best friends?

By meganwhatup

6.8K 162 28

Julia miner is from Virginia. She is best friends with matthew Espinosa and her life is pretty normal. She ha... More

The Beginning
Meeting New People
hey guys!


102 3 0
By meganwhatup

(Julia's POV)

"What do you mean J?" Lotti asks. I look at her.

"If he actually cares he'll show me" I say and she rolls her eyes.

"You and your games" she says then leaves. I walk out of my room and into Shawn's.

"How you doing?" I ask him. He glances away from his phone to me.

"Better" he says and I nod.

"Thank you for being nice to me last night" he says smiling.

"That's what friends are for" I say and walk back downstairs. I grab my guitar out of my room. I then grab a water bottle from the fridge and go outside. I walk to the beach which is right behind our house.

I sit down and start strumming and singing to songs. I start playing Over Again by One Direction just because it's in my head. After playing a bit and recording it for fun I set my guitar down and lay down in the sand looking at the sky.

"You know I'm shocked you're not famous" I hear someone say. I look and see Matt. I look back at the sky and ignore him. He lays down next to me but stares at me.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks. I just close my eyes wishing I could disappear.

"Julia I'm sorry okay! I don't want to loose you again. I just thought since you guys dated before" he starts.

"No Matthew doesn't matter if we dated before. You should've trusted me" I finally say something.

"I did.. I mean I do" he says.

"It was so much better when we were best friends" I say quietly.

"What are you trying to say?" He asks.

"Nothing, it just was better like no drama" I say and he nods.

"You okay?" He asks and I shake my head no. Before he can say anything I stand up with my guitar and walk back to the house with Matt hot oh my heels.

"J, talk" he says. I turn around to face him "it's nothing" I say and he sighs and walks to his room. I fall on the couch and close my eyes trying to take a nap.

But of course someone ruins it.

"Julia" Hayes whines. I groan and sit up "what?" I whine.

"Nash just got a call and he wants to talk to you" he says and I stand up and walk to Nash's room. I stop at the doorframe and knock. He looks and waves me in.

I sit on his bed and he ends the conversation he his having on the phone. He looks at me and sighs.

"Oh no" I say as I see the sadness in his eyes.

"Who died?" I ask and he giggles.

"No one" he says putting his hand in his hair.

"Then what?" I ask confused.

"Well I just got a call saying they want all the boys to go on a small tour" he says and my mouth drops open.

"What? When? Why?" I ask.

"The tour starts in 3 days. It'll last a couple months. Mom doesn't want you to stay in this house all by yourself and she wants you to go to Virginia since you can't come on the tour, trust me I already asked" he says and I start to cry.

"What's wrong?" He asks standing up and sitting next to me hugging me.

"You guys are leaving me! I can't leave Cali I have no one back home please don't make me go back there" I whine like a three year old.

"Fine I'll talk to mom and see if you can stay with Lotti" he says and I nod. My eyes go wide as I just remember Matt. I shoot up and run to his room. I barge through and see him just ending on the phone. He looks at me with tears in his eyes.

I run to him and he opens his arms and I hug him.

"We'll be fine" he says in my hair.

"But I'll miss you so much" I say into his chest. He rubs circles on my back and I sigh.

"Nothing ever works out" I say sniffling.

"Yes, we will work out, and I promise you that" he says wiping my tears away. I nod my head and he kisses my forehead. I look him in the eyes.

"I love you, don't forget that" I say and he smiles kissing my lips.

"And I love you as well" I smile. Nash walks in and looks at us and smiles.

"Man, do I love you two together" he says and I smile looking at Matt.

"What did mom say?" I ask.

"She really wants you home, she has only seen you for a week, she misses you" he says.

"She went 16 years without seeing me" I say.

"Julia, don't" Nash says and I roll my eyes. I exit Matt's room and run outside and across the street to Lotti's house. I knock and her mother answers.

"Hello Julia, why don't you look beautiful!" She says with her warm smile.

"Hello Mrs. Jones, thank you! You look beautiful yourself" I smile and she hugs me.

"Is Lotti home by any chance?" I ask and she nods.

"In the main foyer singing, as usual" she says and I laugh walking to where Lotti is singing.

"Lotti!" I scream over her voice and she jumps.

"You scared the shit out of me" she says and I laugh at her scared face.

"We have a problem" I say.

"Oh no" she says.

"All the boys are going on tour and my mom doesn't want me living alone for so long and I have to go to Virginia, again" I sigh and she pouts.

"NO!" She screams and whines.

"We'll Skype every night I swear" I say and she hugs me.

"I love you J" she says.

"Love you too L" I say and she smiles.

"When do you leave?" She asks.

"Probably the same day the boys do, so three days" I say sighing knowing I'll be without my best friend for a couple months.

"Well, we'll have to hangout for the rest and then when you get back we'll still be besties" she says and I smile.

"Im scared about see Madison" I say to Lotti.

"Honestly, I can tell she misses you, just work it out it'll be fine and if you don't im just one phone call away" she says with a smile. I hug her tightly.

"You're the best" I say and she flicks her hair.

"Well" she says and I laugh.

"You better go talk to Cam" I say and she goes wide eyed. She grabs my wrist and drags me back to my house and up to Cameron's room. She walks in and Cam shoots up and hugs her.

"I'll leave yall alone" I say and walk out. Matt walks up to me and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"Come on a date with me" he says not even asking me.

"Well since I have no choice, sure" I say and he laughs. I run into my room and he follows.

"Where are we gonna go?" I ask.

"We can go to the park, then the Hollywood sign when the sun sets" he says with a smile like he's proud of himself.

"You're too cute" I say and he smirks at me. I pick out some high wasted shorts and a crop top. I change and put on some makeup and jewelry.

"Im ready!" I shout in Matt's face and he covers his ears.

"Im right here, no need to yell" he says and I laugh. He grabs my hand and we walk out to my car but he insists on driving. I throw him the keys and get into the car. I blast Fifth Harmony as we drive to the park.

We finally get there and I shut off the music. We get out and I run to the trees and instantly climb one with Matt following me.

"I wish you could come" Matt says breaking the silence.

"Yeah, me too" I say and look at the city.

"Don't worry about us, okay?" He says to me. I nod at him and he gives me a small smile. He grabs my hand and we climb back down.

"C'mon I wanna go to the Hollywood sign" he says and I follow him. We decide on walking there since it's not that far. We hike up the hill and finally reach the top.

"This is gorgeous, I love being up here" I say looking at the view. Matt sits down and sets up a little picnic. I smile at him and sit across from him.

"Did you make this yourself?" I ask looking at all the food.

"Well they call me chefspinosa for a reason" he says and I burst out laughing.

"Those fans of yours are funny" I say and he nods. We dig into the food while talking about the tour.

"I'll send you pics of all the cities and then we can visit them ourselves one day with our kids" he says and I giggle.

"Little Matt's would be cute" I say thinking about our future. It's cute knowing Matt wants us to be together in his future.

He sits next to him and wraps his arms around me "I want no one but you" he says and I put my head on his shoulder. We look out to the view as he snaps photos of it, and us.

"I love you" I say looking in his brown eyes. He looks in mine and smiles.

"I love you more" he says and kisses my forehead. Life couldn't get any better then right now, spending my life with Matt.

Happy Easter everyone!! If you don't celebrate it then happy Sunday!!! Im on spring break so I'll upload some more :) thank you for all the reads! much love xo

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