Dangerous Love

By ilove2write4u

89.3K 1.8K 176

Athena knight celebrates her high school graduation at a club with her best friend Claire. There, she sleeps... More



6.7K 127 14
By ilove2write4u

"4 Years earlier"

"Athena, you got everything?" Asked Claire. Closing my last suitcase I turn to look at her and smile. Claire Williams has been my closest friend since middle school. She has pale skin with blond hair. She also has brown eyes and freckles on her face along with rosy lips.

"Uh yea, you?" I respond. 

"Yes! I'm excited and nervous" she said, shaking her hands. Claire and I have been planning to move away to New York City. We live in Miami, Florida.

"It's okay, We're in this together, Always and forever." I say giving her a smile.

"Always and forever" she says, giving me a smile.

"Alright then, I have to go meet with a guy to sign my last contract here" I say as I grab my keys and purse. I had been working as a real estate wholesaler. I did advance here and had many clients at a young age but It was gonna be my last one in Florida. I have been saving up as much money as I can to have enough to provide for Claire and myself when we move away.

"Okay good luck and don't come late because we have to wake up tomorrow for the ceremony" she says while eating a strawberry. That's right, we have our graduation tomorrow.  I'm finally going to graduate and I'm gonna be able to be free. My life has had some.... complications. Of course I was grateful for everything my family gave me but I was under so much pressure and they wanted to be a doctor or a teacher. I have to make my own life.

The land I was helping sell was out in the country. It was pretty big, the buyer had to have a lot of money. I have to drive 45 minutes to get there. When I got there, there were two expensive looking, black cars waiting for me. I got off and walked towards them. As I got closer my energy shifted, an unexplainable dark, cold feeling.

A tall muscular man with dirty blond hair got off and came towards me. His eyes were as blue as the ocean itself. He had a cheeky smile on his face and was dressed in a white button up with the sleeves rolled up. He wore dark blue pants and black dress shoes.

"Good afternoon, bella" Italian. I could recognize his accent from anywhere. I used to speak it long ago too but I stopped and barely remember any words.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Di'Vincenzo?" I asked as I handed him the papers. Once he took them, he carefully revised them all. He took the papers to one of the black cars. As the window rolled down I could see a man with a black, round fedora hat and dark sunglasses. I could barely see his face because his coat covered him. His hands raised up and I could see he wore black leather gloves. He signed the papers and the window rolled back up.

So mysterious....

Blondie came back to where I was and I took the papers back and signed them too. I shook hands with the man and was about to walk away but he gripped my hand tighter and held it in place. I felt my heart start to race but i didn't show it.

"Pleasure doing business with you, Miss Knight," he says, kissing my knuckles. I removed my hand and walked away. I got a bad feeling and tried to rush as much as I could but didn't want to make it obvious.

I got in my car and drove off. The whole energy of those people just screamed danger.

I got home around 8 and Claire was finished with dinner. After that I took a long cold shower. As the night went on everything seemed normal, apart from the fact that i was leaving without telling my family. It might have been bad to just leave without saying anything but if i did, they would've tried to stop me or try to chase me. At least I know I'm gonna leave without any problems.

I had everything planned out. I had some contacts in New York so it would be easier to live over there with new identities. Starting tomorrow my name will be Victoria Harris. Claire will be Angelina Parker.


"Athena.. Knight.." I had heard my name as I walked up the stage. The bright lights blinded my eyes and the claps of people filled my ears. Finally, my dreams were coming true. It was the day I graduated, the day I was finally free. I walked to get my diploma and took a picture with my principal and other people.

"Athena! Over here!" Walking off the stage I hear Claire calling me over to her. She had a big smile on her face, and her big brown eyes reflected the stage lights. I went up to her excitedly and gave her a big hug. Claire's life was more difficult. She was abused by her father and her mother never cared about her. So I wanted to be there for her.

"Congratulations to the both of us!" She happily yelled out. She was starting to hug me tighter and I couldn't breathe.

"C-claire- can't- breath" I managed to say. She quickly let go and apologized. I gave her a smile. It was the most exciting day of my life. I had so many plans I wanted to achieve.

"Athena!" I heard my mother, Sofia Grey, calling me to her. Claire walked with me since her family wasn't here.

"Congratulations! You both made it!" My step dad said as we walked towards them. My little sisters ran up to Claire and I in their cute little pink dresses. My mother and brother congratulated us. After a while we started walking to our car.

"Athena, we should go to the club!" Claire told me as we walked behind my family. I had a bad feeling about going. My instincts were never wrong. I felt like I shouldn't go...

"I don't know Claire..." I say hesitantly with a frown. I stopped walking and looked at her.

"Aw please come on, we're leaving tomorrow" she tells me whispering the last part.

"Claire!" I shout-whisper at her since we were not to mention anything till we are alone.

"I'm sorry! Please, Athena" she gave me a sad face and puppy dog eyes. I hated when she did that. I could never say no to her.I stayed quiet for a second.

"Okay but just for a while cause he has to get up at 5!" I told her.

"Yay!" She squealed and got in the truck, I followed behind her playfully rolling my eyes.

When we got home Claire and I started getting ready. It was around 5 pm but my family wanted to celebrate with us before we went to the club. They were making a barbecue and my big brother, Alessandro Knight, brought me a cake. I wore a red sleeveless dress long enough to get to my knees and had long sleeves along with golden high heels.

As I finished putting the last of my makeup on I got lost in thought. Of course I was gonna miss my family but I already made my decision. I really didn't have a big family and my father.... well let's say he was never really there and i never really saw him but, i felt like he loved me so much.

After a while, I said goodbye to my parents and the rest of my family. It was the last time I was gonna see them but they didn't know that. I admit it did hurt me because they did so much for me, It's just that i wanted something better for myself ya know?

Claire and I left for the club. The whole ride I had a really uneasy feeling......

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