Memories of the Heart (YunJae...

By WeirdAsianLit

20.1K 231 70

Suffering from selective amnesia, Jaejoong starts anew as a freshman on St. Charles' High School. There, he... More

Chapter 1: Friend
Chapter 2: Boy
Chapter 3: Confession
Chapter 5: AWKWARD
Chapter 6: Club
Chapter 7: Alone
Chapter 8: Trouble
Chapter 9: Double
Chapter 10: Close
Chapter 11: Sleepover
Chapter 12: Rekindle

Chapter 4: Drama

1.4K 17 2
By WeirdAsianLit

 (A/N: I'll be indicating which view the parts of the story are revolving or are biased in. I purposely don't do it POV style and keep it third person as to create mystery.... all will be revealed in due time >:) . So now, here goes! Enjoy! Love u! Pic on the right is Park Yoochun as himself)



"YUNHO?" Jae half-screamed when he saw the other boy's sullen face. "How... how long have you been there?" he asked tentatively

"Long enough" Yunho replied, with a dark expression "Long enough" he repeated as he quickly started walking towards the main lobby

"Oh, so are you fine?" Jae said, as he paced with the other boy

"Yeah, I'm good. Thank you for bringing me here, but I guess I can take care of myself now" Yunho coldly said as he continued walking towards the elevator

~Hul Jae thought. Why is it suddenly like this? He scrambled as he saw Yunho enter the elevator "But, are you really sure?" he asked trying to hide his confusion

"Yes, you can go now. Thank you so much. Sorry for the bother" Yunho said as he pressed 3 on the elevator keys

"Aish!" Jae extended his arms as the elevator door started closing. What's up with this guy now?, he asked himself

"What is it?" Yunho nonchalantly blurted. "I'm actually going to be late for my class. You should hurry up. You're late too"

"I know that, but...." Jae screamed but then half whispered when he started to feel his cheeks turn red.

"But?" Yunho said, amused of what was happening to Jae's puffy cheeks.

"... I don't know where to go." Jae sheepishly said, quite ashamed of being not in the know.

"Just go to the Principal's office and ask. They should be able to help you." Yunho said as he shoved Jae's hand off the elevator doors.

"AISH!!!!" Jae managed to scream before the steel doors closed in front of him, soliciting a smirk from the person it contained.



"AISH!!!!" Jae managed to scream, coloring his face even redder than the shade of tomato, if that was even possible. Yunho couldn't help but smile, despite his annoyance, as the elevator brought that strange familiar feeling of a quick change in gravity when it whizzed up to life, indicating its slow ascent to the third floor.

Yunho creased his brows, confused by the tight feeling he had in his chest. He couldn't understand why he was angry. Sure, he was bummed because his sides hurt like hell, but he had always been good at ignoring muscle pains. He mastered the skill of enduring pain from all the physical stress he got for being the school's top performer, both in dancing and singing.

What the heck am I angry about? He asked himself, practically fuming. He caressed his furrowing eyebrows and racked his brain for a possible answer.

"Earth to Yunho, Earth to Yunho. Your vehicle has landed to your destination" Yunho heard his friend Mickey, snapping him from his reverie. Yunho realized that he thought about his annoyance too much that he actually didn't realize that he was on his floor now, the Junior's hallway.

"Lay off Mickey, I'm not in the mood" Yunho exclaimed as he passed by his friend who was standing in front of the elevator doors. Ever since grade school, Mickey has been friends with Yunho, and despite the many physical changes that were obviously taking place with Yunho's body, his friend seemed to be the same as before; short cropped hair, sweet puppy eyes of the color brown, lean built and a thin lip, all in all, harnessing the boy next door charm.

"What crawled up your ass and died? Mickey asked Yunho as both headed to the direction of their first period classroom.

"I'm angry" Yunho replied, crossing his arms as he made his decisive strides

"About what?" Mickey asked, pacing with his friend.

"I don't know, but I was thinking about it" Yunho said, exasperated

"Say what?" Mickey halted and grabbed Yunho's left arm, spinning him so they both looked at each other.

"You're angry but you don't know why? Dude! You goin' cray cray!" Mickey said as he snapped his fingers to his sentence, clearly imitating some girls from TV. On normal circumstances, Yunho would have found this antic of his best friend hilarious and would have laughed his butt off. Now, however, he just wanted to sock some butt off.

"I WAS thinking about it until someone decided to go" Yunho made quotation marks on the air with his fingers "Cray cray and disturb me" Yunho finished his sentence and decided to head back to the direction they were initially going to.

"And cray cray we are!" Mickey said aloud as he followed Yunho.

"You know what, forget it. I think it doesn't even matter anyway" Yunho shrugged as they were now.

"Okay, if you say so. Now let's have a good day in our first day of classes, shall we?" Mickey offered as he opened the door to their Drama 3 classroom.

Yunho breathed aloud and closed his eyes as he entered the room "Okay, yeah. This day couldn't get any..."

"And where have you been Mr. Jung and Mr. Park?" Yunho shot his eyes open as he heard that shrieking voice of Mr. Lee, the old grumpy drama teacher, the teacher he hated the most.

Great. Just great, Yunho sighed as he entered the room and sat on his chair. "Detention, Mr. Jung. See you in my office this afternoon" Mr. Lee ordered

It seems that today could really be worse after all!, Yunho slumped as he received his very first detention.


"AISH!!!!" Jae managed to scream before the steel doors closed in front of him, but was shocked to see that Yunho flashed a smirk.

"Moody! Now how the heck am I supposed to find my classroom?!" Jae pounded his foot, confused by the change in Yunho's attitude and worried of how he was supposed to go to his room.

Okay boojae, calm yo tits Jae said to himself as he breathed slowly to calm himself. He took the class schedule he had in his pocket and read it. Drama 1, 8:30 – 10:00, Room 202.

Well now, room 202 wouldn't be too hard to find now, would it? Jae talked to himself as he turned back to the foyer, hoping to find the room himself without having to ask the principal's office. Authority figures just gave Jae the creeps and he didn't know why. They just did.

"Okay, you can do this! Now let's see" Jae marched and traversed back to the middle building's stairs. As he did he tried to make a mental map of the school as far as what he has seen. When flight of stairs ended, he noticed the closed doors that reverberated voices from what he reckoned to be teachers, droning on about classroom procedures and all that first day formalities. He would have found his room by now as this was the second floor but he couldn't; there were no numbers that identified the rooms from each other.

Jae started panicking. It would be too embarrassing to go in a closed door since classes already started and it would be exponentially embarrassing if he did and ended up in the wrong classroom.

Frustrated with himself, Jae muttered..."OH my F..."

"I wouldn't cuss if I were you"

Jae jumped a little when he heard the female voice beside him.

"I was gonna say fridge but yeah..." Jae confessed as the girl looked at him

"You're lost, I'm guessing?" The girl asked inquiringly.

Abashed, Jae responded with a nod.

"Here, give me your class schedule and I'll show you" the girl offered as she outstretched her hand to Jae. Jae gave her the sheet of paper and examined her as she turned her face to the paper to read it. The girl, Jae guessed, must have been in her mid to late 20s, and had dark auburn hair that was kept behind her head with a ponytail, revealing her flawless face. Her face reminded Jae of those cute pixies he's seen on story books but there was something that gave the girl an aura of... Elegance. That was the word, elegance.  The girl had that classy elegance despite her casual white shirt and black skirt. Jae stopped observing the girl when she turned her face back to him and started.

"You're headed to room 202, right? I'm on my way there too. Come, let's go together" She said as she stepped to the right and cocked her head indicating Jae that their destination was to their right.

"O... Okay" Jae whispered as he followed. "I'm Jae by the way, I'm new" Jae managed to say as they quietly walked.

"I kind of guessed that since I didn't recognize your face. I hope you adjust just fine here at St. Charles" The girl patted Jae's shoulder which sort of reassured him that the school wasn't as bad as he thought it was, with a student as friendly as her.

"Thanks" Jae flashed a grin and patted the girl back. He swore he could have heard the girl giggle a little bit. They both stopped at a closed door that had students' voices loudly talking, a sign that they weren't supervised by a teacher yet. "I really didn't catch your name though. Who did you say you were again my dear?" Jae casually stretched his hand to her just as the girl opened the door and smiled.

"GOOD MORNING MS. KWON" The students inside all said enthusiastically in chorus and it startled Jae. He dropped his hand and looked at his back, expecting the Ms. Kwon everybody was greeting but was puzzled to find that there wasn't anyone by the door except him and....

Then it hit him, "You're my teacher?" Jae asked hesitantly to the girl beside him, smiling sheepishly, hoping she wasn't. It was far too embarrassing that he talked to a teacher too casually before class started...

"Yeah, the one and only" The girl said as she said soft enough for only both of their ears. She entered and greeted everyone back.

MY GOSH! Kill me now!, Jae thought as he entered the room and blushed at his major blunder.


The drama class drove really smoothly, discounting the fact that Jae managed to blush in front of the class when he introduced himself when they started. He could see that the girls were giving him funny looks and it made him self-conscious. When he blushed, he heard the girls coo and it made him blush even more. The guys just laughed.

By the time he sat down at the front row, a spot to which Ms. Boa Kwon had reserved for him as a seat of honor for being the fresh meat, Jae could feel everyone's eyes, both male and female pierce to his back. Luckily, he wouldn't see all of the eyes because he didn't need to turn back.

By the time the school bell rang, the student's all made their way outside. In a span of a minute, the room was empty except for him, standing below the platform where Ms. Kwon was walking over to erase the writings on the board.

"Ms. Kwon..." Jae finally managed to say after a minute passed without his teacher still not noticing his presence.

"Yes Jae?" The teacher turned and looked at Jae.

"I'm really sorry. I may have offended you and I'm really sorry for that. I really didn't mean to. I'd do anything to make up for it... I promise..." Jae said in a rush but was quickly cut-off by his teacher's remark

"Whoa! Hold your horses Jae. I don't understand what you're apologizing for but thank you for being a sweetie and saying sorry for anything." Ms. Kwon told Jae.

"But Ms. Kwon, I was out of line and addressed you too casually." Jae fessed up as he looked down his shoes, disappointed with himself.

"Now, why did you do that?" Ms. Kwon asked

"You'd hate me for it..." Jae said as he continued to glue his face on the floor, drowning with his guilt.

"Oh yeah? I guess I'll be the judge of that" Ms. Kwon said sternly which made Jae wince.

"I... I... I thought.... I thought you were still a student" Jae whispered.

Jae was expecting a shout, a reprimand from his teacher but was surprised that she was laughing it startled him. He looked up and saw her beaming.

"Oh Jae! I won't hate you for that! In fact I like you now! If you don't mind I'd take that as a compliment on my looks" Ms. Kwon said confidently as he patted Jae's shoulder.

"So, you're not angry Ms. Kwon?" Jae asked with a shy smile

"No, Jae, I'm not. And seriously, you can call me Ms. Boa. My family name makes me sound too old." The teacher retorted

"Okay" Jae said obediently and started to make his way to the door when he heard his teacher talk again.

"I'm actually flattered you think I'm still a student. I'm not offended or anything but since you offered to do quote ANYTHING, then I would like to ask you to do something for me, if that's okay with you" Ms. Kwon said, soliciting a confused look from Jae.

"O...Okay?" Jae said hesitantly. He was confused where the conversation was heading to.

Ms. Kwon moved closer and asked Jae "You know anything about stage play?"

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