Captivated -{Kaidou x reader}-

By __Ko-chan__

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'yare yare...' Being the psychic twin sister of Kusuo Saiki isn't as easy as it looks. (Y/N) Saiki's life cou... More

Hello! :)
Enter: (Y/N)
Before you read
*โœงFirst day of hell! (1)โœง*
*โœงGym and a rainy afternoon (2)โœง*
*โœงBeach day! (3)โœง*
*โœงLetter from a perverted ghost boy (4)โœง*
*โœงSports festivals suck (5)โœง*
~Filler! Chapter 5 and 1/2~
~Extra (mini) filler! Chapter 5 and 3/4~
*โœงStop getting scammed please (6)โœง*
*โœงIt's the season of joy! (7)โœง*
*โœงKusuko is best girl (8)โœง*
Wait a damm minute l:o
*โœงCelebrities annoy me (9)โœง*
*โœงMore sports I guess (10)โœง*
Wow I'm stoopid
I'm back :/
Alright, next will actually be a chapter
*โœง(FILLER!) part 1/3โœง*
Next chapter is underway ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ’•
Suggestions, ideas, and thoughts?
*โœง(FILLER!) part 3/3โœง*

*โœง(FILLER!) part 2/3โœง*

644 27 31
By __Ko-chan__


I literally haven't touched this in forever...


anyways I prepared you a treat since I've made you wait so long 😉 (if you were even waiting 😔)


The night had arrived so quickly, it seemed unreal.

We had already played switch games for a while as a group and we were planning to start a movie soon.

Despite some objections, I had decided on my own to watch the movie IT.

Honestly it isn't the best movie, but it's pretty entertaining.

But what would be more entertaining would be the group's reactions.

I enjoy scary movies, but it seems many of them don't.

We set up in my room, since it has a couch that I stole from Ikea and a TV that I also stole from Ikea.

What? It's not like I'm gonna pay for something that expensive when I have superpowers. The people there couldn't have missed it that much.

Everyone got their snacks and me, my chocolate, and I hit play.

Obviously, I got a seat on the couch since it's my room. Next to me to my right was Kusuo, Kaido to my left, and Teruhashi next to him. The rest sat in front of the couch on my carpet.

"Ahem" I say as the opening credits start playing.

Everyone turns to face me.

My face grows an unsettling smile making everyone cringe and turn away. "who's ready for the experience of a lifetime"

I look next to me and see Kaido hugging his knees, rocking back and forth. He looks traumatized and the movie hasn't even started yet.

The smile creeps back up my face.

I've devoted myself to bullying everyone tonight. I have chosen ridicule of others for my own enjoyment and entertainment.


"now why would you talk to a random guy in a sewer drain..."

It was Georgie's death scene, obviously. I never understood why he would do something so stupid...

The scene played out...

Georgie reached his hand in to grab his boat back...




"oh my"

"Is he gonna eat him?"

Multiple girlish screams were heard. Mostly from two people.

And one was not female.

Two pairs of arms were also now clinging to me, belonging to the same people.

Kaido was gripping one of my arms and a sleeve of my shirt.

Chiyo was sitting in front of me, with her arms wrapped around my leg.

"C'mon guys it wasn't even that bad... That's not the worst of it."

'i literally hate you'

'i bought you coffee jelly for after'

'you are my favorite person'


By the end of the movie, the people clinging to me had moved themselves even closer.

Chiyo now had her arms and legs wrapped fully around my leg and get head against it.

Kaido was another story...

He still had his arms around me in the same manner, but his body was pressed against mine and his head was buried in my neck.

He's like a child...

Blushing, I pry him off me and take the remote.

"Who wants to pick next?" I ask holding it up.

Chiyo shoots her hand up and I give it to her, regretting that decision when she chose to play a sappy romance movie.

'i shouldn't have given her that...'

'You are right for once.'

'why are you so rude? I'm always right?'

Kusuo sighs.


It was about halfway through the terrible movie and everyone seemed to have fallen asleep.

No surprise there, it was boring.

I'm not tired at all so I get up and go to Kusuo's room, sit on his bed, and pull out my phone.

Only to put it away when I heard someone getting up in my room.

...Only to pull it back out, because I can read minds and no one was up.

That's weird... Someone is probably sleepwalking.

That's what I thought until the door opened and Kaido stood in the doorway.

Shit I forgot I can't read his mind.

"Oh, hey Kaido."

"Hey, you're still up?"

He sits next to me.

"Yeah. Aren't you tired?"

"Aren't you?"

"Not really. I thought you were asleep."

"Um well-i can go if you want...i-um kinda just came in here" he looks nervous.

"No no you're fine! I just saw you sleeping when I left."

"O-oh ok. I just woke up and saw you were gone so I went to look for you."

"Well um... I'm right here"

"Yeah..." He laughs a bit attempting to make it less awkward.

A smile forms on my face as I look at him.


I grab a pillow and hit him in the head with it.

"Owww.." he rubs his head where the pillow hit him.

I panic and flail my arms around.

"Shit! D-did I hit you too hard?? I'm sorry I-"

I'm cut off by a pillow colliding with my face.

It drops and I see him smiling at me.

"I'll get you for that!" I say through my grin and grab another pillow.

We laugh as we both fight with Kusuo's pillows, messing up his bed in the process.

Kaido throws a pillow at my face, making me fall off the bed with a thump.

"I'm ok!" I rub my back where I fell.

"I hope we didn't wake anyone up.."

"I'm sure it's fine, anyways..."

I reach under the bed and pull out Kusuo's giant stuffed animal.

Who cares if he keeps it secret and hides it? It's the perfect weapon.

I get up, hold it over my head, and bring it down on Kaido.

"Is this Saiki's??" He says laughing as I hit him over and over with it.

Softly of course. I'm not trying to kill him.

"Well it was under his bed so..."

I put the plush down and look at him.

He's laying facing me with a pillow in his hands as a shield.

"What? Are you scared of the jet black wings?" He asks, noticing that I had stopped.

"Yes, I'm sooo scared." I said, laughing again.

Quickly, he grabs my arms, pulls me down with him, and rolls us over so he's pinning me down.

My eyes widen and my whole face goes red.

"I win!"


He pauses and looks at me. Then he realizes.

"Y-Y/N! I'msosorryididntthink-i-idontknowwhathappenedididntmeanitlikethatatallimreallysorry!!" He says as his face turns a shade of red.

He quickly gets up, embarrassed.

"I-it's fine Kaido.."

I sit up on the bed and start fidgeting with my hands.

What just happened?!

" anyway..." He started awkwardly. "We should get back to the room? I mean y-you can stay here but I'll head back now..."

He seemed to be avoiding eye contact and he started walking out.


He stopped.

In this moment I felt like I was in that sappy movie we had just watched.

I don't know why, but I don't want him to go.

What am I even supposed to say?

He looks at me, seeming a bit confused.

I look away from him.

"Can you...stay?"

Hi ☺️

I enjoy torture so you have to wait for another part because this is getting long.

Well I'll see you in the next part 😉😉

Bye loves <3

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