By CloudyWriter56

16.1K 1.4K 137

A collection of ashaangi oneshots More

What are we?
Christmas morning
My best friend hates you - 1
My best friend hates you - 2
My best friend hates you - 3

Sivaangi's Ashwin

4.7K 263 28
By CloudyWriter56

Recovering from loses wasn't new to Ashwin. People come, people leave. He was more used to absence than presence. Despite his lonely nature, 3 years ago a girl, his girl found him and helped see a flicker of hope down the road. But what he didn't realize was that she had helped him stand up, only to push him down and walk over his barely beating heart.

When his love left him on a Tuesday afternoon, he felt like he reached the peak of loses- he had lost everything. Every meaning he thought that love brought to his life, left him on his knees. Nothing seemed to interest him anymore and "trust" was just another word.

Ashwin lost everything that was never his to begin with. He didn't know that another wave of love was going to crash on him soon. Only this time, it won't drown him, it will help him float and bring him safely to the shore until he comes back to swim willingly.

7th May 2020:

Birthday - Ashwin saw his phone. No messages, no calls. He asked his only friend to not wish him as well.
He went to his office. Even there - he is the boss everyone hates.

Lots of money, his own business, 3 houses to his name, 5 cars and more. Yet happiness hasn't knocked his door.

He has a visitor - the receptionist said


"Come in"

A girl probably in her mid 20s,walked in, she seemed familiar.

He missed seeing such purity. Perhaps no one has hurt her he thought
And then he looked at her eyes that held innocence I hope she never loses it.

Her face was showing 1000 shades of happiness- all in a second before she extended her little hand

He shook it firmly. Something stretched in his face Did Ashwin Kumar smile? he surprised himself.

"How can I help you?"  His heart clenched a bit realizing the irony You are the one who needs help his mind screamed

"Hi! I'm Sivaangi"

He was taken aback,
Was it really her? Sivaangi - the cute junior who used to wave at him in school.

"I'm here to help" She said pulling him out of his thoughts


"I'm an interior designer. Your friend Rakshan sent me here, he asked me to revamp your cabin" she said in a chirpy tone.

Before he could reply, she jumped in
"Hold on! He asked me to give you something"

She clumsily looked through her bag and pulled out a card

"I know you don't want me to wish you, but here's a small gift from my side machan. I don't know why but I thought you would appreciate this idea of revamping the place. Although you hate it, Happy birthday Ashwin. If you're going to refuse this, please be gentle with her, she's a good soul"

Ashwin looked back at her. She was already moving around his cabin, taking a few notes.

She looked at the black canvas that hung on the wall behind the couch there. She scribbled something in her notepad and immediately scratched it.

All the expressions she gave within the span of seconds intrigued him.

She came back.

"What did Anna say?"


"Pchh Rakshan Anna" she pouted.

That pout- he recognized it. It was her. Sivaangi- from school.

"Hey did you by any chance study at SeaCoast high school?" He asked

She widened her eyes

"Yes! How did you know??"

"Sivaangi" he said and waved at her while lifting his eyebrows and giving her a nod

"Ashwinnnnn" she squealed

He could tell she wanted to hug him but she seemed to realize it's a professional place really quickly.

"Man it's so nice to see you again! So what's your answer? Ready to make this place yours?"

"It's already mine"

"No you might have paid for it but this cabin lacks personal taste. I know you are not the person to hang a pitch black canvas above a peach coloured couch"

Only then he really paid attention to that lounge corner he had never used. He always  lived like a robot - in home and in office. He cringed at the way it looked.

"How did you know I didn't hang that"

"You gave me your notebooks when you left school Ashwin. I've seen the drawings and poetry in the back of it. You pay attention to art. You have good taste"

Only then he remembered why he gave that

"You know that I didn't give it you right? You ran behind my bike everyday for a week and demanded my notes"

She giggled
"Well you could've went away quickly but you always slowed your bike down" she poked his chest lightly

That brought a warm feeling in his heart

"I would've been a fool if I sped away from such a cute girl" he said as he looked into her eyes. He didn't even realize he was flirting.

She blushed at that compliment.


2 months flew by. She would walk into his cabin daily even when she didn't need to be there. And on the weekends they would meet in different cafés in the name of "planning".

Ashwin eventually opened up about his past and he was worried if she would start acting out of pity but she was still the same Sivaangi with him.

She didn't have to try to heal his wounds, her mere presence did it naturally.


Once the work in the cabin was done, it was time for her to leave. He didn't want her to, but his past stopped him from voicing it out.

She came to his cabin. Her face held a void. He missed the beautiful smile on her. He wanted to see it so he kept joking around trying to make her laugh but she didn't budge

"Ashwineyyy I know what you're doing"

That endearment always made him happy. She started calling him this way a month ago.

"I just want you to smile" he said sadly

"How can I smile when I know you I won't see you everyday like I used to. The cabin is done and I have no excuse to see you after this. It's like school all over again. I chased you down for notebooks because I needed one last excuse to talk to you. I didn't have the guts to ask your number back then"

"Why did you always wave at me? "

"I didn't know how to start a conversation. So I settled for waving at you everyday and after a point you started to wave back in confusion. That always made me laugh. You were so adorable Ashwineyyy" she finally had a smile on her face

"Did you miss me when I was gone?"

"A lot. I felt a void when you left"

"What about now? You have my number this time. We can stay in touch ma"

"Daily pesuveengala?" she said quietly

"I promise"

Ashwin knew what had to be done.


*Ashwin calling*

"Hello Rendu naal ah call panave illa enna nenachitu irukeenga. Na kovama iruken. I'm going to hang up"

"Come outside"


"Veliya va"

She walked to her front door in confusion.

Ashwin was standing there with his bike. He signalled her to get on it. She sat grumpily. He smiled at her through the mirror.

They reached the beach.


"Beach ethuku" she asked and turned around to see him on his knees

He held out a ring

"6 months ago you asked me if I would talk to you daily. Ana I'm a little selfish Sivaangi ma.  I want to spend every minute trying to find ways to make you happy. I want to hold you after a hectic day at work. I want us to fight over what movie to watch. I want to take you out on dates. I want to see you, talk to you and wake up next to you everyday for the rest of my life. I love you. Will you marry me?"

"Yes!!!!" She got the ring and he stood up

They kissed as the waves gently reached their legs. Sivaangi did not just give light to his life, she made sure the light never flickerd.

"Aniku cabin la goodbye solrapo ketrunthalum I would've said yes"

"I'm sorry I didn't ask you sooner."

She laughed as he kissed her again.

"I love you Ashwineyy"

"I love you too." They stood there in each others arms feeling ecstatic.

Ashwin used to be the heartbroken, lonely and depressed man. But Sivaangi's Ashwin was and is the happiest man on earth this Tuesday afternoon.


My first OS <3

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