get you back into bed" Andy carried Maddie back to the bunk and laid her down before covering her small body with a blanket.

Andy laid next to her, resting her head on her hand and her elbow on the mattress. With the other arm she hugged the girl and Maddie scooted back to her mother to feel her warmth.

Andy left the door opened. She started singing quietly a Spanish lullaby that she's been singing to Maddie since she was a baby, the same one her mother used to sing to her.

Robert was still sitting in his chair but now he was turned in a way that he kookier into the bunk room. He saw Andy singing to Maddie with the softest voice and it was just heartwarming.

'What did I do to get so lucky?' He thought. He was engaged to this amazing woman who he had the most perfect daughter with and he had the greatest life. Better than he could ever imagine.

He never thought in a million years you could love someone as much as he loves Andy. She saw him for who he was, all the goods and the bads, the strengths and the weaknesses, all the flaws. And she loved him anyway, she loved him for it.

And he didn't know how it happened so fast but he fell in love with her too. She was the most incredible person her met. She was strong and talented and beautiful and smart and so much more. She was truly the best. He won the lottery.

He looked at her and their daughter, mesmerized. Every time when he sees those small moments he falls even more in love with her than he was. Somehow it was possible...

Maddie was already asleep. Andy looked up to check on him and caught him lookin at her. She gave him a small smile that told him everything he needed.

"I love you so much" he mouthed her with a grin.

"I love you too" she mouthed back before closing her eyes and drifting into sleep with a sweet smile on her face thinking the same as Robert 'I'm so thankful to have them both in my life'.


Hey beatiessssssss
So here it is. The last chapter of this story. It's been a ride I guess?

I tried to be as consistent as I could but you know... life. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it because it's really been an escape for me and all your comment  through the story were so heartwarming.

I didn't really know how to end a story like that so this is what he have I really hope you're not disappointed...

I guess the epilogue will be out in a few days!

P.s. late happy birthday to our queen Jaina Lee Ortiz!!!


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