25 days of cadnis + twins

By maybeimamuppet

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25 days of holiday themed cadnis oneshots, featuring my twin oc's :DD More

intro + important info!!
day 1: cuddles
day 2: first day of snow
day 3: lazy day
day 4: playing in the snow
day 5: sick day
day 6: hot chocolate
day 7: binging christmas movies
day 8: christmas crafts
day 9: playing christmas music
day 10: christmas party
day 11: getting the christmas tree
day 12: christmas shopping
day 13: adopting a pet
day 14: decorating
day 15: date night
day 16: making christmas cookies
day 17: making gingerbread houses
day 18: learning rocking around the pole dance
day 20: family dinner
day 21: inviting friends over
day 22: wearing onesies
day 23: mistletoe/kissing
day 24: christmas eve
day 25: christmas!!

day 19: making special breakfast

43 1 9
By maybeimamuppet

day 19!! less than a week to go D:

the twins are one in this one!



"Good morning, little loves," Cady greets quietly as she tiptoes into the nursery to wake her babies up.

"Hi Mama," Leo says happily, standing up and blinking as her eyes adjust to the light Cady flips on.

"Hi, Bumblebee," Cady coos, giving her some sweet kisses before picking her out of her crib and carrying her over to be changed. "How did you sleep?"

"Good," Leo says.

"Good," Cady grins, kissing her little nose and carrying her back to be exchanged for her sister. "Good morning, my little Ladybug."

"Hi!" Layla chirps. Cady gently puts her down and hushes her.

"We have to be quiet, okay? Mommy's still sleeping, we don't want to wake her up," she explains.

"Why?" Layla asks, much quieter than before.

"We're gonna make a special breakfast for her," Cady says.

"Why?" Layla asks again.

"Just because," Cady shrugs, using the hand sanitizer next to her and throwing the old diapers in the garbage. "Mommy loves us so much, and always works so hard to make sure we're happy. Sometimes it's nice to do something kind to say thank you."

The twins both think this over and nod. "Yeah."

"Yeah," Cady grins. She grabs Leo again and carries both of them down the stairs. "Okay, let's wash our hands first."

She sits each twin on either side of the kitchen sink and rinses their little hands before giving them each a bit of soap. Cady follows suit with her own hands, scrubbing away all the germs so the smalls have a good example to follow.

They giggle happily at the warm water to rinse the soap away, and again when Cady gently takes a rag to dry their chubby little hands off.

"Okay, let's feed you little monkeys first, hm? What do you want to eat?"

"Po'cown," Layla says.

"Popcorn? That's not breakfast," Cady laughs. "Maybe we can watch a movie with Mommy today and we'll have some popcorn then."

"Hab berries?" Leo asks. "P'ease?"

"Good manners, baby love," Cady praises. "Let's go see what berries we have."

She helps her daughters off the counter and smiles as they toddle over to the fridge to peek inside.

"Okay, we have blueberries and strawberries, which one do you want?"

"Burbellies, p'ease Mama," Layla says, standing on her tippy toes to see.

"Blueberries, okay," Cady giggles. She can't quite bring herself to correct her pronunciation. That can wait until they're a little bit older. "What do you think, Bee? Blueberries sound like a good breakfast?" Leo nods, so Cady grabs the package and closes the fridge behind her. She smiles to herself as her two little ducklings follow her back to the sink.

Cady gives the whole package of blueberries a thorough wash off with warm water before she carries it over to the counter and lifts the twins back up onto it to share them.

"What do you think we should make for Mommy's breakfast?" she asks, popping a blueberry in her mouth and smiling as her little ones follow suit.

"Uhm... eggies," Layla says.

"Ooh, that could be nice, Mommy does like eggies. What else?"

"Toa't," Leo says. "And... and... and...um... bacoms."

"Eggies and toast and bacon does sound like a good breakfast, I think we can do that," Cady nods.

Between the three of them, the whole package of blueberries is gone rather quickly. Cady helps them wash the berry juice off their hands before she grabs the strawberries from the fridge.

"More berry?" Layla asks curiously, watching to see what her mama is up to.

"Yeah, let's wash some fruit for Mommy to have too, then we can get started cooking."


"Can you pick some bananas for me? Each of you choose one," Cady asks, making sure they're still steady on the counter and not going after anything they could hurt themselves with. They both nod and carefully start inching towards the bananas. Cady finishes washing the strawberries and heads over to help them pull the best bananas off. "Perfect! Good job, girls! Now we have to pick the best strawberries for Mommy."

She puts a small bowl in between the twins and lets them fill it with the berries they deem best. Layla grabs a strawberry and immediately puts it in her mouth. Leo follows suit.

"Guys, for Mommy! You had your breakfast!" Cady chides. Leo tries to put hers back, looking apologetic, but Cady gently guides it back. "No, baby, it's okay, finish your berry. If you're hungry you can always have food."

The twins hold and munch on their berries with one hand and fill the bowl with more berries with the other. Cady puts the rest of them back in the fridge when they're done and grabs a knife to start slicing them up. The twins are content to just sit and watch this part.

"Okay, now we can start cooking the eggies and everything," Cady says, grabbing the eggs from the fridge along with the pack of bacon. The twins get shifted to sit by the stove to help out.

"I do?" Layla asks, little fingers hovering ominously over an egg.

"Uhm... sure. But I'm gonna help you just a little bit. Come here," Cady says, trying to keep the anxiety out of her voice. They need to make messes sometimes, she reminds herself. "Which egg?"

"Uhm... dat one," Layla says, picking her favorite egg. "Smash it?"

"No no, baby, gentle," Cady says, catching the egg in her palm before Layla can smash it everywhere. "Tap it on the bowl a couple times, soft. Like this." She demonstrates, but lets Layla do it for real. "Yeah, good job. Now put your thumb there and push in."

Layla does, blinking in surprise as the egg bursts. Miraculously, most of it ends up in the bowl. "I did it!"

"You did, Ladybug, good job!" Cady praises. "No shell, either! Do you want to try, Bumblebee?"

"No t'ank you." Leo says. Cady nods and kisses the top of her head.

"Okay. Just a few more eggs and then we can cook them," she says. Layla helps crack a few more into the bowl, and Leo gets to help stir them to scramble them.

"Hot," Layla says, pointing to the pans Cady puts on the stove.

"Yeah, they are hot. We don't touch," Cady agrees. "Except the handles. And we need to be careful, okay?"

The twins both nod, their dark curls still wild around them. Cady grins and starts cooking the bacon, each piece having been hand selected by the babies. They also each pick one piece of bread to be made into toast, and work together to pick out a mug for Janis' coffee.

"We did pretty good, girls! All we have left to do is make coffee and then we can go take all this to Mommy," Cady says happily. They really have done miraculously well for not-even-two year-olds. Minimal mess, and nothing burnt. Cady is stunned, but obviously not complaining.

"Coffee smelly," Leo says happily, holding the container of coffee grounds in her little hands and carefully sniffing it. "Yummy."

"It does smell yummy," Cady agrees with a chuckle. "Can you help me? Here." She uses the scoop to portion out the proper amount and hands it to Leo. "Put that in there."

Leo happily dumps her scoop into the filter and watches as Cady fills it with water. Layla looks sad as her sister gets to do all the work.

"Okay, Ladybug, now your job," Cady says. She sets the right settings and timer and picks Layla up. "Push that button."

Layla does, and giggles happily at the loud beep. Cady smiles back and puts Layla back down to watch. Her smile fades when she sees Leo's lip trembling.

"What happened, baby love?"

"Mon'ter," Leo whimpers, reaching to be held. Cady picks her up and lets her cuddle into her neck desperately.

"Oh, sweetheart, it's not a monster," she hushes, trying not to laugh. "It's just the coffee machine. That roaring sound is just the sound it makes to heat up the water. We have to be careful so we don't get burned, but it's not a monster, baby. You're okay."

"Oh." Leo sniffles. Cady kisses her cheek as she peeks her little face out to assess the situation with this new information.

"Yeah, we're okay. Alright, I think everything's ready. Oh, should we give Mommy orange juice or apple juice?"

"Owange," Leo says quietly with another sniffle. Cady kisses her cheek again and sets her back down next to Layla on the counter.

"Sounds like a plan, here we go," she says. She gets everything plated up and puts it on a tray for simplicity. It is a lot of food, but something tells Cady that Janis won't be finishing all of it alone. The bowl of strawberries and bananas gets put to the left of the main plate, and the cups of coffee (with the perfect amount of cream and sugar) and orange juice go on the right. "Okay, let's go get Mommy up!"

"Hold it?" Leo asks, reaching to carry the tray.

"It's heavy and we have to go all the way upstairs. I'm gonna carry it up and then you can help me give it to Mommy," Cady replies. Leo nods and runs ahead with Layla, their little curls bouncing behind them as they carefully clamber up the stairs.

Layla trips at the top, but just pushes herself back up and carries on. She stands on her tippy toes to open the door to the big bedroom, and she and her twin both toddle full speed over to Janis' side of the bed. Cady smiles as she sees her wife in caterpillar mode, blankets pulled up just beneath her nose so that only her eyes and messy hair are visible. That's always been one of her favorite forms of Janis.

"Mommy, Mommy!" the twins call, tugging at the blankets with little hands. Janis yawns and finally opens her eyes.

"Hi, baby girls! Good morning," she says with a wide smile as she sees her precious little ones standing there waiting for her to wake up. Janis yawns again and picks them up one by one for a cuddle.

"We-we... um..." Layla says, trying to explain the events of the morning. "We hab... um... eggies."

"You had eggies?" Janis asks, stroking through Layla's hair.

"No, have," Cady grunts, shifting the heavy tray onto the bed.

"Oh my god," Janis chuckles. "What's all this?"

"Eggies!" Leo says happily. "Fer you."

"Aww," Janis coos. "I thought I smelled bacon, this looks so good!"

Cady gently drags the babies off so Janis can hold the tray on her lap to eat. When Cady lets go, the twins latch back to Janis like little magnets.

"Thank you, girls. And you, Mama," Janis says, tasting a bite of her eggs. "Mmm, you guys did such a good job!"

"I had some good helpers," Cady hums, pressing to Janis' side and kissing her cheek.

"Am I forgetting some special occasion?" Janis asks in slight concern. Layla helpfully grabs a banana penny and gently shoves it into Janis' mouth. "Oh, thank you."

"No," Cady chuckles. "I just wanted to surprise you. You deserve to be spoiled, you do so much for us. And we love you so much."

Janis flushes a truly spectacular shade of scarlet and blinks away a few tears. She clears her throat before kissing her wife soundly and whispering, "I love you too."

"Me too?" Leo asks sadly. She squeaks in surprise as her mommy snatches her up and kisses all over her little face.

"Of course I love you too," Janis hums, kissing Leo's cheek before setting her down and giving Layla the same treatment. "I love both my babies, and your mama, more than anything in the whole wide world."

"Wow," Layla says happily. Janis laughs and kisses all three of her girls again.

"Wow indeed."


hope you enjoyed!! see you tomorrow!!

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