Atsuko Tadeshi - The revenge

By topjappie

161 3 0

More than a year ago, Atsuko lost his whole family to a man, that later became known as Hebi. On his 18th bir... More

Chapter 1 - The Past
Chapter 2 - A New Samurai
Chapter 4 - The Trap
Chapter 5 - The Fight
Chapter 6 - The Ghost
Chapter 7 - Hebi
Chapter 8 - The Old Factory
Chapter 9 - Oshira's End
Chapter 10 - The First Step
Chapter 11 - A New Lead
Chapter 12 - The Mansion
Chapter 13 - The Final Lead
Chapter 14 - The Bloodbath
Chapter 15 - Doragon no Guntai

Chapter 3 - Step By Step

19 1 0
By topjappie

For the next few weeks, Atsuko kept training. He bought an extra katana and trained with both weapons together. he tried to find the best way to handle his weapons and he learned some tricks and combinations and kept practicing them.

After a few weeks, he mastered most of them. He managed to switch over and under hands with both hands for diversity in his fighting style. Without effort, he could switch, and together with some gymnastic tricks, he was more than an average fighter. In the time that he didn't practice, he went out on the streets to find information about Hebi, but the more he learned, the more he understood that Hebi wasn't a lone wolf. He had people under him that would protect him if needed.

One night, he dressed up in complete black and went onto the streets. He stayed mostly in the shadows. He was almost invisible and most people only saw him if he showed himself to them. Atsuko went to an alley, just outside the centre of Yomika. He heard that Oshira would be there to do business with someone. Oshira was someone in bussiness with Hebi and Atsuko wanted to know if Oshira could give him more information about Hebi.

As he entered the alley, he noticed that some of the lights didn't work and that only made him happier. if it was darker, Oshira was less likely to see him. He walked to a dark corner to hide. he knew that people notice movement so if he kept as still as possible, noone would see him.

Atsuko waited 10 minutes. In that 10 minutes, 2 people crossed the alley and both didn't notice him. After waiting for a little longer, someone entered the alley but this time he stayed and it seemed that he was waiting for someone. After another minute or so, a car stopped in front of the alley. Two guards came out, both with katana's ready. They scanned the alley, but didn't notice Atsuko. As one of them walked back to the car, the car door opened and a man, Atsuko recognized as Oshira, of some descriptions he heard, stepped out. Oshira walked to the man that was in the alley before he arrived, and they started talking as the two bodyguards stood next to both of them. one with its back right towards Atsuko. Atsuko saw that Oshira gave the man something that he quickly put under his coat as he walked away. Atsuko had heard that Oshira sometimes sold medicine if you'd pay enough. Only Oshira and his bodyguards were in the alley. 

As they turned to the car, Atsuko came out of hiding behind them. He grabbed both katana's and in a smooth movement cut through the lower leg muscles of the first guard, making it impossible to walk and he fell on the ground. At the same time, he sliced with his other Katana the right wrist muscle of the second bodyguard which made him drop his sword. Within a second, both bodyguards screamed as they weren't able to fight. Oshira turned towards Atsuko, but Atsuko quickly kicked him in the chest, pushing him back. Atsuko quickly jumped over the bodyguards and sheathed one of his katanas. He pushed Oshira against the wall of the alley and put the other katana against his throat. 

If the sight of a person, completely dressed in black, with a cap over his eyes and a demon mask wasn't scary enough, the speed he used to disable the bodyguards would be. "Tell me where I can find Hebi!" Atsuko said as he pushed the katana a little harder against the man's throat. Oshira was so scared by the looks and fighting of the dark demon that he was shivering all over his body and couldn't say a single word. Atsuko noticed it too, but he didn't go easy on the man. "Where is Hebi!" he now yelled. Oshira was still shivering as he stuttered: "I...I...I don't know. I never met him." "But you work for him!" Atsuko yelled. "I don't! I swear. I work for Hatso, and he has contact with Hebi. I swear that I don't know where Hebi is."

Suddenly Atsuko felt something behind him. He quickly turned around to see the bodyguard, he cut in his arm, charging at him, now with his katana in his left hand. Pushing Oshira to the side, Atsuko dived to the other side to evade the sharp blade. Jumping further away from the bodyguard, creating distance, Atsuko put his feet further apart and grabbed his katana with two hands, Putting the blade horizontally in front of him as he had trained often. He waited for the bodyguard to come to him again and he wasn't disappointed. By only leaning to the side, Atsuko could dodge the first two attacks. Atsuko could feel that the bodyguard fought with anger and rage, but he knew that for good fighting, you needed to be calm. The bodyguard pushed his blade straight at Atsuko, but he deflected it and went offensive. He first attacked with a cut from the right that only cut the air. After that, he smoothly turned and made it a slice from above. The man knew to block the blow, and Atsuko quickly did one step back. As the bodyguard came at him again, Atsuko stepped forward, sliced from above, but before it should hit, he switched to a slice from the right, and his katana sliced through the chest of the man. The man fell over, letting his katana slip out of his hand. Atsuko quickly put his katana back in the sheath and turned the man over. He saw that he was dead already, so he walked back to where Oshira was, but saw that he had ran off.

At home, Atsuko cleaned his katana and put it on the sword stand. He grabbed a notebook and turned to the first empty page. The notebook was filled with information he gathered so far. He grabbed a pencil and started writing about the new person, closer to Hebi. The one Oshira called Hatso. Atsuko didn't know where to find Hatso, but he was going to find out. Atsuko was getting closer and closer.

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